Old Dominion University
The Mission of the University
Old Dominion University (ODU) is a preeminent public research university located in Coastal Virginia. Our world-class faculty fosters dynamic on-campus and global online learning for undergraduate and graduate students that enriches their lives, promotes insightful and perceptive leadership, and motivates the pursuit of excellence in dedicated fields and professions. We collaborate with strategic partners to address challenges and propose solutions that impact the economy, environment, health and wellness, and social justice. In pursuit of equity and inclusion, ODU provides opportunities for educational, artistic, and professional growth to our diverse Monarch community.
Old Dominion University is located in Hampton Roads, one of the world’s major seaports. Since the early seventeenth century, Hampton Roads has been the state’s gateway to the rest of the world and the world’s gateway to Virginia in commerce and industry, in recreation and culture, and in national security. Now a complex of seven major cities, it is a microcosm of the opportunities and challenges of contemporary urban America. It is also a major center for research and development and a home for extensive scientific and technological activities in marine science, aerospace, ship design and construction, advanced electronics, and nuclear physics.
The University takes its unique character from Hampton Roads as it provides leadership to the state and nation in teaching, research, and service. Thus the University has a special mission for the Commonwealth in commerce, and in international affairs and cultures. It has a significant commitment in science, engineering and technology, particularly in fields of major importance to the region. As a metropolitan institution, the University places particular emphasis upon urban issues, including education and health care, and upon fine and performing arts.
As one of America’s major ports, Hampton Roads is the locus of national and international military commands, and the home of a culturally diverse population. The University therefore has natural strengths in activities having international outreach. Faculty members in such fields as business, economics, international studies, geography and the sciences strive to design curricula, teach courses, and encourage foreign exchanges that enhance the University’s role as Virginia’s international institution.
The Hampton Roads scientific environment provides special opportunities for science and engineering faculty to emphasize research and graduate programs in such fields as marine science, aerospace, and advanced electronics. Global ocean studies and cooperative research at NASA receive particular attention, as University researchers collaborate with U.S. and foreign engineers and scientists.
Urban issues are addressed by programs in public administration, education, the social sciences, and the health professions. The richness of Hampton Roads’ artistic life gives great vitality to the University’s programs in the visual arts, music, theater, and dance.
Mission Support
Old Dominion University serves the needs of several internal and external constituents with its resources. These include: current and prospective students seeking undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education programs; business and industry; government agencies at all levels; the military; research organizations; and the community at large regionally statewide, nationally, and internationally. These constituencies are discussed in greater detail in the following paragraphs.
Old Dominion University offers a wide array of undergraduate programs, all of which meet national standards of excellence. Every Old Dominion undergraduate student follows a general education program that is designed to develop the intellectual skills of critical thinking and problem solving and to encompass the breadth of understanding needed for personal growth and achievement and for responsible citizenship. This general education program places special emphasis upon appreciation of the arts and upon understanding the perspectives of women, minorities, and non-Western cultures. Each undergraduate chooses a major program in the liberal arts or sciences or in a technological or professional field.
Old Dominion University’s graduate offerings are focused on society’s need for advanced professional education and on specialized programs at the master’s and doctoral levels for which the institution is prepared through unusual strength of faculty or special geographic advantages. All graduate programs meet national standards of excellence.
As a national leader in the field of technology-delivered distance learning, the University strives to enhance the quality of the educational experience, wherever education is delivered, by applying emerging technologies. It also supports research to explore the impact of these technologies on the teaching-learning process. By utilizing these technologies and by partnering with institutions of higher education, corporations, and governmental entities, the University is able to provide undergraduate and graduate degree programs to students across time and geographic boundaries.
Because of its commitment to Hampton Roads and its emphasis on creative innovation, Old Dominion University offers life-long learning opportunities through credit and noncredit courses and brings educational services and programs to the people of Hampton Roads at several off-campus centers. The University has a responsibility to serve the many members of the military services and their families. The military forms a unique combination of national and international constituents because they are from other locales in the United States and are looking to become, among other things, internationally capable in an international environment.
