Student Financial Aid
The Office of Student Financial Aid supports the mission of the University by assisting students and families seeking educational programs at Old Dominion University. The Office administers financial aid programs funded by federal, state, University, and private sources in the form of grants, federal work-study programs, and merit and need-based scholarships. Also, federally supported loans are offered to qualified applicants through Federal Direct Subsidized loans, the William D. Ford Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan and the Federal Direct PLUS loan programs. Alternative loan options are also available to support educational goals.
Regulations governing the administration of student financial aid are subject to unanticipated changes. For updated information, visit the website at or the Old Dominion University home page at
Scholarships, Grants, Loans, and Student Employment
The University offers a variety of awards each year to qualified students who have been admitted into degree programs. Financial aid is offered on the basis of academic achievement and/or financial need. Financial need is defined as the difference between the total cost of education at Old Dominion University and the amount of money an applicant and his or her family are expected to make available from income and assets to meet those expenses. The eligibility for non-need-based loans programs, Federal Direct Unsubsidized loans and Federal Direct PLUS loans is determined by multiple factors such as dependency status, student classification (undergraduate/graduate, grade level), cost of attendance, and total amount borrowed to date.
To be eligible for assistance from the most aid programs, a student must be a citizen or an eligible non-citizen. Some awards are designated only to Virginia residents while others are not restricted by residency. A student must be admitted and enrolled in an eligible degree program, must be registered with the Selective Service (if required), must not be in default or owe a repayment or refund on a federally guaranteed loan or grant, and must be in good academic standing (making satisfactory academic progress). Certain aid programs require a student to maintain a full-time status. One exception to the requirement that students must enroll in a degree-seeking program applies to students admitted for purposes of teacher certification who apply for a William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan.
Financial aid eligibility is determined on an annual basis, for one academic year (Fall, Spring). Students must submit the summer aid request form to request summer aid review. Not all students will be eligible for summer aid. Students must reapply each year for continued eligibility. Applications for financial aid should be submitted as early as possible beginning in October preceding the academic year requested. Priority awards of grants funded by the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) Program are awarded to eligible students whose Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is received by the federal processing agency no later than the established University priority deadlines each academic year of interest. Awards are offered on a first-come, first-served basis and dependent on fund availability.
To be considered for the Annual and Endowed Scholarships administered by the University, an Admissions application or the Scholarship Application for Continuing Students must be received by the University by March 1 preceding the academic year of interest. All admitted students are automatically considered.
An entering student must be accepted for admission into a degree-seeking program before receiving a financial aid eligibility notification email; however, a student who has not yet been accepted for admission may apply for financial assistance. Once admitted into an eligible degree program, the student will automatically receive a notice of tentative financial aid eligibility. Announcements of financial aid eligibility for early applicants are generally made before May 1. The applicant will be notified by the Office of Student Financial Aid. In addition, the admitted student is encouraged to monitor the status of his/her application for aid and its subsequent processing by accessing his/her records on the University’s secure online site, LEO Online. Students may be notified by email to their Old Dominion University email accounts throughout the year. Alerts, reminders, and student-specific information are emailed through the University’s secure email system throughout the year, and students are responsible for reading and responding to these communications.
The information regarding financial aid contained in this Catalog is subject to changes or deletions without notification. Additional information concerning financial aid is available through the Office of Student Financial Aid. The federal Student Guide, which describes the federal student financial aid programs and how to apply for them, is also available free of charge from the Federal Student Aid Information Center (1-800-433-3243). The U.S. Department of Education provides efficient and secure access to information and government services and benefits for students via
Application Requirements
To be considered for financial aid, a student must complete the FAFSA as soon as it becomes available preceding the academic year for which application is made. For example, a student planning to attend during the Fall Semester, 2025 would submit a financial aid application on or after October 1, 2024. The documents and deadlines are described below. The FAFSA for the 2026-27 aid year is expected to be available on October 1, 2025.
Note: The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is required of all applicants who wish to be considered for financial aid.
Document 1: The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Submitting a completed and signed FAFSA initiates the process of applying for financial aid. The information provided by the student (and his/her parents) is used by the University and other awarding agencies to determine financial need and general financial aid eligibility. When filing the 2025-26 FAFSA, tax information for 2023 will be submitted. When completing the FAFSA, use Old Dominion University’s Title IV Institution Code (003728). Old Dominion University encourages students to take advantage of the electronic FAFSA option on the web at, which is a secure and convenient method for completing the application process. All applicants and parents of dependent applicants should apply for a FAFSA ID with the Department of Education at in order to be able to sign the FAFSA application electronically. The FAFSA must be filed each year for which the student is requesting aid. FAFSAs received by the federal processor before university established priority deadlines receive priority consideration. The FAFSA priority date is March 1 for all students (priority consideration as funds are available).
Document 2: FAFSA Submission Summary
Once the FAFSA is received and processed, the federal processing center will email the FAFSA Submission Summary to the applicant. Students are strongly encouraged to review and keep their FAFSA Submission Summary and all other financial-aid-related documents for future reference. The FAFSA Submission Summary contains valuable information as well as a unique data release code. Students should also keep copies of all documents used to complete the FAFSA, as they may be requested by the Office of Student Financial Aid as part of the federally required verification process.
Document 3: Employment Eligibility Verification (Form I-9)
I-9 verification, also known as Employment Eligibility Verification, is a critical process in the United States that ensures employees are legally authorized to work. This process requires both employers and employees to complete specific forms and provide documentation, verifying the employee's identity and work authorization status. Old Dominion University employees are required to submit an I-9 form prior to starting work. Additional information is found at the links below.
Document 4: Consortium Agreement and Dual Enrollment Forms
ODUGlobal students completing classes remotely may be required to submit these forms. These students should consult with their Student Success Director to determine if these forms are required.
Verification Process
Continuing/returning students selected for verification will be required to complete the verification process prior to receiving a financial aid award. This means that required verification documents must be received and processed prior to the receipt of an aid offer. The verification review process may take up to two weeks or longer during peak processing periods.
Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid Eligibility
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy
To be eligible for federal, state, and institutional financial aid, all students are required to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP.) The regulations provided by the U.S Department of Education are geared toward improving program integrity. Old Dominion University has established its own policy to adhere to these guidelines while ensuring student success.
The following information provides a more in-depth understanding of the minimum progress requirements a student must meet in order to be eligible for financial aid. It is important to note these requirements may differ from that of the University and individual colleges.
Federal regulations are continuously updated, and the Office of Financial Aid is required to verify that their policy meets any changes. If any changes occur, the Office website will be updated, and notifications will be sent to those students affected.
Satisfactory Academic Progress Review Procedure
The Office of Financial Aid evaluates Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) annually at the end of the spring semester once grades are posted. Students who are included in this review include undergraduates, graduates, both full-time and part-time, who have filed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA.) This is a cumulative review of all semesters regardless of whether or not the student received financial aid during a particular academic year. The evaluation is based on the student meeting three criteria, which are described below:
- Meeting a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA)
- Earning a minimum number of credits (Pace of Progress)
- Cumulative attempted hours not exceeding program requirements (Maximum Timeframe)
Students who fail to meet any one of the criteria are considered ineligible for financial aid.
Financial Aid, including loans, is limited and the Office of Financial Aid must ensure students obtain their degree in a reasonable amount of time with reasonable debt.
To maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress, students must maintain the following minimum cumulative GPA:
Qualitative/Grade Point Average (GPA)
Undergraduates - minimum 2.0
Graduates - minimum 3.0
PACE of Progress
This standard is calculated by dividing the cumulative number of credits successfully completed by the cumulative number of credits the student has attempted.
To be eligible for financial aid, an undergraduate student is required to complete a minimum of 67% of cumulative attempted credits.
Graduate students are required to complete minimum of 80% of cumulative attempted credits.
Credits completed are those for which grades of A, B, C, D and P, are earned. An I-incomplete grade and W-withdrawal are not earned and therefore cannot be counted.
Old Dominion University does not round up when determining PACE percentage.
Audit classes are not counted towards Pace of Progress nor counted in enrollment for financial aid eligibility.
Maximum Timeframe
No student may exceed 150% of the published length of their educational program. Students will be notified and will need to appeal for financial aid when they are approaching 150%. Students must complete their degree within a specified amount of time. This standard will depend on the student’s enrollment status and degree. Old Dominion University requires an appeal at 125% of degree hours. When a student exceeds 125%, they will be required to submit an appeal for the following semester to determine if they will continue to receive financial aid.
Undergraduate student students pursuing their first degree must complete the requirements for their program without exceeding 180 attempted credits. Students who have a major with a minor are included.
Undergraduate students pursuing a second degree or who have a double major should note that once a student has completed the requirements for one major or degree, financial aid eligibility will be limited. Students must complete degrees within 150% of credits needed for a double major, second degree, and teacher licensure, not to exceed 225 attempted credits.
Students with a double major will be flagged at each report and required to self-identify on the academic plan of the satisfactory academic progress Maximum Timeframe Appeal, if the second degree or double major status is not seen in the student's record in Banner. The appeal will be placed in the student’s extender file to refer to and the account will be noted. An additional academic plan will not be required until they reach 125% of the program.
If a student fails any of the above SAP standards, the student’s financial aid eligibility is suspended.
Example: An undergraduate student that is required to complete 120 credits to graduate will be eligible for financial aid up to 150 attempted credits at which point an appeal will be required.
Undergraduates working on a second degree, double major, and teacher licensure will be eligible for financial aid up to 188 attempted credits at which point an appeal will be required.
Note: Transfer credits are included, and completion of the first undergraduate degree must be conferred.
Graduate students may attempt a maximum of 90 hours. Graduate students working on a second degree will be given an additional 45 credit hours to earn their second degree; however, they may not exceed 150% of the published length/credits required for their degree program of study.
Note: Transfer credit hours are included.
Special programs such as Clinical Psychology, Nursing Anesthesiology, Physical Therapy, etc., may require additional credits to complete the program and thus may be allowed additional credits based on the program.
Credit hours are counted starting with the semester the student entered school, even semesters in which a student did not receive financial aid.
Students who are aware of learning or other disabilities should immediately contact the Office of Educational Accessibility so that appropriate accommodations can be made. A student with a documented disability and functional limitations is still held to the same academic expectations as other students.
Students who have completed all undergraduate course requirements, but do not graduate (for any reason) are ineligible for funding. Reasons not acceptable for further funding include but are not limited to raising GPA to meet graduation requirement, needing to pass writing proficiency requirements, and wanting to complete a minor or second major (double majors).
Students with an academic history showing patterns of enrollment of inability or unwillingness to progress, withdrawals, repeats, incomplete grades, or enrollment inconsistent with the student’s educational objective may be regarded as ineligible for future financial aid.
Notification of Satisfactory Academic Progress
Students who have met these requirements will not receive any type of notification. ODU will send a notification to students who have not met SAP standards stating ineligibility for financial aid. The notification will be sent by email to the student’s ODU email address and will outline the academic standards, reason(s) the student failed, and other pertinent information regarding appeal reasons and procedures.
SAP Evaluations
If a student who failed SAP later self-identifies that they now meet the SAP standards at a point prior to an official SAP evaluation/checkpoint, the institution can only make formal SAP determinations during an official SAP evaluation/checkpoint at the end of a payment period. Any updates or changes to a student’s SAP status can only be made during official SAP evaluations. ODU reserves the right to recalculate SAP due to grade changes; however, these will be done a case-case basis and on rare occasions.
Appeal Procedures
Appeals must be submitted 10 days after notification of appeal or by the deadline on the appeal form. These dates vary from year to year; however, the deadline will be the Friday before classes begin. The deadlines are listed on the SAP appeal form.
Deadlines for appeal submission for summer 2025 and 2025-26 academic years
Summer 2025 - June 27, 2025, regardless of summer session(s) enrolled
Fall term - August 22, 2025
Spring term - January 16, 2026
Summer - June 26, 2026
Students awaiting a response from the SAP Appeal Review Committee are responsible for paying their tuition and other fees by the payment deadline to avoid late and collection fees.
The decision of the Financial Aid Office is FINAL and cannot be appealed.
The complete packet including the advisor’s portion and all documentation needed must be submitted or appeal will be denied.
The University will consider appeals for uncontrollable events, special circumstances that happen in a student’s life such as death of a family member, student illness, and transition to college issues that can be documented, or being called to the military, etc. The student must describe what impact the circumstance had on academics, what the student has done to address the impact and how the student plans to be successful. If the student is not yet prepared to vigorously focus on academics with assistance, if necessary, the student should not submit an appeal.
Some examples include but are not limited to:
- Death in the family. State how this person was related (i.e., parent, spouse, sibling, etc.). A copy of the death certificate or related documentation must be provided.
- Disabling illness or injury to the student. Please provide supporting documentation from the medical provider.
- Disabling illness or injury of immediate family member that required the student's care. Please provide supporting documentation from the family member's medical provider.
- Emotional or mental health issue (for student) that required professional care. Please provide supporting documentation from the medical provider, social worker or other professional.
- Other special circumstance beyond the student's control (transition that may lead to depression, anxiety, and other problems that can be documented, divorce/separation, natural disaster, extreme change in financial or legal circumstances, etc.)
Documentation or evidence that supports the reason(s) must be included with the appeal. This might include a letter from a doctor, court documents, death certificates or copies of university documents, layoff notices, foreclosure notices, etc. Attach copies; original documents will not be returned.
Potential Delay of Disbursements
Financial aid may not be disbursed to a student’s account until SAP has been evaluated. This process cannot be completed until after grades have officially posted from the prior semester.
Students who have failed SAP may experience a delayed financial aid disbursement if grades are not made official before the start of the subsequent semester. No exceptions can be made to this process.
Regaining Financial Aid Eligibility
Regaining Financial Aid Eligibility with a Grade or Degree Change
Students who have received a SAP failure notice due to GPA or Pace of Progress and have received a grade change will need to notify the Office of Financial Aid for a re-evaluation of SAP. If the student is back in compliance with SAP standards, the Office will update the student’s SAP status and make any other necessary adjustments. Also, if a student is failing for undergraduate maximum timeframe and is now accepted to Graduate School, they will need to contact the Office so the system can be updated. The SAP process is run with prior semester information.
Regaining Financial Aid Eligibility with Maximum Timeframe
Undergraduate and graduate students who need additional time to complete their first degree must complete the SAP Appeal explaining why the student has not completed the degree and a SAP Advisor form signed by an advisor/department chair explaining what classes remain, what terms they will be taken in and note the student’s expected graduation date.
NOTE: Students who do make SAP while on a Maximum Timeframe Appeal are disqualified from receiving further financial aid, including loans, and will be unaided until or unless they are able to reestablish eligibility. Reinstatement of aid will not be automatic, will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and requires achieving SAP standards and taking courses only from the approved Maximum Timeframe Appeal.
Regaining Financial Aid Eligibility with a GPA or Pace of Progress
Students may also appeal for failing GPA and/or Pace of Progress. The following will be considered: injury or illness of the student or family member, death of a close relative, emotional or mental health issue (for student) that required professional care, or other reasons resulting in undue hardship to the student such as divorce/separation, natural disaster, extreme change in financial or legal circumstances or transition that may lead to depression, anxiety, and other problems that can be documented. Undergraduate and graduate students would need to submit the SAP appeal explaining why the student has failed and what changes they have or will make to successfully complete their degree and supporting documentation for their appeal. This might include a letter from a doctor, court documents, death certificates or copies of university documents, layoff notices, foreclosure notices, etc. Copies should be attached; original documents will not be returned.
Notification of Appeal Decision
SAP appeals will be reviewed once ALL required documentation is received. Notification of the decision will be emailed to the student’s Old Dominion University email address within 10 business days.
Approved Decision
If the appeal is approved, the student will be placed on an academic plan/contract whereby specific conditions must be satisfied to demonstrate progress toward degree completion. The academic plan/contract is an agreement with the student and Financial Aid Office that may be stricter than the above guidelines in order for a student to successfully graduate. Acceptance of the approved plan/contract supersedes all other SAP regulations. The student’s approved academic plan/contract may be shared with his or her academic department.
The Financial Aid Office will evaluate all students that have a SAP plan/contract at the end of each semester. If a student meets the terms of the plan/contract but is not back in compliance, the contract will be extended for another term.
A student who fails to meet the terms of the plan/contract will lose financial aid eligibility until the student is able to meet all the SAP standards.
Students who fail to complete the probationary conditions cannot submit a new appeal.
Denied Decision
If the appeal is denied, the student may pay for the classes out of pocket or make monthly payments using the University payment plan with the Office of Finance. Students may regain eligibility for aid once they meet SAP standards.
Financial aid suspension does not prohibit students from continuing their education at Old Dominion University. It does prohibit students from receiving financial aid until they again meet the standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress.
Students awaiting a response from the SAP Appeal Review Committee are responsible for paying their tuition and other fees by the payment deadline to avoid late and collection fees.
The decision of the financial aid review committee is FINAL and cannot be appealed.
Students Who Do Not Appeal
Students who choose not to appeal will be required to meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards before regaining eligibility for financial aid. Once the student has regained SAP, the student is eligible to receive financial aid at Old Dominion University. The student cannot automatically regain eligibility by paying for classes for a semester, by sitting out a semester, or by taking classes elsewhere.
Academic Circumstances that Affect Students' Status
Changes in major, double majors, double degrees or minors may cause students to reach their maximum attempted hours and lose eligibility before earning a degree.
Withdrawing from courses
Withdrawing from courses may impact students' financial aid awards. Before withdrawing from class, students should contact the Financial Aid Office to determine the consequences.
Withdrawing from the University
Students who totally withdraw and receive aid may owe the University money. Before withdrawing from the University, students should contact the Financial Aid Office to determine the consequences.
Incomplete grades, missing grades and failing grades
Courses assigned a grade of “I” Incomplete are not considered complete and will not be included in the total credits earned until the final grade has been submitted. Incomplete grades, missing grades and failing grades reduce a student's completion ratio, because they are counted as attempted, but not earned credits. They will also count against the maximum attempted hours.
Dismissal and Return
Students who are suspended academically or choose not to attend because of SAP Failure will not be automatically eligible for financial aid upon their return. Student must meet all standards of SAP. Student must appeal if eligible or use means other than financial aid for educational expenses. Absence does not restore eligibility for financial aid. It is the student’s responsibility to be knowledgeable of their SAP standard when returning to school after dismissal or choosing not to return because of SAP failure.
