Catalog A-Z Index
- Academic Calendar
- Academic Calendar and Course Scheduling
- Academic Credit For Extracurricular Activities
- Academic Policies
- Accomodations for Students with Disabilities
- Accountancy
- Accounting (BSBA)
- Accounting Minor
- Accreditations
- Activity Credits
- Actuarial Mathematics Major
- Addiction Prevention and Treatment Certificate
- Addiction Prevention and Treatment Minor
- Adjusted Resident Credit
- Administrative Leadership and Ethics for Professional Roles Interdisciplinary Minor
- Administrative Withdrawal
- Admission Reactivation
- Admission to Old Dominion University
- Advanced Placement
- Aerospace Engineering Minor
- Affiliations
- African American and African Studies
- African American and African Studies (BA)
- African American and African Studies (BS)
- African American Studies Minor
- Application Requirements
- Applied Ethics Minor
- Applied Mathematics Major
- Arabic Minor
- Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps
- Art
- Art Education
- Art History
- Art History Minor
- Art with a Major in Art History (BA)
- Art with a Major in Visual Studies (BA)
- Asian Studies
- Asian Studies (BA)
- Asian Studies Minor
- Assignment Submissions
- Astrophysics Major
- Attendance at Other Institutions
- Attendance Policy
- Audit Status
- Big Data Analytics Major
- Biochemistry (BS)
- Biochemistry with a Major in Biochemistry-Research (BS)
- Biochemistry with a Major in Secondary Chemistry Education (6-12) (BS)
- Biological Sciences
- Biology (BS)
- Biology Minor
- Biology with a Major in Biology-One Health (BS)
- Biology with a Major in Biomedical Sciences (BS)
- Biology with a Major in Biomedical Sciences-Pre Health (BS)
- Biology with a Major in Marine Biology (BS)
- Biology with a Major in Secondary Biology Education (6-12) (BS)
- Biomedical Engineering Minor
- Business Analytics Minor
- Career and Technical Education with a Major in Marketing Education (BS)
- Career and Technical Education with a Major in Technology Education (BS)
- Catalog A-Z Index
- Catalog Contents
- Center for Professional Development
- Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Chemistry (BS)
- Chemistry Minor
- Chemistry with a Major in Chemical Forensic Science (BS)
- Chemistry with a Major in Chemistry Pre-Med (BS)
- Chemistry with a Major in Chemistry-Research (BS)
- Chemistry with a Major in Secondary Chemistry Education (6-12) (BS)
- Children’s Rights Minor
- Chinese Studies Minor
- Cinema Production Major
- Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Civil Engineering (BSCE)
- Civil Engineering Minor
- Civil Engineering Technology
- Civil Engineering Technology - Construction Minor
- Class Attendance by Guests
- Classification of Undergraduate Students
- Class Schedule Changes and Drop/Add Procedures
- Closure due to Inclement Weather and Emergiences
- Coaching Education Minor
- Code of Student Conduct
- College of Arts and Letters
- College of Business
- College of Education and Professional Studies
- College of Engineering and Technology
- College of Sciences
- Commencement
- Communication and Theatre Arts
- Communication Minor
- Communication with a Major in Cinema & TV Production (BA)
- Communication with a Major in Cinema & TV Production (BS)
- Communication with a Major in Communication Studies (BA)
- Communication with a Major in Communication Studies (BS)
- Communication with a Major in Media Studies (BA)
- Communication with a Major in Media Studies (BS)
- Communication with a Major in Organizational and Interpersonal Communication (BA)
- Communication with a Major in Organizational and Interpersonal Communication (BS)
- Communication with a Major in Professional Communication (BS)
- Communication with a Major in Strategic Communication and Journalism (BA)
- Communication with a Major in Strategic Communication and Journalism (BS)
- Community Health Minor
- Completion of Requirements for Undergraduate Students (Catalog Year)
- Computer Engineering (BSCE)
- Computer Engineering Minor
- Computer Engineering with a Major in Modeling & Simulation Engineering (BSCE)
- Computer Science
- Computer Science (BSCS)
- Computer Science Minor
- Computer Science with a Major in Secondary Computer Science Education (6-12) (BSCS)
- Continuance Regulations
- Continuing Education
