Bachelor of Arts Philosophy with a Major in Religious Studies (BA)
Lower-Division General Education
Code | Title | Credit Hours |
Written Communication | 6 | |
Oral Communication | 3 | |
Mathematics | 3 | |
Language and Culture | 0-6 | |
Information Literacy and Research | 3 | |
Human Behavior | 3 | |
Human Creativity | 3 | |
Interpreting the Past | 3 | |
Literature | 3 | |
Philosophy and Ethics | 3 | |
The Nature of Science | 8 | |
Impact of Technology | 3 |
Written Communication: Grade of C or better required in ENGL 110C before declaring major.
Oral Communication requirement can be satisfied by PHIL 160R
Information Literacy and Research requirement can be satisfied by PHIL 202G, PHIL 290G, REL 147G, and REL 260G
Language and Culture: BA students must have competence through the 202 level; competence is not met by completion of an associate degree.
Philosophy and Ethics requirement can be satisfied in the major by PHIL 303E, PHIL 344E, PHIL 345E, PHIL 355E, PHIL 357E, or PHIL 442E.
Impact of Technology requirement can be satisfied in the major by PHIL 383T.
Upper-Division General Education
- Option A. Approved Minor, 12-24 hours; also second degree or second major
- Option B. Interdisciplinary Minor, 12 hours specified by the department, 3 of which may be in the major area of study
- Option C. An approved certification program such as teaching licensure
- Option D. Two Upper-Division Courses from outside the College of Arts and Letters or from the Social Science Component within the College of Arts and Letters that are not required by the major (6 hours).
Requirements for Graduation
Requirements for graduation include the following:
- Minimum of 120 credit hours.
- Minimum of 30 credit hours overall and 12 credit hours of upper-level courses in the major program from Old Dominion University.
- Minimum overall cumulative grade point average of C (2.00) in all courses taken.
- Minimum overall cumulative grade point average of C (2.00) in all courses taken toward the major.
- Minimum overall cumulative grade point average of C (2.00) in all courses taken toward a minor.
- Completion of ENGL 110C, ENGL 211C or ENGL 231C, and the writing intensive (W) course in the major with a grade of C or better. The W course must be taken at Old Dominion University.
- Completion of Senior Assessment.
Philosophy Core
Code | Title | Credit Hours |
Topics core | ||
PHIL 300 | Knowledge and Reality | 3 |
PHIL 301 | Ethics and Metaethics | 3 |
PHIL 491W | Seminar in Philosophy | 3 |
European Foundations | ||
Select one of the following: | 3 | |
Ancient Greek Philosophy | ||
Medieval Philosophy | ||
Early Modern European Philosophy | ||
Late Modern European Philosophy | ||
History of Philosophy | ||
Select another course from the list above OR one of the courses below: | 3 | |
Buddhist Traditions | ||
African-American Philosophy | ||
Existentialism and Phenomenology | ||
American Pragmatist Philosophy | ||
Language and Thought: History of Analytic Philosophy | ||
Post-Modernism and Post-Structuralism | ||
Kant and Hume | ||
Marx and Hegel | ||
Nietzsche and Life Affirmation | ||
Chinese Religion and Philosophy | ||
Japanese Religion and Philosophy | ||
Total Credit Hours | 15 |
Students must complete all core requirements plus the requirements for their selected major for a total of 33 credit hours in 300- and 400-level philosophy (PHIL) and religious studies (REL) courses; at least 9 hours must be at the 400 level.
Religious Studies Major
The religious studies major is designed for students looking to understand the role of religion in human culture and is also an excellent major for those intending to enter graduate programs in religious studies or area studies.
Code | Title | Credit Hours |
General Education | ||
Complete lower-division requirements | 35-47 | |
Complete upper-division requirements (minimum of 6 credit hours) | 6 | |
Complete foreign language coursework through the 202 level | 0-6 | |
Philosophy Core | ||
Complete philosophy core requirements | 15 | |
Islam | ||
Select one of the following: | 3 | |
Qur'an | ||
Islam | ||
Gender and Sexuality in Islam | ||
Judaism and Christianity | ||
Select one of the following: | 3 | |
Holocaust and Genocide Studies | ||
Hebrew Bible/Old Testament | ||
New Testament | ||
Historical Jesus | ||
Judaism | ||
Christianity | ||
Asian Religions | ||
Select one of the following: | 3 | |
Asian Religions | ||
Hinduism | ||
Buddhist Traditions (if not used in the Core) | ||
Chinese Religion and Philosophy | ||
Tibet, Happiness, and this Precious Life | ||
Japanese Religion and Philosophy | ||
Religious Studies Electives | ||
Choose three additional PHIL or REL courses at the 300 or 400 level. | 9 | |
Total Credit Hours | 74-92 |
Elective courses will be needed to meet the minimum 120 credit hours required for graduation.
