Academic Catalog


Teacher Education

Old Dominion University's Professional Educator Program is a collaborative effort between the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies, the College of Arts and Letters, and the College of Sciences.  The major purpose in its teacher education programs is to prepare teachers who have knowledge of their teaching disciplines, abilities to practice state-of-the-art instruction to students of various cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds, and demonstrate dispositions that reflect commitment to teaching and learning as well as lifelong professional growth and development.

For academic advising, contact Career and Advising Resource Center (CARC) and appropriate departmental offices in the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies, the College of Arts and Letters, and the College of Sciences.

Baccalaureate Teacher Education Programs

  • Students interested in teaching art, dance, English, world languages, music, social studies, history, or theatre, refer to the College of Arts & Letters section of this Catalog.
  • Students interested in teaching biology, chemistry, computer science, Earth science, middle school science, physics, or math, refer to the College of Sciences section of this Catalog.
  • Students interested in teaching elementary education PreK-6 (BS in Elementary Education) or early childhood education PreK-3 (BS in Early Childhood Education), refer to the Department of Teaching and Learning in the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies.
  • Students interested in teaching special education or health and physical education (BS in Physical Education), refer to the Department of Human Movement Studies and Special Education in the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies.
  • Students interested in teaching marketing or technology education (BS in Career and Technical Education), refer to the Department of Educational Leadership and Workforce Development in the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies.

Admission, Continuance, and Exit Requirements for Baccalaureate Approved Teacher Education Programs

Admission to Old Dominion University does not guarantee admission to a degree and/or a teacher preparation program in the student's specific area of interest. All such programs have admission, continuance, and exit requirements based on the Regulations Governing the Review and Approval of Education Programs in Virginia and specific Old Dominion University departmental criteria. These criteria include course work, minimum grade point averages, course grades, licensure assessments, professional dispositions, and faculty recommendations. Admission to an approved teacher education program is described in this section of the Catalog.


Students applying for admission to the teacher education program must:

  1. Have a completed Clearance Background Check as specified in this section of the Catalog;
  2. Have a minimum 2.75 grade point average overall (or as outlined in the specific curriculum), in the major, and in the content and professional education core courses;
  3. Have at least a grade of C or C- (depending on the program) in all courses specified in the major curriculum to include content and professional education core courses; and
  4. Provide authorization for the release of any disciplinary action that is contained in student records upon application.

Although students may enroll in a limited number of education courses, the following requirements must be on file in the Office of Clinical Experiences prior to enrolling in any professional education practicum course: 1) admission into the teacher education program; 2) professional education survey; and 3) the completed clearance background check process.


Once individuals are admitted to the undergraduate teacher education program, they are expected to continue to maintain the same caliber of academic achievement during the remainder of their program.  This will ensure that teacher candidates remain on track with projected graduation dates.  In the event that a candidate experiences academic difficulty immediately prior to enrollment in a practicum course, the policies below will govern. Academic difficulty is defined as not meeting the minimum grade point average (GPA) program requirement or earning a grade or grades that do not meet the candidate’s program requirements the first time the course was taken. 

To continue in the respective teacher education program, the student must:

  1. Maintain a 2.75 minimum grade point average overall (or as outlined in the specific curriculum), in the major and in the content and professional education core courses;
  2. Continue to earn at least a grade of C or C- (depending on the program) in all courses specified in the major curriculum to include content and professional education core courses for continuance in the teacher education program; and
  3. Have achieved passing scores in the prescribed Virginia Board of Education professional assessments for licensure described in this section of the Catalog, prior to the start of the teacher candidate internship orientation.

Score reports for all examinations must be on file in the Office of Clinical Experiences in room 1107 of the Education Building. These score reports are to be provided by the candidate and will not be returned. For the most current information on prescribed Virginia Board of Education professional assessments for each individual passing score, visit the Office of Clinical Experiences website and review the required assessments.

Prior to placement in early field experiences, practica and/or internships, students are required to have a completed Clearance Background Check search, which consists of:  National Criminal Background Check for Employee or Volunteer Providing Care to Children, the Elderly and Disabled (SP-24 Form), the Child Protective Service’s Central Registry Release of Information (032-02-1515-11-eng, 02/14), a fingerprint check using the APPLICANT FD258 (REV 3-1-10) 1110-0046 fingerprinting card, and the National Sex Offender Registry and/or the Virginia State Police: Sex Offender Registry search. Students are liable for all costs incurred.  Visit the Office of Clinical Experiences website for more information.