As a center of learning, Old Dominion University is committed to the principle of free inquiry. The University faculty of distinguished teacher-scholars seek to pass on the best in academic tradition while establishing themselves at the forefront of discovery and creativity. As partners in the development of the University’s future, the faculty enjoy full academic freedom and have a recognized role in the decision-making process of the University. Mindful of present and future needs for a multicultural academic climate, the University deems recruitment and retention of minority and women faculty members and staff to be essential.
The University is committed to providing the highest quality instruction to all of its students. Teaching excellence is encouraged through faculty development programs and appropriate recognition of superior instruction.
The discovery of new knowledge through research and creative endeavor is a central function of Old Dominion University, which values and supports faculty participation in the discovery, synthesis, application and creation of new knowledge and art forms. The institution shall promote and preserve excellence in basic and applied research as a Carnegie Foundation Doctoral Research-Extensive University which is a key production and coordination force in technology development.
The University encourages the involvement of its faculty and staff in community service. The enrichment of the lives of students and residents of Hampton Roads is fostered through University sponsored cultural activities, fine and performing arts events, and intercollegiate athletics. In addition, through applied research, consulting, and other activities, the University plays a prominent role in the development of local business and industry and serves as a resource of government agencies and both public and private educational institutions.
The University seeks in its student body a diversity of age, gender, ethnic, religious, social, and national backgrounds. It actively recruits American minority students along with students from other countries worldwide in such numbers as to have their presence make a discernible impact upon the University’s educational processes. Old Dominion recognizes its mandate to serve both the academically gifted and those who have the potential for academic success despite educational, social, or economic disadvantages.
Extracurricular activities and experiences are offered that challenge students to develop a personal system of values, to think and act autonomously, to achieve physical competence, and to establish a sense of their own identity. Other services help students meet educational, personal, and health needs.
Old Dominion University depends on its alumni for advice, leadership, and support. In close collaboration with the University, the Alumni Association provides to former students opportunities to continue their participation in various aspects of university life, to advance their personal and professional development, and to sustain communication and strengthen bonds with their alma mater and fellow alumni.
To evaluate its accomplishments against its goals, a continuing process of systematic assessment is given high priority by the University. Information gained from such efforts is utilized to ensure the highest possible quality for all University programs. The Board of Visitors will conduct a periodic review of the University’s mission and major goals in conjunction with representatives of the major University constituencies. The review will ensure that the mission clearly identifies the University’s unique role in Virginia’s public higher education system and assures that the University is focusing its resources to be the best that it can be in that role to achieve its mission and accomplish the major goals.
Adopted by the Board of Visitors
June 10, 1971
Revised January 17, 1989
Revised April 15, 1999
Revised June 14, 2002
Revised April 8, 2010
Reaffirmed December 10, 2020
Major Goals of the University
1. Students
Old Dominion University is a selective admission institution. The University strives to serve those students in the immediate geographical area as well as attract students from the national and international communities. Additionally, the University seeks to attract and serve a culturally and ethnically diverse student body. The University pays particular attention to identifying and admitting students who are academically gifted. As a major metropolitan university, Old Dominion University has a special commitment to serve those students who have been academically, socially, or economically disadvantaged, but who have the potential for academic success.
2. Faculty
Old Dominion University seeks to attract and retain a distinguished faculty of teacher-scholars. Its faculty enjoy academic freedom and have a recognized role in the decision-making process of the University. The University is committed to strengthening its faculty through the recruitment and retention of minorities and women.
3. Academic Programs
Undergraduate Programs
As a comprehensive university, Old Dominion University offers and develops quality liberal arts, science, technology and professional programs. Old Dominion University undergraduate students follow a general education program that emphasizes intellectual skills and the breadth of intercultural understanding necessary for personal growth and achievement and responsible citizenship. All Old Dominion University degree programs meet national standards of excellence.
Graduate Programs
Old Dominion University’s graduate offerings are focused on society’s need for advanced professional education and on specialized programs at the master’s and doctoral levels for which the institution is prepared through unusual strength of faculty or special geographic advantages. In selected graduate programs, the University aspires to international leadership.
