Academic Catalog


Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Medicine Technology Nuclear Medicine Technology (BSNMT)

Sara M. Maynard, Program Director
2128 Health Sciences Building
757 683-4702

Nuclear medicine technology is the medical specialty that utilizes sealed and unsealed radioactive materials in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. The nuclear medicine technology program at Old Dominion University is designed to prepare individuals as entry-level nuclear medicine technologists. Upon successful completion of the program, graduates are eligible to sit for a national exam for certification as a nuclear medicine technologist.

Nuclear medicine technologists are allied health professionals certified in nuclear medicine technology who, under the direction of an authorized physician user, are committed to applying the art and skill of diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine procedures through the safe and effective use of radionuclides. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: direct patient contact, the preparation and administration of radiopharmaceuticals, patient imaging procedures including computer processing, laboratory testing, patient preparation, quality control and radiation safety. Nuclear medicine technologists can be employed in hospitals and imaging centers.

The program is accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Educational Programs in Nuclear Medicine Technology.


All admission materials must be received by October 15. Interviews are then scheduled for early November.  All applicants must be in good academic standing  (cumulative GPA of 2.0 or greater).

Continuance Policy

  1. A grade of C (2.00) or better is required in all NMED courses to continue in the nuclear medicine technology program.
  2. A cumulative grade point average of 2.00 or better is required to continue in the nuclear medicine technology program.
  3. A nuclear medicine technology student who leaves the major must apply for readmission to the major.
  4. A nuclear medicine technology student who fails a nuclear medicine technology course and is readmitted to the program is allowed to repeat the failed course only once.
  5. A student who leaves the major and is readmitted may be required to take additional course work prior to or concurrent with readmission at the discretion of the Program Director.
  6. A student may be readmitted to the nuclear medicine technology major only once.
  7. A student seeking readmission to a clinical course is responsible for securing an approved clinical site.  Preference for clinical space is always given to currently enrolled students and is at the discretion of the NMED Program Director and Program Clinical Coordinators and in alignment with the Joint Review Committee on Educational Programs in Nuclear Medicine Technology policies.

Note: Policies and procedures are outlined in more detail in the School of Medical Diagnostic & Translational Sciences Nuclear Medicine Technology Program Student Handbook Program Policies. All students accepted into the Nuclear Medicine Technology major are responsible for familiarizing themselves with this handbook upon entry into the major.