Additional Requirements and Information
Advanced Placement
Since the study of philosophy and religion involves intensive work with sophisticated texts and extensive analytical and critical writing, credit by examination is not usually appropriate. Students who believe that there are reasons why they should be considered for exceptions to this policy should present their cases in writing to the chair of the department. Students who have earned credit for one of the introductory philosophy and ethics way of knowing courses (e.g., PHIL 110P, PHIL 120P, PHIL 126P, PHIL 127P, PHIL 150P, REL 150P, PHIL 155E, REL 155E, PHIL 227E, PHIL 228E, PHIL 230E, PHIL 235E, REL 235E, PHIL 250E, or PHIL 270P) may not receive credit by examination for another of them.
Double Majoring in Philosophy and Political Science
The departments of Political Science and Geography and Philosophy and Religious Studies have established an arrangement that makes it possible to complete a double major in as few as 60 hours, only 9 credits more than the 51 required to major in Political Science and minor in Philosophy.
Political Science majors double majoring in Philosophy will be allowed to count any two of the following Philosophy courses as Political Science electives:
Code | Title | Credit Hours |
PHIL 365 | Race & Power | 3 |
PHIL 410 | Social and Political Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL 411 | Post-Modernism and Post-Structuralism | 3 |
PHIL 412 | Philosophy of Law | 3 |
PHIL 430 | Marx and Hegel | 3 |
These courses will not count toward the requirement to take a specific number of hours in the American politics/public law and international relations/comparative politics areas. Philosophy "topics" courses and PHIL 442E may also be counted as Political Science electives when the topic covered is appropriate; prior approval is required from the chief departmental advisor of Political Science and Geography.
Philosophy majors double majoring in political science may count any two of the following Political Science courses toward their philosophy major:
Code | Title | Credit Hours |
POLS 309 | Race, Culture and Public Policy | 3 |
POLS 310 | Political Theory | 3 |
POLS 312 | American Political Thought | 3 |
POLS 403 | American Constitutional Law: First Amendment | 3 |
POLS 408 | American Constitutional Law: Individual Rights | 3 |
POLS 409 | American Constitutional Law: Powers of Government | 3 |
POLS 419 | Jurisprudence: History of Legal Theory | 3 |
These courses will count as Political-Legal electives; students will still be required to take 6 hours of Political-Legal core courses. Students doing the linked BA/MA in Philosophy and Humanities can count only one 500-level Political Science course as a "bridge" course. Certain Political Science "topics" courses may be counted as Philosophy electives with prior approval from the Philosophy and Religious Studies Department.
Students interested in double majoring in philosophy and a subject other than political science should consult the chief departmental advisor for Philosophy and Religious Studies; there may be some opportunity for double counting at least one class.
Double Majoring in Philosophy and Women's Studies
The Departments of Women's and Gender Studies and Philosophy and Religious Studies have established an arrangement that makes it possible to complete a double major in as few as 57 hours, only 9 credits more than the 48 hours needed for a major in Women's Studies and minor in Philosophy. Any four of the following courses, totaling no more than 12 credit hours, may count toward both majors. Courses "double-counted" from one major will be considered electives in the other major.
Code | Title | Credit Hours |
PHIL 365 | Race & Power | 3 |
PHIL 402 | Gender and Philosophy | 3 |
REL 403 | Gender and Sexuality in Islam | 3 |
WGS 302W | Dimensions of Diversity: Intersectionality Among Women | 3 |
WGS 303 | Queer Studies | 3 |
WGS 460W | Feminist and Queer Theory | 3 |
With prior approval other courses from PHIL, REL, or WGS, such as topics courses, may be counted toward both majors. |
Degree Program Guide
The Degree Program Guide is a suggested curriculum to complete this degree program in four years. It is just one of several plans that will work and is presented only as broad guidance to students. Each student is strongly encouraged to develop a customized plan in consultation with their academic advisor. Additional information can also be found in Degree Works.
