CHEM - Chemistry and Biochemistry
An introductory course designed to acquaint the student with the basic principles of chemistry.
This course is the first part of a two-semester sequence of chemistry covering topics in general, organic, and biological chemistry. In this part, an introduction to the principles of inorganic (general) chemistry is provided. The topics to be covered include measurements, atoms and elements, compounds and their bonds, energy and matter, gases, solutions, acids and bases, chemical reactions and quantities, chemical equilibrium, and nuclear chemistry. This course does not meet the prerequisite for CHEM 123N, and cannot be used toward the CHEM major or minor. Students wishing to pursue advanced study in chemistry should take CHEM 121N, CHEM 122N, CHEM 123N, and CHEM 124N. Credit for CHEM 105N is not allowed if a student has prior credit for CHEM 121N. CHEM 105N + CHEM 106N satisfy four credits of the University's Nature of Science general education requirement.
An introduction to common laboratory techniques and the process of science is provided. CHEM 105N + CHEM 106N satisfy four credits of the University's Nature of Science general education requirement.
This course is the second part of a two-semester sequence of chemistry covering topics in general, organic, and biological chemistry. In this part, an introduction to organic compounds and their role in biological systems is provided. The topics to be covered include the structure, nomenclature, and reactivity of organic compounds, the structure and function of important biomolecules, and the chemistry of metabolic pathways. This course does not meet the prerequisite for CHEM 211, and cannot be used toward the CHEM major or minor. Students wishing to pursue advanced study in chemistry should take CHEM 121N, CHEM 122N, CHEM 123N, and CHEM 124N. CHEM 107N + CHEM 108N satisfy four credits of the University's Nature of Science general education requirement.
Laboratory experiments involving organic compounds and biomolecules are performed. CHEM 107N + CHEM 108N satisfy four credits of the University's Nature of Science general education requirement.
In this course, students perform laboratory experiments to complement the topics presented in the companion lecture course, CHEM 121N. CHEM 121N + CHEM 120 does not satisfy the university's Nature of Science requirement. This is a distance learning course restricted to students in an online degree program.
This is the first of a two-course series, designed for science and engineering majors, that prepares the student for subsequent studies in molecular science and constitutes the foundation for all upper-level chemistry courses. Topics include the descriptive chemistry of selected elements, modern atomic and molecular structure, stoichiometry, thermochemistry, and gas laws. A student receiving credit for CHEM 121N cannot receive additional credit for CHEM 103 or CHEM 105N. CHEM 121N + CHEM 122N satisfy 4 credits of the University's Nature of Science general education requirement. Pre- or
Laboratory experiments are designed to complement the topics presented in the companion lecture course, CHEM 121N. A student receiving credit for CHEM 122N cannot receive additional credit for CHEM 106N. CHEM 121N + CHEM 122N satisfy 4 credits of the University's Nature of Science general education requirement.
This is the second of a two-course series, designed for science majors, that prepares the student for subsequent studies in molecular science and constitutes the foundation for all upper-level chemistry courses. Topics include states of matter, solutions, electrochemistry, thermodynamics, equilibria, and kinetics. CHEM 123N + CHEM 124N satisfy 4 credits of the University's Nature of Science general education requirement.
Laboratory experiments are designed to complement the topics in the companion lecture course, CHEM 123N. CHEM 123N + CHEM 124N satisfy 4 credits of the University's Nature of Science general education requirement.
This course introduces students to foundational laboratory skills and research in the chemical sciences. Students will gain experience in experimental design and chemical research through a rotation in a faculty member's research lab.
This course introduces students to information literacy and research in chemistry and biochemistry in the context of future career success. Students will develop skills in searching, evaluating, and citing information required for research projects. Potential career paths and strategies for student success will be investigated to establish a solid platform for development as a chemist or biochemist. Course activities will include field trips to and guest speakers from local industry.
In this course, the history of synthetic and natural polymers will be studied from their initial development to modern day. Through these studies, students will learn how polymers are produced, the properties of polymers, and the many application of polymers. Further, the impact these materials have on society will be examined in many different areas such as medicine, electronics, consumer goods and the environment.
Students will explore the role biotechnology plays in understanding and advancing nutrition and the effects this has on human health, development and societies. The key biological molecules such as vitamins, amino acids, proteins, fats and carbohydrates and their nutritional functions will be discussed. Nutritional biochemistry as it relates to human development, medicine and the evolution of human species will be explored. Students will review present day nutritional issues such as popular diets, organic foods, farming practices and advances such as genetically modified foods.