Audit Courses – Students are not eligible to receive financial aid for audit courses. Audited courses are not included in hours attempted or earned for SAP determination.
Transfer and Repeat Coursework
Accepted transfer credits must count as both attempted and completed hours. Repeat courses count as attempted credit hours each time students register for them. They also count against the allowed maximum. This can reduce a student's completion ratio because repeated credits count as earned credits only once. NOTE: The U.S. Dept. of Education allows only one retake for Title IV credit.
Students are allowed to repeat a previously passed course and have it count toward enrollment for financial aid eligibility only once. However, all repeats count against the maximum total attempted credits and reduce the pace/completion rate.
For federal student aid, passing grades higher than an “F” will be considered to have passed the course and considered as an attempt. NOTE: This is regardless of any University or major program policy requiring a higher grade or measure for academic purposes.
Remedial courses may be included, however, enrichment and English as a Second Language (ESL) courses ARE NOT taken into consideration
Other examples: PACE requirement
Undergraduate student attempts 30 credits for the academic year, earned 19; student would not be meeting satisfactory academic progress at the time of SAP review. Total credits needed would be 20.1 or 21 completed (30 X 67%).
Graduate student attempts 18 credits for the academic year, earned 17, student would be meeting the PACE standard for satisfactory academic progress at the end of SAP review. Number of minimum credits needed would be 14.4 or 15 (18 x 80%)
Note regarding the Office of Financial Aid policy on alternative loans: Alternative loans may be certified if the student is not making satisfactory academic progress with a lender who will approve for students not meeting SAP standards. Please discuss with the financial aid counselor if you have questions.
The Office of Financial Aid reserves the right to review denied appeals, GPA’s and completion rates on a case-by-case basis. On rare occasions when grades are updated before the formal SAP evaluation checkpoint, the Office of Financial Aid may update SAP eligibility and award aid. The official SAP evaluation checkpoint is completed at the end of the spring term. Students on financial aid probation are reviewed at the end of each term.
Federal Programs
Students must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine eligibility for all of the following federal financial aid programs.
Federal Pell Grant Program
A Federal Pell Grant, unlike a loan, does not have to be repaid. Pell Grants are only awarded to undergraduate students who have not earned a bachelor’s degree. For many students, Pell Grants provide a foundation of financial aid to which other aid may be added. The amount of Federal Pell Grants students may receive over their lifetime is limited to an equivalent of six years of Pell Grant funding.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
Like the Federal Pell Grant, this award assists undergraduate students only and does not have to be repaid. This grant is made to students who demonstrate exceptional financial need and must be Pell grant eligible. Students who meet all other eligibility criteria and whose FAFSAs were received by the federal processing agency by Old Dominion University priority deadlines are considered for this grant. It is awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Federal funding for this program is extremely limited.
Federal Work Study (FWS) Program
This program provides jobs for undergraduate or graduate students with financial need, allowing them the opportunity to earn money for educational expenses. The FWS program encourages community service work such as tutoring and work related to the course of study. A student who qualifies for FWS is not automatically guaranteed employment. Students must apply for available positions and cannot be a participant of the Learn and Earn Advantage Program (*LEAP). The Center for Career & Leadership Development, located at 2202 Webb University Center, maintains a listing of available positions as provided by offices across campus in Handshake through its website at . CDS also manages the following FWS programs for the University: Student Temporary Assistance Team (STAT), Community Service Internship (CSI), America Reads Tutoring and America Counts Tutoring. Contact the CDS at (757) 683-4388 for information on completing the application process for these CDS managed programs.
*The Learn and Earn Advantage Program (LEAP) offers first and second year undergraduate ODU students the opportunity to be selected for part-time on-campus jobs with ODU departments and Regional Higher Education Centers. Jobs over the last two semesters averaged 10-15 hours per week with students making $12.00 per hour for a total maximum of $3,000 per academic year. Students who do not have Federal Work Study awards and have financial need as determined by the Financial Aid Office will receive a LEAP award letter as funds allow. Students must meet minimum GPA requirements each semester, successfully complete the UNIV 130 LEAP course and have satisfactory work supervisor evaluations and recommendations to remain eligible. A limited number of positions are available each semester and are filled by the order of completed University employment application packets received by the Center for Career & Leadership Development. Contact the Center at (757) 683-4388 for more information about the application process.
Federal Direct Student Loan Programs
Old Dominion University participates in the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program and thus receives loan funds directly from the U.S. Department of Education upon disbursement (payment) to eligible students. There are three kinds of loans:
William D. Ford Federal Direct Subsidized Loans
The federal government will pay the interest on these loans while students are in school and during deferments (postponements of repayment). Students must demonstrate financial need to receive this type of loan. Only undergraduate students may be eligible and must be enrolled at least half time. Like all other forms of aid, loans are disbursed to student accounts on a semester-by-semester basis, and eligibility must be re-confirmed prior to release.
William D. Ford Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans
Loans are available to eligible students regardless of financial need, but students will be required to pay all interest charges, including the interest that accumulates during deferments.
The Federal Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS)
This is available for parents of dependent students who filed the FAFSA and who meet other general eligibility requirements. Applications for these loans are completed on-line at The loans are subject to a Federal credit approval process at the time of submission. Parents are responsible for all payments and interest charges. PLUS loans are not automatically offered but are available upon the written request of the parent borrower by submission of a Parent PLUS Data Sheet found on-line at the Financial Aid website. Please note: The Federal on-line application found at and the Parent PLUS Data Sheet found on the Financial Aid website must be completed.
1-19: Children of Fallen Heroes Scholarship
On March 23, 2018, the President signed Public Law 115-141, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018, which included an amendment to Section 473(b) of the Higher Education Act, authorizing the Children of Fallen Heroes Scholarship. Under this scholarship, beginning with the 2018-2019 award year, a Pell-eligible student whose parent or guardian died in the line of duty while performing as a public safety officer is eligible to receive a maximum Pell Grant for the award year for which the determination of eligibility is made. To qualify for this scholarship, a student must be Pell-eligible, have a Pell-eligible EFC and be less than 24 years of age or enrolled at an institution of higher education at the time of his or her parent’s or guardian’s death. In subsequent award years, the student continues to be eligible for the scholarship as long as the student has a Pell-eligible EFC and continues to be an eligible student.
All Title IV aid awarded to such eligible students must be based on an EFC of zero without regard to the student’s calculated EFC. Thus, the student is eligible for the maximum Pell Grant for his or her enrollment status and cost of attendance. In addition, the student’s eligibility for Direct Loans and for Campus-Based program aid must be based on an EFC of zero.
For purposes of the Children of Fallen Heroes Scholarship, a public safety officer is:
- As defined in section 1204 of Title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3796b); or
- A fire police officer, defined as an individual who is serving in accordance with state or local law as an officially recognized or designated member of a legally organized public safety agency and provides scene security or directs traffic in response to any fire drill, fire call, or other fire, rescue, or police emergency, or at a planned special event.
The Children of Fallen Heroes Scholarship requires the institution’s financial aid administrator (FAA) to determine and document, in collaboration with the student, that the student was less than 24 years of age or enrolled at an institution of higher education at the time of his or her parent’s or guardian’s death.
Acceptable documentation that may be used to determine eligibility for this scholarship are:
- A determination letter acknowledging eligibility for certain federal benefits under the Public Safety Officers Benefit (PSOB) program administered by the Department of Justice.
- A written letter of attestation or determination made by a state or local government official with supervisory or other relevant oversight authority of an individual who died in the line of duty while serving as a public safety officer as defined above.
- Documentation of the student qualifying for a state tuition or other state benefit accorded to the children or other family members of a public safety officer consistent with the definition in 42 U.S.C. 3796b, or as a fire police officer as noted above or
- Other documentation the school determines to be from a credible source that describes or reports the circumstances of the death and the occupation of the parent or guardian.
State Programs
The Virginia Student Financial Assistance Program (VSFAP) was established to assist students with financial need. VSFAP Funds are used for need-based grants to Virginia resident undergraduates or for assistantships and fellowships to graduate students. As funds are limited, they are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, with students meeting the priority FAFSA receipt deadlines established by the University given first consideration. Awards are limited to 125% of degree (cannot exceed 150 attempted credits). Specific Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements that are more rigorous than those for federal financial aid eligibility consideration apply. Interested students are encouraged to visit the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia web site at for detailed information and program regulations and guidelines.
Commonwealth Award
In order to be eligible for a Commonwealth award, a student must be admitted into a Virginia public two- or four-year college or university, a domiciliary resident of Virginia as defined by the Code of Virginia 23-7.4, demonstrate financial need as determined by the institution (FAFSA required), be enrolled at least half-time in an eligible baccalaureate program, a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen, and otherwise eligible for federal financial aid. This is a grant and does not have to be repaid. The actual awards vary by institution and are based on funds available. The awards may not exceed tuition and required fees. Additional restrictions, such as minimum GPA or maximum hours attempted, affecting state grant eligibility may be enacted during the period covered by this catalog.
Virginia Guaranteed Assistance Program (VGAP)
In order to be eligible for a VGAP award, a student must meet all Commonwealth award requirements, and must also be a graduate of a Virginia high school, have a minimum cumulative high school grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. A student generally enters the VGAP program as a freshman. Awards may be renewed for up to three additional years provided that the student meets the renewal conditions, and that funding is available. Renewal of the VGAP grant is dependent upon several factors: maintaining full-time continuous enrollment, maintaining domiciliary residency in Virginia, demonstrating continued financial need, maintaining a college grade point average of least 2.0 on a 4.0 scale, or equivalent, and maintaining the satisfactory academic progress standards of the institution for federal student aid programs. Students must also have advanced class levels upon completion of each full year of award received (VGAP is restricted to no more than one year – 12 months – per class level, freshman, sophomore, junior, senior). As with all other aid programs, audited courses do not count toward full-time enrollment. Participation in the VGAP program is limited to four years of eligibility. Additional restrictions, such as minimum GPA or maximum hours attempted, affecting state grant eligibility may be enacted during the period covered by this catalog.
Conditions for Disbursement of Financial Aid
The Office of Student Financial Aid publishes a “Statement of Student Responsibility & Conditions for Release of Financial Aid” document each academic year. This statement is included with the initial award notification mailed to the student and is also accessible on the Financial Aid Office page of the University web site When students accept financial aid, they also acknowledge that they have read and agree to comply with the Statement. A limited sample of conditions is as follows:
Statement of Student Responsibility & Conditions for Release of Financial Aid
- INITIAL NOTIFICATIONS OF FINANCIAL AID ARE TENTATIVE. Initial financial aid notices are based on the assumption that students will enroll at the full-time level (12 or more credits for undergraduate and 9 or more credits for graduate). If students enroll less than full time (three-quarters-time, half-time or less than half-time), it is the student's responsibility to notify the Financial Aid counseling team if the enrollment level or student type changes (examples: change from degree seeking to certificate program, from undergraduate to graduate, residency revisions out-of-state to in-state, etc.). It is essential that the student communicate any changes in enrollment level or student type with his/her Financial Aid team during the period leading up to the beginning of each semester as changes may impact the student’s aid eligibility. Undergraduate students must report December graduation plans (federal loans must be prorated per regulations).
- Financial aid can be credited to students’ University accounts only after certain conditions have been met, including but not limited to timely receipt of requested documents needed to verify information provided on the FAFSA and appropriate enrollment for the term. Students receiving loans must be enrolled at least half-time (6 hours undergraduate or 4 hours graduate) and maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress standards as stated in this Catalog. Failure to meet the standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress will result in loss of eligibility and automatic cancellation of previously offered federal and state aid.
- If financial aid has not been disbursed (paid to the student’s account with the University) by the tuition deadline, the student is NOT automatically dropped from classes for non-payment. Students must actively drop or withdraw from courses prior to the tuition deadline to be relieved of charges for courses dropped. Drops and withdrawals after the tuition deadline are subject to the policies enumerated in this Catalog.
- Financial Aid eligibility per allowable program length. Undergraduate students at Old Dominion University may attempt a maximum of 180 credit hours. Undergraduate students who have exceeded 180 credits are not able to appeal and are ineligible for aid. Undergraduates working on a second degree are given an additional 90 hours to earn their second degree. (Note: Transfer credits are included and completion of the first undergraduate degree must be conferred.) Graduate students maximum allowable time to receive financial aid is 90 hours. Graduate students working on a second degree will be given an additional 45 credit hours to earn their second degree. (Transfer credit hours are included). In each of these cases students are no longer eligible for financial aid and appeals are not accepted
- Decisions made by financial aid administrators at other institutions relative to dependency status, special circumstances, or financial aid awards are not automatically accepted by Old Dominion University.
- The student is responsible for repayment of any federal, state, or University and outside agency aid received as a result of unreported or misreported information discovered through verification, third-party notices, account reviews, and/or Quality Assurance findings.
- The student is responsible for reporting additional educational assistance received through sources other than the Financial Aid Office. Financial aid may be adjusted in compliance with federal regulations as a result of additional educational assistance received and not reflected in the financial aid notification letter. The student bears responsibility for reporting any additional aid in the form of scholarships from outside groups, Unfunded Scholarships, Graduate Tuition Waivers, Meal scholarship waivers, Senior Citizen Tuition Waivers, Employer Assisted Tuition Payments, Third-Party Payment Agreements involving any outside group or company etc., and all other forms of assistance. The student must report these external sources of financial assistance in writing or via email immediately to his/her financial aid counseling team.
- New Federal Direct Loan student borrowers must complete an Electronic Direct Loan Master Promissory Note (E-MPN) online at before the loan process can be completed. Students will receive requirement notifications when their E-MPN is ready for completion.
- All first-time loan borrowers and students who have not borrowed through the Federal Direct Loan Program within the past two years must, by federal regulation, complete a loan entrance counseling session before loan proceeds can be credited to the student's financial account. Failure to comply with this requirement will prevent release of loan funds and may result in cancellation of loans, even if the student has submitted a completed loan promissory note. This requirement may be satisfied online at
- ATTENTION – UNDERGRADUATE TRANSFER STUDENTS: Student loan eligibility is determined by student classification (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior). It is possible that not all academic transcripts from other institutions will have been evaluated at the time of initial aid eligibility determination; therefore, the classification entered by the student on the FAFSA is used to determine loan eligibility. Once all transcripts have been evaluated, eligibility for Federal Direct Student Loans may require downward adjustment if the official classification is lower than the classification entered on the FAFSA.
- Eligibility for financial assistance is based upon FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) information provided by the student and his/her family. The FAFSA must be filed each year. FAFSA’s received by the federal processor before March 1 preceding the fall semester receive priority consideration. Aid for students whose FAFSA’s are received by the federal processor after April 1 may not be ready by the fall semester tuition deadline. Students should make alternate financial arrangements for tuition payment, books, and other education-related expenses.
- Financial aid eligibility changes when enrollment level or student type changes or students meet the allowable time eligibility. Students who drop courses are responsible for notifying the financial aid counselor immediately. Aid will be reduced accordingly. If a student drops classes, financial aid received must be repaid to the University. This also applies to "balance-of-aid" payments made to students before dropping.
- If the student adds a course(s) after the financial aid has been applied to the account and refund issued, the student is responsible for the balance owed.
- Students who withdraw from all courses are subject to regulations regarding the Return of Title IV funds. If the date of complete withdrawal from all courses precedes the date on which more than 60% of the academic semester has been completed, a prorated portion of all Title IV student financial assistance will be due back to the federal programs. State student financial assistance may also be due back. The University policy regarding tuition refunds following withdrawal is stated in the Catalog and is independent of the Return of Title IV funds regulations. *******Students who withdraw from the University before more than 60% of the semester has elapsed should anticipate repaying a significant portion of Title IV and state financial assistance. *******Additionally, students who failed to earn a passing grade during the term are subject to the same federal guidelines.
- A notice of tentative financial aid eligibility assumes a level of federal and state appropriations that are frequently undetermined at the time of preparation. If legislative bodies fail to provide the anticipated funding level, it may be necessary to reduce or cancel certain types of aid, particularly grants. Students will be notified immediately if such changes become necessary. Students are strongly encouraged to check their ODU email accounts often.
- The Office of Student Financial Aid reserves the right to review, modify or cancel financial aid at any time on the basis of information affecting student eligibility, including but not limited to changes in financial resources, residence, academic status, student type, enrollment level, the availability of funds or Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements.
- The student is responsible for Catalog information. Students are held individually responsible for the information contained in the Catalog and on the Financial Aid webpage. Failure to read and comply with university regulations will not exempt students from whatever penalties they may incur.
- Students may receive financial aid from only one institution during any given period of enrollment (semester).
- Students are limited to 12 semesters (or 600%) of Federal Pell Grant eligibility during their lifetime. This affects all students regardless of when or where they receive their first Pell Grant.
- There is a limit on the maximum period of time that students can receive Direct Subsidized Loans. In general, students may not receive Direct Subsidized Loans for more than 150% of the published length of their program.
Merit-Based Scholarships
All entering fall freshmen students who submit their admission application, and ALL required credentials are considered for merit-based scholarships offered through the Old Dominion University Office of Admissions. The admissions application serves as the merit-based scholarship application.
Information related to First-Year Student Scholarships can be found on the Admissions web site.
Annual and Endowed University Scholarships
Scholarships at Old Dominion University have been established through the generosity of individuals, organizations and corporations to recognize outstanding academic performance and to assist students in pursuing their educational goals. Scholarship awards are based on a variety of criteria. For some awards, eligibility is entirely determined by academic merit or potential. Other requirements might include demonstrated financial need, field of study, state or city residency, graduation from a particular high school or participation in a specific program, organization or activity. Generally, recipients have earned at least a 3.4 grade point average (on a 4.00 scale) and are full-time, degree-seeking students.
All first-time freshmen and transfer students will automatically be considered for academic and endowed scholarships based on their admissions application. The majority of scholarships offered to Old Dominion University students are based on information already known to the University via the student's admissions application and the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
New incoming freshman and transfer students have the opportunity to identify institutional scholarship interest by selecting "YES" to the institutional scholarship indicator when completing an admissions application. New students will be able to select from various scholarship options listed with in the admissions application.
