Linked Programs
Approved Bachelor’s to Master’s Linked Degree Programs
Please refer to your specific program page and consult with an advisor for additional information. The programs listed below are bachelor's to master's programs for specific subject areas.
College of Arts and Letters
- Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science (various majors) to Master of Business Administration (see below for details)
- Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science (various majors) to Master of Public Administration (see below for details)
- Bachelor of Arts in English to Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics
- Bachelor of Arts in Art History to Master of Arts in Humanities
- Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Communication to Master of Arts in Humanities
- Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Communication to Master of Arts in Lifespan and Digital Communication
The linked bachelor's/master's degree in communication/lifespan and digital communication is administered by the Communication and Theatre Arts Department. The purpose of this option is to allow exceptional majors in communication to count up to 12 hours of 500-level graduate coursework towards both the BA or BS in communication and, if accepted, the MA in lifespan and digital communication. Students in the linked program must earn a minimum of 150 credit hours (120 discrete credits for the undergraduate degree and 30 discrete credits for the graduate degree). For more information, please contact Dr. Gary Beck.
- Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Geography to Master of Arts in Humanities
- Bachelor of Arts in History to Master of Arts in History
- Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies (Individualized Integrative Studies) to Master of Arts in Humanities
- Bachelor of Arts in International Studies to Master of Arts in International Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy to Master of Arts in Humanities
- Bachelor of Arts in Visual Studies to Master of Arts in Humanities
- Bachelor of Arts in Women’s Studies to Master of Arts in Humanities
- Bachelor of Arts in World Languages and Cultures to Master of Arts in Humanities
- Bachelor of Fine Arts (Art) to Master of Arts in Humanities
Strome College of Business
- Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science (various majors in other colleges) to Master of Business Administration
- Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science (various majors in other colleges) to Master of Public Administration
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration to Master of Business Administration
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration to Master of Public Administration
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration to Master of Science in Accounting
School of Cybersecurity
- Master of Science in Cybersecurity (may be available in various BA and BS programs)
School of Data Science
- Master of Science in Data Science and Analytics (may be available in various BA and BS programs)
Darden College of Education and Professional Studies
- Bachelor of Science (various majors) to Master of Business Administration (see below for details)
- Bachelor of Science (various majors) to Master of Public Administration (see below for details)
- Bachelor of Science (various majors) to Master of Science in Education (contact program director for details).
Batten College of Engineering and Technology
- Bachelor's to Medical Doctor (in cooperation with Eastern Virginia Medical School)
- Bachelor’s in Engineering or Engineering Technology to Master's programs in Engineering
These are designed to allow qualified students to secure a space in a master's program available in the Frank Batten College of Engineering and Technology while they are still pursuing their undergraduate degrees. An eligible student can choose a master's program in the same discipline as his/her bachelor's program or in a complementary discipline. Subject to the approval of the undergraduate and graduate program directors, a student enrolled in a linked program can count up to six credit hours of course work towards both the undergraduate and the graduate degrees. Full-time students may be able to complete the requirements for the bachelor's degree in four years and the master's degree in one additional year. Students in linked programs must earn a minimum of 150 credit hours (120 discrete credit hours for the undergraduate degree and 30 discrete credit hours for the graduate degree).
Students who are matriculated in an undergraduate major in the Frank Batten College of Engineering and Technology with a GPA of at least 3.00 overall and 3.00 in the major are eligible to apply for admission to a linked bachelor's/master's program. Transfer students who desire to be admitted to a linked program at the time they join an undergraduate major at Old Dominion University are eligible to apply if their overall GPA at their previous institution is 3.25 or higher. Prerequisite courses may be required for engineering technology majors to pursue a master's degree in engineering.
Continuance in a linked bachelor's/master's program requires maintenance of a GPA of 3.00 or higher overall and in the major.
College of Health Sciences
School of Nursing
Joint School of Public Health
College of Sciences
- Bachelor of Science (various majors) to Master of Business Administration (see below for details)
- Bachelor of Science (various majors) to Master of Public Administration (see below for details)
- Bachelor of Science (various majors) to Medical Doctor (in cooperation with the Eastern Virginia Medical School)
- Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry to Master of Science in Chemistry
- Bachelor of Science in Chemistry to Master of Science in Chemistry
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science to Master of Science in Computer Science
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science to Master of Science in Data Science and Analytics
- Bachelor of Science in Mathematics to Master of Science in Computational and Applied Mathematics
General Linked Program Options
BA or BS to MBA (Master of Business Administration) Linked Program
The linked BA/MBA or BS/MBA program is an early entry to the MBA program of study. The early-entry program is designed for well qualified non-business undergraduate ODU students to start their MBA program prior to completing their undergraduate degree. Well qualified non-business undergraduate students may take MBA-level courses as early as three semesters prior to graduation and count up to 12 graduate credits toward their undergraduate degree. Students participating in the early-entry program must earn a minimum of 150 credit hours (120 discrete credit hours for the undergraduate degree and 30 discrete credit hours for the graduate degree). Early-entry program students should carefully consider their undergraduate degree program requirements when planning their course of study. Students in the early-entry program work in close consultation with the MBA Program Office and should refer to information in the Strome College of Business section in the graduate catalog to develop an individualized plan of study based on the required coursework.
BA or BS to MPA (Master of Public Administration) Linked Program
The linked BA/MPA or BS/MPA program provides qualified Old Dominion University undergraduate students with the opportunity to earn a master's degree in public administration while taking credits in the MPA program as an undergraduate student. The program is designed for highly motivated students with the desire to immediately continue their education after the bachelor's degree. The program is especially relevant to individuals seeking to work (or currently working) in the public or non-profit sectors, but is suitable for students from any undergraduate major. Graduate courses may be taken during the fall and spring semester of the student's senior undergraduate year. Up to 12 graduate credits can count toward both the undergraduate and graduate degree and can meet upper-level General Education requirements. After receiving the undergraduate degree, a student will continue with the MPA program, taking MPA courses until completing the required 39 credit hours. Students in the linked program must earn a minimum of 150 credit hours (120 discrete credit hours for the undergraduate degree and 30 discrete credit hours for the graduate degree).
Requirements for admission to the graduate program can be found in the School of Public Service section of the Graduate Catalog. For additional information, please contact the School of Public Service in the Strome College of Business.
Approved linked bachelor's to doctoral degree programs are as follows:
College of Engineering and Technology
- Bachelor's in Engineering or Engineering Technology to PhD in Engineering
For a select number of exceptionally well-qualified students, the college has established a linked doctoral program that enables students to be admitted directly into the PhD program upon completion of the baccalaureate degree. A select number of exceptionally well-qualified students can be admitted to the Bachelor/PhD program in their junior year while they are pursuing one of the undergraduate programs at Old Dominion University. This program encourages admitted students to work closely with faculty members and pursue a research experience. Just as in the linked Bachelor/MS program, six credit hours of graduate course work may again be counted towards the undergraduate degree and doctoral course work mentioned above for the Bachelor/PhD program. For linked bachelor's to doctoral programs, students must earn a minimum of 198 credit hours (120 discrete credit hours for the undergraduate degree and 78 discrete credit hours for the graduate degree). Students in these programs must maintain a GPA of 3.50 or better throughout their bachelor's and doctoral studies.
The student may opt to obtain the master's degree along the way to the doctorate. To obtain the master's degree, the student must utilize the six graduate credits obtained as part of their undergraduate program, use 18 credits of the graduate course work that is part of the PhD, and also write a master's thesis.