Neurotechnology is the technology used to understand (assessment neurotechnology) and moderate (intervention neurotechnology) brain chemistry with regards to various aspects of consciousness, thought, memory, perception, addiction and other higher order activities and disorders in the brain. From pharmaceutical drugs to brain scanning, the impact of neurotechnology affects nearly everyone either directly or indirectly - for example: drug use for depression, sleep, ADD, or neurotic behavior; cancer scanning; stroke rehabilitation; etc. This course will explore the basics of neurotechnology and its impact on human behavior and performance as well as broader impacts on society. Further, students will learn how neurotechnology is used to assess and intervene in the neurochemistry of the brain with a particular emphasis on addictive behavior and neurodegenerative disorders.
Selected laboratory or lecture topics designed for students who need to supplement a transfer course to fulfill a course requirement.
Student participation in a supervised, undergraduate research experience for which credit will not apply to the degree. Experience must be related to the student's major, minor or career area of interest.
Introduction to organic compounds, isomerism and nomenclature, stereochemistry and conformational analysis, in depth mechanistic understanding of proton transfer reactions, substitution and elimination reactions, and addition to C=C bonds.
Experience is offered in fundamental laboratory techniques applicable to the characterization, separation and purification of various organic compounds including stereoisomers and introduction to organic reactions.
Chemistry of carbon compounds with in-depth treatments of reaction mechanisms, modern spectral techniques, and new synthetic methods to meet the needs of chemistry and biochemistry majors.
Experience is offered in synthetic, separation, and analytical methods of organic chemistry. Modern synthetic and spectroscopic techniques are introduced.
Experience is offered in advanced organic reactions and spectroscopic techniques. In addition, students will carry out a short, customized, research project in Organic Chemistry or Organic Materials.
This three-credit general education T course (Impacts of Technology) will delve into the principles and practices of forensic science, including crime scene investigation, evidence collection, and analysis using advanced technological methods. The course covers a wide range of forensic disciplines, emphasizes the legal and ethical aspects of forensic work, and includes case studies to illustrate the practical applications of technology in solving crimes. Through interdisciplinary collaboration and critical thinking, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the crucial role technology plays in modern forensic science.
A study of the fundamental principles of quantitative chemical analysis including the application of principles of equilibria to analytical processes. Emphasis is given to gravimetric and titrimetric methods as well as consideration of electrical, optical, and other methods of chemical analysis.
Statistical principles or measurements and error analysis are integrated with experiments designed to evaluate and refine techniques of fundamental measurements to a level of analytical competency. These techniques are applied to the analysis of samples using gravimetric, titrimetric, electrical and optical methods.
This 3-credit upper-level undergraduate course explores the intersection of biochemistry and microscopy in forensic science. Students will gain an in-depth understanding of biochemical principles and techniques used to analyze biological evidence in criminal investigations, including blood, hair, and bodily fluids. The course emphasizes the application of advanced microscopy methods such as light, fluorescence, and electron microscopy to identify and characterize forensic samples. Through a combination of lectures, case studies, and hands-on laboratory work, students will develop skills in sample preparation, molecular analysis, and the interpretation of forensic data. Topics covered include protein analysis, DNA/RNA profiling, toxicology, and the role of microscopy in identifying trace evidence at crime scenes. By the end of the course, students will be equipped with the knowledge to apply biochemistry and microscopy tools to real-world forensic investigations and casework.
Quantum chemistry, molecular structure, and spectroscopy.
A laboratory class focusing on a variety of physical chemical techniques. Topics may include electronic, vibrational (Raman) and NMR spectroscopies, calorimetry, viscosity, and atomic force microscopy. This is a writing intensive course, aiming to achieve an in-depth understanding of the physical principles underlying the techniques.
Chemical thermodynamics of pure substances and solutions, chemical equilibrium, electrochemistry, chemical kinetics, and statistical thermodynamics.
A laboratory class focusing on a variety of physical chemical techniques. Topics may include X-Ray Diffraction, Bomb Calorimetry, Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA), Conductance of Solutions, and Polymer Physical Properties. This course may also include a team project that will incorporate many of the techniques learned in the physical chemistry lab sequence. This project will introduce the students to working as a team to address a specific challenge such as one might encounter in an industrial or government laboratory setting. This is a writing intensive course.
