Academic Catalog



Department website:

Veronica Watson, Chair

Kristi Costello, Associate Chair of Writing Studies (General Education)

Daniel Richards, Associate Chair (Curriculum & Assessment)

Anders (AJ) Nolan, Assistant Chair (Scheduling)

Michelle Fowler-Amato, Director of English Teacher Education

Heather Weddington, Chief Departmental Advisor

The Bachelor of Arts in English requires a minimum of 39 hours in English, in addition to English courses taken to satisfy General Education requirements: ENGL 110C, ENGL 211C or ENGL 231C, and ENGL 112L or ENGL 114L.

Upon completion of ENGL 110C, intended majors should apply to the Chief Departmental Advisor for English in order to declare the major. Once admitted to the program, students take five courses in the core, two literature electives, and six courses in the major. The department offers five majors (applied linguistics, creative writing, literature, technical writing, and secondary English education) within the overall Bachelor of Arts program and allows the student to pursue that area in depth. Because requirements sometimes change, students should consult the latest course requirement lists available in the department office. All majors must take an English writing-intensive (W) course and maintain a grade point average of 2.0 in the major to graduate (2.75 in the secondary English education major).

The department offers graduate degrees in applied linguistics, creative writing, and several other areas within English (including technical writing and literature). Please refer to the Graduate Catalog for more information.