Mathematics and Statistics
Department website:
Gordon Melrose, Chair
Robert Strozak, Chief Departmental Advisor
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers programs of study that lead to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Mathematics. A student can earn the degree by completing a major in Applied Mathematics, a major in Statistics/Biostatistics, a major in Actuarial Mathematics, or a major in Big Data Analytics. Students can also earn a degree of Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with a major in Secondary Mathematics Education (6-12), which is intended for those who wish to pursue a career in teaching mathematics at the high school level and leads to teaching licensure in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
The applied mathematics major is intended for students wishing to pursue graduate work in mathematics or otherwise obtain employment in a mathematics field. Similarly, the statistics/biostatistics major is intended for those who wish to pursue graduate work in statistics or otherwise obtain employment in a statistics-related field, especially biostatistics.
The actuarial mathematics major is specifically designed for students who wish to pursue an actuarial field, pursue graduate work in financial mathematics, or employment in a mathematics or statistics-related field.
The big data analytics major is designed for students wishing to pursue one of the many jobs that require solving important large-scale problems in applied science, engineering, business, industry and government as well as pursue graduate work in big data analytics.
Teaching licensure can also be added to any of the majors above, which automatically fulfills the University’s upper-division general education requirement under Option C. A double major within the Department of Mathematics and Statistics will not satisfy the University’s upper-division general education requirement under option A except for a double major in applied mathematics and statistics/biostatistics.
The requirements of each major along with the professional education courses needed for teacher licensure in the Commonwealth of Virginia are listed in the section for each major. All students earning a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics have to successfully complete the mathematics core course requirements.
Advanced Placement
Advanced placement credit is awarded to students who earn qualifying scores on AP and IB subject examinations. See the equivalency charts on the ODU website:
Bachelor of Science Programs
Minor Program
Linked Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Master of Science in Computational and Applied Mathematics
The linked program allows students to count up to 12 credits of graduate coursework toward both their undergraduate and master's degrees. Students must earn a minimum of 150 credits (120 discrete credit hours for the undergraduate degree and 30 discrete credit hours for the graduate degree).
To be admitted to the linked program, students must have completed at least 60 undergraduate credit hours with at least 24 credit hours from ODU. Students must have completed MATH 307, MATH 312, MATH 317 and all prerequisites for those courses. At the time of admission, they must have an overall GPA of 3.00 or better and a GPA of 3.00 or better in MATH and STAT courses.
Interested students who meet the admission requirements should apply to the graduate program director, after consulting with the undergraduate chief departmental advisor, as soon as possible upon completing the required courses and 60 credit hours. In consultation with the graduate program director, a student will:
- Officially declare an undergraduate Mathematics major with the undergraduate chief departmental advisor.
- Draft a schedule of graduate courses to be taken as an undergraduate to be presented to the undergraduate chief departmental advisor.
- Apply, during their senior year, to the Office of Graduate Admissions for admission to the master's in computational and applied mathematics program.
Students who have completed at least six hours of graduate courses upon attaining senior standing (completion of 90 credit hours) and who have earned a GPA of 3.00 or better in those courses will not be required to take the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) for admission to the master's program. Otherwise, in keeping with normal admission requirements for the MS in computational and applied mathematics, students will take the GRE as an undergraduate and will subsequently be reevaluated for continuation into the master's program.
Once students have been awarded their bachelor's degree and fulfilled all regular admission requirements for the MS in computational and applied mathematics, they will be officially admitted into the MS program.
Program Requirements
Students in the program will fulfill all normal admission and curricular requirements for both a BS in mathematics and an MS in computational and applied mathematics with the following exceptions:
- Students in the program may count up to 12 hours of 500 or 600 level graduate courses, excluding independent study, taken as an undergraduate for which they have earned a grade point average of 3.0 or greater with no course grade lower than a B- toward both the BS in mathematics and the MS in computational and applied mathematics.
- Students in the program may substitute mathematics or statistics graduate courses for undergraduate courses according to the following schema. All students must complete an undergraduate writing intensive course in the major.
- All students must complete the prescribed undergraduate program including all 400-level required courses and electives.