This class explores the impact of chemical technologies on current environmental topics using basic chemical principles and the scientific method as standards for evaluating and understanding pressing environmental issues. Topics include global and ocean warming, air pollution, atmospheric ozone depletion, effects of enhanced UV light, acid rain and ocean acidification, toxic heavy metals, radioactivity and nuclear power plant disasters, indoor air quality and radon, water pollution, sewage and water treatment, drinking water quality, waste disposal and plastics, pesticides, and the food chain. The course will use math to a modest degree including basic Algebra. It is highly recommended that students have passed a college level algebra math class (e.g., MATH 102M or MATH 103M or higher) and one year of high school chemistry.
This combined lecture and lab course will explore the chemical and physical properties of artists’ materials from pigments and binders to ceramics. Topics will include the nature of light and color, historical origins and development of pigments and artistic methods, synthesis of dyes and pigments, and the application of technology to art historical analysis. The course will include hands-on experience with modern laboratory equipment and field trips to local museums and conservation labs.
This foundational course provides an introduction to inorganic chemistry. Topics include periodic law, bonding theory, oxidation/reduction, acid/base theory, descriptive chemistry of the main group, an introduction to transition metal coordination chemistry, and human applications of inorganic chemistry.
Synthesis of metal and nonmetal inorganic compounds and organometallic compounds, their characterization by physical methods, and a study of their properties.
Students will develop familiarity of scientific laboratory and evidentiary practices within the subfield of forensic chemistry as well as perform inquiry-based coursework on topics of importance within forensic science. Topics will include toolmark, serial number restoration and ballistic analysis; blood alcohol analysis; microscopic and chemical analysis of fibers; glass, soil and trace evidence analysis; fingerprint analysis; handwriting analysis; analysis of residues of explosives, accelerants, and unknown chemicals.
Teaching experience in a chemistry classroom or laboratory setting under the direct supervision of the course instructor. Available for Pass/Fail grading only.
May be repeated for credit. Student participation for credit is based on the academic relevance of the work experience, criteria, and evaluative procedures as formally determined by the department and the Cooperative Education program prior to the semester in which the work experience is to take place. Available for pass/fail grading only. (qualifies as a CAP experience)
A student may choose a coop, internship, research, or student teaching experience to gain out-of-class experience related to the major.
A bioinorganic and natural products course that entails the chemistry of the use of chromium, vanadium, and herbs in medicine and the use of tunicates as biomonitors of heavy metal pollution in Jamaica. This is a study abroad course intended for the Maymester term.
An in-depth look at organic reaction mechanisms, including polar, pericyclic, radical and organometallic reactions.
An intensive laboratory study of the principles of analytical chemistry. Experiments in spectroscopic, chromatographic, and electrochemical methods are conducted to illustrate fundamental principles and to provide the opportunity to develop skills in the use of instrumentation for chemical measurement.
An introduction to the fundamental concepts of drug action including pharmacodynamics (effect of drugs on the body) and pharmacokinetics (ADME: absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination) of drugs; an introduction to the process of new drug discovery and synthesis will also be taught.
This course is a one-semester survey of the major molecular constituents, bioenergetics, enzymes, nucleic acid structure, and genetic information transfer pathways fundamental to biochemistry.
Principles and techniques of biochemical and immunological procedures involving protein characterization and isolation, enzymology, bioinformatics, and common molecular biology techniques for nucleic acids will be presented. This is a writing intensive course.
This course presents and in-depth study of protein structure, folding, and synthesis. The major metabolic pathways will be studied in detail regarding thermodynamics and mechanism of regulation or control of individual enzymes and entire metabolic pathways. Concepts of metabolic disease will be introduced and effects on integrated metabolism will be presented.
An overview of the natural chemical systems operating in the atmosphere, in the terrestrial environment (both water and soils), and in the oceans, and the potential effects that human activities may have on them. Specific topics include the origin and evolution of the earth and life, the chemistry of the atmosphere (including the ozone layer and greenhouse effect), the organic and inorganic components of soil and water, chemical weathering of rocks, metal complexation, biological processes in soil and water, and global-scale chemical processes.
Theoretical aspects of modern inorganic chemistry: bonding theories, stereochemistry, acid-base theories, coordination compounds, organometallic and bioinorganic compounds.
Synthesis of metal and nonmetal inorganic compounds and organometallic compounds, their characterization by modern physical methods, and a study of their properties.
Fundamental principles of toxicology: dose-response relationship, toxicologic testing, chemical and biological factors influencing toxicity, organ toxicology, carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, teratogenesis.
