Interdisciplinary Studies
Virginia Tucker Steffen, Director of Interdisciplinary Programs and Program Coordinator and Advisor, Individualized Integrative Studies and Professional Writing
Michele Mitchell, Chief Departmental Advisor and Assistant Director
Phil Mann, Program Coordinator and Advisor, Cybercrime
Kevin Moberly, Advisor, Game Studies and Design, Director of Monarch Institute of Game Development & Design
Karen Sanzo, Program Coordinator, Leadership
Richard Ungo, Faculty Advisor, Supply Chain and Maritime Logistics
Hans-Peter Plag, Program Coordinator, Sustainability and Conservation Leadership Interdisciplinary Minor
Interdisciplinary Studies (IDS) coordinates the administration and delivery of the following degree programs: the Bachelor of Arts in interdisciplinary studies with a major in individualized Integrative studies and the Bachelor of Science in interdisciplinary studies with majors in professional writing, cybercrime, game studies and design, general studies, leadership, and supply chain and maritime logistics. For IDS students, no more than two classes, or six credits, may be counted for both the major and a minor. Topics courses, such as ENGL 395/ENGL 495, COMM 395/COMM 396, etc., must be approved by the student's advisor to ensure that the topic is appropriate for the major.
Bachelor of Arts Program
Bachelor of Science Programs
- Interdisciplinary Studies with a Major in Cybercrime (BS)
- Interdisciplinary Studies with a Major in Game Studies and Design-Design and Criticism (BS)
- Interdisciplinary Studies with a Major in Game Studies and Design-Development and Criticism (BS)
- Interdisciplinary Studies with a Major in General Studies (BS)
- Interdisciplinary Studies with a Major in Leadership (BS)
- Interdisciplinary Studies with a Major in Professional Writing (BS)
- Interdisciplinary Studies with a Major in Supply Chain and Maritime Logistics (BS)
Minor Programs
Linked BA in Interdisciplinary Studies - Individualized Integrative Studies and MA in Humanities
The linked BA program in interdisciplinary studies-individualized integrative studies (IIS) and the MA in humanities makes it possible for exceptional students whose IIS major is humanities oriented to count up to 12 hours of graduate courses toward both an undergraduate and graduate degree. Students must earn a minimum of 150 credit hours (120 discrete credit hours for the undergraduate degree and 30 discrete credit hours for the graduate degree). Please refer to the Humanities section of this Catalog for additional information on the linked program.
BA or BS to MBA (Master of Business Administration) Linked Program
The linked BA/MBA or BS/MBA program is an early entry to the MBA program of study. The early-entry program is designed for well qualified non-business undergraduate ODU students to start their MBA program prior to completing their undergraduate degree. Well qualified non-business undergraduate students may take MBA-level courses as early as three semesters prior to graduation and count up to 12 graduate credits toward their undergraduate degree. Students participating in the early-entry program must earn a minimum of 150 credit hours (120 discrete credit hours for the undergraduate degree and 30 discrete credit hours for the graduate degree). Early-entry program students should carefully consider their undergraduate degree program requirements when planning their course of study. Students in the early-entry program work in close consultation with the MBA Program Office and should refer to information in the Strome College of Business section in the graduate catalog to develop an individualized plan of study based on the required coursework.
BA or BS to MPA (Master of Public Administration) Linked Program
The linked BA/MPA or BS/MPA program provides qualified Old Dominion University undergraduate students with the opportunity to earn a master's degree in public administration while taking credits in the MPA program as an undergraduate student. The program is designed for highly motivated students with the desire to immediately continue their education after the bachelor's degree. The program is especially relevant to individuals seeking to work (or currently working) in the public or non-profit sectors, but is suitable for students from any undergraduate major. Graduate courses may be taken during the fall and spring semester of the student's senior undergraduate year. Up to 12 graduate credits can count toward both the undergraduate and graduate degree and can meet upper-level General Education requirements. After receiving the undergraduate degree, a student will continue with the MPA program, taking MPA courses until completing the required 39 credit hours. Students in the linked program must earn a minimum of 150 credit hours (120 discrete credit hours for the undergraduate degree and 30 discrete credit hours for the graduate degree).
Requirements for admission to the graduate program can be found in the School of Public Service section of the Graduate Catalog. For additional information, please contact the School of Public Service in the Strome College of Business.
Criminal Justice (CRJS)
Introduction to criminology as a science, including the study of crime, criminals, and society's response to them.
A study of social response to criminal behavior as cases move through the machinery of justice. Describes the interdependence of crime statistics, law enforcement, criminal courts, and correctional procedures for purposes of analyzing the entire system.
