Academic Catalog


Interdisciplinary Studies

Virginia Tucker Steffen, Director of Interdisciplinary Programs and Program Coordinator and Advisor, Individualized Integrative Studies and Professional Writing
Michele Mitchell, Chief Departmental Advisor and Assistant Director
Phil Mann, Program Coordinator and Advisor, Cybercrime
Kevin Moberly, Advisor, Game Studies and Design, Director of Monarch Institute of Game Development & Design
Karen Sanzo, Program Coordinator, Leadership
Richard Ungo, Faculty Advisor, Supply Chain and Maritime Logistics
Hans-Peter Plag, Program Coordinator, Sustainability and Conservation Leadership Interdisciplinary Minor

Interdisciplinary Studies (IDS) coordinates the administration and delivery of the following degree programs:  the Bachelor of Arts  in interdisciplinary studies with a major in individualized Integrative studies and the Bachelor of Science in interdisciplinary studies with majors in professional writing, cybercrime, game studies and design, general studies, leadership, and supply chain and maritime logistics. For IDS students, no more than two classes, or six credits, may be counted for both the major and a minor. Topics courses, such as ENGL 395/ENGL 495, COMM 395/COMM 396, etc., must be approved by the student's advisor to ensure that the topic is appropriate for the major.