BIOL - Biological Sciences
An introductory, non-sequential course for non-biology majors with laboratory. This course concentrates on major biological concepts concerning molecular biology, cellular biology, cellular reproduction, energetics, and organismal biology. Laboratory activities enhance understanding of core biological topics. Cannot be substituted for BIOL 121N and BIOL 122N or for BIOL 123N and BIOL 124N.
An introductory, non-sequential course for nonbiology majors with laboratory. This course concentrates on major biological concepts involving classical and molecular genetics, biotechnology, evolution, and ecology. Laboratory activities enhance understanding of core biological topics. Cannot be substituted for BIOL 121N and BIOL 122N or for BIOL 123N and BIOL 124N.
An introductory, non-sequential course for nonbiology majors focusing on scientific inquiry and the fundamental biological underpinnings of environmental science. The course concentrates on ecology, evolution, the nature of and threats to biodiversity, and conservation solutions. Cannot be substituted for BIOL 121N or BIOL 123N. BIOL 110N + BIOL 111N satisfy four credits of the University's Nature of Science general education requirement.
Laboratory activities and scientific experiments that enhance understanding of environmental science through a hands-on approach that cannot be provided in the lecture classroom setting. BIOL 110N + BIOL 111N satisfy four credits of the University's Nature of Science general education requirement. Cannot be substituted for BIOL 122N or BIOL 124N.
An introductory, non-sequential course for nonbiology majors focusing on the most serious environmental problems our society is facing today and how these problems can be solved. The course concentrates on the science behind natural resources and resource management, toxicology, environmental policies and ethics, and sustainable living. Cannot be substituted for BIOL 121N or BIOL 123N. BIOL 112N and BIOL 113N satisfy four credits of the University's Nature of Science general education requirement.
Laboratory activities and experiments that enhance understanding of the scientific method and environmental sciences through a hands-on approach that cannot be provided in the lecture classroom setting. This course cannot be substituted for BIOL 122N or BIOL 124N. BIOL 112N + BIOL 113N satisfy four credits of the University's Nature of Science general education requirement.
An introductory lecture course for non-majors focusing on scientific inquiry and the structure and function of the human body with units on diet, nutrition, exercise, infectious disease, and cancer. Cannot be substituted for BIOL 121N or BIOL 123N.
An introductory lab course for non-majors focusing on scientific inquiry and the structure and function of the human body with units on diet, nutrition, exercise, infectious disease, and cancer. Cannot be substituted for BIOL 122N or BIOL 124N.
An introduction to the process of science, biological molecules, cell biology, metabolism, molecular biology, and Mendelian genetics. Students required to take BIOL 121N cannot earn credit for BIOL 105N, BIOL 106N, BIOL 110N, BIOL 112N, or BIOL 117N.
A lab course emphasizing the process of science, biological molecules, cell biology, metabolism, molecular biology, and Mendelian genetics. Students required to take BIOL 122N cannot earn credit for BIOL 111N, BIOL 113N, or BIOL 118N.
An introduction to the process of science, evolutionary biology, ecology, and the basic biology of viruses, prokaryotes, and eukaryotes. Students required to take BIOL 123N cannot earn credit for BIOL 105N, BIOL 106N, BIOL 110N, BIOL 112N, or BIOL 117N.
A lab course emphasizing the process of science, evolutionary biology, ecology, and the basic biology of viruses, prokaryotes, and eukaryotes. Students required to take BIOL 124N cannot earn credit for BIOL 111N, BIOL 113N, or BIOL 118N.
This course is available only to students in the Honors College. An introduction to the process of science, biological molecules, cell biology, metabolism, molecular biology, and Mendelian genetics. Students required to take BIOL 136N cannot earn credit for BIOL 105N, BIOL 106N, BIOL 110N, BIOL 112N, or BIOL 117N.
This lab course is available only to students in the Honors College. This lab course emphasizes the process of science, biological molecules, cell biology, metabolism, molecular biology, and Mendelian genetics. Students required to take BIOL 137N cannot earn credit for BIOL 111N, BIOL 113N, or BIOL 118N.
This course is available only to students in the Honors College. An introduction to the process of science, evolutionary biology, ecology, and the basic biology of viruses, prokaryotes, and eukaryotes. Students required to take BIOL 138N cannot earn credit for BIOL 105N, BIOL 106N, BIOL 110N, BIOL 112N, or BIOL 117N.
This lab course is available only to students in the Honors College. This lab course emphasizes the process of science, evolutionary biology, ecology, and the basic biology of viruses, prokaryotes, and eukaryotes. Students required to take BIOL 139N cannot earn credit for BIOL 111N, BIOL 113N, or BIOL 118N.
A course designed to acquaint the student with the elementary principles of bacteriology and other disease causing microorganisms. Emphasis is placed on microorganisms as etiological agents in disease, on practical methods of disinfection, and on the factors of infection and immunity.
A course designed to acquaint the student with the elementary principles of bacteriology and other disease causing microorganisms. Emphasis is placed on microorganisms as etiological agents in disease, on practical methods of disinfection, and on the factors of infection and immunity.
Laboratory topics.
Topics in Biology.
Student participation in a supervised, undergraduate research experience for which credit will not apply to the degree. Experience must be related to the student's major, minor or career area of interest.
This is the first of a two-part course that investigates the structure and function of the human body. Emphasis is on the basic organization of the body, biochemical composition, cellular structure, function, tissues and organs of the following systems: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, sensory and endocrine. In lab, students will study the interrelationship between structure and function of the human body using models, histological preparations, and human and feline anatomical specimens. Students with credit for BIOL 240 cannot receive credit for BIOL 250.
The second of a two-part course that investigates the structure and function of the human body. Emphasis is on the basic organization of the body, biochemical composition, cellular structure, function, tissues and organs of the following systems: cardiovascular, lymphatic, immune, respiratory, urinary, digestive, reproductive and human development. In lab, students will study the interrelationship between structure and function of the human body using models, histological preparations, and human and feline anatomical specimens. Students with credit for BIOL 241 cannot receive credit for BIOL 251.
This course emphasizes the physiology and pathophysiology of the cardiac, pulmonary, renal, endocrine, and reproductive systems. Only BIOL 251 (4 credits) may count toward upper-division elective requirements for the Biology major. Students with credit for BIOL 251 cannot receive credit for BIOL 241.
An introduction to the basic concepts of ecology for both biology majors and nonmajors. The concepts are introduced with respect to terrestrial and aquatic environments.
An introduction to the basic concepts of evolution for both biology majors and nonmajors. The concepts are introduced with respect to terrestrial and aquatic environments.
A comprehensive course in the structural and functional features of cells, including prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. The course will also examine biomacromolecules, techniques in cell and molecular biology, and current frontiers in cell biology research.
An introduction to the principles of biological inheritance and variation and the molecular basis of gene structure and function.
This course provides a detailed understanding of the four major classes of organic biological molecules as well as inorganic biological molecules (vitamins and trace minerals). The course focuses on how these biomolecules relate to everyday life for a diversity of organisms. This course will additionally emphasize current research and topics in the media as they pertain to biomolecules. This course counts as an elective for BIOL majors; students with premedical, dental or veterinary emphasis should consider if this course will satisfy requirements for medical, dental, or veterinary schools.
This course is designed to provide a genuine research experience for undergraduate students at the sophomore/junior level. Students will pursue a novel research question and use modern laboratory techniques to examine this question and test hypotheses.
A review of the phenomena of immune resistance, the cells and tissues involved in immune responses and the consequences of immunization.
The course incorporates the fields of animal physiology, biochemistry, ecology and behavior to provide a comprehensive framework for energy acquisition, processing, and use in animals. The course content integrates cellular and molecular mechanisms of digestion and absorption, with tissue-specific and whole-animal metabolism, to the environmental influences on food resource availability and the diverse adaptations of animals to specific dietary and energetic constraints. The course primarily focuses on vertebrate animals.