Open only to students in the Honors College. Special honors section of CRJS 215S.
The course covers both substantive and procedural law related to the definitions, investigations, processing and punishment of crimes. It is meant to provide the students with an overall understanding of the articulation between law and the criminal justice system.
This course will provide students with an overview of computer-related crimes and how law enforcement officials investigate them. The course begins by describing the environment that has been created through information and communication technologies, and how this new environment facilitates different types of behavior. The course then moves into defining and describing the different types of computer-related crimes, the techniques used by officials, and the legal issues inherent in combating cybercrime.
A study of juvenile misbehavior in the contemporary community, its nature, extent, treatment, and control, including juvenile court procedure and philosophy.
Examines the history of prisons and jails, their formal and informal organization, their effects on individuals, and issues and philosophies of penal reform.
Examines the history, law, administration and social setting of probation, parole and other noninstitutional sentencing alternatives. Also explores nontraditional alternatives to criminal adjudication such as arbitration and diversion programs.
The organization of security systems in public and private agencies and institutions.
Examines the creation, use and effectiveness of formal and informal mechanisms of social control for both criminal and noncriminal deviant behavior. Cross-cultural comparisons are given special emphasis.
This course examines the historical and philosophical foundations of the death penalty in the United States, the Supreme Court case precedent that has effectively narrowed its modern application, and the contentious issues that surround America’s most severe punishment. Topics will include the moral/legal arguments surrounding the death penalty; the legal process of capital cases; the racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and gender disparities that exist in death sentencing and executions; recent trends and scholarly evidence related to capital punishment; reasons for continued support; and the movement toward abolition.
Examines the role of police in a free society. Police functions, subculture, community relations and decision making receive special attention. Problems such as police corruption, violence and the methods by which society attempts to control police behavior are also discussed.
Examines the role of women as offenders, victims and employees of the criminal justice system. Theories of female criminality and the treatment of female offenders are explored. Attention is given to the victimization of women, specifically wife abuse and rape, problems of minority women, and the impact of current legislation.
Learning appropriate terminology to discuss LGBTQ individuals, as well as a review of the social issues facing these populations, including damaging cultural stereotypes. Critically exploring the history of interactions between LGBTQ communities and agents of formal control, such as schools and the police, including responses to bullying and bias crimes. Interrogating how changing political and social contexts affect policy regarding formal responses to LGBTQ communities.
This course will describe and explain corporate, state-corporate, government (state) crime and crimes of globalization from sociological and criminological perspectives. Although the course will deal with the general topic of white collar crime, the specific focus will be on organizational offenders such as business corporations, government, state agencies and international finance organizations.
A critical exploration of applying geographic information system (GIS) to view, understand, question, interpret, and visualize social science and crime data that reveal relationships, patterns, and trends. Students will learn to 1) frame a research question or hypothesis from a location-based perspective; 2) collect, create and examine geographically referenced demographic, social, and criminological data; 3) learn to use GIS mapping software to visualize, manage and analyze this data in order to investigate the relationship between geographic, demographic, social and criminological variables; and 4) arrive upon decisions and conclusions and communicate these via the creation of publishable maps.
A broad survey of the history and consequences of organized crime in the United States and the world. Special focus will be directed at the economic, social and developmental effects of organized criminal activities.
Sociological examination of film as an art form, an industry, and a social institution. Major topics include socialization through film, how one’s unique socialization affects the film experience, social inequality (racism/ethnocentrism/sexism/ageism) as exhibited in film, and as they occur within the film industry, film as an educational tool, gender roles as exhibited in film and perpetuated within the film industry, film and copycat crime, crime in the film industry, portrayal of crime in film, international cinema and globalization.
Examination of the multifaceted problem of criminal victimization. Focuses on defining victimization, the incidents of victimization, social characteristics of victims, treatment of victims in the criminal justice system, and efforts designed to alleviate the consequences of victimization.
This course focuses on the effect of crime on communities and the ways in which communities affect crime. The class considers both ethnographic community studies as well as larger-scale demographic analysis.
This course seeks to evaluate issues central to the study of modern gangs, such as gang definitions, prevalence, proliferation, migration, formation, histories, and gang/gang member characteristics. Another objective is to understand why and how young people both join and leave their gangs and explore how gang structure and organization can influence gang and gang member behavior, including their involvement in violence, other illegal acts, their victimization, and the gendered experiences of female gang members. Students will also review assess policies and efforts regarding gang prevention, intervention, and suppression and distinguish between stereotypes/myths and realities about gangs and gang members based on empirical research and theory.
