Academic Catalog


Minor Engineering Management Minor

Opportunities for Employment and Graduate Studies

According to a recent Income and Salary Survey by the National Society of Professional Engineers, the median annual income of engineers having executive/administrative job functions is approximately $20,000 higher than those having technical functions. This program provides undergraduate students with a set of courses that provides some of the basic management concepts useful to those aspiring to an executive/administrative management position in technology-based, project-oriented organizations. Upon graduation, this knowledge will help individuals qualify for project management positions or for entrepreneurial activities. Students interested in obtaining a strong preparation in engineering management should consider this minor.

Points of Interest

The minor in engineering management is intended for students with majors in engineering, engineering technology, computer science, physics, chemistry, mathematics, ocean, earth and atmospheric sciences, or biology. Students with majors in other disciplines may also pursue this minor, and they are encouraged to talk with their advisors to determine its appropriateness to their educational objectives. The minor develops the skills in team building, interpersonal communications, decision making, ethics and leadership, project management, risk analysis, and quality assurance that employers are increasingly looking for in both engineers and scientists, as well as in other employees in "high tech" organizations. The minor also satisfies the University's General Education upper-division requirement.

For additional information about the undergraduate minor in engineering management, contact:

Department of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23529-0248

Telephone: (757) 683-4558
FAX: (757) 683-5640