- All students may substitute 500- and 600-level courses for the remaining credit hours in the 120-hour requirement in the undergraduate program so long as they have the prerequisites for those courses. 700- or 800-level courses may not be used.
- Students will not receive credit for both the 400 and 500 level version of the same course.
- Students in the program may make a written petition for other substitutions to the graduate program director, who will consider them in consultation with the chief departmental advisor and the instructor(s) of the courses involved.
- In accordance with University policy, up to 21 hours of graduate courses taken as an undergraduate may be counted toward the bachelor's degree; however, only 12 hours of graduate courses taken as an undergraduate may also be counted toward the MS degree. This will limit students' scheduling flexibility subsequently.
Big Data Analytics (BDA)
This course offers a non-technical introduction to the emerging and interdisciplinary area of data science. Students will be introduced to the development, fundamental tools, and the impact of data science in a wide range of disciplines such as business, the sciences and engineering. Fundamental data visualization techniques and basic concepts of machine learning will be applied through real-life data science projects. Moreover, students will explore the general framework for ethical thinking and practicing data science, the current challenges, the benefits, the potential harms and risks posed by developing data science models and technology.
An introductory course on programming languages and tools which are relevant to data analytics. Each language or tool is introduced as a separate module and incorporates applications in mathematics and statistics. Examples of included programming languages and tools are MATLAB, Python, R and SAS. Additional languages and tools may be covered based on current trends in data analytics. Students will complete hands-on programming assignments throughout the course.
An introductory course on machine learning. Machine Learning is the science of discovering pattern and structure and making predictions in data sets. It lies at the interface of mathematics, statistics and computer science. The course gives an elementary summary of modern machine learning tools. Topics include regression, classification, regularization, resampling methods, and unsupervised learning. Students enrolled are expected to have some ability to write computer programs, some knowledge of probability, statistics and linear algebra.
The statistical perspective of data mining is emphasized for majority of the course. Both applied aspects (programming, problem solving, and data analysis) and theoretical concepts (learning, understanding, and evaluating methodologies) of data mining will be covered. Topics include Regularization and Kernel Smoothing Methods, Tree-based Methods, Neural Networks and optional topics such as deep learning.
Topics considered include the solution of non-smooth optimization problems arising in data science, including unconstrained and constrained optimization problems, Lagrange multiplier methods, inequality constraints, Kuhn-Tucker conditions, and applications. Also considered are linear and nonlinear inverse problems, regularization of ill-posed problem including singular value decomposition, and Tikhonov regularization methods and sparse regularization methods, inverse eigenvalue problems and applications such as compressed sensing, image reconstruction and machine learning.
This course introduces students to practical applications of big data analytics. Lecture topics include an overview of the various topics in business, engineering, and government currently using big data analytics. Students will choose a project involving a real world application to explore techniques learned during other course work. Course involves written and oral presentations for students to improve communication and teamwork skills.
This course allows the student to pursue an in-depth exploration of a project initiated in BDA 450. The course involves written and oral presentations for students to improve communication and teamwork skills.
Mathematical Sciences (MATH)
This course fulfills the math general education requirement for some majors in the College of Arts and Letters and the College of Education and Professional Studies. It can also be used as a preparation for STAT 130M. An introduction to the ways in which modern mathematics can be used to analyze the modern world and make logical decisions. Topics include problem solving, sets, logic, consumer mathematics (loans, mortgages, annuities), probability, and elementary statistics.
A basic course in algebra that emphasizes applications and problem-solving skills. Topics include finding solutions, graphing of linear equations and inequalities, graphs and functions, combining polynomials and polynomial functions, factoring polynomials, simplifying and combining rational expressions and equations, simplifying roots and radicals, solving radical equations, and an introduction to quadratic functions and equations. This course fulfills the math general education requirement and can be used as a preparation for MATH 162M. MATH 101M is not a prerequisite for MATH 102M. Not open to students with credit for MATH 162M.
This course covers the same content as MATH 102M. It is designed for students who must complete MATH 102M as part of their degree program, but who do not meet the prerequisites for MATH 102M. MATH 103M may be used interchangeably with MATH 102M and may be used as a prerequisite requirement for any course that requires MATH 102M as a prerequisite. MATH 103M will require registration for a supplemental instruction session each week.