This course allows students to volunteer to work in an agency related to their major. Students must volunteer for 50 hours per course credit.
This course explores state crime from a sociological and criminological perspective. It examines historical and current cases of governmental crime at home and abroad. It also explores the intertwinement of states with other states, corporations, and, when applicable, international financial institutions as well as their roles in facilitating or constraining acts of state crime. Finally, the class discusses the problems of control, domestically and internationally.
This course provides an introduction to the approaches and practices of crime prevention. In addition, the course discusses primary, secondary, and tertiary crime prevention measures aimed at reducing or eliminating crime. Finally, the course addresses research and information on many aspects of crime prevention, including the physical environment and crime, neighborhood crime prevention, and crime in schools.
A study of selected topics designed for nonmajors or for elective credit within a major. These courses will appear in the course schedule, and will be more fully described in information distributed to academic advisors.
A study of selected topics designed for nonmajors or for elective credit within a major. These courses will appear in the course schedule, and will be more fully described in information distributed to all academic advisors.
Examines a variety of forms of violence from suicide, child abuse, rape and family violence, terrorism, torture, death squads and the death penalty and hate violence. Explores the circumstances, rationalizations, patterns, explanations and effects on survivors.
This child-centered course examines the interaction of adults in violent conflict with the world of children, children's experience of violence and its meaning in the lives of children. Topics include: valuing children, violence toward children in culture, families, and schools; child physical and sexual abuse and neglect; gangs, violent communities and children and war. The effects of childhood experiences of violence, children's coping with violence, and alternatives to violence are also developed.
This course will focus on the intersection between digital forensics and the criminal justice system, namely how digital forensics is understood and applied to key criminal justice, constitutional and statutory considerations within the criminal justice system. Students will explore such topics as the nature and types of cybercrime; search and seizure principles in the digital world; finding, handling and maintaining chain of custody of digital evidence; interviewing individuals relating to digital evidence and related activities; and testifying in court about digital evidence matters.
This course tackles two major cyber law subjects. The first part of the course examines various U.S. laws and legal considerations that impact the digital and cyberspace worlds from traditional civil, and to a lesser extent, traditional criminal perspectives. The second part will familiarize cyber operations professionals about the extent of and limitations on their authorities to ensure operations in cyberspace are in compliance with U.S. law, regulations, directives and policies. The course will also introduce students to miscellaneous cybersecurity topics such as the Federal Acquisition Requirements. Cross-listed with CYSE 406 and CPD 406.
This course focuses on the research on child maltreatment abuse internationally, in particular on the most common types of child abuse and neglect—i.e., perpetrated by parents, family members. The negative effects of child abuse and neglect are associated subsequently with every social problem from poverty, teenage motherhood, substance abuse, violent crime, domestic violence, and mental health problems, to ill-health—from cancer to diabetes.
A study of the law concerning children from a children's rights perspective. The rights of children in the US will be compared to other nations with special emphasis being placed on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
The purpose of this interdisciplinary course is to introduce students to the ways in which computers are involved in the commission and the investigation of crime. Students will learn the fundamentals of cryptography and steganography and the tools used to perform these activities. Students will also use forensic software to identify, gather, and verify relevant digital evidence. Cross-listed with CYSE 409.
Methods and programs which attempt to correct the behaviors of juvenile delinquents and adult criminal offenders are explored. Treatment strategies employed in both community and institutional settings are examined. Techniques of classification and the role of the correctional worker are also discussed.
An overview of the role of all of the actors in the American courtroom, the interaction of these actors and the effect of social forces on their behavior. Includes prosecutor, plaintiff and defense lawyers, judges, juries, eye witnesses, expert witnesses, and court staff.
A review of the literature, law and practical materials that cover the American jury system from the creation of the master list through the verdict. Includes history, social context and jury selection.
A critical exploration of media portrayals of crime and criminal justice. News and entertainment genres are examined. Connections between the mass media and crime, culture, politics, society, and individual behavior receive special attention.
This is a class about the role of nonhuman animals in society. Animals are used to entertain, to do work, to provide companionship, to provide food, and more. In this class, we discuss the causes and consequences of both individual and institutional animal abuse. Society's relation to wildlife is also an important component and includes poaching, sport and trophy hunting, and society's reaction to wolves, coyotes, and wild horses in the West. Cross-listed with SOC 419.
A study of various definitions and forms of deviant behavior, theoretical explanations of causes of deviant behavior, and the impact of deviant behavior on society and the individual.