Application of advanced scientific practices for the identification and collection of evidence, documentation, and techniques for crime scene reconstruction (e.g., blood stain pattern analysis and interpretation, accident reconstruction; ballistics) used in crime scene investigation. Topics include history and theory of crime scene investigation; nature and properties of evidence types; safety and security of the crime scene; crime scene search techniques; photography and videography used for documentation of crime scene evidence; report writing and case preparation. This laboratory course will culminate with a group crime scene reconstruction project.
Nanotechnology presents unparalleled opportunities for advances in technology and medicine. Simultaneously, nanotechnology presents new challenges to organisms and to our environment. These undefined risk factors threaten to slow the development of new technologies and novel medical therapies. This course will review: structure, synthesis and properties of key nanomaterials; key applications of nanomaterials in technology and medicine; and impacts of nanomaterials on plant and animal physiology and the environment more generally. This course will be team-taught by faculty members in Biological Sciences, Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Engineering.
An examination and evaluation of scientific evidence in criminal investigations as well as individual and group activities focusing on professional practices of forensic science. Topics will include courtroom testimony, introduction to law, quality assurance and chain of custody as well as ethical considerations in forensic science. and the criminal justice system.
Emphasizes the tools and techniques used to solve scientific problems. Topics include use and design of experiments, use of statistics to interpret experimental results, mathematical modeling of scientific phenomena, and oral and written presentation of scientific results. Students will perform four independent inquiries, combining skills from mathematics and science to solve research problems. Required for Chemistry teaching licensure track; not available as upper-division elective in content area.
The formal presentation of a chemical or biochemical topic before students and faculty. Students will also take Major Field Test during this course.
Part one of a two-semester thesis project involving literature research, development of scientific writing skills, and obtaining lab experience using a variety of techniques and equipment. Each student will undertake a research experience under the supervision of a departmental faculty member. A preliminary report of research findings is required at the end of the semester.
A high level of economic activity and development for any industrialized nation has at its core a strong STEM component. Within this component, the fields of chemistry and biochemistry form one of the strongest inter-disciplinary links by providing an understanding of the processes and products at a molecular level. This course will allow students to combine their academic knowledge in chemistry and biochemistry with the needs of real-world businesses to formulate an economically viable business plan that encompasses a scientifically and economically sound proof-of-concept.
Study of selected topics.
An opportunity is afforded students to undertake independent study or an original investigation under the direction of a faculty member.
An opportunity is afforded students to undertake independent study or an original investigation under the direction of a faculty member.
A bioinorganic and natural products course that entails the chemistry of the use of chromium, vanadium, and herbs in medicine and the use of tunicates as biomonitors of heavy metal pollution in Jamaica. This is a study abroad course intended for the Maymester term.
An in-depth look at organic reaction mechanisms, including polar, pericyclic, radical and organometallic reactions.
Designed to be taken concurrently with CHEM 522. A study of the basic principles of spectroscopic, chromatographic, and electrochemical methods of quantitative chemical analysis. Methods of chemical instrumentation are also included.
An intensive laboratory study of the principles of analytical chemistry. Experiments in spectroscopic, chromatographic, and electrochemical methods are conducted to illustrate fundamental principles and to provide the opportunity to develop skills in the use of instrumentation for chemical measurement.
An introduction to the fundamental concepts of drug action including pharmacodynamics (effect of drugs on the body) and pharmacokinetics (ADME: absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination) of drugs; an introduction to the process of new drug discovery and synthesis will also be taught.
This course is a one-semester survey of the major molecular constituents, bioenergetics, enzymes, nucleic acid structure, and genetic information transfer pathways fundamental to biochemistry.
Principles and techniques of biochemical and immunological procedures involving protein characterization and isolation, enzymology, bioinformatics, and common molecular biology techniques for nucleic acids will be presented. (This is a writing intensive course.)
This course presents and in-depth study of protein structure, folding, and synthesis. The major metabolic pathways will be studied in detail regarding thermodynamics and mechanism of regulation or control of individual enzymes and entire metabolic pathways. Concepts of metabolic disease will be introduced and effects on integrated metabolism will be presented.
An overview of the natural chemical systems operating in the atmosphere, in the terrestrial environment (both water and soils), and in the oceans, and the potential effects that human activities may have on them. Specific topics include the origin and evolution of the earth and life, the chemistry of the atmosphere (including the ozone layer and greenhouse effect), the organic and inorganic components of soil and water, chemical weathering of rocks, metal complexation, biological processes in soil and water, and global-scale chemical processes.
Theoretical aspects of modern inorganic chemistry: bonding theories, stereochemistry, acid-base theories, coordination compounds, organometallic and bioinorganic compounds.
Advanced topics in inorganic synthesis.
