Academic Catalog


Minor Chemistry Minor


The chemistry minor consists of 13 credits of which nine credits must be selected from the following:

Select nine credits from the following:9
Organic Chemistry II Lecture
Analytical Chemistry Lecture
Physical Chemistry Lecture I
Physical Chemistry Lecture II
Inorganic Chemistry
Natural Products Chemistry in the Carribean
Intermediate Organic Chemistry
Instrumental Analysis Lecture
Introduction to Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Biochemistry Lecture
Intermediate Biochemistry
Environmental Chemistry
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
Essentials of Toxicology
Select four credits from the following: 4
Organic Chemistry II Laboratory
Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
Experimental Physical Chemistry I
Experimental Physical Chemistry II
Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory
Instrumental Analysis Laboratory
Biochemistry Laboratory
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory
Independent Study
Independent Study
Total Credit Hours13

The courses designated for the minor and taken by students must be completed with an overall cumulative grade point average of 2.00 or better. CHEM 121N/CHEM 122N and CHEM 123N/CHEM 124N must be completed as prerequisites for the minor in chemistry and are not included in the calculation of the grade point average for the minor. Additional prerequisite courses may also be required and are not included in the grade point average for the minor. Students electing the minor must complete a minimum of six credit hours in the minor requirement through courses offered by Old Dominion University. Any substitutions must be approved in writing by the chief departmental advisor.