Academic Catalog


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Department website:

Oscar González, Chair

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers undergraduate four-year degree programs leading to the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and the Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering. These programs are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, The undergraduate programs provide a broad foundation in electrical and/or computer engineering through combined lecture and laboratory work and prepare the student for entering the profession of electrical and/or computer engineering. In addition, these programs prepare the students for further study at the graduate level.

The department also offers programs of graduate study leading to the degrees of Master of Science, Doctor of Engineering, and Doctor of Philosophy. Faculty members in electrical and computer engineering are actively engaged in research, and the department maintains extensive laboratory facilities to support the research work. Areas of specialization include AI and machine learning engineering, atomic layer deposition, autonomous systems, biomedical engineering, bioelectrics, communications and networking, computer hardware cybersecurity engineering, distributed simulation, high performance computing, intelligent transportation systems, laser processing, microelectronics/nanotechnology, modeling/simulation/visualization, medical modeling, multivariable systems/nonlinear control, photovoltaics, plasmas, quantum computing, signal and image processing, thin films, virtual reality, and augmented reality.

Students majoring in either electrical engineering or computer engineering may fulfill the upper-level General Education requirements through completion of a minor in the other discipline.  Except for the major in modeling & simulation engineering, computer engineering students automatically meet this requirement with the built-in minor in computer science.

Mission Statement

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Old Dominion University is a partnership among students, faculty and staff in Service to the profession of Electrical and computer engineering through academic excellence, Research and real-world experiences, dedicated to a Vision of the future that includes Industry and community, Continuous improvement, and personal Enrichment and growth (SERVICE).

Continuance Regulations

It is the policy of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering to deny a student eligibility to enroll in program courses after it becomes evident that he or she is either unable or unwilling to maintain reasonable standards of academic achievement. Courses in the electrical and computer engineering major are defined as courses with an ECE prefix. 

  1. A student will be placed on departmental academic probation whenever his or her major grade point average (GPA) falls below 2.00 (after six or more hours have been attempted in the major).
  2. Students on academic probation are expected to improve their major GPA by achieving a semester GPA of 2.0 or better during the next semester of attendance. A student on academic probation will have two consecutive semesters to improve their major GPA to 2.0 before termination from the program. 
  3. Following two consecutive semesters of academic probation, a student is subject to termination from the program if his or her major GPA is below 2.0 and the semester GPA is below 2.0 in the major at the end of either the Fall or Spring semester.

Appeals of termination from the program are in order if extenuating circumstances warrant. Appeals are to be made in writing to the chair of the department. Once the appeal is submitted, it is considered by the faculty of the department.