School of Medical Diagnostic and Translational Sciences
Harold Riethman, Ph.D., Chair
2116 Health Sciences Building
757 683-3247
The School of Medical Diagnostic and Translational Sciences offers graduate programs which lead to careers in a wide array of health and medicine-related areas including hospital and commercial clinical labs, biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, governmental agencies, and academic teaching and research settings.
The post-baccalaureate Molecular Diagnostics Certificate program ( is designed to provide fundamental principles, advanced applications and laboratory skills needed for molecular diagnostic and molecular biology procedures conducted in clinical and research environments.
Medical Diagnostic and Translational Sciences faculty and research labs participate in the interdisciplinary Biomedical Sciences with a Concentration in Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine (PhD) program, which is hosted by the ODU Graduate School. The rigorous PhD training in this program prepares graduates capable of serving in an industrial, governmental, or academic teaching or research setting, either independently or as a member of a team.
Certificate Programs
Doctor of Philosophy - Biomedical Sciences
Barbara Hargrave, PhD, Graduate Program Director
In this interdisciplinary program all students are required to master a broad knowledge of the basic biomedical sciences. Refer to the Graduate School page of this catalog for details.
Medical Diagnostic and Translational Science (MDTS)
Basic concepts of molecular pathology and clinical diagnostics including nucleic acids, DNA replication, transcription, proteins, mutations and chromosome changes that underlie inherited and acquired/infectious disease, inheritance patterns and genetics as applied to oncology, cardiac disease and organ transplants. Covers emerging molecular/ cytologic/histologic methods (amplification, hybridization and micoarrays) to detect disease markers, monitor therapy and assess identity; pharmacogenomics and legal/ethical issues of genetic testing.
Course includes hands-on experience with or discussion of diagnostics instrumentation and assays using nucleic acid and protein extraction, gel electrophoresis, hybridization techniques, standard and real time polymerase chain reaction PCR), reverse transcription, DNA sequencing, autoradiography, flow cytometry, microarrays and proteomics-based methods.
Course will cover 1) new applications of standard molecular diagnostic techniques and 2) cutting edge technologies, instrumentation and technical advances, both as applied to clinical case studies. Emphasis will be on pharmacogenomics and disease processes including inherited conditions, cancer, hematopathology, infectious diseases, mental retardation and developmental delay. Innovative technologies covered include comparative genomic hybridization, pyrosequencing and bead based assays
Emphasis of this course will be on primer design for PCR, advanced real time PCR, cycle sequencing, capillary electrophoresis (CE) as applied to DNA sequencing, analysis of SNPS (single nucleotide polymorphisms), microsatellite instability, microarray technology and detection of methicillin-resistant bacteria. Pre- or
An optional three-week supervised rotation in a hospital-based molecular diagnostic laboratory or a molecular research laboratory.
Laboratory rotation with a pre-designated faculty member in which the student obtains hands-on experience. Designed for graduate students to sample different types of research models, techniques, and subject matter without the commitment of dissertation level involvement.
This course combines a didactic survey of topics important for understanding the origin, curation, advantages, and limitations of a variety of key genomic resources with hands-on training in the proper use of widely accessed public genome resources and common bioinformatic tools.
Course goals are a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms involved in chromosome function and how aberrations in these processes contribute to human disease. Topics include DNA repair and recombination; centromere and telomere dynamics, maintenance, and function; chromosome replication and segregation; control of cell division; dynamics of chromatin structure and function; epigenetics and gene expression; and long-range chromatin interactions and genome function.
Topics to be covered include history of stem cell biology, molecular definitions for stem cell identification, methods for stem cell isolations including: adult and embryonic, current technologies for induced pluripotent stem cell reprogramming, stem cells in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, and current and future stem cell applications.
Topics to be covered include history of tissue engineering, development and morphogenesis, tissue structure, cells, scaffolds, regulators, and creating and evaluating a tissue engineering construct. Focus is on biomedical tissue engineering concepts as applied to creating human tissues in the laboratory for surgical repair of injured and diseased tissues and organs.
The goals of this course are a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms involved in molecular genetics and gene function and in-depth exploration of modern experimental analyses of these processes. Topics include DNA replication, repair, and recombination; transcription; epigenetic regulation of transcription; chromatin structure, histone modifications, transcription factors, and regulatory RNAs; long-range chromatin interactions and gene regulation; post-transcriptional gene regulation and translation; molecular biology based experimental analysis of gene function; and experimental genomic approaches to gene regulation and gene function.
Course will cover molecular aspects of cancer including DNA damage, tumor viruses, cell cycle regulation, oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes and their respective roles in cancer prevention/development, genes involved in promoting or inhibiting metastasis, angiogenesis, telomeres and telomerase, regulation of both apoptosis and autophagy in normal and cancer cells, cancer stem cells, and diagnostic screening assays for therapeutic responses or resistance in cancer patients.
Emphasis is on human genetic syndromes and disorders associated with dysregulation of key signal transduction pathways that control gene expression, cell growth and protein synthesis including the Ras/MAPK pathway, tuberous sclerosis complex-mammalian target of rapamycin, PI3-kinase and others. Diagnosis, screening and treatment will be covered.
Laboratory rotation with a pre-designated faculty member in which the student obtains hands-on experience. Designed for graduate students to sample different types of research models, techniques, and subject matter without the commitment of dissertation level involvement.
This course combines a didactic survey of topics important for understanding the origin, curation, advantages, and limitations of a variety of key genomic resources with hands-on training in the proper use of widely accessed public genome resources and common bioinformatic tools.
Course goals are a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms involved in chromosome function and how aberrations in these processes contribute to human disease. Topics include DNA repair and recombination; centromere and telomere dynamics, maintenance, and function; chromosome replication and segregation; control of cell division; dynamics of chromatin structure and function; epigenetics and gene expression; and long-range chromatin interactions and genome function.
Topics to be covered include history of stem cell biology, molecular definitions for stem cell identification, methods for stem cell isolations including: adult and embryonic, current technologies for induced pluripotent stem cell reprogramming, stem cells in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, and current and future stem cell applications.
Topics to be covered include history of tissue engineering, development and morphogenesis, tissue structure, cells, scaffolds, regulators, and creating and evaluating a tissue engineering construct. Focus is on biomedical tissue engineering concepts as applied to creating human tissues in the laboratory for surgical repair of injured and diseased tissues and organs.
The goals of this course are a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms involved in molecular genetics and gene function and in-depth exploration of modern experimental analyses of these processes. Topics include DNA replication, repair, and recombination; transcription; epigenetic regulation of transcription; chromatin structure, histone modifications, transcription factors, and regulatory RNAs; long-range chromatin interactions and gene regulation; post-transcriptional gene regulation and translation; molecular biology based experimental analysis of gene function; and experimental genomic approaches to gene regulation and gene function.
Students attend seminars, attend a class on giving seminars, and present a seminar on their own research.
Student led presentations of current topics related to molecular medicine.
Supervised doctoral research in molecular diagnostics or biomedical studies.