CHIN - Chinese
This course focuses on the fundamental elements of the Chinese language within a cultural context. Emphasis is placed on building a foundation of basic listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. The course includes Chinese Pinyin phonetic system, character formation, basic sentence structures, and Chinese culture and cultural activities. Students are expected to comprehend and respond to essential topics in Chinese and demonstrate their cultural awareness.
This course continues to focus on the fundamental elements of the Chinese language within a cultural context. Emphasis is placed on the development of basic listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. The course includes Chinese basic sentence patterns and real-life topics on Chinese cultural activities. Students are expected to comprehend and respond with grammatical accuracy to spoken and simple written Chinese and demonstrate their cultural awareness.
Study of selected topics designed to permit small groups of qualified students to work on subjects of mutual interest.
This course takes students to an advanced level of communicative competence and language social interaction. The course includes more complex sentence patterns and Chinese cultural activities. Students learn to respond to topics of interest to college-age students, such as campus life, career planning, and Chinese cultural traditions. Students are exposed to the speech of native speakers in real cultural situations and develop sensitivity to communicative strategies and cultural competency.
This course takes students to a higher level of communicative competence and language social interaction. The course gradually introduces more formal speech and written-style language in the real cultural context. The course trains students to interpret textual and cultural meanings and to express their opinions and cultural understanding by using connected paragraph length discourse.
Selected topics, genres, authors and/or literary, cultural, sociopolitical, or historical movements in the Chinese-speaking world. May be repeated for credit if the topic is different.
Seminars engage students in in-depth study of a specified topic through readings, research and oral and written student reports. Special attention is paid to theoretical and bibliographic issues. Topics vary according to the areas of expertise and professional interests of departmental faculty. May be repeated if topics are different.
The advanced study of selected topics designed to permit small groups of qualified students to work on subjects of mutual interest which, due to their specialized nature, may not be offered regularly. May be repeated for credit if the topic is different.