Academic Catalog


Educational Leadership and Workforce Development

Mickey Kosloski, Chair and Program Director for Marketing Education
Sharon Davis, Program Director for Fashion Merchandising
Basim Matrood, Program Director for Industrial Technology
Phil Reed, Program Director for Technology Education
Cindy Tomovic, Program Director for Training Specialist

The department offers undergraduate courses SEPS 400 and SEPS 408 often taken as part of bachelor's programs in teacher preparation.  The department also offers the following general education courses: STEM 110T, STEM 251G, SEPS 223A, and SEPS 203S.

After earning an undergraduate degree, students may be interested in the master's and education specialist degree programs offered in PreK-12 Educational Leadership and Supervision and Higher Education. The department also offers  PhD degrees in workforce and organizational development, educational leadership, community college leadership, and higher education leadership.  Several licensure/endorsement/certificate areas are available for graduate students. Please refer to the the Graduate Catalog for information on these programs.