Ocean and Earth Sciences
Department website: http://www.odu.edu/oeas
Kevin Yeager, Chair
Richard Hale, Chief Departmental Advisor
The Department of Ocean and Earth Sciences offers the following undergraduate majors in Ocean and Earth Science: Oceanography, Environmental Sciences, Geology, Marine Science Technology, Secondary Earth Science Education (6-12), and Middle School Science Education (6-8). A minor in Ocean and Earth Science is also offered.
The department receives considerable support from the Commonwealth and local philanthropic sources, as well as from private industry and area citizens. Establishment of the Virginia Graduate Marine Science Consortium by the General Assembly in 1979 demonstrated the Commonwealth's determination to achieve excellence in marine science. The purpose of the consortium is to advance marine science instruction, research, training, and advisory services and to enhance Virginia's position in seeking funding to carry out these activities. Charter members of the consortium are Old Dominion University, the University of Virginia, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, and the College of William and Mary. The Samuel L. and Fay M. Slover endowment to Old Dominion University in 1986 has significantly accelerated the program of marine studies. In 1991, a Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography (CCPO) was established at Old Dominion University by the Commonwealth of Virginia. The center is a Designated Center for Excellence.
The Department of Ocean and Earth Sciences is housed in two buildings. The Oceanography/Physical Sciences Building contains state-of-the-art teaching laboratories, computer facilities, and research laboratories for biological, chemical and geological oceanography. The Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography is located in the Research I building and houses all of the department's physical oceanography laboratories. The department maintains a 55-foot research vessel, the R/V Fay Slover, primarily for estuarine and coastal studies. In addition to the Slover, the department has a number of small boats suitable for near shore investigations.
Practicum Experiences
Students in the Ocean and Earth Science majors have the chance to participate in a practicum—a hands-on, course-length experience that closely ties their classroom learning with "real life." Students in Oceanography, Geology, Environmental Science, and Marine Science Technology take OEAS 307, Research Experience in Oceanography. Students in the other majors (Secondary Earth Science Education, and Middle School Science Education) can take OEAS 307 as an upper-division elective. Students may also complete an internship (OEAS 368) with a municipal, state, or federal government agency, a non-governmental organization, or a business. In addition, Honors students may also develop a senior research project in OEAS 487.
Professional Geologist Certification
Ocean and Earth science graduates who work for several years as geologists and then pass a national standardized test can be certified as a Professional Geologist by the Commonwealth of Virginia or other states. The standardized tests commonly cover the following topics (listed in order of emphasis on the test): Research, Field Methods, and Communications; Structural Geology; Hydrogeology; Sedimentology/Stratigraphy; Petrology; Geomorphology; Engineering Geology; Mineralogy; Geophysics; Paleontology; Geochemistry; Mining Geology; and Petroleum Geology.
Credit by Examination
Students with prior training or experience may receive credit for three hours of OEAS 111N by passing the DANTES Physical Geology exam. Both tests are administered by the Testing Center. Because OEAS 111N is a four credit course students must also complete a physical geology laboratory course (one credit) in order to use this advanced placement credit. Interested students should contact the chief departmental advisor about this course. Students may also refer to the Policy on Prior Learning Assessment Credit Options at the Undergraduate Level found in this Catalog.
Bachelor of Science Programs
- Ocean and Earth Science with a Major in Environmental Sciences (BS)
- Ocean and Earth Science with a Major in Geology (BS)
- Ocean and Earth Science with a Major in Marine Science Technology (BS)
- Ocean and Earth Science with a Major in Middle School Science Education (6-8) (BS)
- Ocean and Earth Science with a Major in Oceanography (BS)
- Ocean and Earth Science with a Major in Secondary Earth Science Education (6-12) (BS)
Minor Program
Certificate Program
Ocean and Earth Sciences (OEAS)
Introductory course emphasizing the geology, chemistry, physics and biology of the oceans. Laboratory emphasizes practice of basic scientific methods. Knowledge of the metric system, scientific notation, ratio and proportion, and graphing is required. Field trip required.
