Academic Catalog


Minor Business Analytics Minor


The minor in Business Analytics requires five courses (15 credit hours) comprised of:

BNAL 405Spreadsheet-Based Data Analysis for Decision Making3
OPMT 303Operations Management3
BNAL 407Prescriptive Analytics of Management Science3
or BNAL 476 Simulation Modeling and Analysis for Business Systems
Select two of the following:6
Data Visualization and Exploration
Prescriptive Analytics of Management Science
Advanced Business Analytics/Big Data Applications
Predictive Analytics for Business
Simulation Modeling and Analysis for Business Systems
Topics in Business Analytics
Total Credit Hours15

To receive a minor, the student must achieve a minimum overall cumulative grade point average of 2.00 in all courses specified as a requirement for the minor exclusive of 200-level courses and prerequisite courses.  At least two of the five courses must be completed through courses offered by Old Dominion University. Business majors who want to make themselves more marketable may choose a minor in Business Analytics by taking three additional courses.