This course in comparative animal nutrition and metabolism explores how diverse animals accomplish the universal task of acquiring food energy from their environments, processing and assimilating these resources, and use food energy in metabolism to support vital functions (e.g. growth, repair, reproduction).
Human genetics applies the principles of genetics to understanding human disease and evolution. It covers classical genetics, molecular genetics and population genetics, meeting the undergraduate genetics requirement for biology and biochemistry majors.
An examination of the invertebrate phyla with emphasis on classification, morphology, phylogeny, and general biology.
A general introduction to the structure, function, ecology, and diversity of plants.
This course is designed to teach the fundamentals of abnormal functions essential to understanding diseases, disease processes, and production of signs and symptoms. Chemical, biological, and biochemical alterations in physiology of all major organ systems will be considered.
An examination of the invertebrate phyla with emphasis on classification, morphology, phylogeny, and general biology. This course will be taught as a full, immersive, field course in the Florida Keys.
This course will emphasize the application of evolutionary and ecological principles such as species geographic range shifts, changes in phenology, acclimation, adaptation, and extinction in response to global environmental changes.
This course is designed to give students a comprehensive understanding of the structure and function of the human nervous system, with a major focus on neuroanatomy. The basic principles of cellular neuroscience, neurophysiology, as well as, the sensory and motor pathways will be discussed in detail. Clinically relevant applications will be discussed when relevant. The laboratory component of this course will use cadavers and human tissue to study head and neck structures.
An analysis of development in animals. Lectures will explore experimental approaches to the study of gametogenesis, fertilization, cleavage and morphogenesis. Laboratories will emphasize the morphological features of the developing vertebrate embryo.
This lecture course is a general survey of the nature and diversity of microorganisms, especially bacteria but including viruses and fungi, the roles and functions of microorganisms and basic microbiological research.
Laboratory course emphasizing basic techniques in microbiology. Students with credit for BIOL 317 cannot receive credit for BIOL 318.
Online laboratory course emphasizing basic techniques in microbiology. Students who take BIOL 318 cannot earn credit for BIOL 317.
A survey of plants used for food, fiber, medicine, dyes, perfumes, oils, and waxes. The role of plants in folklore and religion is included. A student research project with a written paper and presentation is required.
A survey of the variety, ecology and adaptations of marine organisms. The course is designed to broadly introduce students to life in the oceans and the many special features of marine species that have evolved in the earth's oldest and most extensive ecosystem.
This course will emphasize the organisms classified as vertebrates - fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals - in addition to their evolutionary relatives. Detailed discussions of the changes that accompany this diversification of life will include topics in evolution, comparative anatomy, geology, and taxonomy. The lab will be a survey of specimens representing the major groups discussed in lecture.
A survey of plants and plant communities of the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain. Skills in plant and mushroom identification, specimen preparation, and research databases are emphasized. Most classes are field trips.
The distribution and characteristics of major plant community types in North America and practices used in the study of biogeography are discussed.
This course is the first semester of a two-semester laboratory and scientific writing course designed to provide a unique undergraduate research experience. It focuses on the discovery of viruses (also known as bacteriophage or phage) that infect bacteria with an emphasis on laboratory techniques. Students will collect phage from environmental samples and learn the laboratory techniques required for the isolation, purification and propagation of viruses. Students will further characterize phage based on microscopy, molecular microbiology techniques, and nucleic acid sequencing. This course emphasizes independent research and additional time outside of the laboratory will be required for sample collection and analysis. This course also is designed to complement the MonarchTeach curriculum.
This is the second course of a two semester laboratory and scientific writing sequence that is designed to provide a unique research experience for undergraduate students. The second semester course is a continuation of the research on the phage project that was started in Phage Discovery and Genomics I (BIOL 350). The students will analyze the newly sequenced bacteriophage genome using bioinformatics tools with an emphasis on Genomics. The bioinformatics will be completed using computer software, mathematical modeling and presented in formal scientific laboratory reports and formal presentations. Upon successful completion of the year-long course, some students will be invited to participate in the SEA-PHAGE program coordinated by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. The course is designed with an emphasis on independent research that could lead to a scientific publication.
Tissue homeostasis requires the birth of new cells, typically derived from stem cells, as well as the removal of cells that are not needed or have become damaged. This course will focus on understanding the mechanisms by which new cells are generated and old or diseased cells are removed. The pathological consequences of failures in one or both of these key processes will be explored as well. Applications of stem cells to regenerative medicine will be considered in detail.
Student participation for credit in a paid work environment based on the academic relevance of the work experience as determined by the department and the Cooperative Education program, prior to the semester in which the work experience is to take place. Unstructured course. Students must identify a full-time biology faculty member with the expertise to determine if the cooperative education experience is appropriate for a biology curriculum, approve the learning contract, review the submitted assignments (student report and supervisor’s evaluation) and assign a P/F grade.
Supervised participation in non-research professional setting. Requires a minimum of 3 hours per week or equivalent for 1 credit, completion of work report and other documents relevant to the work experience, and supervisor evaluation. Unstructured course. Students must identify a full-time biology faculty member with the expertise to determine if the internship is appropriate for a biology curriculum, approve the learning contract, review the submitted assignments (student report and supervisor’s evaluation) and assign a P/F grade.
A supervised experience in a research, teaching, or a work/field setting and culminating in the preparation of a written document relevant to the practicum experience. Unstructured course. Students must identify a full-time biology faculty member with the expertise to determine if the practicum is appropriate for a biology curriculum, approve the learning contract, review the submitted assignments (student report and supervisor’s evaluation) and assign a P/F grade.
A structured specialty course designed to meet the needs of students in biology. Students are expected to perform at the level of other junior level classes.
A structured specialty course for students at the junior level. Courses may include lecture and laboratory components.
An evolutionary survey of vascular plant families and the principles and methodologies that define them; lab emphasis is placed on recognition and skills of identification. A lab and field intensive hands-on course.
A comprehensive survey of the insects, including taxonomy, morphology, physiology, reproductive and developmental biology, and ecology. Research techniques in entomology will be learned through both field and laboratory work. Writing skills will be learned through written summaries, essay exams, laboratory reports and research proposals. This is a writing intensive course.
This lecture/field experience course will train students in the common techniques used by marine scientists who employ scuba for their research. It satisfies the requirements for an American Academy of Underwater Scientist certification and covers other topics such as: use of underwater research equipment and marine resource surveys. A multi-day scuba trip is required.
This course integrates the disciplines of microbiology, immunology, and biochemistry with the pathophysiology of infections and the appropriate pharmacology in a problem-based learning setting. Students will learn the fundamental concepts and terminologies of infectious diseases. The material will be case studies in small group tutorials and emphasize independent learning.
The application of fundamental biological principles to the preservation of biodiversity, including the role of ecological and evolutionary theory to the preservation of biotas on a regional and global basis. Lectures will cover modern approaches to conservation biology, including conservation ethics and management issues. Laboratories will include discussion of case studies, introduction to software applicable to conservation biology, presentations by regional conservation practitioners, and visits to relevant field sites.
This course offers a capstone experience in scientific writing, faculty-mentored library research, the review and synthesis of material from the primary technical literature, and oral presentation. Students will develop a deeper understanding of the purposes and types of scientific writing, the structure and interpretation of technical papers, and the oral and written communication skills appropriate to the discipline. This is a writing intensive course.
This lecture and laboratory course examines the biology of mammals in depth. Course topics include the evolution of mammalian diversity, mammalian systematics, the behavior and social systems of mammals, mammalian biogeography and ecology, anatomical and physiological specializations in mammals, domestication of mammals, conservation of mammals, and human evolution. The laboratory portion of the course will focus on the various taxonomic groups within the Class: Mammalia through the study of museum material, pictures, video, and primary literature. In addition, students will learn how to identify specific mammal species found in the state of Virginia. Laboratory activities will also include field activities and one required weekend day trip.