Incoming freshmen are automatically considered for merit-based scholarships based on academic performance. Merit-based scholarships are managed by the Office of Admissions; financial need is not required.
The Scholarship Form for Continuing and Graduate Students is available for students who have a change in scholarship eligibility according to the Criteria Check List (included in the Scholarship Form). Continuing students who meet the above circumstances must complete and submit the form to the Office of Student Financial Aid, 2002 Rollins Hall, Norfolk, VA 23529-0052. The form must be received by March 1 each year to be considered for scholarships for the following academic year. The information provided on the Form for Continuing and Graduate Students will be maintained and used for scholarship selection for the duration of the student’s attendance at Old Dominion University. It is not necessary to complete the form more than once during attendance at Old Dominion University, UNLESS the required information has changed. To determine eligibility for need-based scholarships (designated by an asterisk (*), students must also file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). FAFSAs received by the federal processor before university established priority deadlines receive priority consideration. The FAFSA priority date is March 1 for all students (priority consideration as funds are available).
Selection procedures vary for these awards. All scholarships require admission to and enrollment in a degree program at Old Dominion University. For some scholarships, a portfolio, an audition, or participation in a specific program may be required. The additional steps, if required, are summarized following each scholarship description.
Students will receive written notification of any scholarship for which they have been selected. Most scholarships will be awarded in April through August of each year.
Awards for Entering Freshmen
The Old Dominion University Alumni Association (ODUAA) Legacy Scholarship Endowment was established to assist children of an Old Dominion University (“ODU”) alumnus/ae. The recipient(s) must be a full-time undergraduate student in good academic standing. It is the intention of the ODUAA for the scholarship to be awarded to a freshman and follow the recipient during his/her time at ODU (up to four years).
The Nicholas Andrasz Academic and Social Service Endowed Scholarship was established by Nicholas Andrasz to assist an entering freshman who has graduated from a Virginia Beach high school. The recipient must have a minimum 3.25 grade point average, minimum 1000 combined SAT score and must have spent a considerable amount of non-paid volunteer time helping to make their community a better place. The recognized categories of non-paid volunteer time are: Hospital Volunteer, Public Safety, Mentoring/Tutoring, Shelters, and Elder Care. Students must provide reasonable documentation as proof of their public service. Preference is given to a student who has previously been awarded the Nicholas Andrasz Endowed Scholarship from Tidewater Community College.
The Edward N. Antoun, AH Environmental Endowed Scholarship in Engineering was established to assist a full-time undergraduate student intending to major in civil and environmental engineering. The recipient must attain a minimum high school GPA of 3.2 and be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident.
The Beta Sigma Phi-Alice Brewer White Memorial Endowed Scholarship is made possible by an endowment established in 1985. This award assists an entering freshman who is from Southside Hampton Roads. Preference will be given to students with a 3.20 grade point average and Beta Sigma Phi affiliations, including mother, grandmother, or aunt. The student may also be a member of Beta Sigma Phi. Leadership ability and community involvement are factors in selection. This scholarship is renewable.
The James L. Bugg Scholarship was established in 1978 by the Old Dominion University Alumni Association to honor this former University president. The award is made to an alumnus’ son or daughter who has participated in extracurricular activities and community service and displays top academic achievement.
The CHROME Scholarships are funded by the University and awarded to entering freshmen who have participated in a certified high school CHROME club. Recipients must intend to pursue a degree in engineering, mathematics, science, technology, or a related field.
The Claire Virginia Dabel Memorial Scholarship is funded through an endowment established by Dr. Virginia B. Newbern to assist one or more freshmen students majoring in the field of biology.
The Peter G. Decker Endowed Scholarship for Residents of Lambert's Point is funded by an endowment established by Peter G. Decker and the estate of Celia Stern. This scholarship is awarded to students who have recently graduated from a local high school who reside in Lambert's Point at the time of application to Old Dominion University. Recipients must maintain a GPA of 2.5 and demonstrate financial need.
The Haislip-Rorrer Presidential Scholars Endowment was established by Wallace Haislip and Linda Rorrer to assist one or more full-time entering freshmen with outstanding academic credentials. Recipients will be chosen according to the University’s criteria for Presidential Scholars candidacy.
*The E. L. Hamm Endowed Scholarship was established by Edward L. Hamm, Jr. to assist a student who is residing in or has resided in Norfolk Redevelopment & Housing Authority properties. The recipient must be a full-time undergraduate student who demonstrates financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Forrest H. Harrell, Jr. Scholarship Endowment was established to assist an incoming freshman student who demonstrates financial need and maintains a minimum grade point average of 3.0. (FAFSA)
The Ellen P. Harvey Scholarship Endowment was established by Old Dominion University to assist one or more full-time entering freshmen with outstanding academic merit credentials. Preference is given to resident(s) of Lambert’s Point, Highland Park, or Park Place neighborhoods surrounding Old Dominion University, or a graduate of the Lambert’s Point Summer program sponsored by the University.
*The James W. Ingersoll Memorial Scholarships are made possible by an endowment given by the Ingersoll family, their friends and the citizens of Portsmouth, Virginia. These awards assist entering freshmen who demonstrate financial need and are graduates of Churchland High School in Portsmouth. (FAFSA)
*The Ron Jet Jones Memorial Scholarship in English was established by Barbara Ann Jones to assist one or more full-time entering freshmen with an intended English major and a high school grade point average of 3.75. Student (s) must have held leadership positions in clubs or organizations in high school and must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
The James V. and Donna L. Koch Endowed Scholarship was established by the Old Dominion University Educational Foundation in 2001 to honor this former University president and his wife. This four-year scholarship assists an incoming freshman with a minimum 1300 SAT score, 3.80 cumulative grade point average and extracurricular involvement. The scholarship can be renewed if the student maintains eligibility criteria.
The Edgar and Kathleen Kovner Scholarships for outstanding high school scholars are awarded each year to entering freshmen in the Frank Batten College of Engineering and Technology. The awards are based on performance in a high school curriculum that emphasized mathematics and the sciences. These scholarships are renewable for three years for recipients who remain enrolled full time in the Frank Batten College of Engineering and Technology and maintain a 3.00 grade point average.
The A. D. Morgan Scholarships are supported by a trust established in 1968 by Dr. A.D. Morgan and Annye Lewis Morgan. The scholarships assist Old Dominion University students who are U.S. citizens and residents of the greater Norfolk area. Preference is given to the members of the Freemason Street Baptist Church of Norfolk. Recipients are selected by the trustees of the Scholarship Fund and coordinated through the Old Dominion University Office of Student Financial Aid.
*The Patricia Ann Vaughan Myers ’57 Memorial Scholarship was established by Hugh L. Vaughan in honor of his daughter, Patricia Ann. It assists an entering freshman who is a Virginia resident and a resident of the Tidewater area. The student must demonstrate financial need, academic merit and be a full-time student under the age of 24 who lives at home. (FAFSA)
*The Newport News Shipbuilding Engineering Endowment was established to assist undergraduate students majoring in engineering or engineering technology who hold a minimum 2.5 cumulative grade point average. The recipient may also be an undergraduate student enrolled as engineering intended in the Engineering Fundamentals Division with a minimum 3.0 cumulative high school grade point average. Preference will be given to students who are Pell eligible. (FAFSA)
Norfolk School Board Scholarships are funded by the University and awarded to ten entering freshmen graduates of Norfolk public or private schools. Students are selected based on their high school academic achievement. The award equals full in-state tuition (up to 15 credit hours per semester). Recipients are selected by the Director of Guidance of the Norfolk Public School system, in conjunction with the high school guidance counselors. Recipients may qualify for a one-year renewal of the award by maintaining a 2.50 grade point average and completing 24 academic units at the end of the first academic year.
Norfolk Southern Alumni Endowed Scholarships was established to assist an entering freshman in the College of Engineering and Technology or the Strome College of Business and Public Administration who rank in the top 10% of the student’s high school class, demonstrate the potential for leadership, and has a minimum combined Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) score of 1200.
*The ODU CDC Scholarship Endowment was established to assist a student who is a resident of Lambert's Point, Highland Park or Park Place neighborhoods surrounding Old Dominion University. The recipient must demonstrate financial need, and preference will be given to an incoming freshman student. (FAFSA)
The Pace Collaborative Endowed Scholarship in Engineering has been established by PACE Collaborative PC to assist an incoming freshman intending to major in engineering. The student must be a full-time student, have attained a minimum high school GPA of 3.0, and must be a U.S citizen or Permanent Resident. The scholarship may be renewed up to three academic years if the student maintains a 2.5 GPA.
The Parents’ Association of Old Dominion University Freshman Scholarship is funded by an endowment by the organization to assist an outstanding entering freshman who has demonstrated academic merit and leadership skills.
The Parents’ Association of Old Dominion University Freshman ’90 Scholarship is funded by an endowment by the organization to assist an outstanding entering freshman who has demonstrated academic merit and leadership skills.
*Regional Scholarship awards are provided by the University in the amount of $1,200 to entering freshmen from Accomack County, Chesapeake, Franklin, Hampton, Isle of Wight, Newport News, Northampton County, Portsmouth, Southampton County, Suffolk, Surry, and Virginia Beach public high schools. Students must demonstrate financial need. Students may qualify for a one-year renewal of the award if they maintain a 2.50 grade point average, complete 24 academic units for the year and demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Rafael Torrech-Tecnico Endowed Scholarship in Engineering was established by Tecnico Corporation in honor of Rafael Torrech III to assist entering freshmen from a local Hampton Roads high school with preference to children of parents who are employed at Tecnico Corporation. Students must be full-time, intending to major in the Batten College of Engineering and Technology, maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better, and demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
Old Dominion University Dominion Scholarships for Entering Freshmen
The Theodore F. and Constance C. Constant Dominion Scholarship was established by Theodore F. and Constance C. Constant to assist incoming freshmen who present a minimum 3.8 cumulative grade point average, rank in the top 10 percent of their graduating class, and score 1280 or better on the Scholastic Assessment Test. The recipient must be a Virginia resident, with preference given to Hampton Roads residents.
The Mary T. Cooper and Dudley Cooper Dominion Scholarship was established by Mary T. Cooper and Dudley Cooper to assist incoming freshmen who present a minimum 3.8 cumulative grade point average, rank in the top 10 percent of their graduating class, and score 1280 or better on the Scholastic Assessment Test. The recipient must also be a United States citizen.
The Clifford and Ann Cutchins, III Dominion Scholarship was established by Mr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Cutchins, III to assist incoming freshmen who present a minimum 3.8 cumulative grade point average, rank in the top 10 percent of their graduating class, and score 1280 or better on the Scholastic Assessment Test.
The Robert L. and Geraldine E. Fodrey Alumni Association Memorial Scholarship Endowment was established by the Old Dominion University Alumni Association to assist incoming freshmen who present a minimum 3.8 cumulative grade point average, rank in the top 10 percent of their graduating class, and score 1280 or better on the Scholastic Assessment Test.
The Harry H. and Marie Mansbach Dominion Scholarship was established by Harry H. and Marie Mansbach to assist incoming freshmen who present a minimum 3.8 cumulative grade point average, rank in the top 10 percent of their graduating class, and score 1280 or better on the Scholastic Assessment Test.
The Joseph M. Marchello Dominion Scholars Endowment was established by the Old Dominion University Alumni Association to assist incoming freshmen who present a minimum 3.8 cumulative grade point average, rank in the top 10 percent of their graduating class, and score 1280 or better on the Scholastic Assessment Test.
The Clark-Nexsen Dominion Scholarship in Engineering was established by Clark-Nexsen, PC, Architecture & Engineering, and the ODU alumni employees of Clark-Nexsen, PC to assist an incoming freshman who is a resident of Virginia, ranks in the top 10% of high school class, has attained a minimum combined Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) score of 1200, and demonstrates potential for leadership.
The Sam H., Willie Mae, and Herbert L. Sebren Dominion Scholars Memorial Endowment was established by Mr. Sam H. Sebren, Sr. and Mrs. Lucille Sebren to assist incoming freshmen who present a minimum 3.8 cumulative grade point average, rank in the top 10 percent of their graduating class, and score 1280 or better on the Scholastic Assessment Test.
The William B. Spong, Jr., Dominion Scholar Endowment was established by the Old Dominion University Alumni Association to assist incoming freshmen who present a minimum 3.8 cumulative grade point average, rank in the top 10 percent of their graduating class, and score 1280 or better on the Scholastic Assessment Test.
The College of Arts and Letters
The H. Lee Addison, III Scholarship in History was established to assist a full-time undergraduate or graduate student majoring in history who has a minimum GPA of 3.0.
*The Herbert Altschul Memorial Scholarship in Humanities is made possible by an endowment given by the family of the late Herbert Altschul, a Norfolk businessman and former owner of Altschul’s Department Store. This award assists juniors who demonstrate financial need, are U.S. citizens and are majoring in the Humanities. (FAFSA)
* The Nora Barnes Endowed Scholarship in Political Science was established to help assist a full-time student majoring in political science. The recipient of this scholarship must have at least a 2.5 grade point average and demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Bruce T. and Sarah Bishop Endowed Scholarship was established to assist a full-time student in the College of Arts and Letters who has a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better, demonstrates financial need, and demonstrates evidence of involvement in student activities. (FAFSA)
*The Linda H. and Edward Bradley Endowed Scholarship was established to assist an undergraduate student in the College of Arts and Letters with a minimum GPA of 3.0 who is eligible for the Federal Pell grant. (FAFSA)
The Eliot S. Breneiser Memorial Scholarship was established to assist a full-time music major in either the piano performance program or the music education program with a concentration in piano. Information concerning audition requirements is available from the Music Department. (AUDITION, PARTICIPATION) (757) 683-4061
*The Martha Brown Endowed Scholarship is made possible by the friends of Martha Brown. It is awarded to assist a full- or part-time student in the College of Arts and Letters. The recipient must be a sophomore or junior and maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 pursuing a minor in African American Studies. The student must also demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Dr. James V. D. Card Scholarship Fund was established to assist an undergraduate or graduate student who is majoring in English. The recipient must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
The Claire Cucchiari-Loring Memorial Scholarship was established by the Cucchiari and Loring families in honor of Claire Cucchiari-Loring. A scholarship is to be awarded annually to one or more full- or part-time musically talented students to be chosen by the Director of the Jazz Program. The recipient must be an undergraduate with a major in performance or voice. Preferred criteria include membership in the ODU Jazz Choir, membership in the ODU Jazz Band, and membership in the ODU Madrigal Singers.
The College of Arts and Letters General Scholarship was established to assist a full-time student in the College of Arts and Letters.
* The Dance Endowed Scholarship was established to assist a full-time undergraduate or graduate student(s) studying in the College of Arts and Letters who has a minimum grade point average of 2.75. Preference will be given to student(s) pursuing a degree in dance.
The Marie A. Dornhecker-French Language Endowed Scholarship is funded by the Marie A. Dornhecker Charitable Trust and was established in 1998. The recipient must be a full-time student living in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia and must be a French language major in his or her junior year of study. The scholarship is to be based primarily on academic merit.
*The Drewry Family Endowed Scholarship was established in 2004 by William B. Drewry to be given to a declared undergraduate majoring in the College of Arts and Letters. The recipient must be academically average with a grade point average between 2.8 and 3.0. Preference will be given to a student with financial aid. (FAFSA)
The Lorraine '78 '83 and Dr. H. William Fink'34 Art Scholarship in Honor of Ken Daley was established to assist an incoming full-time graduate student in the MFA program. If there is no eligible graduate candidate who is qualified, the scholarship will be awarded to a rising senior in the BFA program who has a declared concentration in Print and Photo Media. The scholarship is based on merit and review of student’s portfolio.
*The Dr. Jennifer Fish Endowed Scholarship for Social Justice was established to assist an undergraduate student with an intended major in Women's Studies or African American & African Studies within the College of Arts and Letters. Preference is given to first generation student and student(s) whose work or volunteer activities serve humanitarian causes or causes of social justice. The recipient must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
The Anne Tunyogi & Ildiko (Togi) Foldvary Endowed Scholarship was established to assist full-time rising sophomore students up through graduate student classification majoring in either of the Departments of History, Political Science, Sociology or in the Graduate Program in International Studies of the College of Arts & Letters. The recipient must maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.25, and complete an essay submission of no more than two pages outlining the student’s interest in studies primarily relating to the historical, political, economic, ethnic, religious, cultural, linguistic and demographic forces in Central Europe, with particular focus on those of contemporary and historic Hungary in the Carpathian Basin, its neighbors and their indigenous ethnic Hungarian communities, especially, whenever possible, those living in Rumania’s western province of Transylvania.
*The Daniel E. Frank Memorial Scholarship Endowment for Blacksmithing and Metalwork was established by Mrs. Rita A. Frank to assist a full-time student enrolled in the College of Arts and Letters and classified as a sophomore, junior or senior. Graduate students are also eligible for consideration. The recipient must be enrolled in studio art, blacksmithing, metalwork, jewelry-making or equivalent courses. The scholarship recipient must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 or better and demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Friends of Women’s Studies Scholarship is funded by an endowment in honor of Carolyn Rhodes to assist students majoring in women’s studies. Two scholarships are awarded: one to a graduate student seeking an M.A. in humanities and one to an undergraduate student. Undergraduate students must demonstrate financial need and have a minimum grade point average of 3.00. Graduate students must have a minimum grade point average of 3.50. Recipients can be full- or part-time students. (FAFSA)
The Eddie and Sandy Garcia Art Scholarship Endowment was established to assist a full-time undergraduate senior majoring in art and working on their final project as they are nearing graduation.
*The Ralph and Dorothy Gifuni Endowed Scholarship was established by Karin Gifuni Zumwalt in honor of her parents. The recipient of this scholarship must be a “first generation” college student, must be enrolled full-time in the College of Arts and Letters majoring in English, must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better, and must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Barbara M. Gorlinsky Memorial Fine Arts Scholarship is made possible by an endowment the Gorlinsky family established in memory of their daughter. It is designed to assist students with financial need who are fine arts majors. Information concerning portfolio requirements is available from the Art Department. (PORTFOLIO, FAFSA) (757) 683-4047
The L. Cameron Gregory Scholarship in Journalism was established by Frank Batten, in memory of Mr. Gregory, to assist a full-time undergraduate student majoring in English with an emphasis in journalism. The recipient must also have a cumulative GPA of 3.0.