Students must have:

  1. A minimum 2.75 grade point average overall (or as outlined in the specific curriculum), in the major, and in the content and the professional education core courses;
  2. Achieved grades of C or C- (as determined by the specific academic department) in all courses specified in the major curriculum to include content and professional education core courses;
  3. Earned a passing grade in student teaching; and
  4. Completed the senior assessment.

The Virginia Department of Education requires all initially licensed teachers, school counselors, administrators, and other school personnel to demonstrate proficiency in the use of educational technology for instruction and obtain certificates of completion in First Aid/AED/CPR, Dyslexia Awareness Training, Child Abuse and Neglect Recognition and Intervention Training, Regulations Governing the Use of Restraint and Seclusion in Elementary and Secondary Schools, and Cultural Competence Training.

Due to changing University requirements, national accreditation standards, and Commonwealth licensure regulations, the programs in the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies are under constant revision. Any changes resulting from these factors supersede the program requirements described in this Catalog. Students should obtain current program information from their advisors and the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies website at

For more information on requirements in specific programs, students should refer to the individual program listings in this catalog or contact the Office of Clinical Experiences or the appropriate academic department in the College of Arts and Letters, the College of Sciences, or the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies.

Teacher Candidate Dispositions

All teacher candidates are expected to demonstrate behaviors that are indicative of the following dispositions characteristic of effective educators. All candidates will be assessed a minimum of three times throughout their program, including entry. Any teacher candidate who is not displaying these dispositions will be subject to the disposition policy found at Office of Clinical Experiences website. Demonstrated professional dispositions are expected for continuance in the program.

Prescribed Virginia Board of Education Professional Assessments for Licensure

Old Dominion University teacher candidates seeking initial licensure through the completion of an approved teacher education program must successfully pass the Prescribed Virginia Board of Education Professional Assessments for Licensure prior to the start of the teacher candidate internship. The following assessments must be completed with a passing score:

  1. Praxis subject assessment passing score approved by the Virginia Board of Education; and
  2. Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary (Test #5202). The passing score required for PreK-3, PreK-6, and K-12 special education general curriculum is 159.

For the most current information on the prescribed Virginia Board of Education professional assessments for each individual passing score, visit the Office of Clinical Experiences website, and review the Required Assessments.

Post-Baccalaureate Endorsement Teacher Education Programs

The Post-Baccalaureate Endorsement program is an approved teacher education program for individuals who have completed a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution and wish to qualify for a Virginia teaching license. Students applying for admission into this approved teacher education program are considered graduate non-degree status and must meet the college's requirements for admitting students into an approved teacher education program. Admission to Old Dominion University does not guarantee admission into degree and/or teacher preparation programs in the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies. Program sheets for the Post-Baccalaureate Endorsement programs are available in the Office of Clinical Experiences.

Admission, Continuance and Exit Requirements for Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Education Programs


Students seeking admission into the post-baccalaureate endorsement program must:

  1. Apply for admission to Old Dominion University as graduate non-degree seeking student;
  2. Have achieved an overall GPA of 2.75-2.80 (as outlined in the specific curriculum);
  3. Have earned a grade of C or C- (as determined by the specific academic department);
  4. Interview with and receive recommendation for admittance from a department representative, or ODUGlobal representative;
  5. Submit the Post-Baccalaureate Endorsement Program Application;
  6. Be aware that only 12 hours of professional education courses from another institution may transfer into a post-baccalaureate endorsement program and that practicum and/or student teaching courses are not eligible for transfer;
  7. Complete the professional dispositions self-survey; and
  8. Attach the completed authorization for the release of any disciplinary action on file with the Office of Student Accountability and Academic Integrity.

Students who do not meet regular admission requirements may meet provisional admission into the post-baccalaureate endorsement program. For provisional status, a student must:

  1. Apply for admission to Old Dominion University as a graduate non-degree seeking student;
  2. Have achieved an overall GPA of 2.5-2.74 in the baccalaureate degree official transcript;
  3. Have earned a grade of C or C- (as determined by the specific academic department);
  4. Interview with and receive recommendation for admittance from a department representative, or ODUGlobal representative;
  5. Submit the Post-Baccalaureate Endorsement Program Application;
  6. Be aware that only 12 hours of professional education courses from another institution may transfer into a post-baccalaureate endorsement program and that practicum and/or student teaching courses are not eligible for transfer;
  7. Complete the professional dispositions self-survey; and
  8. Attach the completed authorization for the release of any disciplinary action on file with the Office of Student Accountability and Academic Integrity.  