This course in drug use and abuse is designed to distinguish between drug use and drug abuse as well as provide pharmacological knowledge of how recreational drugs work. Students will acquire knowledge regarding the abuse of prescription drugs, depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, marijuana and inhalants. This information will be used to analyze pathophysiological conditions that can occur as a result of drug use and abuse.
This is a general introductory course in pharmacology dealing with chemistry, general properties and pharmacological effects on various physiological systems, therapeutic usefulness and toxicities of drugs. The course is designed to prepare upper-level undergraduate and graduate students for more advanced courses in pharmacology.
This is an introductory course in the theory and practice of zymology (fermentation). Edible and potable products of fermentation (beer, wine, mead, yogurt, cheese) have been known since antiquity and play an important role in today’s society. The science of fermentation touches on many biological disciplines, such as microbiology and biochemistry, and the study of yeasts has provided considerable foundation to the fields of cell biology and molecular biology. In this course, we will cover fundamentals of fermentation and its practical application to production of beer, one of the oldest beverages produced by humans.
Discover the incredible secrets behind what makes our green friends tick. This course includes a traditional lecture covering the physiological and chemical processes occurring in plants. A laboratory, greenhouse, and/or field-oriented lab will provide hands-on opportunities to understand plant stress responses, nutrient use, cell metabolism-respiration, photosynthesis, hormones, and processes driving growth patterns.
A lecture and laboratory course designed to introduce students to important ecological processes operating in coastal marine environments; this is a writing-intensive course. The course covers synthetic topics as well as the ecology of specific marine habitats. The laboratory is designed to provide students with experience in marine research and the organisms and ecological conditions common in various marine habitats visited by the class.
A description of common immunological problems seen in the clinic.
An exploration of the ecology of inland and coastal wetlands and their plants. The course emphasizes wetland and aquatic plant identification, field and laboratory methods, and core concepts important to wetland plants and their ecology. Linkages to wetland delineation and wetland adjacent systems will be made. Weekly field-based laboratories are expected to local wetlands focusing on hands on opportunities and research methods.
The biology of marine and freshwater fishes including morphology, physiology, evolution, distribution, ecology, and reproduction.
A combined lecture and field study of birds with emphasis on identification, behavior, and field methods. Extensive field trips, including at least one weekend, are taken.
The molecular organization of eukaryotic cells is presented along with cell evolution, molecular genetics, the internal organization of the cell and the behavior of cells in multicellular organisms. This is a writing intensive course.
An introduction to the basic mechanisms by which different animals function. How organisms acquire and use energy, regulate their internal environment, circulate and exchange gases and wastes, receive and conduct information about their environment, and move and use muscles will be some of the topics covered. Emphasis will be on how organisms make changes in these basic mechanisms to deal with different environmental conditions.
This course will examine how mutation leads to altered gene products and expression, subverted cell activity, cell immortalization, and tumor formation. Students will explore the differences between benign tumors and malignant tumors as well as the factors involved in malignancy. The course will conclude with the exploration of current cancer therapy.
The structure and function of cells, tissues and organs at both the light microscopic and ultrastructural levels.
Examination of bacterium-host interactions with an emphasis on how bacteria cause disease, particularly the means by which the bacterium is able to circumvent host defense mechanisms. This is a writing intensive course.
This is a writing intensive course. It is designed to engage students in learning about the different types of plant-animal interactions that occur in a variety of the Earth’s ecosystems. The goal is to understand these interactions and their significance, how they shape communities and ecosystems, and how they maintain biodiversity. A variety of animal taxa and their relationships with plants are investigated, including birds, mammals, bats, fishes, and insects. Varied ecosystems, including wetlands, prairies, tropical and hardwood forests, agricultural lands, tundra, oceans, lakes and more, will be considered.
This highly interdisciplinary science of conserving marine biodiversity will be taught through a review of old and new literature. This will include its history, marine ecology related to conservation biology, threats to marine biodiversity, assessment of extinction risk, conservation challenges of marine habitats and regions, and methods for conserving marine biodiversity.
This lecture course will focus on concepts related to the spread and control of infectious diseases. This course is a writing-intensive course.
A course that examines the interdependence between human health, animal health and environmental health. The One Health approach to the threat of emerging infectious diseases includes understanding the interconnectedness of human and animal pathogens, epidemic zoonoses and corresponding environmental factors, insights into mechanisms of microbial evolution towards pathogenicity, new technologies and approaches towards disease surveillance, and political and bureaucratic strategies. This is a writing intensive course.
The major objective of this hands-on course is to prepare students to independently perform basic laboratory techniques, assays, and experiments commonly used in entry-level immunology laboratory positions. The course will cover theory, sample and reagent preparation, instrumentation, data analysis and interpretation, and applications in immunology. Several topics covered in-class include ELISAs, mammalian cell culture, and flow cytometry; however, additional topics (such as confocal microscopy) will be covered using virtual technologies. This course is ideal for students who intend to pursue careers at the laboratory bench.
Animal behavior with special attention to its evolution and ecological significance. Field and laboratory activities will emphasize the observational and experimental techniques used to study behavior.
An intensive study abroad field course offered during the summer at a foreign marine laboratory where students will be engaged in lectures and field studies of coastal marine environments. Check with the Director of the Marine Biology Concentration Program for details.
The goal of this course is to introduce and evaluate both classical and emerging paradigms in community ecology. This will be achieved by examining those processes (biotic and abiotic) that structure ecological communities and by exposing students to quantitative and theoretical aspects of these paradigms.
The principles of fluid and solid mechanics will be applied to a variety of plant and animal systems to understand how organisms deal with the immediate physical world and its accompanying constraints. A diverse range of topics will be covered, including aerial flight in insects, wind resistance in trees, jet propulsion in squid, flow within blood vessels, forces on intertidal organisms, viscoelasticity in biological materials, and energy storage during terrestrial movement.
This course uses conceptual and mathematical models to understand how populations grow and persist in space and time. Both plants and animals are discussed.
This course introduces the student to microorganisms with particular emphasis placed on their role in health, wellness and disease. Economic, social and cultural issues related to utilization, control, and research of the bacteria and viruses are also considered.
This course explores theoretical concepts in plant ecology through review of classical and cutting-edge literature and practice with field-based experimental design and statistical methods. This course emphasizes the structure, development, and processes that drive patterns in plant communities and the ecological communities they support. Weekly field-based laboratories involve hands-on experience and opportunities to explore field methods in ecological research.
The application of computer science to biology has led to major breakthroughs in the ability to read and understand the code written in genomes. This course will give students the skills to participate in the computational revolution in biology. The course will give students hands-on experience in writing simple yet powerful computer programs in the Python programming language and making beautiful data visualizations in the R programming language. Students will also learn how to combine existing pieces of bioinformatics software for their own workflows.
The application of computer science to biology has led to major breakthroughs in the ability to read and understand the code written in genomes. This course will give students the skills to participate in the computational revolution in biology. The course will build on the knowledge of writing programs. Students will learn about some key techniques “under the hood” of software that have been critical to the genomics revolution. Topics will include: graph algorithms, evolutionary trees, probability models for DNA and protein sequences, and an introduction to deep learning in biology.
This course will explore the biology of organisms by using molecular (nucleic acid and/or protein) techniques and data. It covers a wide variety of subdisciplines within Biology, including genetics, physiology, ecology, and evolution. This course will explore basic theory in population genetics, ecology, and evolution and cover DNA, RNA, and Protein techniques and their application to biological research.