A study of the nature, development, and utilization of public policy within agencies of the criminal justice system. Topics include policy formulation, constraints on policy makers, influence of constituencies, and the role of research information. Case studies of issues such as crime control, prison overcrowding, police use of deadly force, the death penalty and parole guidelines will be undertaken.
This course will provide an overview of significant policy issues in contemporary juvenile justice. The first objective of the course is to examine the nature, extent, treatment and control of juvenile delinquency. The second objective of the course is to discuss the history of juvenile justice policy reform and evidence-based practices. Third, the course will identify and analyze a number of key juvenile justice policy issues, including: mental health, gender disparities, disproportionate minority contact (DMC), trauma, adult transfer and certification, as well as policies and practices for preventing and responding to delinquency.
An in-depth study of the major theoretical issues in criminology. Deals extensively with issues of crime causation. This is a writing intensive course.
This course takes an expansive and intersectional approach to studying various forms of gender-based violence, from the interpersonal to the systemic, institutional, and cultural. Prevalence, risk factors, theoretical explanations, and legal remedies related to topics such as intimate partner violence, sexual assault on college campuses, gender-based violence in the military, sexual violence against undocumented immigrants, commercial sexual exploitation, and racism and reproductive health will be examined.
This course explores the topic of homicide in the U.S. It includes a discussion of the types of homicide, historical patterns and trends, and characteristics of offenders and victims. A variety of theoretical frameworks are utilized to examine homicide at micro and macro levels. In-depth examination of specific types of homicide is included.
This course explores the topic of serial offenders, also referred to as repeat offenders, recidivists, and career criminals. The course begins with an overview and discussion of patterns of crime, followed by a discussion of relevant theoretical perspectives. We also discuss profiling and the role it can play in the investigation of serial crimes. Next, we move into modules devoted to specific types of crime (arson, rape, homicide, etc.), and discuss the research on serial offenders in each group. Finally, prevention, as well as social policy issues, are addressed.
The study of sociological and social-psychological explanations of drug-using behaviors and of legal and medical control of drugs. Topics include changes in the legal status of drugs, cross-cultural and historical variations in the control of drugs, and social epidemiology of drug use in contemporary society.
This is a service learning course designed to study how the emerging field of community justice, a neighborhood-based strategy, can reduce crime and improve public safety by investing in social, human and cultural capital.
This course examines the laws of the workplace from a sociological and issue-driven approach considering two perspectives – both employer and employee. Relevant laws are identified, explored and made relevant through examples of their application in real-world situations. Sometimes the wisdom of these laws will be challenged; students will be encouraged to raise questions about a law’s utility, justice or fairness, whether in principle or in application.
This course introduces students to legal issues which specifically affect women and examines historical attitudes that have been used to justify differential treatment of women. It explores various legal approaches used to achieve equal protection under the law and examines a variety of specific topics such as: the equal protection analysis; Title VII and Title IX and their relationship to sex discrimination; affirmative action; and reproductive freedom.
Examines historical and contemporary theories and research on African-Americans, criminal behavior and the administration of justice. Selected topics will include African-American perspectives, the death penalty, victimization, police brutality, and justice systems in Africa and the Caribbean.
This course will examine the intersectionality of race, ethnicity, crime, justice and the operation of the criminal justice system and will critically assess controversial issues surrounding race, ethnicity, crime, and justice. Students will discuss contemporary social justice issues as they relate to race, ethnicity, crime, and justice. The theoretical frameworks that explain the intersection between race, ethnicity, crime and justice will be examined. The course will also investigate the broad range of policy issues and recommendations impacting communities of color and the administration of criminal and social justice.
This course examines the impact of diversity, culture, and ethnic origin in criminal justice organizations. The course is designed to better prepare students to meet the challenge of diversity in criminal justice organizations.
This course deals with the major substantive concepts involved in American criminal law, including development of criminal law, elements of criminal liability, defenses against criminal responsibility, and descriptions and definitions of specific offenses.
The study of criminal justice systems around the world in order to understand how criminal behavior is defined and responded to in various cultures. Cultural differences will be highlighted in order to recognize that definitions of and responses to crimes closely reflect the cultures in which they exist.
This course is designed to help students enhance their personal and professional development through innovation guided by faculty members and professionals. It offers students an opportunity to integrate disciplinary theory and knowledge through developing a nonprofit program, product, business, or other initiative. The real-world experiences that entrepreneurships provide will help students understand how academic knowledge leads to transformations, innovations, and solutions to different types of problems. The course can be delivered either as an independent project for individual students or as group projects similar to those sometimes offered in topics courses.