Fundamental principles of toxicology: dose-response relationship, toxicologic testing, chemical and biological factors influencing toxicity, organ toxicology, carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, teratogenesis.
Nanotechnology presents unparalleled opportunities for advances in technology and medicine. Simultaneously, nanotechnology presents new challenges to organisms and to our environment. These undefined risk factors threaten to slow the development of new technologies and novel medical therapies. This course will review: structure, synthesis and properties of key nanomaterials; key applications of nanomaterials in technology and medicine; and impacts of nanomaterials on plant and animal physiology and the environment more generally. This course will be team-taught by faculty members in Biological Sciences, Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Engineering.
Study of selected topics.
6 credits; 50 hours per credit. One semester of work experience in local hospital, forensic, or industrial laboratory. Available for pass/fail grading only.
An introduction to graduate studies in chemistry. Topics include responsible conduct of research (RCR), grant writing skills, oral presentation of chemical research and methods for searching the chemical literature. Attendance at departmental seminars is required. Limited to first-year chemistry doctoral students.
Topics representing the most recent advances in various fields of chemistry or ones which represent an interdisciplinary advancement.
Study of selected topics in chemistry.
The theoretical and practical foundation of analysis with emphasis on recent analytical developments and current literature; topics may include figures of merit and data treatment, sampling and extraction, HPLC, electrochemistry, circular dichroism, FT-IR, Raman, MS, electrophoresis and NMR. Lectures are given by experts in those techniques.
This course will review the most cutting-edge advanced analytical chemistry instrumentation and methods, spanning three core areas of analytical chemistry (spectroscopy, separation, and electrochemistry) and offering an in-depth understanding of objectives, motivations, and future directions. The course will focus on advanced instrumentation and methodologies that can achieve ultra-sensitive analysis and detection, including single molecular spectroscopy, nanoparticle probes, high-speed separation in microfluidic devices, and ultramicroelectrodes for sensing and imaging.
This course covers basic principles of chromatography emphasizing high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and gas chromatography (GC), as well as separation modes, instrumentation, detection methods, quantification, and sample preparation including solid phase extraction. Examples from environmental sciences, biosciences and industry will be stressed.
This lab course consists of six to seven independent HPLC and GC exercises based on examples from environmental, bioscience, and industrial applications.
The basic principles of management of the clinical chemistry laboratory and regulatory issues in laboratory management are presented.
This course presents the fundamental principals and practical applications of modern electrochemical methods of analysis. Lectures and text readings cover the basic concepts and fundamental principals of this division of analytical techniques. Detailed descriptions and demonstrations of modern electrochemical research instrumentation will be provided. Students will obtain hands-on experience with this instrumentation by performing a required chemical determination using an electroanalytical method, and by undertaking a special analytical project. Research applications of other electroanalytical techniques and instrumentation, in addition to those actually used by the students in this course, will be discussed and/or demonstrated.
A hands-on approach to experimental design and multivariate data analysis. Modern computer-based chemometric theories will be presented.
An examination of the design of complex organic molecules and natural products. Topics covered will include: retrosynthetic analysis; stereochemical control; application of fundamental organic reactions to develop synthetic strategies; implementation of protecting groups in organic synthesis; construction of carbocyclic and heterocyclic ring systems, organometallic coupling reactions, and contemporary methods.
This course is a survey of the mechanisms of biochemical activity of the trace elements. Topics include oxygen uptake, oxidation-reduction, metabolism, and toxicity.
Approaches to the study of reaction mechanisms, including molecular orbital theory, thermochemistry, kinetics, isotop effects, solvent and substituent effects (including linear free energy relationships), acidity, acid catalysis, and detection of reactive intermediates.
Study of the chemistry and mode of action of various medicinal and physiologically active compounds.
A comprehensive evaluation of modern organic transformations with emphasis on the fundamentals of each reaction, their utility and applications. Topics covered will include: nomenclature, classes of compounds, functional group exchanges (oxidation and reduction reactions), bond forming reactions (carbon-carbon, carbon-oxygen, and carbon-nitrogen), introduction to protecting groups, and reaction control by steric, electronic and topological considerations.
Organic functional group and structure analysis with ultraviolet, infrared, nuclear magnetic resonance, mass, and other spectroscopic techniques.
Detailed coverage of fundamental organic transformations with emphasis on reduction, oxidation, carbon-carbon bond formation, and protecting group strategy.
This course examines important transformations of organotransition-metal species. There is an emphasis on basic mechanism, structure-reactivity relationships, and applications in organic synthesis with applications of organotransition-metal catalysis towards industrial applications.