The Eva May Morris Gregory Dance Scholarship honors someone who emulates Ms. Gregory’s approach and perspective regarding dance. The recipient must be a rising senior majoring in dance with a minimum 3.00 grade point average.
The Carl Helwig Undergraduate Humanities Scholarship Fund was established to assist an undergraduate student with a declared major in a course of study in the humanities.
*The Ralph Jackson and Clara Jackson Kingsbury Memorial Scholarship Endowment was established by Dr. Ralph Harrison Jackson in memory of his sister and himself. This endowment is to assist one or more undergraduate junior, senior and graduate student(s) majoring in English who has a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better and demonstrates financial need. (FAFSA)
The Lee and Bernard Jaffe Family Endowed Scholarship Fund acknowledges excellence in spoken and written communications using the English language. The recipient must be a rising junior or senior with a declared major in English or Communications with a 3.50 grade point average and recommended by the department chair and dean.
* The Linda Holmgren Jensen Endowed Scholarship for the Arts was established by George and Linda Jensen to support a full-time sophomore student studying in the College of Arts and Letters. Student must be an art major, and preference is given to a student with financial need. (FAFSA)
The Jerome J. Kern Music Prize was made possible by an endowment from the estate of Jerome J. Kern to assist a student who has declared a major in music. The award is determined by the Department of Music and based on academic merit and musical talent.
The Jerome J. Kern Music Scholarship was established by William A. Goldback in memory of his uncle. The recipient must be an undergraduate student of exceptional musical ability who is or plans to be a music major. Information concerning audition requirements is available from the Music Department. (AUDITION, PARTICIPATION) (757) 683-4061
The Amanda Kinzer Scholarship in Dance was established to assist full-time undergraduate or graduate student(s) studying in the College of Arts & Letters. Preference will be given to a student(s) pursuing a degree in dance. The recipient must have a minimum grade point average of 2.75 for undergraduate students and 3.0 grade point average for graduate students.
The Ashley Elizabeth Lawson Memorial Scholarship for Spanish Language Study Abroad was established to assist a student in the College of Arts and Letters enrolled in the Spanish Language Study Abroad Program at Old Dominion University. The recipient(s) must be full-time or part-time, Undergraduate or Graduate student.
The Marilyn Marloff and John Luker Dance Endowed Scholarship was established to assist a full-time undergraduate or graduate student(s) studying in the College of Arts and Letters who has a minimum grade point average of 2.75. Preference will be given to student(s) pursuing a degree in dance.
The Marilyn Marloff Dance Scholarship was established to assist a full-time dance major with outstanding ability/potential in dance. The recipient can be a freshman, continuing , or transfer student. Freshman recipients must have a minimum high school grade point average of at least 2.0. Continuing student recipients must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 in dance course work, and overall institutional grade point average of at least 2.0. Transfer recipients with no transfer dance hours must have a minimum transfer grade point average of 2.0.
*The Robert James Markland Memorial Scholarship Endowment for Criminal Justice was established to assist undergraduate students who may be past or present members of the Norfolk Police Department or a Virginia Marine Resource Commission Officer. The recipient must demonstrate financial need. Secondary preference is given to a student in the College of Arts and Letters with a declared major in criminal justice with intention to pursue a career in law enforcement. (FAFSA)
The James J. McNally, Ph.D. and Mary Elinor McNally College of Arts & Letters Scholarship was established to assist student(s) with an intended or declared major in the College of Arts & Letters. The recipient will have been raised by a single mother, to be determined by the Director of Educational Accessibility in consultation with the Vice President and Associate Vice President of Student Engagement & Enrollment Services. The recipient must be in good academic standing and maintain a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0.
*The Deborah L. Miller Scholarship was established to assist full-time undergraduate students from the College of Arts and Letters majoring in graphic design or fine arts. The scholar must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 and demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Agnes Mobley- Wynne Memorial Scholarship was established to assist full-time undergraduate students with a declared major or minor in Vocal Music and be registered for Applied Voice Lessons. Recipient must demonstrate financial need and have a minimum grade point average of 2.8 or higher with a preference of at least 3.0. (FAFSA)
*The Patrick Morgan Scholarship was established to assist a student with a declared major in either history or political science. Recipient must demonstrate financial need as determined through the Office of Student Financial Aid. (FAFSA)
The Perry Morgan Fellowship in Creative Writing established in 2005 by Frank Batten and is awarded to two or more first year full-time graduate students enrolled in the creative writing program. Recipients must maintain a minimum 3.5 GPA.
*The Helen and Richard Parker Scholarship Endowment in Art History was established by Helen and Richard Parker to assist one full-time undergraduate student majoring in art history. The scholarship recipient must demonstrate financial need and must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better. (FAFSA)
The James Harrison Parker Scholarship Fund was established by the Thistle Foundation to assist a student majoring in English with an emphasis in composition. The recipient must be a rising junior and have a minimum cumulative 3.00 grade point average.
The Karen A. Polonko Memorial Scholarship Endowment for Advocates of Children’s Rights was established to assist a student with a declared major in sociology, with a concentration in social welfare. Preference is given to a student with a declared minor in the children’s rights interdisciplinary minor. Preference is given to a student with membership in good standing in the student group “In Support of Children.”
The Kathryn Killam Porter Endowed Scholarship was established to assist a full-time student(s) pursuing a degree in the College of Arts and Letters. Recipient(s) must maintain a grade point average equivalent to that of the current merit scholarship standards.
*The James B. Reece Endowed Scholarship was established by William D. Brewer to assist undergraduate students majoring in English with a minimum 3.0 grade point average. The undergraduate must submit an essay on a general topic, such as the student’s reason for choosing to major in English. Scholarship recipients will be selected based upon need, scholarship, and character. (FAFSA and Essay submission required)
*The Harvey Ronald Saunders Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established by Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Saunders to assist an undergraduate or graduate student majoring in the arts/fine arts with an emphasis in painting or drawing. The recipient must have a 3.00 minimum grade point average, demonstrate financial need and be a citizen of either the United States or Israel. Information concerning portfolio requirements is available from the Art Department. (PORTFOLIO, FAFSA) (757) 683-4047
The Charles K. Sibley Art Scholarship is funded by an endowment made possible by contributions from the friends and patrons of the former Old Dominion University professor. Awards are to assist graduate or undergraduate students majoring in studio art or art history. Information concerning portfolio requirements is available from the Art Department. (PORTFOLIO) (757) 683-4047
The Schwetz Scholarship Fund of the Tidewater Jewish Foundation was established by Ruth F. Schwetz through a bequest in her will to provide a scholarship that will assist a student participating in Hillel at Old Dominion University or a student taking courses in the Jewish Studies major and/or minor.
The Andrew Basil Tuck Memorial Scholarship for Music Business/Production was established to assist full-time undergraduate students enrolled in the College of Arts and Letters pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Interdisciplinary Studies with a major in music business/production. The recipient must be classified as a sophomore or above. Preference will be given to students from Roanoke County, Roanoke City, or City of Salem.
The Caroline Heath Tunstall-Elizabeth Calvert Page Dabney Scholarship is funded by an endowment contributed in honor of two former members of the Old Dominion University English Department. This scholarship is awarded to an upperclassman in the College of Arts and Letters who has obtained at least a 3.50 grade point average.
The Charles E. and Frieda O. Vogan Music Scholarship assists undergraduate music students. Information concerning audition requirements is available from the Music Department. (AUDITION, PARTICIPATION) (757) 683-4061
The Forrest P. and Edith R. White Endowed Scholarship Fund was established by Edith R. White to provide scholarships to students studying acting in the Old Dominion University Communication and Theatre Arts Department. (AUDITION)
*The George William and Jennette Whitehurst Scholarship was established to assist a student majoring in history with a minimum GPA of 3.0 who has financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Charles Edgar Wilson Jr. Scholarship Endowment was established to assist a full-time undergraduate student(s) with sophomore, junior, or senior standing, demonstrate financial need, have declared major in the College of Arts & Letters, and must be a graduate of Tallwood High School or Kempsville High School. (FAFSA)
*The Dennis J. Zeisler Endowed Scholarship for Instrumental (Band) Music Education was established to provide undergraduate students majoring in Instrumental (Band) Music Education. Student(s) must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
The Strome College of Business
The Accounting Alumni Scholarship was established in 1993 by the Old Dominion University Accounting Alumni. It is awarded to a student who has completed a minimum of 60 semester hours majoring in accounting with a grade point average of 3.00 or above.
The Agarwal and Yochum Endowed Scholarship was established by Drs. Vinod Agarwal and Gilbert Yochum to assist an undergraduate student classified as being the best upper-division undergraduate economics major. Preference will be given to the student who is most financially disadvantaged.
*The Jeffrey W. Ainslie Endowed Scholarship in Real Estate was established in 2006 by Jeffrey W. Ainslie to assist a full-time student in the real estate track in the Strome College of Business. The student must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher and must demonstrate financial need. Preference will be given to the student with the highest GPA and demonstrating the greatest financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Bagwell-Jones Endowed Scholarship was established by Dorothy M. Jones in memory of her parents. The recipient must be a rising senior in the Strome College of Business with the highest-grade point average of three prior years at Old Dominion, as well as demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Broyles Family Endowed Scholarship was established to assist a full-time undergraduate student(s) studying in the Strome College of Business. Preference will be given to a junior or senior student(s) pursuing a degree in finance. The recipient must have a minimum grade point average of 3.2, and must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Stuart and Bet Cake Endowed Business Scholarship was established to assist full- or part-time student(s) in the Strome College of Business. Student(s) must demonstrate financial need and maintain a 3.0 grade point average. (FAFSA)
*The Chesapeake Bay Wine Classic Foundation Scholarship Endowment was established to assist student(s) that have graduated from a secondary high school located in the Hampton Roads region. The scholarship will be awarded to one or more full-time students who are declared business majors. The student should have a focus on real-estate related business and must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Lauren L. Conner ’79 Scholarship Endowment was established to assist full-time undergraduate students enrolled in the BSBA degree program. The scholar(s) must have completed a minimum of 30 semester hours, must be intended or declared major or minor in real estate, be in good academic standing, and cannot have any violations of the University’s honor code. Preference is given to student(s) with demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The William R. Conrad Scholarship was established to assist a full-time undergraduate student in the Strome College of Business who has a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better. The student must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
The Constant Dominion Business Scholarship was established as an endowment by Mr. and Mrs. Theodore F. Constant. The scholars selected will be among the best students selected to enter the University’s Strome College of Business. The award will be given to at least two Virginia residents each year.
The Robert O. Copeland Endowed Scholarship in Real Estate was established to assist a junior or senior student in the Strome College of Business. The recipient must be a declared major in financial management with an emphasis in real estate and must have a grade point average of 3.0.
*The Larry J. and Elizabeth J. Creef Endowed Scholarship was established as an endowment to provide a scholarship to a student with an interest in pursuing a career with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the CIA, the Department of Homeland Security or other security agency of the U.S. government. The recipient must be a Virginia resident and a U.S. citizen, demonstrate financial need, be a full-time student enrolled in the Strome College of Business and have declared a major in accounting. (FAFSA)
*The Kim and Keith Curtis Endowed Scholarship was established to assist a student in the Strome College of Business. The recipient must demonstrate financial need, involvement in campus activities, and possess a GPA of 3.0. (FAFSA)
*The Mark Davis/Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Business was established by the Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group to assist a full-time rising junior or senior student in the Strome College of Business. The recipient must have a declared major in finance, real estate track, maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better, and demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
The Dehority Accounting Alumni Scholarship was established to assist a student who has completed a minimum of 60 semester hours majoring in accounting with a grade point average of 3.00 or above.
*The Douglas G. and Marianne M. Dickerson Endowed Scholarship in Business was established by the Douglas G. Dickerson and Marianne M. Dickerson Foundation. The scholarship is awarded to a full-time or part-time undergraduate student who has a declared major in the Strome College of Business and demonstrates financial need with a preference given to students ineligible for the Pell grant. The recipient must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 to 3.0. The scholarship is renewable. (FAFSA)
The John F. Estes III Endowed Accounting Scholarship was established to assist a student in good academic standing in the Strome College of Business at the sophomore level or above who has declared a major in accounting and has a history of dyslexia. The scholar should exhibit a strong work ethic and ambition as evidenced by any of the following: extracurricular and/or successful business activities, entrepreneurship, or a written essay in support of the above criteria.
*The David W. and Rebecca D. Faeder Scholarship was established by David W. Faeder to assist a full-time undergraduate student in the Strome College of Business. The student must demonstrate evidence of involvement in student activities, have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better and demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Hannah Grace FitzGerald Memorial Scholarship was established by Lawrence J. (Larry) FitzGerald to assist a full-time undergraduate student in the Strome College of Business. Preference is given to a student participating in the real estate program. The student must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Gerold Family Endowed Scholarship was established to assist a full-time or part-time student(s) with a declared or intended major in accounting, finance, or marketing. The recipient must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0, and must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
The Joan Gifford Scholarship in Real Estate was established to assist a full-time undergraduate in the Strome College of Business with a real estate major, who has a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
*The Gilmore Family Endowed Scholarship in Business was established to assist full-time students enrolled or intending to enroll in the Strome College of Business. Consideration is given to Gary A. Gilmore's accounting background as a fundamental tool in his business success so that other considerations being equal, a prospective accounting major might have preference. The recipient must demonstrate financial need, and preference is given to students with at least a 2.8 grade point average. (FAFSA)
The Hampton Roads REALTORS Foundation Annual Scholarship was established to assist students enrolled in the Strome College of Business with a declared major in Real Estate. Recipient must be a U.S. citizen and a resident of the Hampton Roads area in Virginia. Student must have a grade point average of 3.0 or better.
The Richard and Melanie Hanson Endowed Scholarship in Accounting was established to assist a student(s) in the Strome College of Business with a declared major in accounting.
The Heymann Family Endowed Scholarship in Accounting was established to assist a full-time rising senior in the Strome College of Business. The recipient must have a declared major in accounting, a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher, and must be a Virginia resident.
*The Hunter A. Hogan Scholarship is funded by an endowment established by Robert M. and Eleanor Stanton and Goodman Segar Hogan Inc. on the occasion of Mr. Hogan’s retirement as chair of the firm and in recognition of his leadership in the real estate industry. This scholarship is awarded to one or more students who have demonstrated financial need and are enrolled in the real estate program in the Strome College of Business. (FAFSA)
The Jesse and Sue Hughes International Accounting Scholarship was established to assist a full-time international student in the Strome College of Business who is a declared major in accounting with a focus on public sector financial management. Preference is given to a student at the graduate level.
*The Janet L. Hume Scholarship is funded by an endowment given by Julien Robert Hume III. This scholarship is provided to assist a junior with a declared major in the Strome College of Business who has demonstrated academic merit. Preference is given to a student at least 30 years old who has demonstrated financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Debra V. Jones Endowed Scholarship in Business was established to assist a full-time, undergraduate student(s) with a declared major in information systems and technology in the Strome College of Business. The recipient must demonstrate financial need as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid. Preference is given to student(s) from Northumberland County or Lancaster County on the Northern Neck of Virginia. (FAFSA)
*The Dorothy M. Jones Memorial Scholarship has been given anonymously by a former student to honor Professor Jones, associate professor emerita in the Strome College of Business. This scholarship is awarded to a junior who has declared a major in the Strome College of Business. The student must be a resident of Eastern Virginia, enrolled full time, in good academic standing and demonstrate financial need. Preference is given to graduates of Matthews High School. (FAFSA)
*The Toykea S. Jones Endowed Scholarship in Supply Chain Management was established by Toykea S. Jones to assist a full-time sophomore, junior or senior student majoring in maritime and supply chain management. The recipient must demonstrate financial need and have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (FAFSA)
The Lori E. Kaplan Real Estate Endowed Scholarship was established in memory and honor of the late Lori E. Kaplan by Harvey Lindsay, Janet Abraham and Roslyn Kaplan and funded by an endowment given by Harvey Lindsay Commercial Real Estate, friends and family of Lori E. Kaplan and the proceeds of the annual Lori Kaplan Memorial Golf Tournament. Preference is given to students with a declared major in financial management or real estate, a minimum 2.75 grade point average, demonstrated interest in the profession of real estate, demonstrated commitment to the community and those currently employed full or part time.
*The Kilmer Accountancy Scholarship Endowment was established to assist full-time undergraduate or graduate student(s) with a declared major in accounting. The recipient must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Pamela C. Kirk ’88 and A. Russell Kirk Business Study Abroad Endowment was established to assist full-time undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the Strome College of Business to participate in Strome College of Business faculty-led study abroad experiences or an ODU-affiliated study abroad program approved by a committee if an ODU faculty-led program is not offered. Preference will be given to full-time undergraduate or graduate students that demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
* The Larry and Colgate Kittelberger Endowed Scholarship in Business was established by Larry and Colgate Kittelberger to assist a full-time undergraduate student in the Strome College of Business. The recipient must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
The Barry M. Kornblau Real Estate Endowed Scholarship was established by Barry M. Kornblau for a student who is a junior or senior in the Strome College of Business. A major in financial management with an emphasis in real estate and a grade point average of 3.25 are required.
*The Legacy Faculty Endowed Scholarship in Management was established to assist full-time undergraduate students enrolled in the Strome College of Business with a declared major in management. This scholarship is merit-based with preference given to a student who has completed at least 75 undergraduate credit hours with demonstrated financial need. (FAFSA)
The Harvey L. Lindsay Jr. Real Estate Scholarship was established to assist student(s) who declared or have an intended major in finance with a real estate major, demonstrate financial need, and will be enrolled full- or part-time. The recipient must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0. Preference is given to Virginia residents and to student(s) who are engaged in volunteer service with the community or campus community.
Lobeck-Taylor Scholars was established to assist first-year student(s) enrolled in the Strome College of Business. Recipients must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 and express interest in entrepreneurial studies or starting their own business.
