Academic Catalog


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Department website:

To be named, Chair
Colin Britcher, Associate Chair

The Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) Department offers an undergraduate program leading to a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. The program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of ABET, The Department also offers varied programs of graduate study and research leading to the Master of Engineering, Master of Science, and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in either Mechanical Engineering or Aerospace Engineering. For further information, please visit the Department's web site:

Mechanical Engineering Mission

  1. To develop and maintain a high-quality undergraduate program of study leading to the bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering.
  2. To develop and maintain high-quality graduate programs of study and research leading to master's and doctoral degrees in Mechanical Engineering or Aerospace Engineering.
  3. To conduct a relevant and high-quality research program in the mechanical and aerospace engineering disciplines.
  4. To provide practicing mechanical and aerospace engineers in Virginia the opportunities to develop and maintain up-to-date technical knowledge and skills.
  5. To provide the unique skills and knowledge required by the mechanical and aerospace engineering professions to support existing government agencies, consulting firms and industry and help promote the development of new and more competitive industries in Virginia and the nation.