This is the first course of a two-semester laboratory and analysis sequence that is designed to provide a genuine research experience for undergraduate students. Students will design a novel research question in pathogen biology, then use modern laboratory techniques such as polymerase chain reaction and next-generation DNA sequencing to examine this question and test hypotheses. Data generated in this course will be analyzed in the second course in the series, BIOL 455. Data and analyses generated during these courses may be used for publication in scientific journals.
This is the second course of a two-semester laboratory and analysis sequence that is designed to provide a genuine research experience for undergraduate students. In this semester, students will analyze data generated during the previous semester in BIOL 454. Modern methods of data analysis will be used, including statistical and bioinformatics techniques. Data and analyses generated during these courses may be used for publication in scientific journals.
A basic course covering the history of virology, viral taxonomy, genetics, and the molecular biology and host responses to the major mammalian virus groups. Examples of recent impacts of viruses on human health such as influenza pandemics will also be covered.
Review of the structure, synthesis and properties of key nano-materials and their impact on living systems.
Students will dissect a human cadaver fully and learn all of the major structures. The course will be divided into three sections: back and limbs, TAP (thorax, abdomen and pelvis), and head and neck. Instructor demonstrations include brain removal and dissection.
This course will emphasize the fundamental concepts of microbial genetics including the study of gene structure, gene regulation, operons, DNA replication, RNA biology, protein synthesis, plasmid biology, mobile genetic elements, and recombinant DNA technology.
This course will emphasize cell dynamics including host and pathogen induced cellular signaling, the regulation of actin cytoskeleton rearrangement, and the modulation of host transcription and translation by different pathogens.
This course is cross listed between ECE and Biology. It is intended for senior undergraduate students and first year graduate students. The course contents are multidisciplinary, combining materials from engineering and the biological sciences. The course covers an introduction to the fundamentals of non-equilibrium plasmas, low temperature plasma sources, and cell biology. This is followed by a detailed discussion of the interaction of low temperature plasma with biological cells, both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Potential applications in medicine such as wound healing, blood coagulation, sterilization, and the killing of various types of cancer cells will be covered.
This course provides an overview of how microbes are manipulated to solve practical problems through biotechnology. Topics include basic concepts in microbial technology, industrial microbiology, microbes in drug development, food microbiology, microbial interactions, gut microbiota, and metagenomics.
Students will be introduced to the science underpinning mitigation of human-induced changes in the Earth system, including but not limited to climate change and sea level rise, and adaptation to the impacts of these changes. The course will cover the environmental hazards and the opportunities and limitations for conservation, mitigation and adaptation. This is a writing intensive course. Cross listed with IDS 466W and OEAS 466W.
In this class, students will discover what makes a leader for sustainability. They will consider a range of global and local crises from a leadership point of view in the context of sustainability science, which addresses the development of communities in a rapidly changing social, economic, and environmental system-of-systems environment. The course will be based on taking a problem-motivated and solution-focused approach to the challenges considered. The course includes a service learning project focusing on a leadership experience in solving a real-world environmental problem.
Emphasizes the tools and techniques used to solve scientific problems. Topics include use and design of experiments, use of statistics to interpret experimental results, mathematical modeling of scientific phenomena, and oral and written presentation of scientific results. Students will perform four independent inquiries, combining skills from mathematics and science to solve research problems. Required for Biology teaching licensure track; not available as upper-division elective in content area. This is a writing intensive course.
Despite advancements in the development of antimicrobials and vaccines and in securing clear water and food supplies, modern civilizations are not immune to epidemic diseases. This course will provide insight into the role of different technologies in the struggle to attain disease control and eradication and explore the challenge of forecasting emerging plagues, describing the nature and evolution of diseases and conveying their significance in shaping Western culture and civilization, their impact, their consequences, their costs, and the lessons learned.
Course will explore the biology, diversity and major life history patterns of a suite of marine megafauna, including sea turtles, marine mammals, seabirds and sharks. Students will determine the major drivers behind large-scale declines of many marine megafauna species and be challenged to understand and attempt to solve conservation and management issues. This is a writing intensive course, with a focus on the content and mechanics of scientific writing. Pre- or
This course will focus on understanding brain structure as well as the morphology and function of the central nervous system in general. Fundamental processes such as neuron morphogenesis, guidance, polarity, migration, and growth cone motility will be emphasized. The cellular and molecular basis of neurological disorders also will be discussed.
Introduction to the immune system, tumor antigens, immunosuppressive cells and molecules, and cancer immunotherapy treatment approaches.
Study of the interactions between microorganisms, particularly bacteria, and their environment. Emphasis is placed on nutrient cycling and the influence of microbes on global mineral dynamics. The effects of physical and chemical factors on the distribution and activity of microbes in their environments and the applications (biotechnology) of these interactions are studied.
A laboratory for measurement of microbial numbers and activity in natural environments.
This is a writing intensive course that provides a comprehensive survey of the insects used in legal investigations and medically important insects. Topics covered include the taxonomy, morphology, physiology, reproductive and developmental biology, and ecology of these insects along with the diseases they may vector. Research techniques in forensic and medical entomology will be learned through both field and laboratory activities.
The course will emphasize the principles of parasitism, including biology, physiology, genetics, morphology, and phylogeny of the major parasitic groups with a specific focus on the significant parasites of humans and animals of veterinary importance. The general biology of parasites including their life cycles, diagnosis, and treatment will be included as well.
Student performs mentored research in biological science. Student and faculty mentor must meet on a regular basis. The course is intended to be taken as a series with BIOL 488W. Available for pass/fail grading only.
Independent study and scheduled meetings with faculty advisor. Supervised independent study in an area of individual interest in biology. The work in this course results in the production of a thesis. This is a writing intensive course.
All major physiological systems will be examined with an emphasis on normal physiology. Some clinical applications will be discussed.
Ecological entrepreneurs consider the impact of products on the environment and are mindful of natural resources, sustainability, and social equity. In this novel class students will test their skill at biologically-inspired entrepreneurship after learning about biomimicry, sustainability, and other relevant concepts.
A structured specialty course for students at the senior level. Courses may include lecture and laboratory components.
The student performs laboratory and/or field research under the supervision of a Department of Biological Sciences faculty member. The student must devote a minimum of 3 hours per week for the equivalent of 1 credit. The student must maintain lab/field notes, must submit a written report, may be required to give an oral presentation, and must be evaluated by the faculty supervisor. If 3 credits are taken, then BIOL 497 counts as an upper-level biology elective course with a laboratory or field component.
This unstructured course is based on a supervised project, without a laboratory or field component, that is selected to suit the needs of the individual student. The completion of a formal scientific paper documented with the appropriate primary technical literature is required. An oral presentation also may be required. Contact the Chief Departmental Advisor for details.
An evolutionary survey of vascular plant families and the principles and methodologies that define them; lab emphasis is placed on recognition and skills of identification. A lab and field intensive hands-on course.
A comprehensive survey of the insects, including taxonomy, morphology, physiology, reproductive and developmental biology, and ecology. Research techniques in entomology will be learned through both field and laboratory work.
This lecture/field experience course will train students in the common techniques used by marine scientists who employ scuba for their research. It satisfies the requirements for an American Academy of Underwater Scientist certification and covers other topics such as: use of underwater research equipment and marine resource surveys. A multi-day scuba trip is required.
This course integrates the disciplines of microbiology, immunology, and biochemistry with the pathophysiology of infections and the appropriate pharmacology in a problem-based learning setting. Students will learn the fundamental concepts and terminologies of infectious diseases. The material will be case studies in small group tutorials and emphasize independent learning.
The application of fundamental biological principles to the preservation of biodiversity, including the role of ecological and evolutionary theory to the preservation of biotas on a regional and global basis. Lectures will cover modern approaches to conservation biology, including conservation ethics and management issues. Laboratories will include discussion of case studies, introduction to software applicable to conservation biology, presentations by regional conservation practitioners, and visits to relevant field sites.