*The Gregory Lumsden Endowed Scholarship was established by Gregory Lumsden in 2005 to assist an undergraduate student in the Strome College of Business working towards a degree in business (BSBA or BA in economics). The scholarship recipient must have a minimum cumulative 3.0 grade point average and must demonstrate evidence of involvement in student activities. Recipient must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
The Prabhav Maniyar Endowed Scholarship in Economics was established to assist an undergraduate student(s) with a declared major in Economics. The recipient must be enrolled as a full-time student, maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better, and the scholarship is renewable so long as the recipient continues to meet the preferred criteria mentioned above.
*The McLaughlin Family Endowed Scholarship was established in 2004 by Dennis McLaughlin and The Atlantic Group, Inc. to assist an undergraduate in the Strome College of Business who is a declared management major. The student must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher, and the selection will be based on demonstrated financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Jean S. and Thomas W. Martin Jr. Endowed Accounting Scholarship was established to assist a junior or senior undergraduate student in the Strome College of Business. The recipient must be majoring in accounting and must have a GPA of 3.3 or better. Preference is given to a Virginia resident, those who have served in the military and honorably discharged, and a student who demonstrates financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Michael & Karen May Endowed Scholarship in Accounting was established to assist a student who demonstrates financial need and is intending to major in accounting or currently majoring in accounting. The recipient must be a graduate from one of the following schools: Booker T. Washington HS (Norfolk, VA), Granby HS (Norfolk, VA), IC Norcom HS (Portsmouth, VA), Woodrow Wilson HS (Portsmouth, VA), Achievable Dream HS (Newport News, VA), Heritage HS (Newport News, VA), Gretna HS (Gretna, VA), Bluestone HS (Skipwith, VA), Brunswick HS (Lawrenceville, VA), Central HS (Victoria, VA), Eastern Montgomery HS (Elliston, VA), Honaker HS (Honaker, VA). Preference will be given to a student who comes from a statistically underrepresented background. (FAFSA)
*The Hampton Roads Society of Financial Service Professionals Jane Martin Scholarship was established to assist a junior or senior majoring in risk and insurance in the Strome College of Business. The student must be in good academic standing with the University. Preference is given to students who demonstrate a high-grade point average, extracurricular activities and financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Daryl and Marion Mitchell Family Endowed Scholarship in Business was established to assist a student pursuing a degree in the Strome College of Business. Recipient must have demonstrated financial need as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid. (FAFSA)
*The Robert W. Mitchell Endowed Scholarship in Real Estate was established to assist a full-time student enrolled in the finance/real estate major in the Strome College of Business. The recipient must demonstrate financial need and maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.8. (FAFSA)
*The Laura and William Morrison Endowed Scholarship in Business was established to assist student(s) with a declared or intended major within the Strome College of Business. Student(s) must be enrolled full time, demonstrate financial need, and have a minimum grade point average of 3.0. Preference is given to a student(s) engaged in volunteer service to the community or campus community. (FAFSA)
* Christine C. Pantoya Endowed Scholarship was established to assist a student(s) with a declared or intended major within the Strome College of Business. The recipient must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 and demonstrate financial need. Preference is given to a student(s) who is engaged in volunteer service to the community or the campus community. (FAFSA)
*The Tevangudi P. Radhakrishnan Endowed Scholarship was established by Rajesh Radhakrishnan to assist a full-time international student in the Strome College of Business. The scholarship may be awarded to the student with the highest GPA and demonstrating the greatest financial need. (FAFSA)
The Charles H. and Mary Kathryn Rotert Scholarship was funded by an endowment established by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Rotert Jr. This scholarship is awarded to a deserving student in the Strome College of Business.
The Strome College of Business General Scholarship was established to assist a full-time student in the Strome College of Business.
The Strome College of Business Endowed Study Abroad Scholarship was established to assist a full-time student in the Strome College of Business. Study abroad opportunity must be ODU sponsored, and the recipient must have a minimum 3.0 grade point average.
*The Scott and Lisa Thatcher Scholarship Endowment was established to assist a full-time undergraduate or graduate student with a declared major in finance who demonstrates financial need. (FAFSA)
*Robert W. Thompson Endowed Accounting Scholarship was established to assist students enrolled in the Strome College of Business with a declared accounting major or preference can be given to a student who intends to major in accounting. The recipient must have a grade point average of 3.0 and must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
The Tidewater Association of Service Contractors (TASC) Scholarship was established to assist student(s) from the Strome College of Business degree program. Student shall be enrolled in a full-time undergraduate/graduate program, or a full/part-time Masters Verification in Government Contracting program or any other program supporting government contracting within the continuing Education Departments, demonstrate financial need, and must be in good academic standing. (FAFSA)
*The Shawn I. Tureman Scholarship Endowment was established to assist full-time undergraduate or graduate students in the Strome College of Business who demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Joseph and Donna Vestal Endowed Scholarship was established by Joseph Vestal to assist a full-time student in the Strome College of Business who has a GPA of 2.5 or higher and demonstrates financial need. The recipient must also be involved in campus student activities in a leadership program. (FAFSA)
The Virginia Maritime Association/Carter T. Gunn Scholarship was established to assist undergraduate students enrolled in the Strome College of Business majoring in Maritime and Supply Chain Management and/or an MBA student pursuing a concentration in Maritime & Port Management and demonstrating financial need. (FAFSA)
The Vispo-Torgesen Accounting Endowed Scholarship for Upperclassmen was established to assist full-time junior or senior students. Preference is given to students who intend to join or are members of the Managerial Auditing and Accounting Club (MAAC) and/or to those who have been inducted into the National Honor Society for accounting students, Beta Alpha Psi. The recipient(s) must exhibit extracurricular service outside of accounting activities such as part-time employment, an internship, or volunteer work. The recipient(s) must maintain a grade point average of 3.0.
The Vispo-Torgesen Marketing Scholarship for Upperclassmen was established by John R. Vispo ’72 and Carol T. Vispo ’75, graduates of the Strome College of Business with concentrations in marketing management, to establish an endowed scholarship, named in honor of their families. The scholarship recipients must be full-time students, at the junior or senior level, in the Strome College of Business with a major in marketing. A strong preference is given to students who intend to join, or are members of, the University’s student chapter of The American Marketing Association. Students must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 and exhibit extracurricular service outside of marketing activities such as part-time employment, an internship, or volunteer work.
*The Fred Whyte-STIHL Business Scholarship Endowment was established to assist full-time undergraduate student(s) enrolled in the Strome College of Business. The recipient must be a junior or senior student, have a minimum grade point average of 3.0, and must demonstrate financial need. Student(s) are encouraged to participate in an internship with STIHL Inc., or its successor. (FAFSA)
*The Rolf Williams Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established by the Propeller Club of the United States, Port of Norfolk to assist a full-time undergraduate or full-time graduate student in the Strome College of Business. The student must be a rising senior with a declared major in maritime and supply chain management or a graduate student in the Master of Business Administration program with a concentration in maritime, ports, and logistics management. Preference will be given to the student with greatest financial need and at least a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. (FAFSA)
Anne D. Wood Endowed Scholarship Fund was established by Richard B. Thurmond in 2001 to assist an undergraduate student enrolled in the real estate major in the Strome College of Business. The recipient must have a minimum grade point average of 2.50.
The Darden College of Education and Professional Studies
The Sarah E. Armstrong Scholarship Endowment was established in 2002 in memory of the donor, Sarah E. Armstrong. The recipient must be a full-time student who has been accepted into the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies and must have an overall cumulative 3.2 grade point average.
The Linda Zydron Bamforth Scholarship in Early Childhood Education was established to assist a student(s) enrolled in the Early Childhood Program of the Darden College of Education. The recipient(s)must be a full-time or part-time student, has a minimum GPA of at least 3.5, and demonstrate a commitment to young children and the profession as evidenced by their performance in related course work.
The Dana Burnett Endowed Scholarship for Emerging Leaders in Higher Education was established to assist admitted students in the Darden College of Education enrolled in the Education Foundations and Leadership program interested in pursuing careers in higher education.
*The Coca-Cola Scholars Endowed Scholarship Fund was established by the Coca-Cola Foundation to assist a student enrolled in a financial aid-eligible program leading to teacher certification, licensure, and/or enhancement. Consideration will be given to all students studying via Digital Learning who have a minimum of 58 credit hours with a 3.00 cumulative grade point average. The recipient must also demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA, Essay))
The Costulis Family Scholarship was established to assist full-time undergraduate students with a declared major in mechanical engineering or an approved teacher education program at Old Dominion University. The recipient must be a graduate of Poquoson High School, Maury High School, or Indian River High School, and must maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.3.
*The James and Patricia Cross Endowed Scholarship was established to assist full-time undergraduate student(s) enrolled in the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies. The recipient must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 and must demonstrate financial need and merit as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid. (FAFSA)
*The Robert B. Cunningham Endowed Scholarship was established by Robert B. Cunningham to assist a student enrolled in the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies enrolled as a full-time student. The student must demonstrate financial needed (FAFSA)
The Darden College of Education and Professional Studies General Scholarship was established to assist a full-time student in the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies.
*The Lorraine Buser Halsch '80 Memorial Scholarship Fund in Special Education was established by Paul Halsch in memory of his late wife, Lorraine Buser Halsch, an Old Dominion University alumnus who majored in special education. The recipient of this scholarship award must be a junior or senior with a declared major in special education, must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher, and must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Dr. Elizabeth Dubovsky & Col. Thomas Kaugher Jr. Endowed Scholarship was established to assist a Junior or Senior student in the Darden College of Education & Professional Studies attending classes at the Norfolk Campus. Recipient(s) must demonstrate financial need and maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher. (FAFSA)
The Higginbotham Endowed Scholarship Fund was established by Hal B. Higginbotham to assist a rising junior or senior in teacher education in the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies. The recipient must be a full-time student, child or grandchild of an ODU graduate, and must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0.
*The Ejner Emil "Karl" Karlsen Scholarship for Future Teachers was established to assist student(s) seeking a degree in teaching education and/or licensure and fully admitted into a teacher education program. The student must be a Virginia resident qualifying for in-state tuition, must demonstrate financial need, and may be enrolled at full- or part-time status. (FAFSA)
*The Jan P. Lowrance ’74 Scholarship in Human Movement was established to assist full-time students who have declared a major in the human movement sciences program within the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies. The recipient must maintain a 3.0 grade point average and demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
The Dr. Helen Moore Scholarship Endowment was established to assist full-time undergraduate student(s) in the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies.
The Donald J. Musacchio Scholarship Endowment was established to assist students in the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies. The recipient must be in good academic standing and must have completed at least 24 credit hours. The recipient must submit a one-page personal statement and three letters of recommendation not to exceed two letters from ODU faculty or professors and one letter from a personal reference. The selection of the award will be determined by the Dean of the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies.
*The Nybakken-Graves Endowed Scholarship was established to assist a full-time undergraduate student whose parent or legal guardian is a graduate of the Darden College of Education and who is licensed or a certified professional educator (teacher, school counselor, principal, speech pathologist or other professional educator). Student must be enrolled in the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies, demonstrate financial need, and have a minimum grade point average of 3.5. (FAFSA)
*The Hugo A. Owens Jr. and Rosa R. Owens Scholarship in Memory of Dr. and Mrs. Hugo A. Owens, Sr. was established to assist a student in the Darden College of Education & Professional Studies demonstrating financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Annabel & Hal Sacks Family Endowed Scholarship was established to assist a full-time student in the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies who has met the requirements to enter into the teacher candidate internship at the graduate or undergraduate level. The student must demonstrate financial need and must be taking classes on campus. (FAFSA)
*The Peggy Ashford Scott Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established by Simpson Ashford to assist a full-time undergraduate student majoring in elementary education. The student must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher and a demonstrated financial need. (FAFSA)
The J. Frank Sellew Memorial Scholarship in Education was established by the friends and family of Mr. Sellew. The recipient must have a GPA of 3.0 and major in any teacher education program. The recipient must also meet all teacher education admission standards established by their program of study and the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies.
*The Strong Scholars Program Scholarship was established by the Hattie M. Strong Foundation to assist students in their final year of study in an approved teacher education program. This scholarship will be awarded to undergraduate students who have exhibited outstanding success and enthusiasm in field experiences prior to the final year of the program OR graduate students whose life experiences prior to enrollment reveal the same traits. Students must have achieved a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the two semesters prior to their final year and must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
The Dr. A. Rufus and Sara Tonelson Scholarship in Special Education was established by Dr. Stephen W. and Dr. Louis O. Tonelson in memory of their parents whose lives were dedicated to the education of students. Students must be accepted into the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies special education program, enrolled full time and have a minimum GPA of 3.0.
*The Jessica Rhea Turner Scholarship in Human Services Counseling was established by Ulysses Turner to assist a full-time student majoring in human services with a minimum grade point average of 2.5. The recipient must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Ulysses Turner Scholarship in Educational Curriculum and Instruction was established by Ulysses Turner to assist a full-time undergraduate student enrolled in the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies within the Department of Teaching and Learning with a focus on teaching from grades K-12. The recipient must demonstrate financial need and must have a minimum grade point average of 2.5. (FAFSA)
*The Patricia Goodman Waldo Scholarship Endowment for Special Education was established to assist a full-time undergraduate junior or senior student admitted in the approved teacher education program with the special education general curriculum K-12 endorsement. The recipient must demonstrate financial need and must have a minimum grade point average of 3.2. (FAFSA)
*The Louise M. White Memorial Scholarship was established to assist a student pursuing a degree in the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies, first generation student that demonstrates financial need (FAFSA)
*The Charles P. and Margaret B. Wildermann Endowed Scholarship for Future Teachers was established by Charles P. Wildermann and the late Margaret B. Wildermann to assist a full-time undergraduate student majoring in English. The student must be accepted into an approved teacher education program as determined by the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies and demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
The Frank Batten College of Engineering and Technology
The American Society of Highway Engineers-Greater Hampton Roads Chapter Scholarship in Engineering (ASHE-GHR) is awarded to a full-time undergraduate civil engineering student with an emphasis in transportation. The recipient must be a U.S. citizen, a rising junior, and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
The Edward N. Antoun, AH Environmental Endowed Scholarship in Engineering was established to assist a full-time undergraduate student intending to major in civil and environmental engineering. The recipient must attain a minimum high school GPA of 3.2 and be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident.
*The Michael Baker International Scholarship Endowment was established to assist full-time undergraduate students majoring in civil engineering or civil engineering technology. The recipient(s) must demonstrate financial need and must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0. Preference is given to undergraduate students from Virginia, but Virginia residency is not essential. (FAFSA)
The Batten College of Engineering and Technology General Scholarship was established to assist a full-time student in the Batten College of Engineering and Technology.
The BBG Incorporated Endowed Scholarship in Engineering was established by BBG Incorporated for a rising junior or senior majoring in electrical engineering, electrical engineering technology, computer engineering, or computer engineering technology who holds a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. The scholarship is also available to a graduate student majoring in electrical engineering or computer engineering with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. The recipient will also be considered for an engineering cooperative education/intern position with BBG Incorporated.
The Stanley Blaxton Endowed Engineering Scholarship was established by the Stanley Blaxton Foundation to assist an undergraduate student majoring in engineering or engineering technology who holds a minimum 2.5 cumulative grade point average, or an undergraduate student enrolled as engineering intended in the Engineering Fundamentals Division with a minimum 3.0 cumulative high school or transfer grade point average. The recipient must be enrolled for at least half-time enrollment or co-op education/intern position. Preference will be given to Disabled Veterans of the United States Armed Forces.
*The Civil and Environmental Engineering Visiting Council (CEEVC) William M. Boone Memorial Scholarship is awarded based on both need and merit to a full- or part-time junior civil and environmental engineering student. (FAFSA)
*The Bruce and Carol Conway Scholarship Endowment was established to assist a student that is pursuing a degree within the Batten College of Engineering & Technology. The recipient must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
The Corporate Circle Endowed Scholarship was established by The Corporate Circle of the Frank Batten College of Engineering and Technology in 2003. Recipients must be rising sophomores with excellent academic credentials and a declared major in either engineering or engineering technology. Preference will be given to someone with membership in one or more of ODU’s student engineering societies.
The Costulis Family Scholarship was established to assist full-time undergraduate students with a declared major in mechanical engineering or an approved teacher education program at Old Dominion University. The recipient must be a graduate of Poquoson High School, Maury High School, or Indian River High School, and must maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.3.
*The Dr. Frederick J. Berger and Gary R. Crossman Endowed Scholarship in Engineering Technology was established to assist a full-time undergraduate engineering technology student who will have completed 58 or more credits and will qualify as a junior in an engineering technology curriculum. The recipient must demonstrate financial need, attend Old Dominion University on campus and hold an overall minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0. (FAFSA)
The Day-Helmick Family Endowed Scholarship in Engineering was established to assist a student in the Batten College of Engineering and Technology.
The Dewberry Endowed Scholarship was established to assist full-time students in the Batten College of Engineering and Technology in the civil engineering, electrical engineering, or mechanical engineering disciplines.
The Rolle Dubbe’ and GET Solutions Civil Engineering Scholarship Endowment was established to assist a first-time, full-time undergraduate engineering student with preference given to a civil engineering major or civil engineering intended major. The recipient must have a minimum grade point average of 2.5 and/or have a cumulative high school or transfer grade point average of 3.0.
The Electrical and Computer Engineering Scholarship was established to assist undergraduate students majoring in electrical engineering or computer engineering. The recipient must be a rising sophomore, junior, or senior and must have a minimum GPA of 2.75.
The Jack and Jeanie Harris Endowed Engineering Scholarship was established to assist engineering students who have made a commitment to minor in biomedical engineering. This scholarship is based on merit; the recipient must maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.0 and must be a full-time student.
*The EWA-Joseph B. Vestal Endowed Scholarship was established by Enterprise Wireless Alliance to assist a full-time student in the third year of study with at least 55 hours completed and a 2.5 grade point average. The recipient must be pursuing a course of study leading to a degree in either electrical engineering technology or information systems management. Preference will be given to a student focusing on a professional career in the expanding universe of wireless applications and/or telecommunications as determined by the submission of a 500 word essay describing the applicant’s specific career objectives in the industry. Students must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Toykea S. Jones Endowed Scholarship in Engineering was established by Toykea Jones to assist a full-time undergraduate (sophomore or above) majoring in civil engineering, who must have graduated from one of the following high schools in Hampton Roads, VA: Lake Taylor, I.C. Norcom, Norview, Booker T. Washington, Maury, or Granby. The student must demonstrate financial need and must have a minimum GPA of 3.0. (FAFSA)
The Edgar and Kathleen Kovner Scholarships provide several one-year scholarships: (a) for continuing engineering students who demonstrate academic achievement and (b) for engineering students who participate in extracurricular activities.