Special Emphasis Areas
Because Hampton Roads is a major international maritime and commerce center that is Virginia’s window to the nation and world, the University has a special mission for the Commonwealth in commerce, and in international affairs and cultures. With the principal marine and aerospace activities of the Commonwealth concentrated in Hampton Roads, the University has a significant commitment to science, engineering and technology, specifically in marine science, aerospace and other fields of major importance to the region. Due to its location in a large metropolitan area, Old Dominion University places particular emphasis on urban issues, including education and health care, and on fine and performing arts.
4. Teaching
Old Dominion University is committed to providing the highest quality instruction to all of its students. Teaching excellence is encouraged through faculty development programs and appropriate recognition of superior instruction.
5. Research, Scholarship, and Creativity
Old Dominion University is a center of learning committed to the principle of free inquiry. The University seeks to participate in the acquisition, discovery, synthesis, application, and creation of new knowledge and art forms through research, scholarly endeavor and creative undertakings by faculty and students. In selected areas of research, scholarship and creativity, the University strives for international recognition.
6. Digital Learning
As a national leader in the field of technology-delivered distance learning, Old Dominion University is committed to providing academic programs to a diverse national and international population. The University seeks partnerships and alliances that will facilitate delivering those programs to place-bound students.
7. Life-long Learning
Old Dominion University is committed to the concept of life-long learning, and offers credit and noncredit courses throughout the region. The University seeks to develop off-campus centers to bring educational services and programs to the citizens of the region. Because of the major Armed Forces presence in Hampton Roads, the University is particularly cognizant of its responsibility to serve members of the military services and their families.
8. Community Service
Community service is an important part of the University’s mission. Particular importance is attached to the enrichment of the lives of students and residents of Hampton Roads through University cultural activities, fine and performing arts events, and recreational, intramural and intercollegiate athletics. The University acts as a resource to business, industrial, health care and educational organizations, as well as to the agencies of local, state and federal government. The University is committed through applied research, consulting and other activities to playing a major role in advancing the overall development of Hampton Roads.
9. Student Life
The University provides opportunities for student development outside of the classroom. Programs are offered to enhance personal and social growth of individual students, to provide an exciting and stimulating collegiate environment and to enable students to cope with educational, career, and health needs. Students choosing to live in on-campus housing benefit from programs especially designed to promote student educational and personal development.
10. Alumni
Alumni are an important part of the University community. Through outreach programs, participation on advisory committees, and a variety of professional and social activities, the University maintains a close relationship with its alumni and seeks alumni involvement and support for planning and development purposes.
11. Quality
Improvement of the University is a continual process. The foregoing goals provide criteria for the rigorous and regular evaluation of the quality, pertinence and effectiveness of academic and other University programs. These goals also provide criteria for the assessment of student achievement and the performance of members of the faculty, administration, and staff.
Adopted by the Board of Visitors
January 17, 1989
Revised April 15, 1999
Reaffirmed December 10, 2020
General Statement of Policy
Within the limits of the University’s facilities as to numbers that can be accommodated, admission to Old Dominion University is open to all qualified students regardless of race (or traits historically associated with race including hair texture, hair type, and protective styles such as braids, locks, and twists), color, national origin, age, marital status, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions), political affiliation, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, disability, religion, or veteran status; the facilities and services of the University are open to all enrolled students on those same bases, and all policies and standards of the University, including those governing employment, are applied accordingly. Students having concerns of this nature should contact the Office of Institutional Equity and Culture.
Old Dominion University Notice of Non-Discrimination
Old Dominion University does not discriminate in admissions, treatment, employment or access to its programs or activities on the basis of race (or traits historically associated with race including hair texture, hair type, and protective styles such as braids, locks, and twists), color, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions), political affiliation, marital status, veteran status, family medical and genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or disability, as required by The Civil Rights Act of 1964; The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended; The Age Discrimination Act of 1975; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; the Virginia Human Rights Act; the Governor’s Executive Order Number One (20184); and other state or federal laws and University policies https://www.odu.edu/about/policiesandprocedures/university/1000/1005 and https://www.odu.edu/about/policiesandprocedures/university/1000/1008. ODU prohibits sexual and sex-/gender-based misconduct, discrimination, harassment and interpersonal violence, including sexual assault. ODU also prohibits discrimination against employees or applicants because they have inquired about, discussed or disclosed their own pay or the pay of another employee or applicant.
