Academic Catalog


Minor Sociology Minor


SOC 201S is a prerequisite for the minor and is not included in the calculation of the grade point average for the minor. Required courses are:

Select one of the following:3
Social Inequality
Social Research Methods
Sociological Theory
300/400 Level Sociology Courses *9
Total Credit Hours12

Excluding SOC 320 and SOC 368 

A maximum of one topics course (SOC 395/SOC 396 or SOC 495/SOC 496) may be included. If SOC 320 or SOC 337 is used to satisfy another requirement, it cannot be used for the minor.

Sociology (Social Welfare Specialization)

SOC 201S is a prerequisite for the minor and is not included in the calculation of the grade point average for the minor. Required courses are:

SOC 325Social Welfare3
SOC 402Sociology of Child Welfare3
SOC 320Social Inequality3
One 300/400-level SOC course *3
Total Credit Hours12

Excluding SOC 368

For completion of a minor, a student must have a minimum overall cumulative grade point average of 2.00 in all courses specified as a requirement for the minor exclusive of lower-level courses and prerequisite courses and complete a minimum of six hours in upper-level courses in the minor through courses offered by Old Dominion University.