STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education
In this introductory STEM teacher preparation course, students delve into the 5-E Model of inquiry-based lesson design within real classroom settings. Guided by mentors and experienced master teachers, students actively engage in authentic hands-on experiences in elementary and middle school classes. Throughout the course, they develop essential skills in effective lesson design, questioning strategies, and the integration of educational technologies. Students are also introduced to mathematics or science curricula, with a focus on developing pre- and post-assessment instruments, analyzing student work, and honing classroom management skills.
An overview of the resources and systems of technology. Emphasis is on impacts that technology has on individuals and their careers. Activities explore the evolution of technology, its major systems and their impact on individuals and their careers.
This course is designed to expand the students' understanding of current theories of learning and conceptual development in STEM. Students will investigate theories of knowing and learning in STEM and implications for teaching secondary mathematics and science. Students will examine their own assumptions about learning as well as critically examine the needs of a diverse student population in the classroom. Students are expected to independently register for and take the Praxis I examination while enrolled in this course.
This course provides students with an overview of principles for teaching middle and secondary school mathematics or science through an exploration of the role of content, pedagogy, curriculum and technology as they promote learning and impact equity. Students are introduced to ways in which curriculum and technology are used in the classroom to build interrelationships among teachers and students. Frameworks for teaching students of diverse backgrounds equitably are emphasized in the course. A field component that consists of observations and teaching in the high school classroom is included.
A study of materials used by industry to produce products. Emphasis is on the study of ceramics, plastics, composites, and biotechnological materials. Students learn materials identification, use and processing.
A study of the production processes used with metallic and forest product materials. Industrial resources, their location, extraction, and processing into standard stocks are also covered. Students learn properties, uses and processing of metal and wood materials.
A study of direct and alternating current and its use in contemporary technology. Activities include experiments and projects to supplement the theory of electricity.
Students will develop an understanding of systems control technology for application to energy and power, manufacturing, processing and transportation systems. Emphasis will be placed on research and development, creativity and experimentation, and trouble shooting in designing control systems.
A guided review of communication technology and information sources to help students discern between reliable and unreliable sources and techniques. Students develop skills in computer applications, information retrieval, filtering and analyzing data, and formatting and presenting information.
A study of production processes used in manufacturing and construction systems. Students will research and design manufactured products for mass production and constructed products for building. The social, cultural, environmental and economic impacts of manufacturing and constructed products on society are discussed.
A study of the production processes used in manufacturing systems. Emphasis is placed upon planning, organizing and principles of manufacturing. Students research and design enterprise systems for mass production. Emphasis is on manufacturing design requirements and the social, cultural, and economic impacts of manufactured products on society and the environment.
A course for technology education majors that studies technological systems related to medical and food processing technologies. Students learn the basis of these technologies and complete activities that integrate the content with processes and products found in our technological world.
The study of communication design principles and techniques for technology education. Emphasis is placed on the skills and equipment used in design, production, and distribution of communications. Print and electronic media are explored through technical illustration, video, audio, and other specialty processes of communications.
A study of the development and impact of communication technology. Emphasis is placed on the integration of technical skills to produce information-based products such as print and telecommunications media.
Study of the development of energy, power, and transportation systems and the movement of energy, power, people, and cargo. Areas of concern include vehicle systems design and support systems.
This course introduces safety programs used in the workplace and to increase the safety environment at work. The course covers four key topics: preliminary hazard analysis, failure modes and effects analysis, and OSHA hazard analysis and safety review requirements, which leads to an OSHA 10 Certificate.
Available for pass/fail grading only. Student participation for credit based on the academic relevance of the work experience, criteria, and evaluative procedures as formally determined by the department and the Cooperative Education program prior to the semester in which the work experience is to take place.
A multidisciplinary course designed to provide insight into the fundamental, historical, and contemporary nature of technology as an area of human knowledge. Attention is given to the positive and negative aspects of technology and how they affect society. (This is a writing intensive course.)
Students will analyze and design products representative of today's industrial technological society. Emphasis will be placed upon design methodology, aesthetic value, and design thinking.
