Academic Catalog


School of Medical Diagnostic and Translational Sciences


Harold Riethman, Ph.D., Chair
2116 Health Sciences Building
757 683-3247 

The School of Medical Diagnostic and Translational Sciences offers graduate programs which lead to careers in a wide array of health and medicine-related areas including hospital and commercial clinical labs, biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, governmental agencies, and academic teaching and research settings.

The post-baccalaureate Molecular Diagnostics Certificate program (  is designed to provide fundamental principles, advanced applications and laboratory skills needed for molecular diagnostic and molecular biology procedures conducted in clinical and research environments.

Medical Diagnostic and Translational Sciences faculty and research labs participate in the interdisciplinary Biomedical Sciences with a Concentration in Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine (PhD) program, which is hosted by the ODU Graduate School. The rigorous PhD training in this program prepares graduates capable of serving in an industrial, governmental, or academic teaching or research setting, either independently or as a member of a team.