As an affirmative action and equal opportunity employer, ODU promotes the full realization of employment opportunity for all persons, including minorities, women, individuals with disabilities and veterans. ODU bases all employment decisions only on job requirements. These efforts apply to all employment actions, including but not limited to recruitment, selection, hiring, promotion and compensation.
Any member of the ODU community has the right to raise concerns or file a complaint regarding discrimination without fear of retaliation. Any and all inquiries regarding the application of this statement and related policies may be referred to: Kimberly Cain, Director of Equity and EO/AA, Institutional Equity and Culture, Innovation Research Park I, 4111 Monarch Way, Suite 106, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23529, (757) 683-3141, kcain@odu.edu.
The University’s designated Title IX Coordinator is Kate Couch, Institutional Equity and Culture, Innovation Research Park I, 4111 Monarch Way, Suite 106, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23529, (757) 683-3141, titleixcoordinator@odu.edu.
Title IX Coordinator
Kate Couch
4111 Monarch Way Ste. 106
Norfolk, VA 23529
Deputy Title IX Coordinators
Student Enrollment, Engagement & Services, Vicki Williams
Dean of Students and Associate Vice President
2008 Webb Center
Norfolk, VA 23529
Athletics, Carolyn Crutchfield
Executive Senor Associate Athletic Director
Senior Woman Administrator
Jim Jarrett Athletic Administration Building
4500 Parker Avenue
Norfolk, VA 23529
Equity and Culture, Kimberly Cain
Director of Equity and EO/AA
4111 Monarch Way Ste. 103
Norfolk, VA 23529
Title IX Liaisons
Academic Affairs, Dr. Shanda Jenkins
Director of Faculty Recruitment and Retention
2102-B Dragas Hall
Talent Management and Culture
Spong Hall, 5255 Hampton Blvd
Complaints of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation may be directed to Institutional Equity and Culture at http://www.odu.edu/equity. Complaint procedures may be found at https://www.odu.edu/about/policiesandprocedures/university/1000/1005. Complaints may also be filed with the Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Commonwealth of Virginia Division of Human Rights, and the Department of Human Resources Management.
Title IX Nondiscrimination Statement
As part of its commitment to providing an educational environment free from discrimination, Old Dominion University complies with Title IX of the Education Amendments, which prohibits discrimination and harassment based upon sex in an institution’s education programs and activities. Title IX prohibits sexual harassment, including sexual violence, of students at Old Dominion University-sponsored activities and programs whether occurring on-campus or off-campus. Title IX also protects employees from sexual harassment and discrimination. Prohibited harassment includes acts of verbal, nonverbal or physical aggression, intimidation or hostility based on sex, even if those acts do not involve conduct of a sexual nature; sex-based harassment by those of the same sex; and discriminatory sex stereotyping. Old Dominion University will take prompt action to investigate and resolve reports of sexual harassment or sexual violence in accordance with Title IX. Old Dominion University’s Title IX Coordinator is Kate Couch, Innovation Research Park I, 4111 Monarch Way, Suite 106, Norfolk, VA 23529, akgriffi@odu.edu. Retaliation against any person who initiates an inquiry or complaint or participates in the investigation of a complaint is prohibited. Such conduct will be further cause for disciplinary action.
Old Dominion University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award baccalaureate, masters, education specialist, and doctoral degrees. Old Dominion University also may offer credentials such as certificates and diplomas at approved degree levels. Questions about the accreditation of Old Dominion University may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097, by calling (404) 679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOC's website (https://www.sacscoc.org).
Numerous programs of study at the University are accredited by specialized accrediting agencies that are recognized by the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), the U.S. Department of Education, and other agencies.
College of Arts and Letters
The Department of Music is a full member of the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM).
Strome College of Business
- The undergraduate and graduate business programs of the Strome College of Business are accredited by The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)-International.
- The undergraduate and master’s degrees in accounting are also accredited by the AACSB-International.