The advanced study of selected topics designed to permit small groups of qualified students to work on subjects of mutual interest which, due to their specialized nature, may not be offered regularly. These courses will appear in the course schedule, and will be more fully described in information distributed to academic advisors.
The advanced study of selected topics designed to permit small groups of qualified students to work on subjects of mutual interest which, due to their specialized nature, may not be offered regularly. These courses will appear in the course schedule, and will be more fully described in information distributed to academic advisors.
Independent reading and study on a topic to be selected under the direction of an instructor. Conferences and papers as appropriate.
Independent reading and study on a topic to be selected under the direction of an instructor. Conferences and papers as appropriate.
Cybersecurity (CYSE)
This course outlines the curricular and co-curricular requirements for Scholarship for Service Students in the Cyber LeADERS program.
This course provides an introduction to cyber hygiene and orientation to university life.
Students will explore how technology is related to cybersecurity from an interdisciplinary orientation. Attention is given to the way that technologically-driven cybersecurity issues are connected to cultural, political, legal, ethical, and business domains.
This course addresses the social, political, legal, criminological, and economic dimensions of cybersecurity through a social science framework. Students are introduced to a human-factors approach to understanding cybersecurity threats. Attention is given to the social factors that contribute to cyber incidents and the political and legal mechanisms that are developed to control the behaviors of those who create risks and cybersecurity incidents. The class also explores how cybersecurity is studied by social scientists in various social science disciplines.
This course provides an in-depth introduction to information literacy from library and information science, information ethics, and computer science perspectives along with applications to cybersecurity research and professional activity. This course is aligned with Old Dominion University’s general education learning outcomes for information literacy.
This course introduces the cybersecurity-centric programming and networking concepts. Students will develop problem solving skills by using low-level programming languages (including C and assembly) and learn fundamentals of network protocols. This course is the technical base for students to take cybersecurity major courses. No prior knowledge of programming and networking is assumed.
This course introduces the basic operations in major Linux distros for cybersecurity using both graphical interface and command line interface. Students will learn about the basic installation and configuration, file systems management, shell scripts, and user authentication in Linux systems. This course is the technical base for students to take cybersecurity major courses.
This course introduces tools and techniques used to configure, manage and implement Windows and its security-related features. Students will install, configure, manage and secure Windows client & server operating systems and related networking environment using a variety of software tools. This course also details how to mitigate malware threats, identify security issues by using auditing and the Advanced Threat Analysis feature in Windows Server, secure virtualization platform, and use new deployment options for enhancing the security.
This course provides an overview of the field of cybersecurity. It covers core cybersecurity topics including computer system architectures, critical infrastructures, cyber threats and vulnerabilities, cryptography, information assurance, network security, and risk assessment and management. Students are expected to become familiar with fundamental security concepts, technologies and practices, and develop a foundation for further study in cybersecurity.
This course introduces tools and techniques used to secure and analyze large computer networks and systems. Students will explore and map networks using a variety of diagnostic software tools, learn advanced packet analysis, configure firewalls, write intrusion detection rules, perform forensic investigation, and practice techniques for penetration testing.
Internships provide a personalized exploration of structured employment within the major. This course mandates an initial or ongoing internship that the student obtains, as assignments are rooted in their concurrent internship experience. Course assignments will define the employment relationship, articulate learning outcomes, and offer opportunities for reflection to enhance the student’s academic, career, and professional readiness. Students must complete 50 hours of site work per course credit.
Study of selected topics in cybersecurity.
This course will focus on the intersection of digital forensics and the criminal justice system, namely how digital forensics is understood and applied to key criminal justice, constitutional and statutory considerations within the criminal justice system. Students will explore such topics as the nature and types of cybercrime; search and seizure principles in the digital world; finding, handling and maintaining chain of custody of digital evidence; interviewing individuals relating to digital evidence and related activities; and testifying in court about digital evidence matters.
This course tackles two major cyber law subjects. The first part of the course examines various U.S. laws and legal considerations that impact the digital and cyberspace worlds from traditional civil, and to a lesser extent, traditional criminal perspectives. The second part will familiarize cyber operations professionals about the extent of and limitations on their authorities to ensure operations in cyberspace are in compliance with U.S. law, regulations, directives and policies. The course will also introduce students to miscellaneous cybersecurity topics such as the Federal Acquisition Requirements.
This course introduces the basic concepts and technologies of digital forensics. Students will learn the fundamental techniques and tools utilized for collecting, processing, and preserving digital evidence on computers, mobile devices, networks, and cloud computing environments. Students will also engage in oral and written communication to report digital forensic findings and prepare court presentation materials.
