INBU - International Business
May be repeated for credit. Supervised experience in the international business work place requiring written statement of objectives and evaluation of experience. Pass/fail grading only.
Supervised experience in the international business work place requiring written statement of objectives and evaluation of experience. Pass/fail grading only.
A survey course to provide an overview of the contemporary business environment in Europe, with a focus on the European Union. Topics will include an examination of the social, political, and economic forces which affect business in Europe.
A survey to provide an overview of the contemporary business environment in Latin America. Topics will include an examination of the social, political and economic forces which affect business in Latin America.
An analysis of business practices in Asia. Emphasis will be on business, government relations, business strategy, structure, organizational processes, and human resource management.
An applied field research study to develop an export trade plan which involves market analysis, risk analysis, financing and distribution decisions in overseas markets.
This course examines the sources of international business law, the relationship between such law and the U.S. legal system, the choice of law in international business disputes, the special issues that arise when doing business with foreign governments, the law governing international sales and the shipment of goods, and international intellectual property protection. In addition, the relationships between law and culture involved in international business transactions will be examined.
International HRM focuses on the management of human resources in an international context. The course will focus on policies, programs and practice characteristics of organizational efforts to manage human assets worldwide, including an overview of cross-national team dynamics and communication systems, leadership techniques, and national employment laws. It will also explore the critical impact that these policies have on the success of firms in doing business abroad.
This course provides an economic overview of international trade and the theories that support globalization and international trade policies. The course introduces students to the global value chain and its stakeholders, with an emphasis on costs, transportation, infrastructure, and technology. Students will examine supply chain management processes that organizations use to successfully manage import and export operations.
Lecture, discussion and case studies. A capstone course to integrate and apply the theories and concepts learned in required international business courses to the operations of international business organizations.
A study tour abroad arranged in cooperation with a foreign university, including lectures on international business topics and visits to international firms and economic/business organizations. Written work required.
A study of selected topics, the title of which will appear in the course schedule.
A study of selected topics, the title of which will appear in the course schedule.
Affords students the opportunity to undertake independent study under the direction of a faculty member.
This course covers topics from management, marketing, economics, and finance that are important to the study of international business.
This 2 hour capstone course covers topics facing international firms. This course uses a combination of case studies, lectures, and simulations to highlight the cultural, organizational, and financial challenges to doing business in various regions of the world.
This course is designed for high-level executive or general managers who must use a perspective that is qualitatively different from that of the lower-level functional managers. The unique focus of this course is that it brings together two dimensions that affect managerial decisions in internationalizing and structuring their businesses: first the international context in which firms operate and then how firms design and adapt approaches to take advantage of international opportunities and mitigate their risks. At the highest levels of organizations, leaders deal with complexity, ambiguity and uncertainty. The course discusses topics and frameworks that will help you navigate this world and enables you to pursue international (strategic) developments within your own firm.