This course in drug use and abuse is designed to distinguish between drug use and drug abuse as well as provide pharmacological knowledge of how recreational drugs work. Students will acquire knowledge regarding the abuse of prescription drugs, depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, marijuana and inhalants. This information will be used to analyze pathophysiological conditions that can occur as a result of drug use and abuse.
This is a general introductory course in pharmacology dealing with chemistry, general properties and pharmacological effects on various physiological systems, therapeutic usefulness and toxicities of drugs. The course is designed to prepare upper-level undergraduate and graduate students for more advanced courses in pharmacology.
This is an introductory course in the theory and practice of zymology (fermentation). Edible and potable products of fermentation (beer, wine, mead, yogurt, cheese) have been known since antiquity and play an important role in today’s society. The science of fermentation touches on many biological disciplines, such as microbiology and biochemistry, and the study of yeasts has provided considerable foundation to the fields of cell biology and molecular biology. In this course, we will cover fundamentals of fermentation and its practical application to production of beer, one of the oldest beverages produced by humans.
Discover the incredible secrets behind what makes our green friends tick. This course includes a traditional lecture covering the physiological and chemical processes occurring in plants. A laboratory, greenhouse, and/or field-oriented lab will provide hands-on opportunities to understand plant stress responses, nutrient use, cell metabolism-respiration, photosynthesis, hormones, and processes driving growth patterns.
A lecture and laboratory course designed to introduce students to important ecological processes operating in coastal marine environments. The course covers synthetic topics as well as the ecology of specific marine habitats. The laboratory is designed to provide students with experience in marine research and the organisms and ecological conditions common in various marine habitats visited by the class.
A description of common immunological problems seen in the clinic.
An exploration of the ecology of inland and coastal wetlands and their plants. This course emphasizes wetland and aquatic plant identification, field and laboratory methods, and core concepts important to wetland plants and their ecology. Linkages to wetland delineation and wetland adjacent systems will be made. Weekly field-based laboratories are expected to local wetlands focusing on hands on opportunities and research methods.
The biology of marine and freshwater fishes including morphology, physiology, evolution, distribution, ecology, and reproduction.
A combined lecture and field study of birds with emphasis on identification, behavior, and field methods. Extensive field trips, including at least one weekend, are taken.
The molecular organization of eukaryotic cells is presented along with cell evolution, molecular genetics, the internal organization of the cell and the behavior of cells in multicellular organisms.
An introduction to the basic mechanisms by which different animals function. How organisms acquire and use energy, regulate their internal environment, circulate and exchange gases and wastes, receive and conduct information about their environment, and move and use muscles will be some of the topics covered. Emphasis will be on how organisms make changes in these basic mechanisms to deal with different environmental conditions.
This course will examine how mutation leads to altered gene products and expression, subverted cell activity, cell immortalization, and tumor formation. Students will explore the differences between benign tumors and malignant tumors as well as the factors involved in malignancy. The course will conclude with the exploration of current cancer therapy.
The structure and function of cells, tissues and organs at both the light microscopic and ultrastructural levels.
Examination of bacterium-host interactions with an emphasis on how bacteria cause disease, particularly the means by which the bacterium is able to circumvent host defense mechanisms
This highly interdisciplinary science of conserving marine biodiversity will be taught through a review of old and new literature. This will include its history, marine ecology related to conservation biology, threats to marine biodiversity, assessment of extinction risk, conservation challenges of marine habitats and regions, and methods for conserving marine biodiversity.
This lecture/lab course will focus on concepts related to the spread and control of infectious diseases. The lectures will focus on concepts while the labs will provide quantitative skills essential to the study of infectious diseases.
A course that examines the interdependence between human health, animal health and environmental health. The One Health approach to the threat of emerging infectious diseases includes understanding the interconnectedness of human and animal pathogens, epidemic zoonoses and corresponding environmental factors, insights into mechanisms of microbial evolution towards pathogenicity, new technologies and approaches towards disease surveillance, and political and bureaucratic strategies.
The major objective of this hands-on course is to prepare students to independently perform basic laboratory techniques, assays, and experiments commonly used in entry-level immunology laboratory positions. The course will cover theory, sample and reagent preparation, instrumentation, data analysis and interpretation, and applications in immunology. Several topics covered in-class include ELISAs, mammalian cell culture, and flow cytometry, however additional topics (such as confocal microscopy) will be covered using virtual technologies. This course is ideal for students who intend to pursue careers at the laboratory bench.
Animal behavior with special attention to its evolution and ecological significance. Field and laboratory activities will emphasize observational and experimental techniques used to study behavior.
An intensive study abroad field course offered during the summer at a foreign marine laboratory where students will be engaged in lectures and field studies of coastal marine environments. Check with the Director of the Marine Biology Concentration Program for details.
The goal of this course is to introduce and evaluate both classical and emerging paradigms in community ecology. This will be achieved by examining those processes (biotic and abiotic) that structure ecological communities, and by exposing students to quantitative and theoretical aspects of these paradigms.
The principles of fluid and solid mechanics will be applied to a variety of plant and animal systems to understand how organisms deal with the immediate physical world and its accompanying constraints. A diverse range of topics will be covered, including aerial flight in insects, wind resistance in trees, jet propulsion in squid, flow within blood vessels, forces on intertidal organisms, viscoelasticity in biological materials, and energy storage during terrestrial movement.
This course explores theoretical concepts in plant ecology through review of classical and cutting-edge literature and practice with field-based experimental design and statistical methods. This course emphasizes the structure, development, and processes that drive patterns in plant communities and the ecological communities they support. Weekly field-based laboratories involve hands-on experience and opportunities to explore field methods in ecological research.
The application of computer science to biology has led to major breakthroughs in the ability to read and understand the code written in genomes. This course will give students the skills to participate in the computational revolution in biology. The course will give students hands-on experience in writing simple yet powerful computer programs in the Python programming language and making beautiful data visualizations in the R programming language. Students will also learn how to combine existing pieces of bioinformatics software for their own workflows.
The application of computer science to biology has led to major breakthroughs in the ability to read and understand the code written in genomes. This course will give students the skills to participate in the computational revolution in biology. The course will build on the knowledge of writing programs. Students will learn about some key techniques “under the hood” of software that have been critical to the genomics revolution. Topics will include: graph algorithms, evolutionary trees, probability models for DNA and protein sequences, and an introduction to deep learning in biology.
This course will explore the biology of organisms by using molecular (nucleic acid and/or protein) techniques and data. It covers a wide variety of subdisciplines within Biology, including genetics, physiology, ecology, and evolution. This course will explore basic theory in population genetics, ecology, and evolution and cover DNA, RNA, and Protein techniques and their application to biological research.
This is the first course of a two-semester laboratory and analysis sequence that is designed to provide a genuine research experience for students. Students will design a novel research question in pathogen biology, then use modern laboratory techniques such as polymerase chain reaction and next-generation DNA sequencing to examine this question and test hypotheses. Data generated in this course will be analyzed in the second course in the series, BIOL 555. Data and analyses generated during these courses may be used for publication in scientific journals.
This is the second course of a two-semester laboratory and analysis sequence that is designed to provide a genuine research experience for students. In this semester, students will analyze data generated during the previous semester in BIOL 554. Modern methods of data analysis will be used, including statistical and bioinformatics techniques. Data and analyses generated during these courses may be used for publication in scientific journals.
A basic course covering the history of virology, viral taxonomy, genetics, and the molecular biology and host responses to the major mammalian virus groups. Examples of recent impacts of viruses on human health such as influenza pandemics will also be covered.
Review of the structure, synthesis and properties of key nano-materials and their impact on living systems.
