HSR - Health Services Research
This course will focus on the leadership that comprises two types: informal and formal leadership. Competencies will include communication, knowledge of health care environment, leadership, professionalism, and business skills.
This course examines epidemiology as a method for viewing inborn community health problems and as a body of knowledge derived from this method. Skills in using epidemiology as a method and as knowledge to solve community health problems will be included.
This course will introduce the student to the political, social, cultural and ethical issues involved in disease prevention and health promotion globally. Specific emphasis will be on incidence/prevalence, morbidity/mortality, and identified health problems in specific regions and countries. This course will also identify international health prerogatives aimed at improving health status through education and intervention.
The goal of this course is to guide students with a public health perspective to develop skills to identify and analyze environmental health problems globally. It is designed to provide knowledge on recognizing and evaluating major environmental health issues and risk factors in developed and developing countries by using group discussions and real-life case studies.
This course focuses on global health research with an emphasis on cultural, political and economic influences on health in various regions and provides students opportunities to engage in inter-professional teamwork to brainstorm problem-based issues and establish research proposals.
Focuses on the complexities involved in providing health services to populations. Presents issues related to public health, community health, urban and rural health, healthy people/communities and health care delivery in traditional and non-traditional settings.
This seminar will provide students with an understanding of health care organizations and effective management. Particular attention will be given to the issues of access, cost and quality.
Examination of various methodologies for designing and conducting public health program evaluation and research. Experimental, quasi-experimental and non-experimental procedures will be covered.
This study abroad service learning course will introduce the student to the political, social, cultural, and ethical issues involved in prevention and health promotion globally. Students will travel another country and learn the incidence/prevalence, morbidity/mortality, and identified public health problems in specific regions and countries.
Uses theory and research findings from areas such as Biology, Psychology, Sociology, Economics, Urban Studies, and Health Services to achieve an understanding of health services issues and problems. Emphasizes methods of analysis and of developing alternatives related to multidisciplinary perspectives.
Emphasis is on exploring the advantages/disadvantages and uses of non-experimental, quasi-experimental, and experimental designs in health-related research with application to management, education, and clinical practice.
An applied approach to the selection and application of bivariate and multivariate statistical techniques in health services research. Emphasis is placed on handling large data sets and the use of a computer for manipulation of quantitative data.
An exploration of qualitative research methods including participant observation, ethnography and the generation of grounded theory. Individual interviews and focus group methods will be covered and historical, content analysis, phenomenological and montage approaches will also be discussed. Health related examples of published research in a variety of fields will be utilized to exemplify the methods.
An overview of measurement theory with emphasis on the development, testing, and refinement of norm- and criterion-referenced data collection instruments for health-related research.
Introduces the philosophy of science by studying the nature and purposes of theory for the health sciences. Standards for evaluation of theories will be described. Selected theories and supporting research from the health services literature will be discussed and critically evaluated.
This course teaches students the art and science of decision making. It covers expected utility theory, decision tree analysis, cost-benefit analysis, and the psychological aspects of the decision-making process in the context of health policy research.
This course examines epidemiology as a method for viewing inborn community health problems and as a body of knowledge derived from this method. Skills in using epidemiology as a method and as knowledge to solve community health problems will be included.
This course describes the application of economic tools to analyze the operation of healthcare and insurance markets. Topics covered include the consumption and costs of healthcare in the United States, the viewpoints of players in the healthcare market, and an overview of supply and demand and cost-effectiveness analyses. The complex economics unique to health care will be discussed in detail. Further, students will employ these principles in several case studies of current and classic issues in health economics.
This course enables the student to develop a systematic and analytical framework for understanding healthcare policy issues. The policy process is covered in detail. Timely policy issues are also discussed.
Designed as a 'hand-on' approach in effective grantsmanship, this course will guide the student from the identification of potential funding sources through proposal development. Highlights include program planning, nonprofit status, governmental/foundation corporate trends, local resources and grants administration.
This course is the first in a series of colloquial courses in which doctoral level students receive presentations and present research and current topics of interest in health related professions.
This course is the second in a series of colloquial courses in which doctoral level students receive presentations and present research and current topics of interest in health related professions.
This course is the third in a series of colloquial courses in which doctoral level students receive presentations and present research and current topics of interest in health related professions.
This course is the fourth in a series of colloquial courses in which doctoral level students receive presentations and present research and current topics of interest in health related professions.
Supervised research on a specialized topic to prepare students for dissertation study. It can be repeated.
Available for pass/fail grading only. An approved research project written under the supervision of a faculty advisor in which the student demonstrates the capacity to design and complete independent applied research. The completed project must be approved by the dissertation committee.