*The Labelle Endowed Scholarship in Engineering has been established by William M. Labelle, Jr. to assist a full-time, rising sophomore or junior majoring in electrical and computer engineering. The recipient must demonstrate financial need, be a U.S. citizen and have a GPA of 3.0 or better. (FAFSA)
The Lewis Endowed Scholarship in Engineering was established by William Ashton Lewis Sr. and Louise B. Lewis to assist a full-time rising sophomore student majoring in mechanical engineering. The recipient must be a U. S. Citizen or Permanent Resident, must have attained a minimum undergraduate grade point average of 3.0, and must maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.5 to hold the scholarship. The scholarship may be awarded up to three academic years if the recipient maintains at least a 2.5 grade point average.
*The Mr. Winfred D. Nash and Patricia D. Nash Endowed Scholarship in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Technology was established to assist an undergraduate transfer student from a Virginia Community College majoring in electrical or mechanical engineering technology. The recipient must demonstrate financial need and have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0. (FAFSA)
*The Richard H. Nettleton Endowed Scholarship for Civil Engineering was established to assist students in the Batten College of Engineering and Technology majoring in civil engineering and demonstrate financial need. Strong preference is given to a student who promotes diversity amongst statistically underrepresented groups. (FAFSA)
*The Newport News Shipbuilding Engineering Endowment was established to assist undergraduate students majoring in engineering or engineering technology who hold a minimum 2.5 cumulative grade point average. The recipient may also be an undergraduate student enrolled as engineering intended in the Engineering Fundamentals Division with a minimum 3.0 cumulative high school grade point average. Preference will be given to students who are Pell eligible. (FAFSA)
The Newport News Shipbuilding and Huntington Ingalls Industries Scholars Program was established to assist rising junior, senior and/or graduate students who are declared in a STEM major related to engineering, analytics, information technology, and/or computer sciences. Student must maintain a minimum undergraduate grade point average of 2.0, and a minimum graduate grade point average of 3.0. The recipient must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. First preference will be given to military- affiliated student or student veterans. Second preference will go to students interested in working and living in Hampton Roads.
*The Clarence Lee Ray Endowed Scholarship is made possible by an endowment established by Clarence L. Ray, Jr. The scholarship is awarded to a full-time undergraduate student in the Batten College of Engineering and Technology who holds a 3.0 GPA or better. The recipient must demonstrate financial need and be a U.S. citizen. (FAFSA)
*The Christopher Kelly Rapp Memorial Scholarship in Civil & Environmental Engineering was established to assist a student with a declared major in Civil and Environmental Engineering who has graduated from a Virginia High School and demonstrates financial need. (FAFSA)
The Stuart H. Russell Memorial Scholarship is made possible by an endowment established by the estate of Olive L. Spicer. The scholarship is awarded to a deserving student in the Batten College of Engineering and Technology with particular preference given to a student in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department with an interest in electronics.
*The Sue Cotton Smith Endowed Scholarship in Engineering was established to assist a full-time undergraduate student intending to major in civil and environmental engineering. The recipient must have attained a minimum high school GPA of 3.2, be a U.S citizen or Permanent Resident, and demonstrate need. The scholarship may be renewed for up to four academic years if the student maintains a 3.0 GPA. (FAFSA)
*The William D. Stanley Scholarship Fund in Engineering Technology was established to assist an undergraduate transfer student in engineering technology with 58 or more credits at a two-year institution at the time of matriculation at Old Dominion University and a 3.0 grade point average. Recipient must demonstrate need. (FAFSA)
The Sumitomo Machinery Corporation of America Endowed Scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate student enrolled in the Batten College of Engineering and Technology or the Strome College of Business with preference given to students with additional international studies. The recipient will be eligible for a work experience in Japan with the Sumitomo Machinery Corporation. The recipient may be eligible for renewal on a semi-annual basis with the approval of the award committee and the maintenance of a 3.00 grade point average.
The Triton International Enterprises Scholarship Endowment was established to assist full-time undergraduate or graduate student(s) from the country of Turkey with preference given to student(s) residing in a city OTHER THAN Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Bursa, Antalya or Adana. The recipient must be enrolled in Old Dominion University’s Frank Batten College of Engineering & Technology.
*The Clarke and Susan Vetrono Endowed Scholarship is funded by an endowment established to assist one undergraduate and one graduate student with an intended or declared major in the Batten College of Engineering and Technology. The recipient must be enrolled full time and demonstrate financial need. An undergraduate student must have a minimum GPA of 2.75, and preference will be given to a student with learning disabilities. A graduate student must have a minimum GPA of 3.0. (FAFSA)
The Virginia Natural Gas Endowed Scholarship in Environmental Engineering was established by Virginia Natural Gas and the AGL Resources Private Foundation to assist a full-time undergraduate student who has an educational focus in civil and environmental engineering.
The Virginia Society of Professional Engineers Scholarship, established in 1991, is awarded to a junior or a senior in the Batten College of Engineering and Technology. The student must have attended high school in Southside Hampton Roads, be active in Batten College of Engineering and Technology clubs and societies and be a U.S. citizen. An essay must be submitted to the Engineering Scholarship Committee. (ESSAY)
*The Edward L. White Endowed Scholarship was established by Edward L. White, Jr. and Margaret W. Moore to assist a computer engineering student. The recipient must be a Norfolk resident, have a minimum 3.30 grade point average and demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The George C. Winslow Scholarship is made possible by an endowment to assist a graduate or undergraduate student who has demonstrated financial need and has obtained at least a 2.50 grade point average while pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering. (FAFSA)
The Gordon Webster Zipperer III Endowed Scholarship was established by the Hampton Roads Chapter of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (HRC-ASHRAE) to promote heating, refrigeration, and air conditioning engineering education at Old Dominion University. The recipient must be a full-time undergraduate student studying mechanical engineering or mechanical engineering technology. The student must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and be a rising senior or in the senior year. Preference is given to student membership in the ODU Student Chapter of ASHRAE.
The Anthony B. Woodell and Paul A. Woodell Aerospace Engineering Scholarship was established to assist a senior taking a senior concentration in aerospace engineering or pursuing an aerospace minor within The Batten College of Engineering and Technology. Preference will be given to the same student to continue their studies at ODU by pursuing a master's degree or Ph.D. in aerospace engineering. Preference will be given to full-time students, awarded on merit and/or financial need, and the student must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 at both undergraduate and graduate levels.
*The Captain Joseph F. Yurso Scholarship Endowment was established to assist students in the Batten College of Engineering and Technology who demonstrate financial need and are in good academic standing. (FAFSA)
The Ellmer College of Health Sciences
The Thomas Charles Auclair (’78) Scholarship is made possible through an endowment given by Mr. and Mrs. George E. Auclair in memory of their son. The scholarship supports a student pursuing studies in environmental health.
*The Dr. Scott Sechrist Nuclear Medicine Technology Scholarship Endowment was established to assist a full-time junior or senior enrolled in the nuclear medicine technology program. The student must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 and must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Dr. Tapan K. Chaudhuri Endowed Scholarship was established to assist a full-time junior or senior who has been admitted into the Old Dominion University nuclear medicine program. The recipient must demonstrate financial need and have the highest GPA amongst those eligible for the scholarship award. (FAFSA)
The College of Health Sciences General Scholarship was established to assist a full-time student in the College of Health Sciences.
*The Cathy Dowrick Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established by Barbara Williams and the Clinical Laboratory Management Association (CLMA) to assist a full-time senior admitted into the medical laboratory science program. The recipient must be a declared major in medical laboratory science and demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Gene W. Hirschfeld Scholarship is supported by an endowment given by the former chair of the Department of Dental Hygiene and Dental Assisting. The scholarship is awarded to undergraduate or graduate students who demonstrate financial need and are enrolled in the dental hygiene program. (FAFSA)
*The LifeNet Health College of Health Sciences Endowed Scholarship was established to assist a full-time senior student(s) enrolled in Old Dominion University’s School of Medical Diagnostic and Translational Sciences. Student(s) are encouraged to participate in a 3-4 week Internship at LifeNet Health or its successor (School of Medical Diagnostic and Translational Sciences will supervise). The internship must be completed prior to graduation. The recipient must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The LifeNet Health Medical Laboratory Science Endowed Scholarship was established to assist a full-time senior student(s) enrolled in Old Dominion University’s College of Health Sciences. Recipient(s) must demonstrate financial need. Student(s) are encouraged to participate in a 3-4 week Internship at LifeNet Health or its successor (College of Health Sciences Dean's Office will supervise). The internship must be completed prior to graduation. (FAFSA)
*The Linda Fox Rohrer Endowed Scholarship for Dental Hygiene was established by Mrs. Linda Fox Rohrer in 2004. Recipients must be either full-time graduate or undergraduate students. The scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student in the School of Dental Hygiene. The recipient must also demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
The Sentara Scholars College of Health Sciences Annual Scholarship was established to assist an in-state undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in a healthcare or healthcare-related program. Student(s) must demonstrate financial need, be in compliance with the institution's Student Code of Conduct and must be in good academic standing.
The Sharon C. Stull Oral Health Community Impact Scholarship was established to assist all enrolled dental hygiene student(s) in the BSDH and MSDH programs. Interested student(s) must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 and must submit an application packet to the Dental Hygiene Scholarship Committee. The packet should contain information that describes his/her leadership, volunteer and extra-curricular initiatives to increase oral health literacy in the community and include a letter of support from impacted volunteer/community organization(s).
*The Rev. Dr. Russel J.-Dr. George E. Emig-Carole Ann Schrott Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established by an anonymous donor to assist junior and senior undergraduate students with a declared major in dental hygiene, who upon graduation, intend to enter the workforce or a master’s program. The scholarship recipient must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0, demonstrate financial need, and be a Hampton Roads resident. Secondary consideration may be given to a junior or senior declared nursing major who, upon graduation, intends to enter the workforce or a master’s program. (FAFSA)
The Dr. Deanne Shuman Endowed Scholarship in Public Health was established to assist a full-time undergraduate student with regular admission status to the BS in Health Sciences program on the basis of completed and fully evaluated credentials and in good academic standing. The recipient must have a minimum of grade point average of 3.25.
*The J.M. Walton & Professor A.J. English Scholarship was established to assist a full-time student admitted to the Old Dominion University Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health degree program. The recipient must have a minimum grade point average of 3.5 or greater and be in good academic standing. In addition, the recipient must submit an essay no longer than 500 words to the Environmental Health Faculty committee describing personal career goals in industrial hygiene or occupational safety and health and reason(s) for choosing this field of study. Recipient must be enrolled in the ENVH 441 Industrial Hygiene course or its successor.
The Melvin H. Williams Scholarship for Exercise Science was established to assist a student in the exercise science program in the Department of Human Movement Sciences. The recipient must be a rising senior, enrolled full time, and have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA.
The Ellmer School of Nursing
*The Amerigroup Leadership Endowed Scholarship is made possible by the Amerigroup Corporation. The scholarship is awarded to a student who is enrolled at least half-time as an undergraduate junior or senior in the School of Nursing. Priority is given to students who have dependent children. The recipient must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA).
The Atlantic Anesthesia Endowed Scholarship for Nurse Anesthesia Students was established to assist full-time nurse anesthesia students in good standing. The scholarship will support tuition for any given semester of enrollment.
The Captain Kenneth B. Austin USN and Mrs. Virginia Frank Keller Austin Scholarship for Nursing Students was established to assist a full-time student with junior status who has been accepted into the School of Nursing. The recipient will be selected based on merit and demonstrated leadership experience.
*The Bon Secours Hampton Roads Health System School of Nursing Endowed Scholarship was established to assist a full-time senior undergraduate enrolled in the Old Dominion University Nursing program. The recipient must demonstrate financial need (as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid). The recipient must agree to a Role Transition experience with a minimum of 120 clinical hours (140 for honors students) at Bon Secours Hampton Roads Health System facility or its successor (School of Nursing will supervise). The student(s) will agree to placement in a specialty area including but not limited to: Emergency Room, Operating Room, Intensive Care Unit or Critical Nursing. (FAFSA)
*The Chesapeake Regional Medical Center Nursing Endowed Scholarship was established to assist a full-time undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in Old Dominion University’s nursing program. The student must demonstrate financial need and must agree to accept 120 clinical hours at Chesapeake Regional Medical Center, or its successor. (FAFSA)
*The Joseph Fleischmann Scholarship Endowment was established to assist a full-time undergraduate sophomore, junior, senior or graduate student enrolled in pre-med or nursing major. Preference is given to a student pursuing medical research. The recipient must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 and must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Jordan and Carol Levitin Endowed Scholarship in Nursing was established to assist a full-time pre-licensure undergraduate student(s) enrolled in the Old Dominion University School of Nursing. The recipient must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
The Barbie Morgan Endowed Scholarship for Nurse Anesthesia Students was established to assist full-time senior nurse anesthesia student(s). Students interested in the scholarship must submit an application to the Graduate Nursing Awards Committee. The application packet should describe his/her volunteer activities, include a letter of support from the volunteer organization(s), and provide evidence of demonstrated clinical excellence as reported by preceptor feedback and evaluations.
*The Cinda L. Morgan Memorial Scholarship was established to assist a registered nurse with an associate degree or graduate of an accredited diploma program who wants to go back and get his or her post licensure BSN. Recipient must be a declared nursing major and must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
The Samuel B. Murphey Scholarship in Nursing was established by the family and friends of Samuel B. Murphey to assist a rising sophomore, junior, or senior student in nursing with a minimum grade point average of 2.5.
The Norris-Keeley Scholarship for Registered Nurse Students in Hampton Roads was established to assist a student enrolled in a minimum of six semester credits of BSN curriculum courses per semester and a current licensure as a registered nurse in Virginia. The recipient must have completed the most general requirements at the time of admission into the RN-BSN program and demonstrate academic excellence during the first semester of enrollment in the RN-BSN program (maintaining a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or above)
School of Nursing General Scholarship Fund was established to assist a full-time student(s) in the School of Nursing.
The George and Susan Petro and Michael and Anna Yura Endowed Scholarship was established by Dr. Helen Yura Petro and Joseph Petro in memory of their parents, George and Susan Petro and Michael and Anna Yura. The scholarship is to be awarded to a full-time senior or junior majoring in nursing, with a minimum GPA of 3.0.
* The Joseph Petro and Helen Yura Petro Endowed Nursing Scholarship was established to assist a full-time junior or senior admitted into the Old Dominion University undergraduate nursing program. The student must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Marilyn Frakes Quinn Endowed Undergraduate Nursing Scholarship was established by Dr. John Nunnery to assist a full-time junior or senior student enrolled in Old Dominion University’s nursing program. The student must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Rev. Dr. Russel J.-Dr. George E. Emig-Carole Ann Schrott Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established by an anonymous donor to assist junior and senior undergraduate students with a declared major in dental hygiene, who upon graduation, intend to enter the workforce or a master’s program. The scholarship recipient must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0, demonstrate financial need, and be a Hampton Roads resident. Secondary consideration may be given to a junior or senior declared nursing major who, upon graduation, intends to enter the workforce or a master’s program. (FAFSA)
*The Sara C. Seay Endowed Scholarship for Nursing Students was established to assist a full-time undergraduate student(s) enrolled in the Old Dominion University School of Nursing. The recipient must have a minimum cumulative grade point average above a 3.5 and must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
The Molly Seymour Endowed Scholarship for Nurse Anesthesia Students was established to assist a student who must have completed one year of clinical preparation and be entering their third academic year in the Nurse Anesthesia program. The scholarship recipient must have and maintain a grade point average of at least 3.5.
*The TOWN Foundation Scholarship Awards were established to encourage students with academic ability who lack sufficient financial means to attend the Old Dominion University School of Nursing. Each recipient must meet the normal admission standards of the Old Dominion University School of Nursing and demonstrate substantial financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Robert B. and Rosemarie Williams Endowed Scholarship for Undergraduate Nursing was established to assist a pre-licensure, full-time senior level undergraduate student pursuing a degree in Nursing. Recipient must be in good academic standing with a grade point average of 3.0 or higher and must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Eugene Michael Yura and Eli Petrun Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Nursing was established by Dr. Helen Yura Petro and Joseph Petro to assist a full-time junior or senior majoring in nursing. The student must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
The College of Sciences
The Clifford L. and Lillian R. Adams Scholarship is made possible by an endowment established by Mr. and Mrs. Adams. Mr. Adams, the former director of the Research Foundation and department chair, taught in the Department of Physics at Old Dominion University for many years. The scholarship is awarded to a full-time undergraduate with a declared or intended major in physics.
The Beatrice Rice Adreon Endowed Scholarship for Pre-Pharmacy Studies was established to assist full-time undergraduate student(s) entering his/her senior year and enrolled in a major that includes pharmacy school prerequisites, intends to enter a Virginia pharmacy school, and has taken his/her Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT) before the award is given. The recipient will submit a personal statement describing why they have chosen a pharmacy career and the impact pharmacy will have on their patients and their community. The scholarship will be awarded to the student(s) having the strongest recommendation from his/her instructors. The recipient must maintain a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0
*The Sarah E. Armstrong Science Scholarship Endowment was established in 2002 in memory of Sarah E. Armstrong. The recipient must be a full-time student who has been accepted into the College of Sciences. The recipient must have a minimum 3.2 grade point average and demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
The Robert Bock Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund was established by the Bock family to assist a resident of Chincoteague, Virginia. Second preference will be given to residents of Accomack or Northampton County in Virginia. The recipient must be a junior or a senior majoring in the biological sciences with a cumulative grade point average of 3.00. Priority is given to residents of Chincoteague.
The John Evan Cash Scholarship in Psychology was established to assist an undergraduate student in good academic standing. The student must be a declared psychology major.