Students will dissect a human cadaver fully and learn all of the major structures. The course will divided into three sections: backs and limbs, TAP (thorax, abdomen and pelvis), and head and neck. Instructor demonstrations include brain removal and dissection.
This course emphasizes the fundamental concepts of microbial genetics including the study of gene structure, gene regulation, operons, DNA replication, RNA biology, protein synthesis, plasmid biology, mobile genetic elements, and recombinant DNA technology.
This course will emphasize cell dynamics including host and pathogen induced cellular signaling, the regulation of actin cytoskeleton rearrangement, and the modulation of host transcription and translation by different pathogens.
This course is cross listed between ECE and Biology. It is intended for senior undergraduate students and first year graduate students. The course contents are multidisciplinary, combining materials from engineering and the biological sciences. The course covers an introduction to the fundamentals of non-equilibrium plasmas, low temperature plasma sources, and cell biology. This is followed by a detailed discussion of the interaction of low temperature plasma with biological cells, both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Potential applications in medicine such as wound healing, blood coagulation, sterilization, and the killing of various types of cancer cells will be covered.
This course provides an overview of how microbes are manipulated to solve practical problems through biotechnology. Topics to be covered include basic concepts in microbial technology, industrial microbiology, microbes in drug development, food microbiology, microbial interactions, gut microbiota, and metagenomics.
Students will be introduced to the science underpinning mitigation of human-induced changes in the Earth system, including but not limited to climate change and sea level rise, and adaptation to the impacts of these changes. The course will cover the environmental hazards and the opportunities and limitations for conservation, mitigation and adaptation. Cross listed with OEAS 566.
In this class, students will discover what makes a leader for sustainability. They will consider a range of global and local crises from a leadership point of view in the context of sustainability science, which addresses the development of communities in a rapidly changing social, economic, and environmental system-of-systems environment. The course will be based on taking a problem-motivated and solution-focused approach to the challenges considered. The course includes a service learning project focusing on a leadership experience in solving a real-world environmental problem.
Despite advancements in the development of antimicrobials and vaccines and in securing clear water and food supplies, modern civilizations are not immune to epidemic diseases. This course will provide insight into the role of different technologies in the struggle to attain disease control and eradication and explore the challenge of forecasting emerging plagues, describing the nature and evolution of diseases and conveying their significance in shaping Western culture and civilization, their impact, their consequences, their costs, and the lessons learned.
Course will explore the biology, diversity and major life history patterns of a suite of marine megafauna, including sea turtles, marine mammals, seabirds and sharks. Students will determine the major drivers behind large-scale declines of many marine megafauna species and be challenged to understand and attempt to solve conservation and management issues.
This course will focus on understanding brain structure as well as the morphology and function of the central nervous system in general. Fundamental processes such as neuron morphogenesis, guidance, polarity, migration, and growth cone motility will be emphasized. The cellular and molecular basis of neurological disorders also will be discussed.
Introduction to the immune system, tumor antigens, immunosuppressive cells and molecules, and cancer immunotherapy treatment approaches.
Study of the interactions between microorganisms, particularly bacteria, and their environment. Emphasis is placed on nutrient cycling and the influence of microbes on global mineral dynamics. The effects of physical and chemical factors on distribution and activity of microbes in their environments and applications of these interactions are studied (biotechnology).
A laboratory for measurement of microbial numbers and activity in natural environments.
This course provides a comprehensive survey of the insects used in legal investigations and medically important insects. Topics covered include the taxonomy, morphology, physiology, reproductive and developmental biology, and ecology of these insects along with the diseases they may vector. Research techniques in forensic and medical entomology will be learned through both field and laboratory activities.
The course will emphasize the principles of parasitism, including biology, physiology, genetics, morphology, and phylogeny of the major parasitic groups with a specific focus on the significant parasites of humans and animals of veterinary importance. The general biology of parasites including their life cycles, diagnosis, and treatment will be included as well.
All major physiological systems with emphasis on normal physiology. Some clinical applications made but not stressed.
A structured specialty course for students at the senior level. Courses may include lecture and laboratory components.
Supervised (non-lab/field) project selected to suit the needs of the individual student. Requires completion of formal scientific paper documented with appropriate primary technical literature (see GPD for details). Unstructured course.
Reading and discussion course designed to explore a field of specific interest.
This course will focus on the mechanisms of action of microbial toxins, including those affecting the host's nervous system, immune function, metabolism, protein synthesis, and homeostasis. The structure and function of representatives of several toxin types will be analyzed for their potential applications to biotechnology and medicine.
Supervised projects and practica selected to meet the specific objectives of the student.
With approval of Advisory Committee.
A lab-intensive course emphasizing current methods in molecular biology.
A specially designed course concerning specific topics in the biological, environmental or allied health fields.
Supervised research.
This course is selected with the recommendation of the faculty advisor.
This physiology course will focus solely on cardiovascular physiology. Lectures will focus on basic and advance cardiovascular principles. The laboratory will focus on the use of current cardiovascular research.
This hands-on training course emphasizes the use of general computing tools to work more effectively in the biological sciences. It integrates a broad range of powerful and flexible tools that are applicable to ecologists, molecular biologists, physiologists, and anyone who has struggled analyzing large or complex data sets. Text file manipulation with regular expressions, basic shell scripting, programming in Python and R, interaction with remote devices, and basic graphical concepts will be reviewed.
Review and discussion of current papers in the areas of biomedical sciences. Student presentation, discussions and readings in this field required.
This course is designed to teach students the various steps involved in analyzing next-generation sequencing data for gene expression profiling and polymorphism identification and analyses. The class will follow a workshop setting with a combination of lectures, paper discussions, and instructor and student led programming sessions.
This course integrates the physiological and biochemical function of wild animals with population-scale and community-scale ecological patterns. Both organismal mechanisms and comprehensive theories will be included. The course primarily draws on peer-reviewed literature and includes lecture and discussion.
Investigate microbiology from historical perspectives to modern molecular microbiology; ecological and biomedical components; bacteria and viruses. Discussions will include how to design experiments and evaluate results.
This course is designed to equip students with core concepts and fundamental skill sets for all sub-disciplines in the biological sciences. Major topics will include evolutionary and ecological processes, foundational concepts in comparative physiology, cellular biology, microbiology, immunology, genetics, advanced molecular biology, and the interrelatedness of the human, animal, and environmental domains. The course emphasizes the integration of topics and builds the analytical skills and conceptual framework that prepares students for advanced study and research in the biological sciences.
Ecological principles at ecosystem level of biological organization. Discussion of energy flow, nutrient cycling, ecosystem stability and ecosystem modeling. Laboratory involves field trips and methods of measuring ecosystem parameters.
This graduate seminar offers a dynamic exploration of the biological sciences through a rotating roster of faculty presenting diverse topics. Participants will engage in discussions of contemporary research papers, receive training in science communication and career development, and/or analyze seminal texts that have shaped the field.
The course is a weekly lecture series of invited external and internal experts in Biology that will highlight the broad nature of biology research. Students will achieve a comprehensive understanding of biology through reinforcement of key fundamental concepts and exposure to a wide range of sub-disciplines.
This course will cover selected current topics in cell biology that reflect recent advances in the field. Major topics include membranes and transport, signal transduction, cell adhesion and motility, cell cycle, apoptosis, and specialized cell functions. Students will read current research papers that describe the latest innovations in microscopic and molecular analysis of cellular function. This course is built on previous coursework in cell biology by reinforcing key fundamental concepts and performing a more in-depth examination of cellular mechanisms.
This course provides hands-on training in cutting-edge methodologies for biological sciences research. Students will engage in supervised laboratory or field exercises, depending on their disciplinary focus, mastering advanced techniques, instrumentation, and data collection methodologies. By applying these methods to real research problems, this course aims to bridge theoretical knowledge with practical application, preparing students to contribute effectively to the advancement of biological research.