The purpose of this interdisciplinary course is to introduce students to the ways in which computers are involved in the commission and the investigation of crime. Students will learn the fundamentals of cryptography and steganography and the tools used to perform these activities Students will also use forensic software to identify, gather, and verify relevant digital evidence. Cross-listed with CRJS 409.
This course offers an introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI). Students will explore the field's fundamental concepts, techniques, and applications. Methods, such as Generative AI (GenAI) that enable machines to learn and process information, and models, such as machine learning (ML) that uses data sets to recognize patterns and make decisions without human intervention will be covered. The course is designed for non-specialists and does not require prior computer science or programming knowledge.
This course focuses on cybersecurity theory, information protection and assurance, and computer systems and networks security. The objectives are to understand the basic security models and concepts, learn fundamental knowledge and tools for building, analyzing, and attacking modern security systems, and gain hands-on experience in cryptographic algorithms, security fundamental principles, and Internet security protocol and standards. (Offered fall)
This course explores technology as it relates to leadership experiences. Theories, case studies and real world examples are analyzed to show both successful and unsuccessful uses of online and digital approaches that inform leaders' communication strategies. Students will explore how their own digital identities may impact their futures as leaders. They will also learn how to create digital identities that will shape their professional identities throughout their careers.
Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) integrate computing, networking, and physical processes. The objectives of this course are to learn the basic concepts, technologies and applications of CPS, understand the fundamental CPS security challenges and national security impact, and gain hands-on experience in CPS infrastructures, critical vulnerabilities, and practical countermeasures.
This course introduces the concepts and technologies of machine learning with a focus on applications related to cybersecurity. The objectives are to learn fundamental knowledge and practical experience and identify the use case of machine learning techniques in cybersecurity. The course will discuss traditional and advanced machine learning techniques, e.g., neural network, deep convolutional neural network, generative adversarial network, and transfer learning algorithms. Students will engage in oral and written communication by reporting and presenting the materials of the course project.
This course provides an in-depth examination of the intersection between Generative AI (Gen AI) and Cybersecurity. It focuses on the dual nature of advanced AI systems as both enhancers and potential threats to security infrastructure. Students will acquire a comprehensive understanding of the underlying principles, algorithms, and practical applications of Gen AI models in the discovery of attack vectors, identification of cyber threats, and automation of security tasks. Additionally, the course will address defensive strategies aimed at mitigating the risks stemming from AI-driven cyberattacks.
This writing intensive course explores cybersecurity policy and strategy and introduces students to the essentials of strategy development and policy making in cybersecurity. Topics considered include planning principles in cyber strategy; risk management and cybersecurity policy; the connections between cybersecurity policies, businesses, and governmental institutions; the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to develop and implement cybersecurity policy; the social, political and ethical implications that arise in cybersecurity policies and strategies; strategies to assess cybersecurity policy; and the ties between national security and cybersecurity policy.
This course explores the national security dimensions of cybersecurity and examines cyber war in international relations. Exploration of cyber war begins with an examination of cybersecurity as a component of national security and investigates the topics of U.S National Cybersecurity and other national approaches to cyber war. The topics of cyber deterrence, cyber as a military domain, the roles of international organizations in cyber war, cyber terrorism, the role of social media, and information warfare will be discussed. The international dimension of cybersecurity is also discussed.
This course addresses the broad topic of risk management and how risk, threats, and vulnerabilities impact information systems. Areas of instruction include how to assess and manage risk based on defining an acceptable level of risk for information systems. Elements of a business impact analysis (BIA), business continuity plan (BCP), disaster recovery plan (DRP), and computer incident response team (CIRT) plan will also be discussed.
Expert-level approach on the Risk Management Framework (RMF) system Authorization to Operation (ATO), including Continuous cATO. Curriculum that is aligned to the NIST SP 800-53, Revision 5. Advanced topics include Assess and Authorize, System Categorization, Security Control Assessment, System Test Results, Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M), and Continuous Monitoring (CONMON).
This course introduces cybersecurity, the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF), and the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) program. Topics to be addressed include the risk management fundamentals, IT risk management, and cyber risk controls; cyber threats and vulnerabilities; data security and sanitization; the NIST CSF, including its core functions, categories, and subcategories; and the CMMC comprising its levels, domains, and implementation guidelines.
This course explores the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) and Auditing. Topics to be addressed include an overview of the FedRAMP framework, including its objectives, components, and stages; the needed documents and guidelines to develop system security plans and security assessment reports; the NIST Risk Management Framework (RMF) comprising its different stages and the adoption mechanism; FISMA compliance and auditing assessment; and real-world case studies and future challenges.
