Academic Catalog


Bachelor of Science Physics with a Major in Secondary Physics Education (6-12) (BS)

The secondary physics education major is designed for students who are preparing to be high school physics teachers. This curriculum provides a solid foundation in both contemporary physics and in education pedagogy.

Physics with a Major in Secondary Physics Education (6-12)

Due to changing University requirements, national accreditation standards, and the Virginia Board of Education licensure regulations, the teacher preparation programs in the College of Sciences are under constant revision. Any changes resulting from these factors supersede the program requirements described in this Catalog. Students are encouraged to obtain current program information from their advisors and the Office of Clinical Experiences website at


Students must first declare secondary physics education as their major with the physics departmental advisor. All students must apply for and be admitted into the approved secondary physics education program. Students must meet the required criteria for admission by earning the minimum required grade point averages (GPA).

Required Grade Point Averages (GPA)

  • A cumulative GPA of 2.75 is required.
  • A major/content GPA of 2.75 is required - all physics courses and all other science content courses must be passed with a grade of C- or higher.
  • A professional education GPA of 2.75 is required – all professional education courses must be passed with a grade of C- or higher.

Although students may enroll in a limited number of education courses, students must be admitted into the approved physics teacher preparation program prior to enrolling in any instructional strategies practicum education course. Students must also meet with an education advisor in the Office of Clinical Experiences.


Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.75, a major/content GPA of 2.75 and a professional education GPA of 2.75. Physics courses must be passed with a grade of C- or higher. The remaining courses required for the major and in the professional education core must be completed with a grade of C- or higher for continuance. A professional education GPA of 2.75 is required for continuance. Students must take and pass the Praxis Subject Assessment, Physics content knowledge (formerly Praxis II) prior to or while enrolled in the instructional strategies course. All assessments must be passed prior to the start of the Teacher Candidate Internship Orientation session.

Background Clearance Requirement

Old Dominion University requires a background clearance check of candidates interested in many of the professional education programs.  Professional education programs have several field experiences that are required for continuance and graduation from the program.  The background clearance must be successfully completed prior to a field experience placement. Candidates will be provided a field experience placement when the background check process is completed with resolution of any issues. The process to complete the ODU clearance background check is located at:  The ODU clearance process includes:  an FBI fingerprint, a child protective service/social service review, and a Virginia State Police sex offender registry review. Candidates interested in the professional education programs are advised to complete this clearance process immediately upon entry into the program since the clearance process takes a minimum of eight weeks to complete.

Virginia Board of Education Prescribed Assessments for Licensure

Praxis Subject Assessment, Physics content knowledge (test code: 5266) – passing score of 145 is required.

To review more information on the Virginia Board of Education prescribed assessments visit the Office of Clinical Experiences website,