This course is based on the coordination and transition metal chemistry of first row, second row, and third row transition metals.
This course trains students in the theory and application of advanced mass spectrometric methods as used in all subdisciplines of chemistry and biochemistry.
Organic geochemistry is the study of organic compounds originally produced by photosynthesis and altered as they cycle through the soils, atmosphere, rivers, oceans, and crustal rocks. This course will include the carbon/oxygen cycles, biomarkers, organic matter diagenesis/catagenesis, analytical techniques used in organic geochemistry, and an introduction to carbon isotopes.
NMR is a highly specific spectroscopic technique. It can probe the individual atoms in molecules via a limitless array of distinct experiments tailored to nearly every need. While NMR experiments can contain up to several hundred magnetic pulses, the effect of the pulses and therefore the utility of each experiment can be understood via a primarily visual approach. This course offers a visual-based approach to discuss spectrometer hardware, basic NMR theory, and a series of one, two and three-dimensional NMR experiments, with applications to small molecules, proteins, nucleic acids and their interactions.
This course focuses on the applied biochemistry associated with human biological systems. Topics to be covered include the hormonal control of metabolism, vitamins, minerals, diagnostic tests; the biochemistry of the digestive system; connective tissue and bone; the immune system; the urinary system; and the nervous systems, among others. Exams involve answering United States Medical Licensing Exam type questions in some instances. Medical biochemistry case studies are presented and discussed in class that relate to the biochemical basis of disease to enhance the learning experience. Students will also write a research paper and give an in-class presentation on selected topics.
Study of the basic principles and methods of trace chemical analysis of environmental systems, including spectroscopic, chromatographic, and electrochemical instrumental methods, in addition to wet chemical methods.
An overview of the natural chemistry systems operating in the atmosphere, in the terrestrial environment (both water and soils), and in the oceans, and the potential effects that human activities may have on them. Specific topics include the origin and evolution of the earth and life, the chemistry of the atmosphere (including the ozone layer and greenhouse effect), the organic and inorganic components of soil and water, chemical weathering of rocks, metal complexation, biological processes in soil and water, and global-scale chemical processes.
Overview of the development and application of quantum mechanics from a chemical perspective.
Comprehensive overview of ab initio (quantum) calculations and molecular dynamic simulations, the two most widely used computational methods. Plus a brief overview of other computational applications in chemistry and biology.
This course is a survey of the major mechanisms of inorganic and organometallic chemistry. Topics include kinetics, ligand substitution, electron transfer, and photochemistry.
An introductory survey of atmospheric chemistry and physics. Topics to be covered include atmospheric composition, atmospheric pressure, simple models, atmospheric transport, geochemical cycles, the greenhouse effect, aerosols, stratospheric ozone, the oxidizing power of the troposphere, ozone air pollution, satellite orbits, and radiative transfer. The course will also provide a survey of satellite remote sensing. It will conclude with the basics of satellite remote sensing, including a brief survey of satellite instruments.
An introductory survey of the rotational, vibrational and electronic spectroscopy of molecules from the perspective of quantum mechanics and group theory.
Living organisms must sense and respond to changes in their environment, which requires perceiving extracellular stimuli and converting this information into tangible changes to intracellular function. Sensory and metabolic pathways must integrate stimuli from multiple signals to coordinate cell-wide or organism-wide responses, and signal transduction pathways must be considered in the context of the networks they comprise. Signal transduction networks are the very definition of ‘wholes’ that are greater and more complex than the sums of their parts. This course will have a dual focus on mechanisms of signal transduction, with an emphasis on macromolecular structure, and on network modeling.
This course will cover macromolecular structure, function, thermodynamic stability and folding kinetics; protein chemistry; molecular biology; and molecular mechanisms of disease and bioinformatics.
A comprehensive presentation of the chemistry of RNA and DNA, including modern concepts of gene regulation, the control over transcription, RNA processing and translation, cell cycle control and molecular carcinogenesis.
This course will examine the physical characterization of macromolecules, polarized light, absorption and fluorescence, sedimentation and transport hydrodynamics, electrophoretic mobility, light scattering, and structural x-ray crystallography of proteins and nucleic acids.
A survey of modern theories of reaction rates and mechanisms, classic thermodynamic functions, and an introduction to statistical thermodynamics.
