Academic Catalog


Bachelor of Science Cybersecurity with a Major in Cyber Operations (BS)

Shobha Vatsa, Program Coordinator and Faculty Advisor (

Cybersecurity with a major in Cyber Operations is an interdisciplinary major encompassing the entire scope of cyberspace and related operations that are both technical and non-technical (i.e., ethical, legal, human-centered, etc.) in nature. Cyber Operations is a complementary discipline to Cybersecurity.  Cyber Operations places a particular emphasis on technologies and techniques applicable to all operational and system levels. Coursework in Cyber Operations balances theory, practice and hands-on labs inspired by real-life scenarios. Skills and competencies emphasized are in system attack, infiltration, exploitation, defense, mitigation, and recovery.

Graduates of the Bachelor of Science degree in Cybersecurity with the Cyber Operations major will have the skills and proficiencies that are critical to intelligence, military and law enforcement organizations authorized to perform these specialized operations. Therefore, they will play a role in the enhancement of the national security posture of the nation.