The Richard T. and Nancy P. Cheng Award in Computer Science was established to assist one graduate student and one or more undergraduate student(s) enrolled in the Department of Computer Science in the College of Sciences. The graduate scholar must be in good academic standing and making good progress on his/her degree. The undergraduate scholar(s) may be awarded up to the extent funds are available and must have a minimum grade point average of 3.5.
The Dr. Allen K. Clark Endowed Scholarship in Chemistry was established to assist a full-time undergraduate or graduate student majoring in chemistry or organic chemistry. Preference will be given to a student who is an affiliate of the American Chemical Society. The recipient must maintain a grade point average of at least 3.0.
The College of Sciences General Scholarship was established to assist a student enrolled in the College of Sciences. Scholarship selection is determined by the Dean of the College of Sciences.
*The Delk-Shufflebarger Scholarship was established to assist one or more students from the College of Sciences. The recipient must maintain a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 and must demonstrate financial need as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid. (FAFSA)
*The Joseph Fleischmann Scholarship Endowment was established to assist a full-time undergraduate sophomore, junior, senior or graduate student enrolled in pre-med or nursing major. Preference is given to a student pursuing medical research. The recipient must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 and must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
The Nancy Ferguson Frye Award was established in 1990 by her family and friends. The recipient of the award must be a senior majoring in the geological sciences with a minimum grade point average of 3.25.
*The Wayne A. Helm Endowed Scholarship was established to assist full-time undergraduate student(s) in the College of Sciences majoring in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biochemistry, or computer science. Preference will be given to a student(s) majoring in math. Preference will be given to a U.S. citizen. The recipient must be a sophomore, junior or senior. The recipient must have at least a 3.2 grade point average and must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Jarvis Family Endowed Scholarship was established to assist a full-time undergraduate student pursuing a degree in the Department of Psychology. The recipient must have at least a 3.0 grade point average. Preference is given to a student with financial need. (FAFSA)
The Toykea S. Jones Endowed Scholarship in Chemistry was established to assist a full-time undergraduate student. The recipient must be a sophomore or above majoring in chemistry and must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0.
*The Dr. James M. Kiernan Memorial Endowment is made possible by an endowment given by Margaret and Charles Wildermann. The scholarship recipient will be chosen based on financial need. The student must be a declared physics, math, or computer science major and have earned at least a 2.5 grade point average. The recipient must be a citizen of the United States. Preference will be given to a junior or senior or a student who transferred to Old Dominion from a community college. (FAFSA)
The Sree Taposh Kumar and Sreemati Bulu Rani Chowdhury Memorial Scholarship was established by Dr. Tapan Chaudhuri, Dr. Tuhin Chaudhuri, Dr. Tandra Chaudhuri, Dr. Tarun Chaudhury, Dr. Triptesh Chaudhury, Mr. Tanmay Chowdhury, and Mrs Tripti Bhaduri. The scholarship will assist a full-time student enrolled in the College of Sciences who is completing the prerequisites for medical school with the intention of working in the field of medicine. The scholarship will be awarded to the student with the highest GPA of the pool of potential recipients.
*The Old Dominion University Biology Scholarship Endowment was established to assist full-time undergraduate student(s) in biology. The recipient must be a graduate of a Hampton Roads area high school and must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
The Travis Priest Family Endowment was established to assist an undergraduate or graduate student in good academic standing. The recipient must work with the Systems Group within the Department of Computer Science in the College of Sciences.
The Nick Savage Scholarship was established by Anne Raymond Savage to assist a full-time undergraduate or graduate student majoring in an area of science that involves field work and the study of plant life. Preference will be given to a student who is entering or returning to the field of teaching science. Students must maintain a grade point average of 3.0.
The Carl A. Schulz Jr. Endowed Scholarship was established to assist full-time undergraduate students majoring in mathematics.
The Science Museum of Eastern Virginia Prize was established by the Science Museum Association of Eastern Virginia in 1998. The award is given to one or more junior students majoring in biology, chemistry, computer science, geology, math, oceanography, physics or psychology. The recipient(s) must have at least a 3.25 grade point average.
*The A. Kenneth Scribner Science Scholarships are made possible by the family of the late Mr. Scribner, former president of Virginia Chemicals, Inc. and a former member of the Old Dominion University Board of Visitors. Established in 1978, the scholarships assist students majoring in science or a science-related field who have demonstrated financial need and show capability and industry in scientific studies. Preference is given to graduates of Hampton Roads public schools. (FAFSA)
*The Marc and Deanna Steiner Endowed Scholarship in Ocean & Earth Sciences was established to assist an incoming freshman intending to major in the Department of Ocean & Earth Sciences in the College of Sciences. Recipient must maintain a grade point average equivalent to that of the current merit scholarship standards (cumulative 3.0 GPA) First preference will go to a recipient with demonstrated financial need. (FAFSA)
The C. S. Sherwood III Scholarship is made possible by an endowment from the family and friends of the late Calder S. Sherwood, III, a former professor emeritus at Old Dominion University. This scholarship is to assist one rising senior majoring in either geology or chemistry (on an alternating basis).
The Elzie Glenn Whitlock Endowed Scholarship in Math is funded by an endowment established by Elzie Glenn Whitlock to assist a student who will be enrolled full time with a declared major in math. The recipient must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
The Patricia and Douglas Perry Honors College
The Honors College Scholarships are awarded to a select group of entering freshman who, on the basis of their academic achievement, are chosen to participate in the program. The scholarship may be renewed for three years (six semesters) provided students continue to meet program participation standards. Recipients are selected by the Dean of the Honors College (Separate Application Required: (PARTICIPATION) (757) 683-4865
The Brock Foundation Endowed Honors Scholarship was established by The Brock Foundation to assist students enrolled in the Perry Honors College. The recipients must be juniors or rising seniors in good standing in the Honors College and willing to volunteer with ACCESS.
The John and Kate Broderick Opportunity Scholarship Endowment was established to assist students accepted into the Perry Honors College. This scholarship is merit based, and will assist students with tuition, room, and board expenses. In addition, this scholarship is also available to fund study abroad, undergraduate research and/or entrepreneurial opportunities.
*The Robert T. Cahill and Amanda J. Cahill Scholarship Fund was established to assist a student accepted into or currently enrolled in the Perry Honors College. The recipient must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
The Cranmer-Skinner Scholarships are funded through an endowment established by Mr. and Mrs. Jay G. Cranmer in recognition of the contributions to the University by Dr. Richard Skinner, first director of the Honors College. They are awarded to Perry Honors College participants whose academic performance, extracurricular activities and potential for leadership exemplify ideals of scholarship, personal integrity and citizenship. The endowment also provides financial support to bring prominent persons to campus to interact with the honors students. (PARTICIPATION)
The Jennifer Fitzgibbon Honors College Endowed Scholarship was established to assist an incoming freshman admitted in the Perry Honors College who has a strong career interest in engineering or finance. The recipient must be enrolled full time and submit a 500 word essay pertaining to career goals.
*The Matin Family Honors College Endowed Scholarship was established to assist a full-time undergraduate student(s) studying in the Perry Honors College. Preference will be given to a student(s) pursuing a degree in the sciences or humanities. The recipient must have a minimum grade point average of 3.5 and must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Perry Honors College General Scholarship was established to assist a full-time student in the Perry Honors College. The scholarship recipient will be determined by the Perry Honors College based on merit or need. (FAFSA)
Military Awards
Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (AROTC) participants may qualify for scholarships. More information on application procedures and program requirements is available from the faculty of the Department of Military Science and Leadership. (PARTICIPATION) (757) 683-3663
Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC) participants may qualify for full or partial scholarships. More information on application procedures and program requirements is available from the faculty of the Department of Naval Science. (PARTICIPATION) (757) 683-4744
The Danhof VanDyke Military Scholarship was established to assist full-time or part-time students who maybe an active-duty military member, or to a veteran. The scholar must maintain a grade point average of 2.5 and may be taking classes on campus or online.
The Vice Admiral Samuel L. Gravely Scholarship has been established by the University to honor a member of the naval community. Two recipients will be selected by the Hampton Roads Naval ROTC unit from among the College Program Candidates who have met the July 15 application deadline. The recipients must be full-time students with 3.00 minimum high school grade point averages and 1000/22 SAT/ACT test scores.
*The Kyle Middleton Memorial Scholarship was established to assist a current Army ROTC student(s). The recipient must demonstrate financial need, be in good academic standing and must be enrolled in courses at Old Dominion University. (FAFSA)
*The Theodore N. Turley Memorial Scholarship assists an Army ROTC participant with financial need who has achieved junior status and has obtained a minimum 3.00 cumulative grade point average at the end of the first semester of the junior year. (PARTICIPATION, FAFSA)
The Matthew Wallace Patriot Scholarship was established to assist incoming freshman students who may be a relative of a United States serviceman or woman (Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines) wounded or deceased (KIA) or related to a service member who participated in Operation Iraqi and Enduring Freedom or any future operation thereafter. The scholarship is renewable. The recipient must be in good academic standing, enrolled at least half time and maintain at least a 2.5 GPA. A 500 word essay, based on a specific topic determined by the scholarship selection committee, is required. (Essay) (757) 683- 6856
*The Scherberger-Barrett Memorial Scholarship for Disabled Veterans was established in memory of Colonel (USA, Ret) Richard J. and Virginia Barrett Scherberger to assist a student who has a service-connected disability. The student veteran must provide documentation from Veterans Affairs as proof of service-connected disability status, have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5, and demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
Other Awards (General)
*The Addenbrook Scholarship Fund was established to assist full or part-time student(s) who is taking classes on campus or by way of distance learning and demonstrates financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Alumni of Nu Theta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Endowed Scholarships was established to assist a full-time student who is a first-generation college student in good academic standing. Recipient must demonstrate financial need, be eligible to receive the Federal Pell Grant, and has demonstrated active participation in either community service activities, on-campus service organizations like fraternities or sororities, or professional or departmental organizations. (FAFSA)
The Bannon Foundation Quasi-Endowed Scholarship was established to assist four students of the Eastern Shore of Virginia with their commuter expenses.
*The BayPort Credit Union Endowed Scholarship was established as a general scholarship award to assist a full-time student(s) who demonstrates financial need. Preference will be given to freshman or sophomore students. (FAFSA)
The BBL ODU Endowed Scholarship was established by SpringHill Suites by Marriot to assist a student from the Lambert’s Point neighborhood of Norfolk. The recipient must be a full-time sophomore, junior or senior student who successfully participated in the University’s Lambert's Point Summer Program authorized by the Director of the Lambert’s Point Program.
Birshtein Family Scholarship Endowment was established by Ms. Frances Levy Birshtein. Two scholarships per year will be awarded, The Mayer Isaac ‘Easy’ Birshtein Scholarship and The Oscar Brandeis Birshtein and Frances Levy Birshtein Scholarship. Recipients must be undergraduate students who have graduated from a high school in Norfolk, Portsmouth or Virginia Beach, have a cumulative grade point average between 3.00 and 3.50 and demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Opie and Peggy Bittle Memorial Endowment was established by Charles and Margaret Bittle Wildermann to assist a student who demonstrates financial need. (FAFSA)
*The "Bob" Scholarship Endowment was established by Erle Marie Latimer '80 to honor and celebrate the life of her late husband Robert M. Latimer '56. This endowment will assist a student(s) who has graduated from the Norfolk Public School system. Preference will be given to incoming freshmen that are Pell Grant eligible. The student must maintain a grade point average of 2.5 or higher. The recipient must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
The Ruth S. Bouknight Memorial Scholarship was established to assist a full- time or part-time student who has lost their biological mother during birth. Second preference will be to assist a student who has lost their biological mother as a minor. Third preference will assist a student who has lost a parent in active military service. Fourth preference will assist a student with an intended major in the Batten College of Engineering and Technology or seeking a degree in Human Services in the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies.
*The John R. Burton Jr. Scholarship is made possible by an endowment to assist students who demonstrate financial need. Preference is shown to high school graduates who have been reared in the Hope Haven Children’s Home. (FAFSA)
The John and Kate Broderick STEM-H Scholarship Endowment was established to assist recipients with a declared major in STEM-H.
*The Robert Claytor Memorial Scholarship is funded by an endowment from the friends of Robert Claytor for a student who demonstrates financial need, according to federal needs analysis. (FAFSA)
The Coalition of Black Faculty and Administrators’ Endowed Scholarship is funded by an endowment established by the Coalition of Black Faculty and Administrators to assist a student who is a graduate of one of the following high schools in Hampton Roads, VA; I. C. Norcom, Hampton, Bethel, Maury, Indian River, Norview, Booker T. Washington, Oscar Smith, Kecoughtan, Granby, Deep Creek, Menchville, Salem, Denbigh, Tallwood, Lake Taylor, Bayside, Phoebus, Western Branch, Churchland, Ocean Lakes, Kempsville, Great Bridge, Princess Anne, and Green Run. The recipient must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student and must have an overall GPA of at least 2.5. An essay submission of 500 words is required. The essay topic is the student’s commitment and/or involvement in the black community on or off campus.
The Ellis Family Endowed Scholarship was established by Janet A. and John C. Ellis to assist a high school graduate of a Hampton Roads high school. The recipient must be an undergraduate student of good character with financial need. Preference will be given to individuals who participated in the Tidewater ACCESS or Learning Bridge programs.
The Holland Dunston Ellis Jr. Memorial Scholarship has been established through an endowment gift from Mrs. Lavonne P. Ellis in memory of her husband. The award is to assist a continuing student who has completed at least 24 credit hours, maintains a cumulative GPA of 3.0, and must demonstrate evidence of community service activities and/or achievement.
The Charles H. Eure Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a marine science or engineering student who has a 3.00 grade point average and is of sound moral character. Preference will be given to a STASR (South Tidewater Association of Ship Repairers) company family member.
*The Suffridge-Fallon Endowed Scholarship was established by Patrick J. Fallon and Sandra S. Fallon to assist a full-time student with a minimum GPA of 3.0. The recipient must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
The Anita Clair Fellman Endowed Service Learning Scholarship is funded by an endowment established by Dr. Carolyn H. Rhodes to assist one or more full-time graduate or undergraduate students who participate in a service-learning project through the Department of Women’s Studies. The recipient will be selected by the chair of the Women’s Studies Department and another faculty member in the department.
*The Alan M. and Beverly G. Frieden Endowed Scholarship in STEM was established to assist student(s) with a declared major in a STEM program and demonstrates financial need. (FAFSA)
The Giandoni-Onuschak Endowed Scholarship was established to assist a full-time undergraduate student in need of financial assistance.
*The Hansen Family Foundation Endowed Scholarship was established to assist a student(s) that demonstrate financial need, must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 or higher. First preference will be given to a student(s) with parents or guardians that are active-duty military personnel or first-responders.
*The Elizabeth Hatton Sodini and Frank J. Hatton Endowed Scholarship was established as a general scholarship award to assist a student who demonstrates financial need. Preference is given to student(s) currently residing in the Hampton Roads. (FAFSA)
*The Hackworth-Hobbs Endowed Scholarship was established by Dorothy and Charles Hackworth and Charles Hackworth II to assist an undergraduate student with a minimum 3.2 grade point average who demonstrates need and has participated in student activities and non-paid volunteer community activities. (FAFSA)
*The Haislip-Rorrer Scholarship was established in 2001 by Wallace G. and Linda Haislip. The undergraduate scholarship recipient must demonstrate financial need and leadership experiences, be a resident of the Southside of Hampton Roads and have a minimum 3.00 grade point average. (FAFSA)
*The David F. Harnage Endowed Scholarship was established by friends and colleagues of David F. Harnage. The recipient must be a “first generation” college student and must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Paul J. Homsher, Ph.D. and Judith Wharton Homsher ’72 Cancer Survivor Scholarship was established to assist a student who is either battling a life-threatening form of cancer or is a survivor of a life-threatening cancer. The recipient must demonstrate financial need, maintain a grade point average (GPA) of 2.5, and will be chosen by the Dean of Students Office in conjunction with the Office of Educational Accessibility. (FAFSA)
*The Wil & Michaelene James Endowed Scholarship was established to assist student(s) pursuing a degree in the STEM-H field, must be a native to the Hampton Roads area in Virginia, demonstrate financial need and must have a minimum grade point average of 2.5. (FAFSA)
The Lisa B. Smith and Maurice A. Jones Study Abroad Scholarship was established to provide an award to an undergraduate Pell grant eligible student. Second priority is to provide an award to an undergraduate Pell grant eligible student from the City of Norfolk or Hampton Roads Community. The recipient will be selected by the Office of Study Abroad.
*The Robert J. Kasdon Endowed Scholarship was established to assist two full-time students who are residents of the City of New York or the State of New Jersey. The recipient must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Pamela C. Kirk ’88 and A. Russell Kirk Study Abroad Quasi-Endowment was established to assist full-time undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in Old Dominion University to participate in faculty-led study abroad experiences or an ODU-affiliated study abroad program approved by a committee if an ODU faculty-led program is not offered. Preference will be given to full-time undergraduate or graduate students demonstrating good academic standing, no violations of the University’s Honor Code, and demonstrating financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Martin Luther King Jr. Endowed Scholarship was established in 1987 by an anonymous donor to be given to a graduate of one of the following high schools: Lake Taylor, I.C. Norcom, Norview, Booker T. Washington, Maury or Granby. The recipient must have completed 60 academic credit hours with a major in the Batten College of Engineering and Technology or the Department of Accounting and demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Kiwanis Club of Suburban Norfolk Endowed Scholarship was established by the Kiwanis Club of Suburban Norfolk to assist a full-time student demonstrating good citizenship and financial need. The recipient must be a citizen of the United States or eligible non-citizen. Preference will be given to a student who was a member of Key Club in high school, active in community service in high school, or active in community service as a student at Old Dominion University. (FAFSA)
*The Landmark Foundation Southeastern Virginia Opportunity Scholarship was established to assist in-state undergraduate students who demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Landmark Foundation Southeastern Virginia Opportunity Scholarship was established to assist in-state undergraduate students who demonstrate financial need. Recipients must have graduated from a public or private high school or have completed homeschooling while living in one of the following Virginia localities: Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Portsmouth, Chesapeake, Suffolk, Franklin, Hampton, Newport News, Poquoson, Williamsburg, Isle of Wight County, Surry County, Sussex County, Southampton County, Accomack County, Northampton County, York County, James City County, Gloucester County, or Mathews County. (FAFSA)
*The R.K.T. “Kit” Larson Scholarship is made possible by an endowment established in memory of Mr. Larson by his friends and colleagues of The Virginian-Pilot newspaper. The scholarship is awarded to a junior or senior with financial need who is enrolled full-time and works on a school, community or University publication. Recipient must be a resident of a Virginia or North Carolina city, or county served by The Virginian-Pilot. (FAFSA)
*The Aubrey and Lucille Machen Scholarship is made possible by an endowment established in 1992 by Robert F. and Nancy M. Wildermann. The award assists a student who meets Old Dominion University’s minimum academic requirements and has financial need. (FAFSA)
The Memorial and Recognition Scholarship Fund is an endowed scholarship that will be awarded to a student with a minimum grade point average of 3.00 and is able to demonstrate involvement in community service.
