Academic Catalog


Minor Music Performance Minor


For a minor in one of the several areas of music performance, the student must complete 12 hours at the 300/400 level. An audition is required. Prerequisites for the minor (not included in the grade point average) are MUSA 210 and MUSA 211.  Requirements for the minor are:

Applied Instrumental or Vocal Lessons:8
Hour Lesson - Music Minor
Hour Lesson - Music Minor
Hour Lesson - Music Minor
Hour Lesson - Music Minor
Four additional hours of upper-division music courses4
Vocal Performance minors must take the following:
Diction for Singers
Diction for Singers
Total Credit Hours12

All music minors are required to enroll in and pass MUSC 311+, the zero credit Recital Attendance class, for a total of four semesters in order to be eligible for graduation. Should their graduation be projected in under four semesters, music minors may receive accelerated credit by doubling attendance totals in any given semester. Refer to the MUSC 311+ syllabus and Music Student Handbook for complete information.

For completion of a minor, a student must have a minimum overall cumulative grade point average of 2.00 in all courses specified as a requirement for the minor exclusive of lower-level courses and prerequisite courses and complete a minimum of six hours in upper-level courses in the minor requirement through courses offered by Old Dominion University.