Academic Catalog


Bachelor of Science in Nursing Nursing - Concurrent Program (BSN)

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Lynn Wiles, Undergraduate Program Director
Suzanne Van Orden, Chief Academic Advisor 

Concurrent Enrollment Option

The concurrent enrollment option presents an opportunity for individuals to obtain a BSN in a timely manner while remaining in their local community completing their AAS/ADN courses. Students who are enrolled in an AAS/ADN program typically take 1-2 ODU RN-BSN courses each semester in addition to their courses. As part of ODUGlobal, the ODU nursing courses are offered in an on-line program of study. 

The concurrent scheduling option is for students who have completed all lower-division departmental and general education courses for the BSN and are enrolled in an RN program at a partner institution.  Advisors work with students to develop an individual plan of study to fulfill the requirements. Following graduation from the AAS/ADN program and successful completion of the NCLEX RN licensure exam, the student will be awarded 33 nursing transfer credits toward completion of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. Fall, Spring and Summer enrollment is available.

The Concurrent Enrollment option contributes to the BSN prepared workforce as well as prepares RNs for graduate programs by creating a seamless progression from the AAS to the BSN. Graduates of the baccalaureate program in professional nursing are generalists prepared to care for culturally diverse individuals and groups across the lifespan in a complex global community. Upon completion of the innovative, technology-enhanced program, graduates are knowledgeable about current trends in health care, assume responsibility for their professional growth, and are prepared for graduate study in nursing. The program is fully accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and approved by the Virginia State Board of Nursing. 

The BSN is awarded upon successful completion of the following:
1. The Associate Degree in Nursing program
2. Passing NCLEX
3. Completion of BSN coursework


Admission to the School of Nursing is a competitive process. Applicants for admission to the baccalaureate program in nursing should apply initially to the Office of Admissions of Old Dominion University to seek admission to the University. Admission to the University does not constitute admission to the School of Nursing.

Applicants for admission to the undergraduate nursing program must complete prerequisite courses with a grade of “C” or better prior to being admitted to the School of Nursing. Transfer students may complete the prerequisite courses at another college or university but are responsible for having a transfer credit evaluation completed by the transfer evaluation unit in the Office of Admissions to determine that transfer courses are equivalent and acceptable to University requirements.

Applicants must complete a School of Nursing Supplemental Application to be considered for admission to the undergraduate nursing program. The School of Nursing Supplemental Application may be obtained directly from the School of Nursing Academic Advising Office or the School of Nursing website:

In summary the applicant must:

  1. Apply and be admitted to the University as a degree-seeking undergraduate student.
  2. Submit a School of Nursing Supplemental Application directly to the School of Nursing with photocopies of all previous college transcripts attached. Submit all items in the same envelope. Do not mail transcripts in separate envelopes to the School of Nursing.
  3. Have a transfer of credit evaluation completed by the transfer evaluation unit in the Office of Admissions.
  4. Letter of admission and/or current enrollment in an associate degree program.

Transfer of Nursing Credits

Concurrent and RN-BSN students seeking to transfer NURSING credits from another NLNAC or CCNE accredited BSN program must submit photocopies of all nursing course syllabi for which they desire transfer credit approval. The School of Nursing Admission's Committee and nursing faculty will review the transfer course content for comparability with ODU nursing courses and determine if advanced placement in the BSN curriculum is appropriate.

Because of the dynamic nature of the nursing profession, currency of both nursing content and clinical skills is essential. Patient safety is of critical concern and is compromised when a student has out-of-date knowledge and/or less than competent nursing care skills. Transfer of nursing credits into the BSN curriculum may be affected if there has been a lapse of time greater than one year since previous nursing enrollment or by availability of clinical placements.

Continuance Policies

  1. The student must be in good standing / currently enrolled in their ADN program.
  2. A grade of C (2.00) or better is required in all nursing courses to continue in the nursing program.
  3. An average of 80% or better on objective tests within a nursing course is required to earn a grade of C (2.00). A student who earns an average less than 80% on objective tests for a nursing course is awarded a grade of D or F and will not be considered in good academic standing in the major.
  4. A cumulative grade point average of 2.00 or better is required to continue in the nursing program.
  5. A nursing student who fails a course at ODU or in their ADN program will be dismissed from the concurrent program at ODU. Upon completion of the ADN, the student will be eligible to resume the post-licensure BSN curriculum. 
  6. A student who leaves the major and is readmitted may be required to take additional course work prior to or concurrent with readmission.

Note: Policies and procedures are outlined in more detail in the School of Nursing Student Handbook. All students accepted into the nursing major are responsible for familiarizing themselves with this handbook upon entry into the major.