The first course in a two-course sequence designed to provide a strong preparation for calculus. Topics include algebraic operations, equations and inequalities, graphs and functions, polynomial functions, theory of equations, systems of equations, exponential functions, and logarithmic functions.
The second course in a two-course sequence designed to provide strong preparation for calculus. Topics include exponential and logarithmic functions/equations, trigonometric functions/equations, trigonometric identities, laws of sines and cosines, vectors, polar representation of complex numbers, binomial theorem, and conic sections.
Student participation in a supervised, undergraduate research experience for which credit will not apply to the degree. Experience must be related to the student's major, minor or career area of interest.
A Calculus course intended for those studying business and economics. Topics include applications of linear, quadratic, rational, exponential, and logarithmic business functions, solving applied linear systems using matrices, limits and continuity, derivatives with applications, and integration with applications.
This course covers the standard topics of first semester calculus including limits, derivatives and integrals. All examples for this course are drawn from biological sciences with specific applications to topics covered in the core courses of the undergraduate Biology major.
A first course in calculus and analytic geometry. Topics include differentiation and integration of algebraic and transcendental functions of one variable and applications.
A second course in calculus and analytic geometry. Topics include techniques of integration, polar coordinates, infinite series, solid geometry, vectors, lines and planes.
This course is a VCCS transfer credit vehicle. Students who have earned transferable credit in MATH 279 or 291 at any member institution of the VCCS will be granted credit for MATH 280. The course will not be offered for credit by Old Dominion University. Cannot be used to substitute for MATH 307 for MATH majors or minors.
This course is a VCCS transfer credit vehicle. Students who have earned transferable credit for MATH 275 or 277 at any member institution of the VCCS will be granted credit for MATH 285. The course will not be offered for credit by Old Dominion University. Cannot be used to substitute for MATH 312 for MATH majors or minors.
Study of selected topics.
Elementary plane and solid Euclidean geometry with proofs and applications. Topics include angles, triangles, congruence, quadrilaterals, circles, similarity, perimeter, area, volume, polygons, plane and solid constructions. A dynamic geometry visualization software is used to discover geometric properties. (May not be used to satisfy the upper-division elective requirement of the math majors program.)
Topics include first order differential equations and systems, second and higher order linear equations, solution by series and Laplace transform, and applications.
Topics include introduction to logic and methods of proof; sets, relations, and functions; elementary group and ring theory. This is a writing intensive course.
A third course in calculus and analytic geometry. Topics include vector functions, partial derivatives, multiple integrals and an introduction to vector calculus.
An introduction to linear algebra. Topics include matrices, vectors, vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
An introduction to real analysis. Topics covered include completeness and topological properties of the real line, theory of sequences, limits of functions, the derivative, the Riemann integral, and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
Estimation and other applications to real world problems, using elementary principles of algebra, geometry, number theory, number systems, and discrete mathematics. (May not be used to satisfy the upper-division elective requirement of the math majors program.)
Student participation for credit based on the academic relevance of the work experience, criteria, and evaluative procedures as formally determined by the department and Career Development Services prior to the semester in which the work experience is to take place. Available for pass/fail grading only. May be repeated for credit.
This course engages students in explorations and laboratory activities designed to strengthen and expand their knowledge of the topics found in college mathematics, and in particular, students will delve into and illuminate the connections between secondary and college mathematics by exploring and highlighting the basic secondary school topics that need to be mastered in order to solve problems in college mathematics. Through this process, students will achieve mastery of topics they will be teaching in secondary mathematics and understand the connection between the high school curriculum and their students' success in college and in the workplace.
Study of selected topics.
This course is designed to help students prepare for the Putnum Exam - an annual national mathematical competition. Problems from previous Putnam Exams and materials related to the solution of such problems will be considered.
Seminal ideas in geometry, arithmetic, algebra, analysis and applied mathematics (along with their mathematical representations) from antiquity, the age of exploration, the Promethean age to the present day.
Not available to students with credit in MATH 691. Separation of variable techniques, Sturm-Liouville systems, generalized Fourier series, orthogonal functions of the trigonometric, Legendre and Bessel type boundary value problems associated with the wave equation and the heat conduction equation in various coordinate systems, applications to physics and engineering.
