Academic Catalog


Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering (BSME)

Xiaoyu Zhang, Chief Departmental Advisor

The mechanical engineering program is among the most basic of all engineering programs, with a curriculum that embraces the major areas of power, design, and fluid or solid mechanics. Seniors may select a number of elective classes, approved by their advisor, providing a focus on specialties such as:

  1. Power/energy conversion
  2. Mechanical systems/design
  3. Aerospace engineering
  4. Other

The program is designed to prepare its graduates for professional practice in many facets of engineering, such as research, development, design, planning, testing, management, and consulting. The graduate is prepared to undertake challenging and creative engineering work in almost any industry, government agency, research organization, or consulting firm. The program also provides an excellent preparation for graduate school and the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam.

An undergraduate student handbook providing rules and a detailed semester-by-semester plan for the program is available on the department's web site. Courses are routinely scheduled in the late afternoon and evening to accommodate students with current employment.


The Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department has adopted, after deliberations by its constituents, 7 outcomes for the BSME program. These outcomes are listed below. The students who qualify for graduation will have:

  1. Proficiency in mathematics, calculus-based physics, and engineering science, and an ability to apply knowledge in these areas to identify, formulate, and solve mechanical engineering problems.
  2. An ability to design an engineering system, component, or process to meet specified needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
  3. An ability to present ideas and technical material to diverse audiences visually, verbally, and in writing.
  4. An ability to recognize professional and ethical responsibilities and professional practice issues and to acquire the broad education necessary to make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
  5. An ability to function effectively as a member or a leader of a team that establishes goals, plans tasks, meets deadlines, and creates a collaborative and inclusive environment.
  6. An ability to design and conduct experiments and to critically analyze and interpret data in various mechanical engineering areas.
  7. An ability to recognize the ongoing need to acquire and apply new knowledge.

Mechanical Engineering Objectives

The program's educational objectives describe the career and professional accomplishments that the program is preparing graduates to attain within a few years after graduation. The educational objectives of the mechanical engineering program, established with participation of all constituencies, are consistent with the mission of Old Dominion University and the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.

The objectives of the mechanical engineering undergraduate program at Old Dominion University are that our graduates should accomplish the following:

  1. To establish themselves as successful professionals in the general areas of thermal/fluid systems, mechanical systems and design, and materials and manufacturing in industry and government settings by demonstrating their ability to:
    1. Conduct themselves consistently in a responsible, professional and ethical manner.
    2. Participate in continuing education, research and development, and in other lifelong creative efforts in science and technology.
    3. Lead others in support of activities that promote service to, and economic development of, the community, the region, state and nation.
  2. To successfully pursue and complete graduate programs in mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering or a related field if they so desire.


The Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET