Academic Catalog


Bachelor of Arts Interdisciplinary Studies with a Major in Individualized Integrative Studies (BA)
Virginia Tucker Steffen, Advisor

Interdisciplinary Studies with a major in Individualized integrative studies at Old Dominion University is a degree program that seeks to serve the needs of students whose goals cannot be met within existing departmental curricula. Through interdisciplinary studies, students are able to combine courses from three or more disciplines into an individualized degree. The program makes possible the pursuit of a wide variety of interests in areas such as medieval and renaissance studies, advertising, legal studies, ecological studies, public relations, management of technical services, photo journalism, and health care administration.

A proposal is required to begin development of a custom degree representing at least three disciplines. Students who decide to design their own degrees must have committee approval and faculty sponsorship. The degree awarded is a Bachelor of Arts in interdisciplinary studies in the student's area of interest.