This course introduces the basic terminologies used in ethical hacking and useful tools in relation to penetration testing on Kali Linux. Students will learn to explore the vulnerabilities in various systems and operate the industry-leading tools and framework to perform the penetration testing on different target systems.
This course is designed to help students enhance their personal and professional development through innovation guided by faculty members and professionals. It offers students an opportunity to integrate disciplinary theory and knowledge through developing a nonprofit program, product, business, or other initiative. The real-world experiences that entrepreneurships provide will help students understand how academic knowledge leads to transformations, innovations, and solutions to different types of problems. The course can be delivered either as an independent project for individual students or as group projects similar to those sometimes offered in topics courses.
The advanced study of selected cybersecurity topics designed to permit small groups of qualified students to work on subjects of mutual interest. These courses will appear in the course schedule, and will be more fully described in information distributed to academic advisors.
Independent reading and study on a topic to be selected under the direction of an instructor. Conferences and papers as appropriate.
Gaming (GAME)
This course is designed to introduce fundamentals of computer programming and C# to the students of all majors. Students will learn how programming languages are used to talk to the machines. Students will create console applications primarily focused on games using C# and be introduced to how to represent data, write functions, develop logic, organize code in object-oriented format, store, and process data from collections, etc.
An introduction to the core concepts and methodologies that inform game design, development, and criticism. This course will provide students with a critical overview of each of these content areas and will demonstrate how their specific concerns intersect in the design, production, and reception of contemporary games. It will also teach students hands-on methodologies through which to translate these concepts into creative and critical praxis.
This course is designed to introduce Game Design majors to basic art elements and design principles fundamental to visual asset creation for games and game-based applications. It will cover color theory, drawing fundamentals, spatial relationships, and other aspects of 2D composition. It will discuss how to apply these principles to effective User Interface (UI) design, as well as how to transform 2D assets into 3D objects. This course will also discuss architectural principles as they apply to level design, environmental design, and other subjects related to the visual design of games.
This course is designed to introduce Game Design and Development majors to technologies and technological methodologies that are frequently employed by the industry. These technologies include but are not limited to 2D and 3D art, animation, and design software, game engines, music composition and sound design software, software development tools, and version control and collaboration software. This course will also discuss the challenges involved in designing and developing games for a variety of different platforms.
This course is designed to introduce students to the major theoretical approaches and debates that comprise game studies as an academic discipline. It will teach students how to research, evaluate, analyze, and construct persuasive arguments about games and game-related artifacts.
This course focuses on the complex question of how game designers produce balance through rules, mechanics, aesthetics, and other formal and informal gameplay elements. This course will provide students with an analytical framework to better understand how these elements are not only manifested in specific games, but how they work to simultaneously distinguish genres of games. More significantly, it will provide students with a practical methodology that will help them understand how to apply the insights gained through this analysis to their own games.
This course focuses on visual design and digital graphics for game-based applications. Designed to help students make the transition from traditional 2D drawing and illustration techniques to the types of 2D and 3D digital asset creation privileged by games and game-based applications, it provides students with hands-on experience with using industry standard software to generate sprites, UI components, textures, and other common 2D elements. It also introduces students to 3D modeling and texturing techniques, including but limited to optimization, texture mapping, and basic rigging and animation techniques.
This course will study the representative and rhetorical strategies through which computer game designers make meaning via their rhetorical choices. Multi-perspective in nature, it will also examine the discursive struggles that determine how players construct themselves as subjects in and against computer games via their rhetorical choices. This course will attempt to come to terms with the larger question of how scholars, through various forms of critical play, construct, categorize, and produce computer games as a subject of academic study.
This course will provide introduction to game engines including Unity, Unreal, Godot, & Stride. We will be using a wide range of software standards to explore and take advantage of well known game- engine programming patterns, concepts of software versioning, creating and maintaining changelogs, taking advantage of version control systems like git, and importantly using distributed version control systems like GitHub/GitLab. The class will focus on one core project that students will continue to iterate on across the length of the class.
A study of selected topics designed for nonmajors or for elective credit within a major.
This course focuses on advanced visual design and digital graphics for game-based applications, including but not limited to topics such as 3D modeling, texturing, texture mapping, animation, optimization, shaders, and particle systems. Conceived as a studio course, it provides students with hands-on experience working with a variety of digital software applications to create and optimize graphical assets for games and similar applications.