Students who wish to apply to a graduate program while in the post-baccalaureate endorsement program must meet all graduate program entry requirements. Only 12 credit hours of professional education course work from a post-baccalaureate endorsement program will transfer into a graduate program.

In order to student teach, all approved teacher education program requirements must be completed, to include all content and professional education course work with the appropriate grade and GPA as outlined in the respective curriculum and passing scores on Praxis II and the Virginia Reading Assessment (if required by the program).


To continue in the respective post-baccalaureate teacher education program, the student must:

  1. Maintain a 2.75-2.80 minimum grade point average overall (or as outlined in the specific curriculum), in the major and in the content and professional education core courses;
  2. Maintain a 3.0 minimum grade point average overall (or as outlined in the specific curriculum), in the major and in the content and professional education core courses;
  3. Continue to earn at least a grade of C or C- (depending on the program) in all courses specified in the major curriculum to include content and professional education core courses for continuance in the teacher education program; and
  4. Have achieved passing scores in the prescribed Virginia Board of Education professional assessments for licensure described in this section of the catalog, prior to the start of the teacher candidate internship orientation.

Score reports for all examinations must be on file in the Career and Academic Resource Center and Office of Clinical Experiences.  These score reports are to be provided by the candidate and will not be returned. For the most current information on prescribed Virginia Board of Education professional assessments for each individual passing score, visit the Office of Clinical Experiences website and review the required assessments.

Prior to placement in early field experiences, practica and/or internships, students are required to have a completed Clearance Background Check search, which consists of:  National Criminal Background Check for Employee or Volunteer Providing Care to Children, the Elderly and Disabled (SP-24 Form), the Child Protective Service’s Central Registry Release of Information (032-02-1515-11-eng, 02/14), a fingerprint check using the APPLICANT FD258 (REV 3-1-10) 1110-0046 fingerprinting card, and the National Sex Offender Registry and/or the Virginia State Police: Sex Offender Registry search. Students are liable for all costs incurred.


Students must have:

  1. For undergraduate post-baccalaureate teacher education programs, maintain a 2.75 minimum grade point average overall (or as outlined in the specific curriculum), in the major and in the content and professional education core courses;
  2. Maintain a 3.0 minimum grade point average overall (or as outlined in the specific curriculum), in the major and in the content and professional education core courses;
  3. Achieved grades of C or C- (as determined by the specific academic department) in all courses specified in the major curriculum to include content and professional education core courses; and
  4. Earned a passing grade in student teaching.

The Virginia Department of Education requires all initially licensed teachers, school counselors, administrators, and other school personnel to demonstrate proficiency in the use of educational technology for instruction and obtain certificates of completion in First Aid/AED/CPR, Dyslexia Awareness Training, Child Abuse and Neglect Recognition and Intervention Training, Regulations Governing the Use of Restraint and Seclusion in Elementary and Secondary Schools, and Cultural Competence Training. 

Due to changing University requirements, national accreditation standards, and Commonwealth licensure regulations, the programs in the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies are under constant revision. Any changes resulting from these factors supersede the program requirements described in this Catalog. Students should obtain current program information from their advisors and the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies website at

For more information on requirements in specific programs, students should refer to the individual program listings in this catalog or contact the Office of Clinical Experiences or the appropriate academic department in the College of Arts and Letters, the College of Sciences, or the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies.

Teacher Candidate Dispositions

All teacher candidates are expected to demonstrate behaviors that are indicative of the following dispositions characteristic of effective educators. All candidates will be assessed a minimum of three times throughout their program, including entry. Any teacher candidate who is not displaying these dispositions will be subject to the disposition policy found at Office of Clinical Experiences website. Demonstrated professional dispositions are expected for continuance in the program.

Prescribed Virginia Board of Education Professional Assessments for Licensure

Old Dominion University teacher candidates seeking initial licensure through the completion of an approved teacher education program must successfully pass the Prescribed Virginia Board of Education Professional Assessments for Licensure prior to the start of the teacher candidate internship. The following assessments must be completed with a passing score:

  1. Praxis subject assessment passing score approved by the Virginia Board of Education; and
  2. Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary (Test #5202). The passing score required for PreK-3, PreK-6, and K-12 special education general curriculum is 159.

For the most current information on the prescribed Virginia Board of Education professional assessments for each individual passing score, visit the Office of Clinical Experiences website, and review the Required Assessments.