Lectures will cover theory and concepts of specimen preparation and operation of various microscopes used in the biological sciences. The laboratory experience will include specimen preparation to viewing.
This graduate-level course is designed to prepare future faculty for effective teaching in the biological sciences at the university level. Students will explore pedagogical theories and practices specifically tailored for higher education, focusing on instructional strategies, assessment methods, and curricular design principles that foster student engagement and success. Through a combination of theory and hands-on applications, participants will critically examine the integration of technology, inclusivity, and active learning techniques in university classrooms. Emphasis will be placed on developing reflective teaching practices that empower future faculty to inspire and mentor the next generation of scientists
Three laboratory rotations (6 credits) are required by the curriculum.
The biochemical integration of hormones and related agents on vertebrate physiology with emphasis on human endocrinology. Recent literature will be stressed.
A systematic survey of fishes emphasizing life history, anatomy, identification and classification.
This course will provide a comprehensive discussion of the physiological and chemical properties of nerve and muscle cells.
Discussion on current studies into new and reemerging infectious diseases with an examination of the infectious agent and factors involved in disease emergence, prevention and elimination.
Principles of systematic biology and discussion of speciation theory, with emphasis on generation, analysis, and interpretation of taxonomic data and application of these data to a better understanding of classification and speciation processes. Modern theories of evolutionary biology and phylogenetics will be stressed. A research paper is required.
This course is designed to introduce students to geographic information systems through examples and applications in the life sciences.
One Health is a concept that stresses the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental/ecosystem health and seeks an integrative approach to human and animal health issues. The concept provides a framework for examining complex health issues such as vector-borne and emerging infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance, and food safety and security. In our globalized world, new approaches to preventing, treating, and controlling diseases are urgently needed as emerging diseases are increasing in frequency due to interconnected ecosystems and the close connections between humans and animals.
This course will explore a broad range of concepts important to the field of vaccinology. Primary literature will be used to discuss vaccine development topics such as vaccine design and production, delivery methods, adjuvants, One Health, and zoonotic vaccines. HIV, TB, malaria, influenza, and parasite vaccines will be included.
Current concepts in cellular and molecular immunology and host defense based on critical review of the primary literature.
Required of all graduate students admitted to Biology programs. The course will introduce students to the responsible conduct of science and scientific research.
The purpose of this course is to show how animal models of human diseases can be created and analyzed using genomic and proteomic technologies. The course will overview high throughput methods of generating disease models in mice and describe ongoing efforts in this field. Attempts to identify molecular mechanisms of the disease will be presented with particular emphasis on drug target discovery.
Emphasis on historical biogeography, utilizing both dispersal and vicariance models for explanations of the geographic distribution of organisms. Ecological explanations are also considered. Useful techniques for biogeographic analyses, such as comparison of area cladograms are discussed at length.
Application of ecological principles at the community level to marine benthic environments. Discussion of community structure, animal-sediment relationships, roles of benthic communities in marine ecosystems.
This course is intended to be an introduction to the processes and procedures used to reconstruct the evolutionary history of living organisms. Topics include project planning, sampling strategies, molecular techniques, and analytical and tree-building programs used to infer phylogeny. Lab provides computer experience in multiple phylogenetic software packages.
Current molecular understanding of genetic processes will be reviewed. Applications to areas such as development and evolution will also be covered.
This course is intended to be an introduction to the processes and procedures used to reconstruct the evolutionary history of living organisms. Topics include project planning, sampling strategies, molecular techniques, and analytical and tree-building programs used to infer phylogeny. Lab provides computer experience in multiple phylogenetic software packages.
Both a refresher course and an introduction to commonly used modern statistical methods for graduate students in Biology. The focus is on application and hypothesis testing with examples drawn from the field of biology. The course requires a substantial amount of homework and self-initiative outside the classroom.
Scientist are increasingly using molecular methods to help them address fundamental questions in the population ecology and evolution of biological species. This class will introduce graduate students to the basic concepts and methods in molecular evolution, phylogenetics and methods into their research. Theory and concepts from lecture will be illustrated through reading and discussion of current scientific literature. Students will also directly apply the course material to a class project investigating population structure of marine species from the tropical Indo-Pacific, for which they will be trained in methods of DNA extraction, PCR and sequencing. They will present their results orally in a mini-symposium at the end of the course.
A survey of the seminal ideas and perspectives in historical and contemporary ecology. The course is designed to provide a broad overview of the important theoretical and conceptual paradigms in ecology.
This course will cover the field of environmental restoration guided by ecological theory and empirical research and connects with many broad themes in ecology, including physiology, genomics, biodiversity, conservation, species dispersal and migration, and population dynamics. This course will cover underlying principles guiding successful restoration, foundational and recent empirical research in this field, and restoration policies and practice.
Under the guidance of members of the graduate faculty and with the approval of the program track coordinator, the student will carry out in-depth studies of selected topics relevant to the area of specialization. Extensive surveys and analyses of the literature. Written reviews, comprehensive and synoptic, and oral presentations are required of each student.
Study of the role of insects, ticks and other invertebrates in the transmission of disease. Different areas of disease transmission will be examined, including physiological and biochemical aspects of microbial survival in the vector and transmission to vertebrate hosts, as well as ecological aspects.
Course is designed to introduce students to modeling and simulation techniques using examples and applications in the life sciences.
Provides students with the skills to write competitive grant proposals to both private and federal funding sources (emphasis on NIH and NSF). Students will learn how to find the most appropriate funding mechanisms and how to position themselves to be competitive. Different grant writing formats will be illustrated through proposal development projects.
Major research advances in immunology have resulted in substantially increasing the understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of autoimmune diseases and transplantation. The course will focus on these new advances to improve the understanding of these diseases. Topics will include a brief review of the immune system; multiple sclerosis, arthritis and other immune diseases; and the molecular and cellular basis of transplantation and chronic rejection of organ grafts.
An intense study of all systems from a regional approach. Extensive dissections required in lab. Clinical applications utilized.
Study of special topics.
This physiology course will focus solely on cardiovascular physiology. Lectures will focus on basic and advance cardiovascular principles. The laboratory will focus on the use of current cardiovascular research.
This hands-on training course emphasizes the use of general computing tools to work more effectively in the biological sciences. It integrates a broad range of powerful and flexible tools that are applicable to ecologists, molecular biologists, physiologists, and anyone who has struggled analyzing large or complex data sets. Text file manipulation with regular expressions, basic shell scripting, programming in Python and R, interaction with remote devices, and basic graphical concepts will be reviewed.
Review and discussion of current papers in the areas of biomedical sciences. Student presentation, discussions and readings in this field required.
This course is designed to teach students the various steps involved in analyzing next-generation sequencing data for gene expression profiling and polymorphism identification and analyses. The class will follow a workshop setting with a combination of lectures, paper discussions, and instructor and student led programming sessions.
This course integrates the physiological and biochemical function of wild animals with population-scale and community-scale ecological patterns. Both organismal mechanisms and comprehensive theories will be included. The course primarily draws on peer-reviewed literature and includes lecture and discussion.
Investigate microbiology from historical perspectives to modern molecular microbiology; ecological and biomedical components; bacteria and viruses. Discussions will include how to design experiments and evaluate results.
This course is designed to equip students with core concepts and fundamental skill sets for all sub-disciplines in the biological sciences. Major topics will include evolutionary and ecological processes, foundational concepts in comparative physiology, cellular biology, microbiology, immunology, genetics, advanced molecular biology, and the interrelatedness of the human, animal, and environmental domains. The course emphasizes the integration of topics and builds the analytical skills and conceptual framework that prepares students for advanced study and research in the biological sciences.