- Counseling and Human Services
- Course Fees
- Course Load for Undergraduate Students
- Course Numbering
- Course Offerings for Credit and Noncredit
- Criminal Justice
- Criminal Justice (BA)
- Criminal Justice (BS)
- Criminal Justice Minor
- Cybercrime Major
- Cybercrime Minor
- Cyber Operations Major
- Cyber Risk Management Certificate
- Cybersecurity (BS)
- Cybersecurity Minor
- Cybersecurity with a Major in Cyber Operations (BS)
- Cybersecurity with a Major in Cyber Risk Management (BS)
- Cytology
- Dance Education Major
- Dance Major
- Dance Minor
- Darden College of Education and Professional Studies
- Data Science (BS)
- Data Science Minor
- Data Science with a Major in Data for a Human World (BS)
- Dean's List
- Declaration or Change of Major or Minor for Undergraduate Students
- Degree Completion (Graduation) Application
- Dental Hygiene
- Dental Hygiene (BSDH)
- Dental Hygiene Post-Licensure Major (BSDH)
- Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, & Environmental Health
- Department of Health Behavior, Policy, & Management
- Design/Technology Major
- Digital Forensics Certificate
- Diplomas
- Disabilities, accommodation
- Discrimination Policy
- Diversity Studies Certificate
- Duplicate Courses
- Early Childhood Education (BS)
- Earth Science Education
- Economics
- Economics (BSBA)
- Economics Minor
- Educational Accessibility
- Educational Leadership and Workforce Development
- Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Electrical Engineering (BSEE)
- Electrical Engineering Minor
- Electrical Engineering Technology
- Electrical Engineering Technology Minor
- Electronic Messaging Policy for Official University Communication
- Elementary Education (BS)
- Eligibility for In-State Tuition for Certain Individuals Using G.I. Bill Benefits
- Ellmer College of Health Sciences
- Ellmer School of Nursing
- Emeriti Faculty and Administrators
- Engineering Management and Systems Engineering
- Engineering Management Minor
- Engineering Solutions for Climate Adaptation and Resilience Minor
- Engineering Solutions for Climate Adaptation and Resilience Minor
- Engineering Technology
- Engineering Technology with a Major in Civil Engineering Technology (BSET)
- Engineering Technology with a Major in Electrical Engineering Technology (BSET)
- Engineering Technology with a Major in Manufacturing Engineering Technology (BSET)
- Engineering Technology with a Major in Mechanical Engineering Technology (BSET)
- English
- English Minor
- English Proficiency Requirements for Non-Native Speakers of English
- English with a Major in Applied Linguistics (BA)
- English with a Major in Creative Writing (BA)
- English with a Major in Literature (BA)
- English with a Major in Secondary English Education (6-12) (BA)
- English with a Major in Technical and Professional Writing (BA)
- Entrepreneurship Certificate
- Entrepreneurship Minor
- Environmental Engineering Minor
- Environmental Health (BS)
- Environmental Health Minor
- Environmental Issues and Management Minor
- Environmental Resources and Policy Certificate
- Environment and Resources Minor
- European Studies Minor
- Exercise Science
- Exercise Science (BS)
- Exercise Science Minor
- Faculty
- Fashion Merchandising
- Fashion Merchandising Minor
- Film Studies Minor
- Final Examinations
- Financial Aid
- Financial Information
- Financial Management
- Financial Management Minor
- Financial Management with a Major in Finance (BSBA)
- Financial Management with a Major in Personal Financial Planning (BSBA)
- Financial Management with a Major in Real Estate (BSBA)
- Financial Management with a Major in Risk Management and Insurance (BSBA)
- Fine Arts
- Fine Arts with a Major in 3D Media and Material Studies (BFA)
- Fine Arts with a Major in Art Education for Museums and Cultural Institutions (BFA)
- Fine Arts with a Major in Graphic Design (BFA)
- Fine Arts with a Major in Painting and Drawing (BFA)
- Fine Arts with a Major in Photography and Print Media (BFA)
- Fine Arts with a Major in PreK-12 Art Education (BFA)
- F. Ludwig Diehn School of Music
- Frank Batten College of Engineering and Technology
- French
- French Minor
- Game Studies and Design Major
- General Education Requirements
- Geographic Information Science Certificate
- Geography
- Geography (BA)