- The master’s degree in public administration is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA).
Darden College of Education and Professional Studies
- The undergraduate human services program is accredited by the Council for Standards in Human Service Education.
- The mental health, school, and college counseling master’s and counselor education doctoral degree programs are accredited by the Council on Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP).
- The Children's Learning and Research Center is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges and Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS/CASI).
- The graduate program in library and information studies has been awarded candidacy by the American Library Association Committee on Accreditation (ALA).
Education Programs
- The education programs in the Colleges of Arts and Letters, Education and Professional Studies, and Sciences are accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (CAEP). These include: art education, biochemistry (licensure in chemistry), biology, chemistry, computer science, early childhood education, earth science, educational leadership, elementary education, English, world languages, library science, marketing education, mathematics, math specialist, vocal and instrumental music, middle school science education, health and physical education, physics, reading specialist, school counseling, social studies, special education, Teaching English as a Second Language, technology education, and theatre and dance.
- The graduate program in music education is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM).
Batten College of Engineering and Technology
- The baccalaureate degrees in civil engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org/.
- The engineering technology programs in civil engineering technology, electrical engineering technology, and mechanical engineering technology are accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org/.
College of Health Sciences
- The program in dental hygiene is accredited by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation (ADA).
- The medical laboratory science program is accredited by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS), 5600 N River Road, Suite 720, Rosemont, IL 60018, 773 714-8880.
- The physical therapy program is accredited by the American Physical Therapy Association, Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE).
- The graduate program in athletic training is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE).
- The nuclear medicine technology program is accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Educational Programs in Nuclear Medicine Technology (JRCNMT).
- The cytology program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP).
- The health services administration major in the Bachelor of Health Sciences is certified by the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA).
- The undergraduate program in exercise science is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied-Health Education Programs (CAAHEP).
- The graduate program in speech-language pathology is accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Speech-Language Pathology of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (CAA/ASHA).
Joint School of Public Health
- The environmental health program is accredited by the National Environmental Health Science and Protection Accreditation Council (EHAC).
- The Master of Public Health program is a candidate for accreditation by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH).
College of Sciences
- The doctoral program in clinical psychology is accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA).
- The doctoral program in psychology (human factors) is accredited by the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
School of Nursing
- The baccalaureate nursing program is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and approved by the Virginia Board of Nursing (VBN).
- Graduate nursing programs (MSN and DNP) are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).
- Specialty tracks in graduate nursing programs are approved by the Pediatric Nursing Certification Board, the National Nurses Certification Corporation, American Nurses Certification Corporation, and the American College of Nurse Practitioners.
- The certified registered nurse anesthetist specialty track is accredited by the Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs (CoA-NA).
The University is a member of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, the American Council on Education, the Council of Graduate Schools in the United States, the American Association of State Colleges and Universities, the American Association for Higher Education, the Association of American Colleges and Universities, the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges, the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education, the Southeastern University Research Association, the American Association of University Women, the University Extension Association, the Universities Space Research Association, the American Association of Collegiate Schools of Business, the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, the Association for Continuing Higher Education, the North American Association for Summer Sessions, the Association of Virginia Colleges, the Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions, the American Society for Engineering Education, the Consortium for Oceanographic Research and Education, the Conference of Southern Graduate Schools, the Council for Standards in Human Service Education, and the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA), and a partner of the Southern Regional Education Board’s Electronic Campus (SREB Electronic Campus). The University is also a Division I member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and the Sun Belt Athletic Conference.
The Master of Engineering Management program is certified by the American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM). The undergraduate program in chemistry is American Chemical Society certified.
Old Dominion University is authorized by the Washington Student Achievement Council and meets the requirements and minimum educational standards established for degree-granting institutions under the Degree-Granting Institutions Act. This authorization is subject to periodic review and authorizes Old Dominion University to offer specific degree programs. The Council may be contacted for a list of currently authorized programs. Authorization by the Council does not carry with it an endorsement by the Council of the institution or its programs. Any person desiring information about the requirements of the act or the applicability of those requirements to the institution may contact the Council at P.O. Box 43430, Olympia, WA 98504-3430.