What is the science behind global climate change? How reliable are forecasts of future global warming? This course examines these questions to evaluate the likelihood and potential severity of anthropogenic climate change in the coming centuries. It includes an overview of the physics of the greenhouse effect, an overview of the global carbon cycle and its role as a global thermostat; an examination of predictions and reliability of model forecasts of future climate change; and examination of local impacts of global climate change (e.g., sea level rise in the Tidewater area).
This is an introductory course in geological sciences. The course relates the principles of natural science to Earth as a planet, its resources, and its environment. The effects of geologic processes on the environment are stressed. A student receiving credit for OEAS 110N cannot receive credit for OEAS 111N.
The evolution of the continents, ocean basins, mountain chains, and the major life forms throughout Earth's history are studied chronologically and are related to the physical and biological changes that have caused them.
Open only to students in the Honors College. Special honors section of OEAS 106N. In addition to broad coverage of the geology, chemistry, physics and biology of the ocean, students will read scientific papers with current environmental problems. There will be several field trips to nearby ecosystems.
This course is designed to introduce students to a range of research and information literacy skills necessary for natural scientists. The course will introduce students to the wide range of research being undertaken in the natural sciences (e.g., oceanography, geology, physics, biology, and chemistry). The course involves directed reading, exercises in information retrieval, and the synthesis of information from a range of sources into scientific essays and oral presentations.
Special topics in physical, geological, chemical or biological oceanography.
Student participation in a supervised, undergraduate research experience for which credit will not apply to the degree. Experience must be related to the student's major, minor or career area of interest.
This course is an introduction to the basic principles governing both day-to-day weather and the average of weather, or climate. Specific focus will be given to the tools used to measure weather and the ways in which these tools have impacted our understanding of weather in the past and present. Links will be made between the technology-based improvements of our understanding of weather and the impact on the lives of humans throughout recent history. Students will learn about how weather forecasts are made, and how the quality of these forecasts affects our lives.
This course introduces the science behind some of Earth's natural phenomena that can, and often do, result in major loss of life or catastrophic damage to property. It includes an overview, with relevant case studies, of earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, volcanic eruptions, tropical cyclones (hurricanes), tornadoes, floods, droughts, and space weather. The impact of global climate change and sea level rise on vulnerable populations is examined and current risk assessment and mitigation practices are discussed.
An investigation of a selected problem in physical, geological, chemical, or biological oceanography.
Geologic resources and processes that limit human activities and pose significant hazards. Does not satisfy OEAS major degree or minor requirements.
This course introduces the concepts of paleontology, focusing on the relationship between the evolution of life (particularly invertebrates) and the development of Earth. Field work will also include studies in paleoecology and sedimentary facies. Two field trips are recommended.
General survey of physical, geological, chemical and biological oceanography. The application of skills from mathematics, geology, physics, biology and chemistry for the solution of oceanographic problems.
In this course-based undergraduate research experience, students perform field and laboratory experiments designed to complement topics presented in the Oceanography lecture course, OEAS 306. Students taking OEAS 306 are strongly encouraged to take this laboratory class concurrently with OEAS 306. Ocean and Earth Science majors are required to take this class.
Core course for ocean and earth sciences majors that examines the processes linking the Earth's atmosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere into an interactive system.
The course introduces the main igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks and their mineral composition. Laboratory exercises include mineral identification by physical and microscopic optical properties, the identification of rocks in hand samples, and basic training with the Brunton compass. Field work includes training in introductary facies analysis, and the analysis of sedimentary rock structures, unconformities, volcanic, plutonic, and metamorphic rock units, clastics and carbonates.
The origin, transport, and deposition of sediments with emphasis on interpretation of sediment sequences, principles and methods of correlation. Laboratory exercises involve field sampling, textural analyses, and sedimentary structures. Field trip required.
Geologic processes that shape the earth's surface. Laboratory studies involve interpretation of topographic maps, soil maps, and aerial photographs. Field trip required. This is a writing intensive course.
This course is designed to introduce students to the highly productive ecosystems of estuaries that result from the interactions of fresh and oceanic waters. The course includes exploration, evaluation, and analysis of the factors that allow construction of realistic conceptual models of an important Earth system.