- Geography (BS)
- Geography Minor
- Geography with a Major in Environment and Resources (BA)
- Geography with a Major in Environment and Resources (BS)
- Geography with a Major in Geographic Information Systems (BS)
- Geography with a Major in Urban Planning & Emergency/Hazards Management (BA)
- Geography with a Major in Urban Planning & Emergency/Hazards Management (BS)
- Geology
- German
- German Minor
- Grade Adjustments for Nonacademic Reasons
- Grade Appeals: Policy and Procedures
- Grade Forgiveness
- Grading
- Graduate Admission
- Graduate Credit for Old Dominion University Undergraduates
- Graduate School
- Graduation with Honors
- Graphic Design Major
- Gun & Weapon Regulation
- Hazards and Emergency Management Certificate
- Health and Physical Education PK-12 Teaching Licensure
- Health and Wellness Minor
- Health Education Minor
- Health Equity and Social Justice Minor
- History
- History (BA)
- History Minor
- History with a Major in Secondary History/Social Sciences Education (6-12) (BA)
- Honors College
- Honors Courses that Meet General Education Requirements
- Human Factors Certificate
- Humanities
- Humanities and Data Science Minor
- Human Movement Studies and Special Education
- Human Resource Management Major
- Human Services (BS)
- Human Services Minor
- Impact of Technology Minor
- Inclement Weather and Emergencies
- Industrial Technology
- Industrial Training Certificate
- Information Systems and Technology
- Information Systems and Technology (BSBA)
- Information Systems and Technology-Database Major (BSBA)
- Information Systems and Technology Minor
- Information Systems and Technology-Network Engineering Major (BSBA)
- Information Systems and Technology with a Major in Business Analytics and Intelligence (BSBA)
- Information Systems and Technology with a Major in Business Analytics (BSBA)
- Interdisciplinary Studies
- Interdisciplinary Studies with a Major in Cybercrime (BS)
- Interdisciplinary Studies with a Major in Game Studies and Design-Design and Criticism (BS)
- Interdisciplinary Studies with a Major in Game Studies and Design-Development and Criticism (BS)
- Interdisciplinary Studies with a Major in General Studies (BS)
- Interdisciplinary Studies with a Major in Individualized Integrative Studies (BA)
- Interdisciplinary Studies with a Major in Leadership (BS)
- Interdisciplinary Studies with a Major in Professional Writing (BS)
- Interdisciplinary Studies with a Major in Supply Chain and Maritime Logistics (BS)
- Interim Evaluation
- Interim Suspension
- International Business Minor
- International Student Admission
- International Studies (BA)
- International Studies Minor
- Management
- Management (BSBA)
- Management Minor
- Management with a Major in Entrepreneurship (BSBA)
- Management with a Major in Human Resource Management (BSBA)
- Management with a Major in International Business (BSBA)
- Manufacturing Engineering Technology
- Marine Biology
- Marine Engineering Minor
- Marine Engineering Minor
- Maritime and Supply Chain Management Minor
- Marketing
- Marketing-Digital Marketing Minor
- Marketing Education
- Marketing Education Minor
- Marketing Management with a Major in Digital Marketing (BSBA)
- Marketing Management with a Major in Marketing Analytics and Research (BSBA)
- Marketing Management with a Major in Marketing (BSBA)
- Marketing Management with a Major in Professional Sales (BSBA)
- Marketing-Marketing Analytics Minor
- Marketing Minor
- Marketing-Professional Sales Minor
- Mathematics-Actuarial Mathematics Minor
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Mathematics-Applied Mathematics Minor
- Mathematics-Statistics/Biostatistics Minor
- Mathematics with a Major in Actuarial Mathematics (BS)
- Mathematics with a Major in Applied Mathematics (BS)
- Mathematics with a Major in Big Data Analytics (BS)
- Mathematics with a Major in Secondary Mathematics Education (6-12) (BS)
- Mathematics with a Major in Statistics/Biostatistics (BS)
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering (BSME)
- Mechanical Engineering Minor
- Mechanical Engineering Technology
- Mechanical Engineering Technology Minor
- Media Studies Minor
- Medical Diagnostic & Translational Sciences
- Medical Laboratory Science (BSMLS)
- Medical Laboratory Science Degree Completion Major (BSMLS)