Freshman | ||
Fall | Credit Hours | |
ENGL 110C | English Composition (Grade of C or better required) | 3 |
Mathematical Skills | 3 | |
Human Behavior | 3 | |
Oral Communication (Can be satisfied by PHIL 160R) | 3 | |
Elective or Language and Culture I (May be waived; See requirement details) | 3 | |
Credit Hours | 15 | |
Spring | ||
Literature | 3 | |
Philosophy and Ethics (Can be satisfied in the major by PHIL 303E, PHIL 344E, PHIL 345E, PHIL 355E, PHIL 357E, or PHIL 442E) | 3 | |
Human Creativity | 3 | |
Information Literacy and Research (Can be satisfied by PHIL 202G, PHIL 290G, REL 147G, REL 260G) | 3 | |
Elective or Language and Culture II (May be waived; See requirement details) | 3 | |
Credit Hours | 15 | |
Sophomore | ||
Fall | ||
ENGL 211C or ENGL 231C |
Writing, Rhetoric, and Research (Grade of C or better required) or Writing, Rhetoric, and Research: Special Topics |
3 |
PHIL 301 | Ethics and Metaethics | 3 |
Nature of Science I | 4 | |
Language and Culture III | 3 | |
Interpreting the Past | 3 | |
Credit Hours | 16 | |
Spring | ||
PHIL 300 | Knowledge and Reality | 3 |
Impact of Technology (Can be satisfied with PHIL 383T) | 3 | |
Nature of Science II | 4 | |
Language and Culture IV | 3 | |
Elective course | 3 | |
Credit Hours | 16 | |
Junior | ||
Fall | ||
300/400-level PHIL/REL major course | 3 | |
European Foundations course (PHIL 330, PHIL 331, PHIL 332, or PHIL 334) | 3 | |
Islam, Judaism & Christianity, or Asian Religions Course (see requirements for course options) | 3 | |
Elective course | 3 | |
Upper-Division General Education or Minor course | 3 | |
Credit Hours | 15 | |
Spring | ||
PHIL 491W | Seminar in Philosophy (Grade of C or better required) | 3 |
300/400-level PHIL/REL major course | 3 | |
History of Philosophy course, (PHIL 330, PHIL 331, PHIL 332, PHIL 334, PHIL 364, PHIL 381/REL 381, PHIL 404, PHIL 405, PHIL 406, PHIL 411, PHIL 425, PHIL 430, PHIL 432, PHIL 482, or PHIL 485) | 3 | |
Elective course | 3 | |
Upper-Division General Education or Minor course | 3 | |
Credit Hours | 15 | |
Senior | ||
Fall | ||
Islam, Judaism & Christianity, or Asian Religions Course (see requirements for course options) | 3 | |
300/400-level PHIL/REL major course | 3 | |
Minor or Elective course | 3 | |
Elective course | 3 | |
Elective course | 3 | |
Credit Hours | 15 | |
Spring | ||
Islam, Judaism & Christianity, or Asian Religions Course (see requirements for course options) | 3 | |
Minor or Elective course | 3 | |
Elective course | 3 | |
Elective course | 3 | |
Elective course | 1 | |
Credit Hours | 13 | |
Total Credit Hours | 120 |
Linked BA in Philosophy and MA in Humanities
The linked BA in philosophy and MA in Humanities makes it possible for exceptional philosophy majors to count up to 12 hours of graduate courses toward both an undergraduate and graduate degree. Students must earn a minimum of 150 credit hours (120 discrete credit hours for the undergraduate degree and 30 discrete credit hours for the graduate degree). For more information, consult the Humanities section of this catalog.
BA or BS to MBA (Master of Business Administration) Linked Program
The linked BA/MBA or BS/MBA program is an early entry to the MBA program of study. The early-entry program is designed for well qualified non-business undergraduate ODU students to start their MBA program prior to completing their undergraduate degree. Well qualified non-business undergraduate students may take MBA-level courses as early as three semesters prior to graduation and count up to 12 graduate credits toward their undergraduate degree. Students participating in the early-entry program must earn a minimum of 150 credit hours (120 discrete credit hours for the undergraduate degree and 30 discrete credit hours for the graduate degree). Early-entry program students should carefully consider their undergraduate degree program requirements when planning their course of study. Students in the early-entry program work in close consultation with the MBA Program Office and should refer to information in the Strome College of Business section in the graduate catalog to develop an individualized plan of study based on the required coursework.
BA or BS to MPA (Master of Public Administration) Linked Program
The linked BA/MPA or BS/MPA program provides qualified Old Dominion University undergraduate students with the opportunity to earn a master's degree in public administration while taking credits in the MPA program as an undergraduate student. The program is designed for highly motivated students with the desire to immediately continue their education after the bachelor's degree. The program is especially relevant to individuals seeking to work (or currently working) in the public or non-profit sectors, but is suitable for students from any undergraduate major. Graduate courses may be taken during the fall and spring semester of the student's senior undergraduate year. Up to 12 graduate credits can count toward both the undergraduate and graduate degree and can meet upper-level General Education requirements. After receiving the undergraduate degree, a student will continue with the MPA program, taking MPA courses until completing the required 39 credit hours. Students in the linked program must earn a minimum of 150 credit hours (120 discrete credit hours for the undergraduate degree and 30 discrete credit hours for the graduate degree).
Requirements for admission to the graduate program can be found in the School of Public Service section of the Graduate Catalog. For additional information, please contact the School of Public Service in the Strome College of Business.