Academic Catalog


Bachelor of Arts History with a Major in Secondary History/Social Sciences Education (6-12) (BA)

The Colleges of Arts and Letters and the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies cooperate in providing a Bachelor of Arts degree that licenses recipients to teach on the secondary level in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Most other states honor this license. Students must achieve passing scores on the Virginia Board of Education prescribed assessments as a prerequisite for entry into the professional education core. They must also pass the Praxis Subject Assessment, social studies content knowledge (formerly Praxis II) in order to be admitted to TLED 485 (Teacher Candidate Internship) and to be licensed. For information on these standardized tests, students should consult with their education advisor. To gain admission to this program, students must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.75 and maintain this average to graduate. Students must also have and maintain a major/content grade point average of 2.75 with grades of C- or higher in all history/social sciences courses and a professional education grade point average of 2.75 with all grades C- or higher in all education courses. The history/social sciences content consists of history, political science, geography, and economics. An optional specialization may be completed using students’ History electives; these specializations include Race, Gender, and Religion; War, Revolution, and Society; Mobilities and Migrations; History of Science and Technology; and Maritime History.

Entering students must declare their intention to take their degree in History with a major in secondary history/social sciences education (6-12) in the History Department, whereupon they will be assigned an advisor. Another advisor will be assigned in the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies. It is the responsibility of the student to see both advisors regularly.