- Medical Laboratory Science Minor
- Medical Laboratory Science with a Major in Cytology (BSMLS)
- Middle School Science Education
- Mid-Semester Feedback
- Military Leadership Minor
- Military Leadership Minor
- Military Mobilization
- Military Preregistration
- Military Science and Leadership (Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps)
- Mission of the University
- Modeling and Simulation Engineering
- Modeling and Simulation Minor
- Music (BA)
- Music Composition Minor
- Music Education
- Music History Minor
- Music Performance Minor
- Music Production Minor
- Music, Sound Recording Technology
- Music with a Major in Composition (BM)
- Music with a Major in Jazz Studies (BM)
- Music with a Major in Performance (BM)
- Music with a Major in PreK-12 Instrumental Music Education (BM)
- Music with a Major in PreK-12 Vocal Music Education (BM)
- Music with an Emphasis in Sound Recording Technology (BM)
- Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps
- Naval Science (Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps)
- Noncredit and Credit Course Offerings
- Non-Discrimination Notice
- Normal Course Load for Undergraduate Students
- Nuclear Medicine Technology (BSNMT)
- Nursing - Concurrent Program (BSN)
- Nursing Post-Licensure Major (BSN)
- Nursing Pre-Licensure Major (BSN)
- Occupational and Technical Studies with a Major in Fashion Merchandising (BS)
- Occupational and Technical Studies with a Major in Industrial Technology (BS)
- Occupational and Technical Studies with a Major in Training Specialist (BS)
- Occupational Safety Certificate
- Occupational Safety Minor
- Ocean and Earth Science Minor
- Ocean and Earth Sciences
- Ocean and Earth Science with a Major in Environmental Sciences (BS)
- Ocean and Earth Science with a Major in Geology (BS)
- Ocean and Earth Science with a Major in Marine Science Technology (BS)
- Ocean and Earth Science with a Major in Middle School Science Education (6-8) (BS)
- Ocean and Earth Science with a Major in Oceanography (BS)
- Ocean and Earth Science with a Major in Secondary Earth Science Education (6-12) (BS)
- Office of Admissions
- Office of the University Registrar
- Officers of the Administration and Department Chairs
- Old Dominion University
- Painting and Drawing Major
- Park, Recreation and Tourism Management Minor
- Park, Recreation and Tourism Studies with a Major in Park and Recreation Management (BS)
- Park, Recreation and Tourism Studies with a Major in Tourism and Hospitality Management (BS)
- Pass/Fail Course Option
- Patricia and Douglas Perry Honors College
- Personal Financial Planning Major
- Philosophy and Religious Studies
- Philosophy (BA)
- Philosophy Minor
- Philosophy with a Major in Political and Legal Studies (BA)
- Philosophy with a Major in Religious Studies (BA)
- Photography and Print Media Major
- Physical Education Minor
- Physical Education with a Major in Coaching and Physical Activity Leadership (BS)
- Physical Education with a Major in PreK-12 Health and Physical Education (BS)
- Physics
- Physics and Master of Business Administration (BS, MBA)
- Physics (BS)
- Physics Minor
- Physics with a Major in Astrophysics (BS)
- Physics with a Major in Physics and Electrical Engineering (BS, BSEE)
- Physics with a Major in Physics-Professional (BS)
- Physics with a Major in Secondary Physics Education (6-12) (BS)
- Policies
- Political and Legal Studies Minor
- Political Geography Minor
- Political Science and Geography
- Political Science (BA)
- Political Science (BS)
- Political Science Minor
- Political Science with a Major in Analytics, Institutions, and Public Policy (BS)
- Political Science with a Major in International Affairs and Global Politics (BA)
- Political Science with a Major in International Affairs and Global Politics (BS)
- Posthumous Degree or Certificate of Recognition or Achievement for Terminally Ill and Deceased Students
- Pre-Clinical Studies Major
- Print Media Minor
- Priority Preregistration for Active Duty, Veterans, Reservists and Virginia National Guard Service Members
- Prior Learning Assessment Credit Options at the Undergraduate Level
- Professional Leadership Certificate
- Professional Writing Certificate
- Professional Writing Major
- Programs
- Psychology
- Psychology (BS)