Through a dynamic process of investigation and collaboration, students aim to master techniques for project-based investigations in STEM classrooms, and teach project-based lessons in the secondary classroom. Students work in teams to formulate questions, make predictions, design investigations, collect and analyze data, make products and share ideas. The use of assessments to improve student learning is emphasized in the course. This course includes a field component that consists of two observation days and three teaching days in a secondary classroom.
This course explores the historical, social, and philosophical implications of mathematics and science through investigations of significant episodes in their history. Students are brought to understand that science and mathematics are not merely body of facts, theories, and techniques but involve diverse processes by which they are continually generated and reformulated.
Following a theory into practice philosophy, students explore, develop, and use instructional strategies, materials, technologies, and activities to promote children's development of attitudes, behaviors, and concepts in mathematics in grades PreK-6 in support of NCTM national instructional standards and the Virginia Standards of Learning.
Following a theory into practice philosophy, students explore, develop, and use instructional strategies, materials, technologies, and activities to promote children's development of attitudes, behaviors, and concepts in science in grades PreK-6 in support of AAAS national instructional standards and the Virginia Standards of Learning.
Internship in school. Available for pass/fail grading only. Offers prospective teacher candidates a culminating experience that provides them with the tools needed for their first teaching jobs. Students are immersed in a local secondary school for 10 consecutive weeks and experience the expectations, processes, and rewards of teaching. As part of their Apprentice Teaching experience, candidates will be required to attend a one hour weekly seminar that will bring them together with master teachers to share experiences and to explore issues, problems, concerns, and processes related to their teaching experiences and to entering the profession of teaching.
The advanced study of selected topics designed to permit small groups of qualified students to work on subjects of mutual interest which, due to their specialized nature, may not be offered regularly. These courses will appear in the course schedule.
Following a theory into practice philosophy, students explore, develop, and use instructional strategies, materials, technologies, and activities to promote children's development of attitudes, behaviors, and concepts in mathematics in grades PreK-6 in support of NCTM national instructional standards and the Virginia Standards of Learning.
Following a theory into practice philosophy, students explore, develop, and use instructional strategies, materials, technologies, and activities to promote children's development of attitudes, behaviors, and concepts in science in grades PreK-6 in support of AAAS national instructional standards and the Virginia Standards of Learning.
The advanced study of selected topics designed to permit small groups of qualified students to work on subjects of mutual interest which, due to their specialized nature, may not be offered regularly. These courses will appear in the course schedule.
This course will focus on the following elements of effective teaching practice: understanding discipline specific content and methods, employing best-practice strategies to teach discipline specific skills and concepts, assessing student learning, legal and safety issues, use of technology, issues of diversity, engagement with the community, and strategies for continuing to grow as a teacher and learner.
A multidisciplinary course designed to provide insights about the fundamental concepts and basis for STEM education programs. Standards for the school subjects of science, technology, engineering education and mathematics literacy will be reviewed. Connections between these subjects will be explored.
A course designed to teach how to plan integrated STEM curriculum and instructional materials. A review of projects that have undertaken STEM integration will be made. Students will learn how to map STEM content and then design STEM integrated curriculum and instructional materials.
Order and structure the discipline of technology by identifying and analyzing the component parts and examining technical means as critical variables in the affairs of humankind. Based on the Standards for Technological Literacy.
Analyze the technical concepts common and unique to the technical systems of technology.
Plan and develop effective program in technology related activities. Focus is on identification and development of resources, activities, and materials for classroom programs.
A multidisciplinary course designed to provide insights about the fundamental concepts and basis for STEM education programs. Standards for the school subjects of science, technology, engineering education and mathematics literacy will be reviewed. Connections between these subjects will be explored.
A course designed to teach how to plan integrated STEM curriculum and instructional materials. A review of projects that have undertaken STEM integration will be made. Students will learn how to map STEM content and then design STEM integrated curriculum and instructional materials.
Order and structure the discipline of technology by identifying and analyzing the component parts and examining technical means as critical variables in the affairs of humankind. Based on the Standards for Technological Literacy.
Analyze the technical concepts common and unique to the technical systems of technology.
Plan and develop effective program in technology related activities. Focus is on identification and development of resources, activities, and materials for classroom programs.