Fundamentals of Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry. Alternatives to Euclidean geometry are examined using a variety of mathematical techniques. Special topics such as 'Taxicab' geometry, the hyperbolic plane, the art of M.C. Escher, and the mathematics of maps may be included.
A survey course. Topics include the prime number theorem, congruences, Diophantine equations, continued fractions, quadratic reciprocity, combinatorics, logic, graphs, trees, algorithms, coding and linear programming.
An introduction to the numerical methods commonly used by scientists and engineers. Topics include solutions of equations of one variable, direct methods for solving linear systems, matrix factorization, stability analysis, iterative techniques, polynomial interpolation, numerical differentiation and integration, approximation theory, and initial and boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations.
Topics include least squares problems, the QR factorization, the conjugate gradient method, Householder transformation and the QR method for approximating eigenvalues and singular values of a matrix. For applications, the finite difference method and the finite element method for solving partial differential equations, trigonometric interpolation and FFT as well as introductory study of optimization are discussed.
A rigorous course in classical real analysis. Topics include the topology of Euclidean n-space, properties of vector valued functions of several variables such as limits, continuity, differentiability and integrability, pointwise and uniform convergence of sequences and series of functions; Fourier series.
A rigorous course in classical real analysis. Topics include the topology of Euclidean n-space, properties of vector valued functions of several variables such as limits, continuity, differentiability and integrability, pointwise and uniform convergence of sequences and series of functions; Fourier series.
Exploring mathematical models in various biological contexts using both difference and differential equations: single and multiple species population growth, predator-prey and competing species (using phase plane analysis), epidemiological models of epidemics and pandemics, tumor growth, pattern formation in animals and insects.
The philosophy and methodology of mathematical modeling, its successes and limitations. Topics include models of climate change and atmospheric and ocean dynamics, models in other physical and biological contexts, and an introduction to deterministic chaos.
Not available to students with credit in MATH 692. Topics include complex numbers, analytical functions and their properties, derivatives, integrals, series representations, residues and conformal mappings. Applications of the calculus of residues and mapping techniques to the solution of boundary value problems in physics and engineering.
An introduction to the mathematical theory of linear and non-linear elastic continua. Topics include vectors, tensors, deformation, stress, nonlinear constitutive theory, exact solutions, infinitesimal theory, antiplane strain, plane strain, plane stress, extension, torsion, bending and elastic wave propagation.
A mathematical investigation of the differential equations governing fluid flow with an emphasis on steady state incompressible flows. The Navier-Stokes equations are derived and some exact solutions are presented including the potential flow solutions. Topics therefore include classical ideal fluid flow and its complex variable representation, various approximations to the Navier-Stokes equations, boundary layer theory, and also surface and internal gravity wave motion, aspects of hydrodynamic stability theory and convection. Other topics may be introduced by the instructor.
A calculus and differential equations based description of many patterns observable in the natural world including wave motion in the air, oceans, rivers, and puddles; rainbows, halos and other meteorological phenomena; arrangement of leaves, petals and branches; height of trees; river meanders; animal and insect markings; mudcracks; spider webs; and others. Partial differential equations will be discussed as needed but a knowledge of ordinary differential equations will be assumed.
This course will equip students to pass the Praxis 5161 Mathematics: Content Knowledge Exam. This exam is required for teaching licensure at the secondary Level in Virginia. Only open to students in the Secondary School Teaching Option in the Math B.S. program who have NOT yet passed the Praxis 5161 Exam.
This course is designed to help students enhance their personal and professional development through innovation guided by faculty members and professionals. It offers students an opportunity to apply their knowledge of mathematics to the development of a new product, business, nonprofit program, or other initiative. The real world experiences that entrepreneurships provide will help students understand how academic knowledge leads to transformations, innovations, and solutions to different types of problems. This course is administered as an independent project for individual students, or as group projects.
Study of selected topics.
Independent study under the direction of an instructor including library research and reports.
Statistics (STAT)
Topics include: data description, elementary probability, binomial and normal distributions, interval estimation, hypothesis testing, and correlation. The role of probability in inference is emphasized.