- Psychology Minor
- Public Health (BSPH)
- Public Health Minor
- Public Health with a Major in Health Services Administration (BSPH)
- Public Health with a Major in Health Services Administration (Professional) (BSPH)
- Public Law Minor
- Real Estate Major
- Real Estate Minor
- Recreational Therapy Major
- Registrar
- Registration Requirements and Procedures
- Regulations for Continuance: Undergraduate Students
- Religious Studies Minor
- Repeating Courses
- Risk Management and Insurance Major
- Risk Management and Insurance Minor
- School of Cybersecurity
- School of Data Science
- School of Supply Chain, Logistics, and Maritime Operations
- Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education and Professional Studies
- Second Baccalaureate Degree
- Second Major
- Senior Citizen Tuition Waiver
- Smoking Policy
- Sociology and Criminal Justice
- Sociology (BA)
- Sociology (BS)
- Sociology Minor
- Sociology with a Major in Social Welfare (BA)
- Sociology with a Major in Social Welfare (BS)
- Sound Recording Technology, Music
- Spanish
- Spanish Minor
- Spatial Analysis of Coastal Environments Certificate
- Spatial Analysis of Coastal Environments Certificate
- Special Education Minor
- Special Education with a Major in Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education (Birth-5) (BS)
- Special Education with a Major in Special Education Adapted Curriculum K-12 (BS)
- Special Education with a Major in Special Education General Curriculum K-12 (BS)
- Speech-Language Pathology
- Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (BS)
- Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Minor
- Sport Management (BS)
- Sport Management Minor
- Statistics/Biostatistics Major
- Strome College of Business
- Student Accountability and Academic Integrity
- Student Complaint Procedure
- Student Conduct, Code
- Student-Elected Pass/Fail Course Option For Undergraduate Students
- Student Enrollment, Engagement and Services
- Student Financial Aid
- Student Outreach and Support (S.O.S.)
- Student Record Policy
- Student Resources and Services
- Student Technology Skills
- Studio Art
- Studio Art Photography Minor
- Studio Arts Minor
- Submission of Written Work To More Than One Class
- Sudden Withdrawal and Prolonged Absence Due to Military Mobilization
- Summer Term
- Sustainability and Conservation Leadership Minor
- Teacher Education
- Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) Certificate
- Teaching & Learning
- Technical Standards
- Technology Education
- Theatre and Dance
- Theatre & Dance with a Major in Cinema Production (BA)
- Theatre & Dance with a Major in Dance (BA)
- Theatre & Dance with a Major in Design Technology (BA)
- Theatre & Dance with a Major in Performance (BA)
- Theatre & Dance with a Major in PreK-12 Dance Education (BA)
- Theatre & Dance with a Major in PreK-12 Theatre Education (BA)
- Theatre & Dance with a Major in Theatre (BA)
- Theatre Education
- Theatre Minor
- Theatre, Performance
- The Designed World Minor
- Title IX Nondiscrimination Statement
- Training and Development Minor
- Training Specialist
- Transcripts
- Transfer Policies for General Education Requirements
- Tuition, Fees, and Financial Information
- Uncrewed Systems Design & Development Mionor
- Undergraduate Admission
- Undergraduate Catalog
- University General Education Requirements
- University Libraries
- University Policies
- Urban Studies and Planning Certificate
- Web Programming Minor
- Winter Term
- Withdrawal From Classes or From the University
- Women's and Gender Studies
- Women's Studies (BA)
- Women's Studies (BS)
- Women's Studies Minor
- World Cultural Studies
- World Cultures: Values and Visions Minor
- World Languages and Cultures
- World Languages and Cultures with a Major in French (BA)
- World Languages and Cultures with a Major in German (BA)
- World Languages and Cultures with a Major in Japanese (BA)
- World Languages and Cultures with a Major in PreK-12 French Education (BA)
- World Languages and Cultures with a Major in PreK-12 German Education (BA)
- World Languages and Cultures with a Major in PreK-12 Spanish Education (BA)
- World Languages and Cultures with a Major in Spanish (BA)
- World Languages and Cultures with a Major in World Cultural Studies (BA)
- Writing Program Requirements