Ecological principles at ecosystem level of biological organization. Discussion of energy flow, nutrient cycling, ecosystem stability and ecosystem modeling. Laboratory involves field trips and methods of measuring ecosystem parameters.
This graduate seminar offers a dynamic exploration of the biological sciences through a rotating roster of faculty presenting diverse topics. Participants will engage in discussions of contemporary research papers, receive training in science communication and career development, and/or analyze seminal texts that have shaped the field.
The course is a weekly lecture series of invited external and internal experts in Biology that will highlight the broad nature of biology research. Students will achieve a comprehensive understanding of biology through reinforcement of key fundamental concepts and exposure to a wide range of sub-disciplines.
This course will cover selected current topics in cell biology that reflect recent advances in the field. Major topics include membranes and transport, signal transduction, cell adhesion and motility, cell cycle, apoptosis, and specialized cell functions. Students will read current research papers that describe the latest innovations in microscopic and molecular analysis of cellular function. This course is built on previous coursework in cell biology by reinforcing key fundamental concepts and performing a more in-depth examination of cellular mechanisms.
This course provides hands-on training in cutting-edge methodologies for biological sciences research. Students will engage in supervised laboratory or field exercises, depending on their disciplinary focus, mastering advanced techniques, instrumentation, and data collection methodologies. By applying these methods to real research problems, this course aims to bridge theoretical knowledge with practical application, preparing students to contribute effectively to the advancement of biological research.
Lectures will cover theory and concepts of specimen preparation and operation of various microscopes used in the biological sciences. The laboratory experience will include specimen preparation to viewing.
This graduate-level course is designed to prepare future faculty for effective teaching in the biological sciences at the university level. Students will explore pedagogical theories and practices specifically tailored for higher education, focusing on instructional strategies, assessment methods, and curricular design principles that foster student engagement and success. Through a combination of theory and hands-on applications, participants will critically examine the integration of technology, inclusivity, and active learning techniques in university classrooms. Emphasis will be placed on developing reflective teaching practices that empower future faculty to inspire and mentor the next generation of scientists.
Three laboratory rotations (6 credits) are required by the curriculum.
The biochemical integration of hormones and related agents on vertebrate physiology with emphasis on human endocrinology. Recent literature will be stressed.
A systematic survey of fishes emphasizing life history, anatomy, identification and classification.
This course will provide a comprehensive discussion of the physiological and chemical properties of nerve and muscle cells.
Discussion on current studies into new and reemerging infectious diseases with an examination of the infectious agent and factors involved in disease emergence, prevention and elimination.
Principles of systematic biology and discussion of speciation theory, with emphasis on generation, analysis, and interpretation of taxonomic data and application of these data to a better understanding of classification and speciation processes. Modern theories of evolutionary biology and phylogenetics will be stressed. A research paper is required.
This course is designed to introduce students to geographic information systems through examples and applications in the life sciences.
One Health is a concept that stresses the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental/ecosystem health and seeks an integrative approach to human and animal health issues. The concept provides a framework for examining complex health issues such as vector-borne and emerging infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance, and food safety and security. In our globalized world, new approaches to preventing, treating, and controlling diseases are urgently needed as emerging diseases are increasing in frequency due to interconnected ecosystems and the close connections between humans and animals.
This course will explore a broad range of concepts important to the field of vaccinology. Primary literature will be used to discuss vaccine development topics such as vaccine design and production, delivery methods, adjuvants, One Health, and zoonotic vaccines. HIV, TB, malaria, influenza, and parasite vaccines will be included.
Current concepts in cellular and molecular immunology and host defense based on critical review of the primary literature.
The course will introduce students to the responsible conduct of science and scientific research.
The purpose of this course is to show how animal models of human diseases can be created and analyzed using genomic and proteomic technologies. The course will overview high throughput methods of generating disease models in mice and describe ongoing efforts in this field. Attempts to identify molecular mechanisms of the disease will be presented with particular emphasis on drug target discovery.
Emphasis on historical biogeography, utilizing both dispersal and vicariance models for explanations of the geographic distribution of organisms. Ecological explanations are also considered. Useful techniques for biogeographic analyses, such as comparison of area cladograms are discussed at length.
Application of ecological principles at the community level to marine benthic environments. Discussion of community structure, animal-sediment relationships, roles of benthic communities in marine ecosystems.
This course is intended to be an introduction to the processes and procedures used to reconstruct the evolutionary history of living organisms. Topics include project planning, sampling strategies, molecular techniques, and analytical and tree-building programs used to infer phylogeny. Lab provides computer experience in multiple phylogenetic software packages.
Current molecular understanding of genetic processes will be reviewed. Applications to areas such as development and evolution will also be covered.
This course is intended to be an introduction to the processes and procedures used to reconstruct the evolutionary history of living organisms. Topics include project planning, sampling strategies, molecular techniques, and analytical and tree-building programs used to infer phylogeny. Lab provides computer experience in multiple phylogenetic software packages.
Both a refresher course and an introduction to commonly used modern statistical methods for graduate students in Biology. The focus is on application and hypothesis testing with examples drawn from the field of biology. The course requires a substantial amount of homework and self-initiative outside the classroom.
Scientist are increasingly using molecular methods to help them address fundamental questions in the population ecology and evolution of biological species. This class will introduce graduate students to the basic concepts and methods in molecular evolution, phylogenetics and methods into their research. Theory and concepts from lecture will be illustrated through reading and discussion of current scientific literature. Students will also directly apply the course material to a class project investigating population structure of marine species from the tropical Indo-Pacific, for which they will be trained in methods of DNA extraction, PCR and sequencing. They will present their results orally in a mini-symposium at the end of the course.
A survey of the seminal ideas and perspectives in historical and contemporary ecology. The course is designed to provide a broad overview of the important theoretical and conceptual paradigms in ecology.
Internship experience.
This course will cover the field of environmental restoration guided by ecological theory and empirical research and connects with many broad themes in ecology, including physiology, genomics, biodiversity, conservation, species dispersal and migration, and population dynamics. This course will cover underlying principles guiding successful restoration, foundational and recent empirical research in this field, and restoration policies and practice.
Study of the role of insects, ticks and other invertebrates in the transmission of disease. Different areas of disease transmission will be examined, including physiological and biochemical aspects of microbial survival in the vector and transmission to vertebrate hosts, as well as ecological aspects.
Course is designed to introduce students to modeling and simulation techniques using examples and applications in the life sciences.
Provides students with the skills to write competitive grant proposals to both private and federal funding sources (emphasis on NIH and NSF). Students will learn how to find the most appropriate funding mechanisms and how to position themselves to be competitive. Different grant writing formats will be illustrated through proposal development projects.
Under the guidance of members of the graduate faculty and with the approval of the program track coordinator, the student will carry out in-depth studies of selected topics relevant to the area of specialization. Extensive surveys and analyses of the literature. Written reviews, comprehensive and synoptic, and oral presentations are required of each student.
Major research advances in immunology have resulted in substantially increasing the understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of autoimmune diseases and transplantation. The course will focus on these new advances to improve the understanding of these diseases. Topics will include a brief review of the immune system; multiple sclerosis, arthritis and other immune diseases; and the molecular and cellular basis of transplantation and chronic rejection of organ grafts.
An intense study of all systems from a regional approach. Extensive dissections required in lab. Clinical applications utilized.
Doctoral students in the Biomedical Sciences program will attend seminars, learn how to properly give a seminar, and present a seminar on their own research.
Study of special topics.
Supervised research.
This course is a pass/fail course for master's students in their final semester. It may be taken to fulfill the registration requirement necessary for graduation. All master's students are required to be registered for at least one graduate credit hour in the semester of their graduation.
This course is a pass/fail course doctoral students may take to maintain active status after successfully passing the candidacy examination. All doctoral students are required to be registered for at least one graduate credit hour every semester until their graduation.