REST - Real Estate
The fundamentals of real estate productivity and value are developed. Legal elements of real estate transactions, physical aspects of real estate location and production, and economic factors pertinent to real estate.
A faculty supervised, professionally oriented project. Approval for enrollment and allowable credits is determined by the department chair. A transfer student must have completed one semester at Old Dominion University.
This course explores the different financing and ownership arrangements used in real estate transactions.
Economic theories of value applied to real estate as a guide to business decisions.
The course offers an introduction to the role that real estate property management plays, and also indirectly, to make students aware of the career opportunities available. The class emphasizes the role of property management on asset value. This is considered from a range of perspectives. Not only is the role of asset management in adding value to an investment considered but the corporate/occupiers viewpoint is also examined.
Examination of developments in real estate valuation and investment with use of computer terminal models.
For advanced students in real estate.