Students will learn cutting-edge bioinformatics and genomics approaches to gain an in depth understanding of genetic and protein evolution as it relates to genetic mutation and adaption and to protein structure, folding and function. The theory and computational skills needed to analyze protein, DNA and non-coding RNA sequences as well as protein structures will be taught and applied. Comparative genomics studies will be conducted, focusing on current topics such as viral outbreaks where students will elucidate functional variations leading to enhanced virulence in isolates during a pandemic such as Zika.
Master's students attend seminars given by researchers from across the country in order to expose them to additional areas of research in chemistry and biochemistry.
Master's students attend seminars, attend a class on giving seminars, and present a seminar on their own research.
Thorough coverage of areas selected to meet special needs and interests.
The theoretical and practical foundation of analysis with emphasis on recent analytical developments and current literature; topics may include figures of merit and data treatment, sampling and extraction, HPLC, electrochemistry, circular dichroism, FT-IR, Raman, MS, electrophoresis and NMR. Lectures are given by experts in those techniques.
This course will review the most cutting-edge advanced analytical chemistry instrumentation and methods, spanning three core areas of analytical chemistry (spectroscopy, separation, and electrochemistry) and offering an in-depth understanding of objectives, motivations, and future directions. The course will focus on advanced instrumentation and methodologies that can achieve ultra-sensitive analysis and detection, including single molecular spectroscopy, nanoparticle probes, high-speed separation in microfluidic devices, and ultramicroelectrodes for sensing and imaging.
This course presents the fundamental principals and practical applications of modern electrochemical methods of analysis. Lectures and text readings cover the basic concepts and fundamental principals of this division of analytical techniques. Detailed descriptions and demonstrations of modern electrochemical research instrumentation will be provided. Students will obtain hands-on experience with this instrumentation by performing a required chemical determination using an electroanalytical method, and by undertaking a special analytical project. Research applications of other electroanalytical techniques and instrumentation, in addition to those actually used by the students in this course, will be discussed and/or demonstrated.
An examination of the design of complex organic molecules and natural products. Topics covered will include: retrosynthetic analysis; stereochemical control; application of fundamental organic reactions to develop synthetic strategies; implementation of protecting groups in organic synthesis; construction of carbocyclic and heterocyclic ring systems, organometallic coupling reactions, and contemporary methods
This course is a survey of the mechanisms of biochemical activity of the trace elements. Topics include oxygen uptake, oxidation-reduction, metabolism, and toxicity.
Approaches to the study of reaction mechanisms, including molecular orbital theory, thermochemistry, kinetics, isotop effects, solvent and substituent effects (including linear free energy relationships), acidity, acid catalysis, and detection of reactive intermediates.
Study of the chemistry and mode of action of various medicinal and physiologically active compounds.
A comprehensive evaluation of modern organic transformations with emphasis on the fundamentals of each reaction, their utility and applications. Topics covered will include: nomenclature, classes of compounds, functional group exchanges (oxidation and reduction reactions), bond forming reactions (carbon-carbon, carbon-oxygen, and carbon-nitrogen), introduction to protecting groups, and reaction control by steric, electronic and topological considerations
Organic functional group and structure analysis with ultraviolet, infrared, nuclear magnetic resonance, mass, and other spectroscopic techniques.
Detailed coverage of fundamental organic transformations with emphasis on reduction, oxidation, carbon-carbon bond formation, and protecting group strategy.
This course examines important transformations of organotransition-metal species. There is an emphasis on basic mechanism, structure-reactivity relationships, and applications in organic synthesis with applications of organotransition-metal catalysis towards industrial applications.
This course examines the coordination and transition metal chemistry of first row, second row, and third row transition metals.
This course trains students in the theory and application of advanced mass spectrometric methods as used in all subdisciplines of chemistry and biochemistry.
Organic geochemistry is the study of organic compounds originally produced by photosynthesis and altered as they cycle through the soils, atmosphere, rivers, oceans, and crustal rocks. This course will include the carbon/oxygen cycles, biomarkers, organic matter diagenesis/catagenesis, analytical techniques used in organic geochemistry, and an introduction to carbon isotopes.
NMR is a highly specific spectroscopic technique. It can probe the individual atoms in molecules via a limitless array of distinct experiments tailored to nearly every need. While NMR experiments can contain up to several hundred magnetic pulses, the effect of the pulses and therefore the utility of each experiment can be understood via a primarily visual approach. This course offers a visual-based approach to discuss spectrometer hardware, basic NMR theory, and a series of one, two and three-dimensional NMR experiments, with applications to small molecules, proteins, nucleic acids and their interactions.