Available for pass/fail grading only. Student participation for credit based on the academic relevance of the work experience, criteria, and evaluative procedures as formally determined by the department and the Career Management program prior to the semester in which the experience is to take place.
Available for pass/fail grading only. Students gain on the job work experience related to their undergraduate curriculum.
Field experience in ocean, earth and atmospheric sciences. (qualifies as a CAP experience)
Lectures, field and laboratory studies. An investigation of a selected problem in physical, geological, chemical, or biological oceanography.
Field and laboratory experiences in oceanography including hands-on experience using equipment and methods suitable for middle and secondary education professionals. Course will provide understanding of oceanic processes using simple field and laboratory experiments. Not available for credit for OES majors and minors.
This course will present basic ecological principles relevant to water pollution and ecotoxicology. Topics will include runoff, eutrophication, water and sewage treatment, industrial waste, oil pollution, pesticides, and plastics in the sea. Case studies provide focal points for consideration of issues in making decisions and setting policy. This is a writing intensive course. Pre- or
Physics of the ocean: properties of seawater and their distribution; water mass formation; mass and energy flows; waves; tides; models; estuarine and coastal processes. An elective for science and engineering majors.
This course is designed to introduce students to Matlab programming and to develop skills utilizing this program for data analysis
Chemical composition of the ocean and the chemical, biological, geological and physical processes controlling it.
An examination of the development of the earth as a habitable planet, from its origin to human impacts on global biogeochemical cycles on land, and in the oceans and atmosphere.
This course examines geochemical processes at and near the Earth’s surface, focusing on the concentration, speciation and reactivity of elements in soils, waters, sediments and the atmosphere. The course examines both the thermodynamic and kinetic controls on these processes, and the role of biology as a mediator (or facilitator) of these processes. Anthropogenic impacts on natural geochemical processes are also examined.
Causes, nature, measurement and analysis of water waves and tides. Mathematical and graphical application to wave and tide problems.
The course will consist of brief lectures and hands-on laboratory exercises, in which students will learn to build, use, and debug electronic devices relevant to ocean and earth science applications. Topics covered will include circuit theory, power supplies and budgets, transducers and amplifiers, computerized data acquisition, instrument control, signal conditioning and resolution.
Chemical cycling in lakes and reservoirs, and interactions with biological and physical processes; quantitative modeling of lake geochemistry.
The course integrates remotely sensed and field techniques for scientific investigation and practical management of coastal environmental systems. Spatial modeling of coastal processes and management tools using geographic information system (GIS).
Topics covered will include the occurrence and movement of surface and subsurface water, the nature and distribution of permeable rocks and strata, field techniques used in ground-water studies, and the flow of ground-water to wells.
Survey of marine geology and geophysics; plate tectonics and basin formation; seafloor volcanic activity; marine sediments and sediment dynamics; coastal processes; geologic time in the marine record.
This web-based course will provide a practical introduction to oceanography for earth science teachers. It is particularly aimed at current science teachers attempting to become certified in earth science education. Topics will include discussions of geological, biological, physica and chemical oceanography. Not available for credit for OEAS majors and minors.
Introduction to the physics of the earth, including plate tectonics, volcanism, earthquakes and seismology, gravity, the Earth's magnetic field, geophysical remote sensing, and mantle convection.
A qualitative and quantitative description of physical processes in the Earth and environmental sciences. Topics include stress and strain, plate elasticity and flexure, heat flow, fluid mechanics, material rheology, and groundwater flow. Emphasis will be placed on developing an understanding of Earth dynamics using real-world examples, including numerical exercises.
Introduction to concepts and theories of numerical ocean circulation models and their applications in physical oceanography, computational fluid dynamics, environmental problems and ocean forecast systems.
Marine organisms and their relationship to physical and chemical processes in the ocean. Laboratory study of local marine organisms, marine ecosystem and sampling techniques. Includes identification, data analysis and field trips.
Interdisciplinary investigation of selected sites in Southeast Virginia that includes field sampling, sample analyses, data interpretation and integration, and group report preparation and presentations. Focuses on development of research questions and site selection, field sampling, sample analyses and interpretation. Oral presentations of results will be made by each student.
