Academic Catalog


Minor Park, Recreation and Tourism Management Minor


PRTS 251* or PRTS 271* is a prerequisite for the minor and is not included in the calculation of the grade point average for the minor. Requirements for the minor are:

Select four from the following:12
Facilitating the Recreation Experience
Lodging Operations
Recreation Resource Management
Outdoor Recreation
Camp Administration
Marketing of Hospitality Services
Hospitality Leadership and Management
Hospitality Revenue Management
Festival, Meeting, and Event Management
Total Credit Hours12

 Grade of C- or better required.

For completion of a minor, a student must have a minimum overall cumulative grade point average of 2.00 in all courses specified as a requirement for the minor exclusive of 100- and 200-level courses and prerequisite courses and complete a minimum of six hours in upper-level courses in the minor requirement through courses offered by Old Dominion University.