This course focuses on the applied biochemistry associated with human biological systems. Topics to be covered include the hormonal control of metabolism, vitamins, minerals, diagnostic tests; the biochemistry of the digestive system; connective tissue and bone; the immune system; the urinary system; and the nervous systems, among others. Exams involve answering United States Medical Licensing Exam type questions in some instances. Medical biochemistry case studies are presented and discussed in class that relate to the biochemical basis of disease to enhance the learning experience. Students will also write a research paper and give an in-class presentation on selected topics.
An overview of the natural chemistry systems operating in the atmosphere, in the terrestrial environment (both water and soils), and in the oceans, and the potential effects that human activities may have on them. Specific topics include the origin and evolution of the earth and life, the chemistry of the atmosphere (including the ozone layer and greenhouse effect), the organic and inorganic components of soil and water, chemical weathering of rocks, metal complexation, biological processes in soil and water, and global-scale chemical processes.
Overview of the development and application of quantum mechanics from a chemical perspective.
Comprehensive overview of ab initio (quantum) calculations and molecular dynamic simulations, the two most widely used computational methods. Plus a brief overview of other computational applications in chemistry and biology.
This course is a survey of the major mechanisms of inorganic and organometallic chemistry. Topics include kinetics, ligand substitution, electron transfer, and photochemistry.
An introductory survey of atmospheric chemistry and physics. Topics to be covered include atmospheric composition, atmospheric pressure, simple models, atmospheric transport, geochemical cycles, the greenhouse effect, aerosols, stratospheric ozone, the oxidizing power of the troposphere, ozone air pollution, satellite orbits, and radiative transfer. The course will also provide a survey of satellite remote sensing. It will conclude with the basics of satellite remote sensing, including a brief survey of satellite instruments.
An introduction to statistical mechanics from a chemical perspective. Topics to be covered include ensembles and postulates and their mathematical background; basic thermodynamics; distinguishable and indistinguishable systems; ideal monatomic gas; monatomic crystals; ideal diatomic gas; ideal polyatomic gas; chemical equilibrium; rates of chemical reactions; and quantum statistics.
An introductory survey of the rotational, vibrational and electronic spectroscopy of molecules from the perspective of quantum mechanics and group theory.
Living organisms must sense and respond to changes in their environment, which requires perceiving extracellular stimuli and converting this information into tangible changes to intracellular function. Sensory and metabolic pathways must integrate stimuli from multiple signals to coordinate cell-wide or organism-wide responses, and signal transduction pathways must be considered in the context of the networks they comprise. Signal transduction networks are the very definition of ‘wholes’ that are greater and more complex than the sums of their parts. This course will have a dual focus on mechanisms of signal transduction, with an emphasis on macromolecular structure, and on network modeling.
This course will cover macromolecular structure, function, thermodynamic stability and folding kinetics; protein chemistry; molecular biology; and molecular mechanisms of disease and bioinformatics.
This course is designed to provide individual students with advanced on-the-job professional experience. Internship assignments must be approved within the student's program of study. Direct supervision is given by an experienced professional at the internship site.
A comprehensive presentation of the chemistry of RNA and DNA, including modern concepts of gene regulation, the control over transcription, RNA processing and translation, cell cycle control and molecular carcinogenesis.
This course will examine the physical characterization of macromolecules, polarized light, absorption and fluorescence, sedimentation and transport hydrodynamics, electrophoretic mobility, light scattering, and structural x-ray crystallography of proteins and nucleic acids.
A survey of modern theories of reaction rates and mechanisms, classic thermodynamic functions, and an introduction to statistical thermodynamics.
Students will learn cutting-edge bioinformatics and genomics approaches to gain an in depth understanding of genetic and protein evolution as it relates to genetic mutation and adaption and to protein structure, folding and function. The theory and computational skills needed to analyze protein, DNA and non-coding RNA sequences as well as protein structures will be taught and applied. Comparative genomics studies will be conducted, focusing on current topics such as viral outbreaks where students will elucidate functional variations leading to enhanced virulence in isolates during a pandemic such as Zika.
Students attend seminars given by researchers from across the country on order to expose them to additional areas of research in chemistry and biochemistry.
Students attend seminars; attend a class on giving seminars; and present a seminar on their own research.
Thorough coverage of areas selected to meet special needs and interests.
This course is a pass/fail course for master's students in their final semester. It may be taken to fulfill the registration requirement necessary for graduation. All master's students are required to be registered for at least one graduate credit hour in the semester of their graduation.
This course is a pass/fail course doctoral students may take to maintain active status after successfully passing the candidacy examination. All doctoral students are required to be registered for at least one graduate credit hour every semester until their graduation.