Academic Catalog


Minor Humanities and Data Science Minor


The Humanities and Data Science interdisciplinary minor provides the opportunity to expose Humanities majors to Data Science concepts, increasing their opportunity to participate in Data Science related fields.


DASC 300Foundations of Data Science3
DASC/PHIL 357EEthics and Data3
Select two of the following:6
Introduction to Strategic Communications
Health Communication
Communicating Data
Technical Writing
English Linguistics
Maps and Geographic Information
Topics in History (3 credits) *
Interdisciplinary Theory and Concepts
Data and Humanities Research
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Ethics and Policy
Philosophy of Information
Population and Society
Social Research Methods
Dimensions of Diversity: Intersectionality Among Women
Feminist Research Methods
Topics in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies *

Minor coordinator approval required.

For completion of a minor, a student must have a minimum grade point average of 2.00 in all courses specified as a requirement for the minor exclusive of lower-level courses and prerequisite courses and complete a minimum of six hours in upper-level courses in the minor requirement through courses offered by Old Dominion University.

Three credit hours in the interdisciplinary minor may be in the major if a major course is listed as an option for the interdisciplinary minor.  As such, it will be credited toward both the major and the interdisciplinary minor.  Interdisciplinary minors require twelve credit hours of 300/400-level courses selected from at least two different disciplines with a maximum of six credits from any one discipline.  Course substitutions may be approved by the interdisciplinary minor coordinator.