Academic Catalog


Darden College of Education and Professional Studies

Department website:

Tammi Dice, Dean
Maggie Barber, Associate Dean, Academic Programs and Assessment
Petros Katsioloudis, Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs and Research
Jennifer Simmons, Assistant Dean, Student Affairs and Engagement

The Darden College of Education and Professional Studies is comprised of the following departments: Counseling and Human Services; Educational Leadership and Workforce Development; Human Movement Studies and Special Education; Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education and Professional Studies; and Teaching and Learning.


To advance our communities through research, teaching and service activities that reflect our commitment to excellence, innovation and transformation.


The Darden College of Education and Professional Studies is dedicated to continually improving the lives of our communities - those groups of people linked by diverse needs, affiliation, or purpose - through culturally-affirming research, teaching, and service.  The College will be a premier leader in preparing individuals for professions in education, industry, service and clinical environments.