Academic Catalog


Ellmer School of Nursing

Rene Love, Dean, Ellmer School of Nursing
Lynn Wiles, Undergraduate Program Director

The Ellmer School of Nursing offers programs leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Master of Science in Nursing and Doctor of Nursing Practice.

The Ellmer School of Nursing pre-licensure undergraduate curriculum admits a cohort of students each fall semester. This is a full-time program where all nursing courses are completed in five consecutive semesters (fall, spring, summer, fall, spring). Upon completion of the program, graduates are eligible to take the national licensure exam (NCLEX) to become registered nurses. 

The curriculum incorporates current recommendations for undergraduate nursing education and is designed to get graduates into the workforce and enrolled in graduate nursing programs more quickly. There are 66 upper-division credit hours in the nursing curriculum and the number of total credits required to graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing is 120. Students applying to the pre-licensure curriculum are required to have all lower-division departmental and general education courses fully completed before admission to the nursing major; there are no exceptions to this requirement. The minimum GPA for admission to the pre-licensure program is 3.00. 

The Ellmer School of Nursing concurrent and post-licensure undergraduate curriculum admits a cohort of students each semester. The RN to BSN and Concurrent curriculum is offered using a year-round schedule with part-time and full-time options. The Linked BSN to MSN program is designed for associate degree prepared Registered Nurses who are pursuing MSN degrees in Advanced Practice Nursing Roles. The program allows select students, working closely with faculty advisors, to complete graduate coursework while they are still undergraduates.

Post-licensure students are already registered nurses who are returning to complete their BSN degree.

Concurrent students are enrolled in an associate degree nursing program (AAS/ADN) and desire to take BSN courses concurrently. Concurrent students typically take one-two RN-BSN courses in addition to their courses at their pre-licensure program. 

Linked BSN to MSN students can count up to 9 credit hours of graduate nursing coursework toward both their undergraduate and master's degrees in nursing. Students in the linked program must earn a minimum of 150 credit hours (120 discrete credit hours for the undergraduate degree and 30 discrete credit hours for the graduate degree).

For additional information on the curriculum or admission requirements, please contact:

  • Chief Academic Advisor for the Undergraduate Nursing Program, Suzanne Van Orden,