This workshop affords upper-division students the opportunity to tackle a wide variety of advanced projects on their own recognizance. It provides students working in game design and development with practical, individualized guidance in crucial aspects of the design and development process, including ideation, research, prototyping, implementation, documentation, and playtesting. Likewise, it provides students working in game criticism with instruction in the scholarly process of identifying, researching, drafting, and revising critical arguments about games and game-related issues.
This class will take an advanced Systems Engineering approach to using Game Engines to prototype, compile, and develop functioning software across major hardware and operating systems. It will focus on industry standard game engines and use the experience to produce games and game-like content to facilitate in-depth exploration into how game engines implement similar systems. This course will cover a range of advanced topics relevant to content creation and implementation with game engines including agile development, game engine programming patterns, networking, mobile development, procedural content generation, render-pipelines, and VR development. It will also explore how to publish and deploy games and game-related projects across a variety of digital platforms.
An examination of world building as ludic, narrative, and spatial praxis. This course will examine how games and game-related texts create playable realities through a critical examination of historical and contemporary examples of world building across a variety of media. It will provide students practical experience with how to translate these theoretical examples into effective gameplay across a variety of genres of games.
An examination of world building as spatial and architectural praxis. This course will examine how to use advanced 3D art and animation techniques to create believable, playable realities. It will provide students with hands-on experience using industry-standard graphics software to create compelling game environments for a variety of games and game-genres.
Although traditionally associated with commercial ventures, entrepreneurship encompasses a wide variety of approaches that are also relevant to the creative and critical performances that intersect in the design, production, and study of games. This course will broach the theoretical and practical questions of how entrepreneurship intersects with and is implicated in the production of game and game-based endeavors. Conceived as a studio course, it is designed to teach students a hands-on methodology through which they can translate entrepreneurial approaches into real-world outcomes.
A study of selected topics designed for nonmajors or for elective credit within a major.
Interdisciplinary Studies (IDS)
An examination of the history, concepts and application of interdisciplinary study. This course includes an analysis of similarities and differences in academic disciplines and the application of interdisciplinary approaches to a specific topic of study. This is a writing intensive course.
This course examines the ways quantitative and qualitative data can enhance our understanding of cultural, historical, and artistic phenomena across the humanities. Students will learn to analyze, visualize, and interpret data while engaging with theoretical frameworks relevant to the humanities.
This course introduces students to issues of writing in various digital environments like web pages, email, blogs, wikis, and discussion boards. It also introduces fundamentals of hypertext authoring, digital and visual rhetoric, and image manipulation.
An opportunity to integrate service and applied learning experience with interdisciplinary perspectives.
As part of the Sustainability and Conservation Leadership minor, this graded internship will provide an opportunity to integrate service and applied learning experience with interdisciplinary perspectives. 300 hours are required for the 3-credit option, and 600 hours are required for the 6-credit option.
Students will be introduced to the science underpinning mitigation of human-induced changes in the Earth system, including but not limited to climate change and sea level rise, and adaptation to the impacts of these changes. The course will cover the environmental hazards and the opportunities and limitations for conservation, mitigation and adaptation. This is a writing intensive course. Cross listed with BIOL 466W and OEAS 466W.
In this class, students will discover what makes a leader for sustainability. They will consider a range of global and local crises from a leadership point of view in the context of sustainability science, which addresses the development of communities in a rapidly changing social, economic, and environmental system-of-systems environment. The course will be based on taking a problem-motivated and solution-focused approach to the challenges considered. The course includes a service learning project focusing on a leadership experience in solving a real-world environmental problem.
The preparation of an electronic portfolio integrating the student's academic study, work experiences, skill identification and work products. Alternative formats are used for varying uses of the portfolio.
This course is designed to help students enhance their personal and professional development through innovation guided by faculty members and professionals. It offers students an opportunity to integrate disciplinary theory and knowledge through developing a nonprofit program, product, business, or other initiative. The real-world experiences that entrepreneurships provide will help students understand how academic knowledge leads to transformations, innovations, and solutions to different types of problems.
Focused study of selected topics linking perspectives, research and applications from a variety of disciplines. Emphasis is on disciplinary synthesis.
The advanced study of selected topics designed to permit small groups of qualified students to work on subjects of mutual interest which, due to their specialized nature, may not be offered regularly. These courses will appear in the course schedule and will be more fully described in information distributed to all academic advisors.
This course is a vehicle for the execution of the senior project requirement of the Interdisciplinary Studies Program. The project will be negotiated between the student, faculty sponsors, and the program. Open only to individualized integrative studies majors.