A general probability and statistics course designed specifically to accommodate the needs of school teachers and health professionals. Topics include: descriptive statistics, basic probability, discrete random variables, continuous random variables, interval estimation, regression and correlation, hypothesis testing, and applications. (May not be used to satisfy the upper-division elective requirement of the math major program.)
Topics include measures of location, dispersion, and strength of relationship; parametric and nonparametric tests of location; one-way analysis of variance; complete block designs; simple and multiple regression; correlation; measures of association for categorical data. Microsoft EXCEL will be used extensively as an aid in data analysis. Written interpretation of results will be a routine component of daily assignments.
Topics include: descriptive statistics, probability theory and probability distributions, mathematical expectation and its role in decision making, hypothesis testing, point and interval estimation, numerous applications. (Not open to students with credit in STAT 331.)
An introduction to probability theory including probability functions, continuous and discrete random variables, combinatorics, special probability distributions, moment generating functions, and limit laws.
This course will introduce SAS and R, two of the most widely used statistical software packages. This course will cover the basic skills needed for using computer packages to perform a variety of statistical analyses. Topics include data import/export, manipulation, descriptive statistics and visualization, advanced data handling, and the use of statistical computer packages for categorical data analysis, regression analysis, hypothesis testing, and more.
Topics include point and interval estimation, tests of hypotheses, introduction to linear models, likelihood techniques, and regression and correlation analysis.
Sampling from finite populations is discussed. Topics such as simple random sampling, stratified random sampling and ratio and regression estimation are included. Also discussed are aspects of systematic sampling, cluster sampling, and multi-stage sampling.
Topics include introduction to design of experiments, analysis of variance with a single factor, power and OC curves, and two factors with interactions, random effects models, randomized blocks, Latin square and related designs, introduction to factorial and 2k factorial designs. Statistical software will be used to analyze real life data.
Topics include introduction to regression and model building, simple linear regression, multiple regression, logistic regression, and simple time series, residual analysis, selection of variables, model adequacy checking, regression on dummy variables, analysis of covariance, regression analysis of time series data, and applications of these techniques to real life data using statistical software. Pre- or
This course will introduce basic statistical concepts and methods used in clinical trials. Topics include phase-I trial designs including 3+3 and CRM dose-finding designs; phase-II trial designs including Gehan’s two-stage and Simon’s two-stage designs; phase-III trial designs including parallel, group allocation, cross-over, and factorial designs; randomization; sample size and power calculation; adaptive trials; and monitoring of trials for safety and efficacy.
Topics include nonlinear and generalized linear models, quantitative risk assessment, analysis of stimulus-response and spatially correlated data, methods of combining data from several independent studies. Regression settings are emphasized where one or more predictor variables are used to make inferences on an outcome variable of interest. Applications include modeling growth inhibition of organisms exposed to environmental toxins, spatial associations of like species, risk estimation, and spatial prediction. SAS is used extensively in the course.
This course introduces statistical methods for analyzing multivariate and longitudinal data. Topics include multivariate normal distribution, covariance modeling, multivariate linear models, principal components, analysis of continuous response repeated measures, and models for discrete longitudinal data. Emphasis will be on the applications to the biological and health sciences and the use of the statistical software.
Topics include statistical functionals, bootstrap and jackknife techniques, elements of U-statistics, nonparametric tests (including permutation and rank tests), time-to-event analysis, nonparametric density estimation, nonparametric smoothing, regression analysis, and inference. R and/or Python software will be used for computations.
Topics include types of categorical data, relative risk and odds ratio measures for 2 x 2 tables, the chi-square and Mantel-Haenszel tests, Fisher's exact test, analysis of sets of 2 x 2 tables using Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel methodology, analysis of I x J and sets of I x J tables for both nominal and ordinal data, logistic regression including the logit and probit models. Emphasis will be on the application of these statistical tools to data related to the health and social sciences. Interpretation of computer output will be stressed.
This course is designed to help students enhance their personal and professional development through innovation guided by faculty members and professionals. It offers students an opportunity to apply their knowledge of statistics to the development of a new product, business, nonprofit program, or other initiative. The real world experiences that entrepreneurships provide will help students understand how academic knowledge leads to transformations, innovations, and solutions to different types of problems. This course is administered as an independent project for individual students, or as group projects.
The advanced study of selected topics.