*The Jeffrey Moore Scholarship Endowment was established by C. Jeffrey Moore to assist a full-time undergraduate student with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better. The recipient must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
The Wendy M. Moore, D.D.S. STEM Scholarship was established to award two full-time students who are American citizens. The recipients may be a junior or senior in a major considered part of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) areas. Recipients should be legal residents of, or graduate of a high school in the following counties in order of: (1) King George; (2) Westmoreland; (3) Caroline. Secondary preference for selection may be to assist students in the immediate surrounding counties of Lancaster, Richmond, Northumberland, and Essex. Third preference for selection may be to assist students from Stafford, Spotsylvania, or Fredericksburg. The recipients must maintain a grade point average (GPA) of 2.5.
*The Norfolk Southern Scholars Program was implemented by the Norfolk Southern Foundation for students from the Lambert’s Point neighborhood of Norfolk. It is renewable for a maximum of three additional years. (FAFSA)
The Office of Administration and Finance Staff Scholarship was established to assist a current full-time employee of Old Dominion University’s Office of Administration and Finance who has completed one year of full-time service or a dependent of such employee at the University at the start of the semester for which the award is available.
The Old Dominion University Alumni Association Merit Scholarship was established in 2002 to assist full-time undergraduate students. The recipient(s) must maintain a grade point average equivalent to that of the current merit scholarship standards. The recipient must be willing to participate as the student representative to the Old Dominion University Alumni Association Board of Directors if so requested. ODU Alumni Legacy is a benefit in evaluation but not an essential requirement.
The Old Dominion University General Scholarship Endowment was established to assist students with educational cost. Recipients will be chosen based on university priorities in effect at the time of the award and will not be limited by need, merit, or program.
The ODU Student Concordia Scholarship Endowment was established to assist a current full-time student at Old Dominion University, who maintains a grade point average (GPA) minimum of 2.8 and must be an active participant on the ODU campus and give back through the act of service as demonstrated by two recommendation letters from individuals in supervisory positions of the recipient.
The Faculty Emeriti Association Klinefelter/Phillips Scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to the children of Old Dominion University faculty. The Faculty Emeriti Association Scholarship Committee annually determines the best qualified students among candidates who meet the criteria stated in the Memorandum of Understanding with the Old Dominion University Educational Foundation.
The Parents’ Association of Old Dominion University Continuing Student Scholarship is provided by the association to assist a continuing student who demonstrates academic merit.
*The James Harrison Parker Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established for the purpose of providing student educational assistance. The recipient must be a junior or senior degree candidate in environmental engineering, coastal engineering, oceanography or biological sciences. The student must demonstrate financial need and have a minimum grade point average of 3.00. Preference may be given to a student who has been active in the local Boys and Girls Club. (FAFSA)
*The Propeller Club of Norfolk was established by the Propeller Club of the United States, Port of Norfolk. First preference for this scholarship will be given to students who are a current or former Merchant Mariner or the son or daughter of a current or former Merchant Mariner. The recipient must be a full-time student in any field of study leading to a degree, have at least a 3.0 grade point average, and demonstrate financial need. The recipient must provide reasonable documentation to verify Merchant Mariner relationship or qualification. (FAFSA & submit reasonable documentation to the Office of Student Financial Aid)
*The Wayne and Lottie Rogers Endowed Scholarship was established to assist full or part-time student(s) who is taking classes on campus and demonstrates financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Alfred B. Rollins Jr. Scholarship was established in 1985 by the Old Dominion University Alumni Association to honor this former president of the University. The award assists a student who demonstrates financial need and is in his/her senior year of study. (FAFSA)
The Kenneth A. Samet Endowed Scholarship for Academics was established as a general scholarship award to a student in good standing.
*The Sherwood/Portsmouth Scholarships are funded annually by a trust established by the late Calder Sherwood III, a professor emeritus in the departments of Chemical Sciences and Physics/Geophysical Sciences. Professor Sherwood served on the Old Dominion University faculty for 38 years. The scholarships are awarded to graduates of public high schools in Portsmouth, Virginia who demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
The John and Grace Staley Memorial Scholarships are made possible by an endowment from the estate of Grace Staley to assist one male and one female student who successfully complete the University Ladders program. The recipients must have an advisor’s recommendation.
The Student Scholarship Fund was established by the Vice President for Advancement to assist undergraduate students.
*The Tang Family Scholarship Endowment was established to assist a full-time student who demonstrates financial need. The recipient must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better. (FAFSA)
The Tidewater Friends of Foster Care Scholarship was established to assist students that come from the foster care system and who are in good academic standing.
The Town-N-Gown Scholarship has been established by Town-N-Gown, an association dedicated to promoting cooperation between the Hampton Roads community and the University in order to promote better understanding in fulfilling the aims and ideals of each. The scholarship recipient rotates annually from the following: (1) resident of the greater Hampton Roads area, (2) a member of or dependent of active duty military personnel and (3) a dependent of an Old Dominion University faculty or staff member.
*The Cecelia Tucker Endowed Scholarship was established assist a student that demonstrates financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Cecelia Tucker Quasi-Endowed Scholarship was established assist a student that demonstrates financial need. (FAFSA)
The Hugh L. Vaughan Scholarship has been established by an endowment to assist handicapped students. Preference is given to blind students. Recipients must be native born citizens and residents of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
*The Verlander Foundation Endowed Scholarship was established by the George W. Verlander and Cornelia M. Verlander Memorial Foundation to assist students who reside or are a dependent of a resident of Lancaster County, Virginia. Students must be full-time undergraduates who maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5 and must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
The Lewis and Lisa Warren Scholarship Endowment was established by Lewis and Lisa Warren to assist a full-time undergraduate student with sophomore or greater standing. The recipient must have a minimum 3.2 grade point average. Preference is given to a student who has demonstrated participation in community service activities.
The Lewis and Virginia Webb Jr. Scholarship was established in 1975 by the Old Dominion University Alumni Association to honor this former president of the University and his wife. It is awarded to the rising junior with the highest grade point average at the end of his/her sophomore year of study.
*The Jane L. and Robert H. Weiner International Affairs Scholarship is made possible through an endowment established by Mr. and Mrs. Weiner to assist a student who will be studying abroad through the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP). Preference will be given to students who will study in a third world or developing country for the purpose of fostering international understanding and peace and who demonstrate academic achievement and financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Wells Fargo Endowed Scholarship assists an undergraduate student who is a Virginia resident and demonstrates financial need. First preference is given to a student from Lambert’s Point neighborhood, second preference is given to a student from the neighborhoods surrounding the Old Dominion University campus, and the third preference to a student from the Hampton Roads area. (FAFSA)
*The Calvert S. Whitehurst Scholarship is funded by an endowment established by Mr. Robert B. Kendall and augmented by the Whitehurst Scholars Scholarship Foundation. The endowment recognizes the contribution of both Mr. Calvert S. Whitehurst and his son, Professor G. William Whitehurst, former member of the U.S. Congress. The scholarship is awarded to a student with financial need who demonstrates academic potential. (FAFSA)
*The Friends of Dr. G. William Whitehurst Scholarship is to be awarded to an undergraduate student with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 who is eligible for the Federal Pell Grant. (FAFSA)
*The Fritz and Marcy Wildermann Scholarship was established in 1980 by Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Wildermann to assist a student who meets Old Dominion University’s minimum academic requirements and has financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Robert F. and Nancy M. Wildermann Endowed Scholarship was established by an endowment in 2001 by Nancy M. Wildermann. The scholarship will be awarded to a full-time student who demonstrates eligibility to receive the Federal Pell Grant. The recipient must have a grade point average between 2.5 and 2.75 (FAFSA)
Other Financial Aid Resources
The David Allan Derbyshire Leadership Scholarship was established to assist entering freshmen and/or undergraduate students who have established a history of leadership and service at the high school or collegiate level and are interested in continuing in that role. This is a merit- based scholarship. The recipient(s) must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0, enroll as a full-time student, and must submit an essay about their growth and development as a leader. Students must apply each year by submitting their essay to the Dean of Students for scholarship selection consideration. Preference may be given to a Circle K member.
*The GATS, Inc. Endowed Scholarship has been established by the GATS Charity Fund to assist a full-time freshman student majoring in the sciences, engineering, math, or computer science. The recipient must have a high school GPA of 3.0 or higher and demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
The Parker Lesley Endowed Fund has been established for students who demonstrate need for special circumstances. Special circumstances are defined as emergency travel, supplies, equipment, etc. (ESSAY) (757) 683-6856
*The Emily and Christine Maria Grant Endowment was established by Helen Clark, executor of the Christine Maria estate, on behalf of the late Christine A. Maria and her sister Emily to assist full-time undergraduate students who participate in student leadership activities as defined by the Office of Leadership and Learning. Students must demonstrate financial need and preference is given to students majoring in music or science. (FAFSA)
*The Vicki and Abe Kalfus Endowed Scholarship was established to assist students intending to major in accounting, political science, or the medical field. The recipient must be enrolled as a full-time student, be a Virginia resident and citizen of the U.S and demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
*The Adam Shelby White Study Abroad Scholarship Endowment was established to assist an undergraduate Pell Grant-eligible student. A committee chaired by the Senior International Officer will select the recipient. Student must be in good academic standing and cannot have any violations of the University's honor code. (FAFSA)
The George Wilcox Kirby, Jr. Scholarship was established by George Wilcox Kirby, Jr. to assist full-time undergraduate students.
The Monarch Athletic Bands Endowed Scholarship was established by the Old Dominion University Educational Foundation. The recipient(s) must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student, successfully complete an audition, and maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5 for an undergraduate student or minimum GPA of 3.0 for a graduate student.
The Old Dominion Model U.N. Society Alumni Jean Gazarian Memorial Scholarship was established to assist a full-time Sophomore, Junior or Senior student who is a member of the ODU Model UN. Student must be active in more than one club or organization on campus. Recipients must have a grade point average of at least 2.75.
The C. Donald Porter Endowed Scholarship in Music was established by Retail Alliance in honor of its former President C. Donald Porter. The scholarship recipient must be enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student majoring in music with a concentration in piano. The student must also maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better.
*The Pybus Family Scholarship Fund was established to assist a full-time undergraduate or graduate student who demonstrates financial need. (FAFSA)
The James Stamos Scholarships in Voice and Piano are made possible by a bequest from Mr. Stamos to assist several students who are majoring in either voice or piano. Information concerning audition requirements is available from the F. Ludwig Diehn School of Music. Contact the chair of the school. (AUDITION) (757) 683-4061
*The Charles Redford "Red" Stone Scholarship was established to assist a full-time student in good academic standing. The student must demonstrate financial need. (FAFSA)
The Student Activities Scholarships in music are awarded to students who participate in one or more School of Music activities including concert choir, band, orchestra, Madrigal Singers, and brass choir. Information concerning audition requirements is available from the School of Music. Contact the chair of the school. (AUDITION, PARTICIPATION) (757) 683-4061
The Viburnum Acting Endowed Scholarship Fund was established by the Viburnum Foundation to provide monetary awards to acting students. (AUDITION)
Veterans and Dependents Benefits
Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Education Program (VMSDEP)
The Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Education Program (VMSDEP) is a Commonwealth of Virginia program that provides education benefits to spouses and children of qualifying veterans who have been rated by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (USDVA) as totally and permanently disabled or at least 90 percent permanently disabled as a result of military service or qualifying military service members killed, missing in action, taken prisoner, or who have been rated by the USDVA as totally and permanently disabled or at least 90 percent permanently disabled as a direct result of involvement in covered military combat. Military service includes the United States Armed Forces, United States Armed Forces Reserves, or the Virginia National Guard. VMSDEP assists survivors and dependents of qualified veterans or service members in attaining their educational goals.
The Virginia Department of Veterans Services (VDVS) is responsible for certifying eligibility for benefits under the Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Education Program.
The State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) and Virginia’s public colleges and universities are responsible for applying the financial aid benefits (tuition/fee waiver, stipend) available under VMSDEP.
Benefits are available for up to eight semesters, the equivalent of four academic years.
Students who are certified by VMSDEP are eligible for educational benefits (a waiver of tuition and mandatory fees). Housing and meals are not included.
In addition, as funds are available, eligible students may receive a stipend to offset other educational expenses incurred by the student, such as room, board, books, and supplies. Please note that the stipend will not be available for the advance purchase of books.
Only students appearing on the verification rosters released by SCHEV to the institutions will be funded for the terms specified as authorized, regardless of certification/verification from any other source.
Stipends Priority Funding System for Fall and Spring
Because there may not be sufficient funding to make full VMSDEP stipends to all eligible students, a priority funding system will be used to determine the order and number of stipends. Students in a higher Priority category must receive their full projected annual stipend, as determined by SCHEV based on student enrollment level before subsequent categories are considered for funding. Only students appearing on the verification rosters released by SCHEV to the institutions will be funded for the terms specified as authorized, regardless of certification/verification from any other source.
To apply for VMSDEP, students must submit the application on the Virginia Military Survivors web site
Once approved, students are required to report enrollment plans via the VMSDEP portal for each term they wish to use benefits within the established open and close dates. Once the request is approved by VMSDEP, the student’s name will be placed on the roster in the VMSDEP portal. The student's financial aid account will be noted with the enrollment and expected tuition amount. Please note VMSDEP only covers the tuition costs. Housing and meals are not included. Tuition payment may be adjusted for enrollment changes or tuition charge revisions.
The student’s name must match the name listed in the ODU system to be processed. For example, if the name listed with VMSDEP is Bobby Smalls, the ODU name listed must also be Bobby Smalls. It cannot be Bob Smalls or Robert Smalls. VMSDEP funds cannot be processed if the student names do not match in both systems. It is strongly encouraged to have the student social security number on file to prevent processing delays. The student’s domicile/residency must also be determined. Submit the request for instate tuition form or contact the Office of the Registrar for assistance. Students with a pending domicile status cannot be processed.
VMSDEP can only pay the authorized term tuition charge. Late fees may be assessed if the student is not listed in the portal timely and will be the responsibility of the student.
Approval for late submission of VMSDEP request for awarding of benefits will be at the discretion of the ODU Office of Financial Aid.
The student must report enrollment plans in the VMSDEP portal during the open and close established deadlines for tuition to be applied to the term requested. If you do not complete your enrollment update by the listed Close (Due by) date and time, you must request retroactive approval from your attending Virginia public college or university; and if approved, the respective institution will notify the VMSDEP Office of such approval; upon which, the Office will authorize the qualifying semester. The financial aid office decision on retro request is final.
Note: Once the academic year is closed for processing (August 1), ODU can no longer approve VMSDEP tuition retro request.
Students should follow the VMSDEP application deadline guidelines to ensure they are approved for the semester they want to start the benefit.
VMSDEP Award Information
As a state veterans’ benefit, the VMSDEP will be included as a financial resource in the financial aid package and may reduce state grants*, University grants or scholarships, federal loans, federal work-study, and private loans. Each financial aid offer type is different, so the benefit may affect each person's offer differently.
*A student cannot receive both VMSDEP and state grants (Commonwealth and VGAP). The state grant award will be cancelled once the student is authorized for VMSDEP.
Tuition benefits (Tier 1 and Tier 2)
Eligible students, as confirmed by DVS, are guaranteed a waiver of all tuition and mandatory fees for eight semesters at a Virginia public college or university and Eastern Virginia Medical School. Please note tuition and mandatory fees are waived.
Housing, dining, books, and supplies are considered educational expenses; however, they are not considered mandatory fees and are not waived under this program.
Stipend benefits (Tier 2 only)
Eligible students may receive a stipend to offset educational expenses such as housing, dining, books, and supplies. The State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) works with DVS and the public colleges and universities in disbursing funds. The amount of the stipend is determined annually by SCHEV and is dependent on the student's enrollment status, the number of participating students, and available funding. Stipends are awarded later in the semester when funds are received from SCHEV.
Funds will be applied to the student's account 2-3 business days AFTER the last day to withdraw and receive 50% tuition refund or credit deadline of each term.
Students eligible for the stipend will receive those funds later in the semester once approved by SCHEV.
Students should not allow technical issues to prevent them from requesting their benefits. Contact VMSDEP directly for help with technical issues. Representatives are available to assist Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Their contact information is as follows:
VMSDEP Contact Information
Phone - (804) 225-2083
Delays in submitting your VMSDEP request can lead to holds and late penalties. To avoid delays and possible late penalties, submit your request in a timely manner and by following up with VMSDEP should have questions or concerns.
VMSDEP is handled by the Office of Financial Aid Office. All other Veterans programs are handled by VASERVICES in the Military Connections Center.
Information about the administration of education assistance under the Veterans Administration may be obtained from the VA website: Students wishing to use their VA benefits at Old Dominion University may find further information on the Military Connections Center
This institution is approved to offer GI Bill® educational benefits by the Virginia State Approving Agency. GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at
Contact the Military Connection Center for further assistance:
1106 Monarch Hall
Phone: 757 683-7153
Termination of Aid
Failure to remain in good academic standing will result in automatic withdrawal of financial aid by the University. Failure to comply with the conditions of a financial award will cause its termination and the return of any unexpended funds as well as repayment, in some cases, of funds already utilized. Undergraduate-specific endowed scholarships will be withdrawn immediately for the term in which an undergraduate student advances to an admitted graduate student status.
Financial Aid for Graduate Students
For information on financial aid for graduate students and graduate assistantship guidelines, refer to the Graduate Catalog.