Academic Catalog


Bachelor of Science Ocean and Earth Science with a Major in Marine Science Technology (BS)

Richard Hale, Advisor

Students in the Ocean and Earth Science program focus on global systems that control environmental conditions on the planet. They also learn to develop solutions to complex environmental problems by working in interdisciplinary teams. All majors in the department complete courses in the basic sciences and mathematics and core courses in Earth systems science. Students majoring in Marine Science Technology complete a course-based research experience including both field work and laboratory analysis. In addition, students complete a suite of specialty courses specified in each major.  A minimum grade of C or higher in all major and prerequisite courses is required for graduation.

Ocean and Earth Science with a Major in Marine Science Technology

The marine science technology major is designed for students interested in the more practical and technical side of oceanography.  Students in this major will gain practical skills in data acquisition and processing, field operations, and instrument design, assembly, operation, and maintenance. Whereas other majors in ocean and earth science emphasize more theoretical aspects of these fields, this major focuses on hands-on skills.  Upon graduation, students in this major will be able to work closely with scientists, researchers, and engineers on wide ranging projects in the environmental science and technology fields.  For example, these include potential job opportunities associated with Virginia's offshore wind resource development, which involve collecting and analyzing meteorological, oceanographic and environmental data, upgrading port and logistics facilities, and ensuring this development is compatible with other ocean uses.