Interdisciplinary investigation of selected sites in Southeast Virginia that includes field sampling, sample analyses, data interpretation and integration, and group report preparation and presentations. Focuses on site selection and evaluation mapping, sampling, and sample analyses. Oral presentations of results will be made by each student. This is a writing intensive course.
Communicating Science to Informal Audiences (CoSIA) is designed for students interested in improving their ability to communicate scientific knowledge by presenting information and activities in an informal learning environment. The course combines instruction in inquiry-based science teaching with practical experience presenting to guests of all ages at the Virginia Aquarium. Students will practice communicating knowledge and receive mentoring on how to improve their presentations. CoSIA provides future scientists and educators with a background in current learning theory and applies it through practical experiences to empower them to meet communication challenges they will encounter in their careers.
This course provides Earth Science Education students with instruction on presenting scientific information to informal audiences (K through adult). Students will develop more in-depth presentations and extended practice presenting their materials on the Virginia Aquarium floor. For Earth Science Education track students, OEAS 444 and OEAS 445 can replace OEAS 441/OEAS 442W. It is available as an elective for all other students.
This course introduces students to the basic numerical tools used to obtain and analyze information in the ocean and earth sciences. The students will use various oceanographic instruments to obtain data at different locations of the Chesapeake Bay. Data obtained with those instruments will be processed and analyzed using data analysis techniques discussed in class. The data will then be used to answer a particular question related to the temporal and spatial variability in a natural system. This is a writing intensive class.
Marine microbes thrive in all oceanic habitats including what would be considered extreme environmental conditions. This course studies the role that these microbes play in biogeochemical cycling and food web dynamics in the oceans (the microbial loop). Throughout the course, students will learn about different microbial functional groups and the processes they mediate in marine systems, which include virtually all geochemical reactions occurring in the oceans. Students will learn through lectures, readings written by experts in the field, and class discussions.
This course will explore the ecology of marine organisms using molecular techniques and data. Molecular ecology covers a wide variety of sub-disciplines, including genetics, physiology, ecology, and evolution. The course will explore basic theory in population genetics, ecology, and evolution and cover nucleic acid techniques and their applications. This is a writing intensive course.
Students will be introduced to the science underpinning mitigation of human-induced changes in the Earth system, including but not limited to climate change and sea level rise, and adaptation to the impacts of these changes. The course will cover the environmental hazards and the opportunities and limitations for conservation, mitigation and adaptation. This is a writing intensive course. Cross listed with BIOL 466W and IDS 466W.
In this class, students will discover what makes a leader for sustainability. They will consider a range of global and local crises from a leadership point of view in the context of sustainability science, which addresses the development of communities in a rapidly changing social, economic, and environmental system-of-systems environment. The course will be based on taking a problem-motivated and solution-focused approach to the challenges considered. The course includes a service learning project focusing on a leadership experience in solving a real-world environmental problem.
Emphasizes the tools and techniques used to solve scientific problems. Topics include use and design of experiments, use of statistics to interpret experimental results, mathematical modeling of scientific phenomena, and oral and written presentation of results. Students will perform four independent inquiries, combining skills from mathematics and science to solve research problems. This is a writing intensive course.
This course will examine recent developments in paleo-proxy calibration and their application in reconstructing Late Cenozoic climate history. Students will read several papers covering the theoretical basis and empirical evidence supporting some of the most common proxies used in paleoclimatology/paleoceanography each week. Each week will begin with a lecture on the topic, followed by an in-depth discussion. Students will be required to present one of the weekly topics and lead the class discussion.
Supervised study in a field of individual interest. Research results are reported in a public oral presentation and a thesis.
This course will provide an overview of how marine sediments are used to reconstruct Earth's climate history over the past 600 million years. Students will discuss the factors that control modern climate and explore how these variables led to cycles of Greenhouse and Icehouse worlds in the past. Finally, students will discuss how past and modern climate records can be used to predict future climate change.
Lectures, field and laboratory studies. An investigation of a selected problem in physical, geological, chemical, or biological oceanography.
Independent reading and study on a topic to be selected with the direction of an instructor.