Academic Catalog


Bachelor of Arts Communication with a Major in Strategic Communication (BA)

Brendan O'Hallarn, Ph.D., Program Director
Carla Harrell, Chief Departmental Adviser

Students in Strategic Communication have the opportunity to learn and practice skills in a range of communication competencies, from research, to writing to multimedia production.

The program is professionally oriented; students work in a hands-on fashion with real clients, on and off the Old Dominion University campus, in both a nonprofit and for-profit environment. Through work on social media campaigns, event design, and client relationships, students are fortified to easily transition into communication-focused jobs around the world.

Strategic Communication students fuse up-to-date classroom instruction on market research, changing media models, ethical consideration of artificial intelligence technologies, and other skills with hands-on experience with real clients, to prepare them to work as professionals in the field. The goal is for students to make a real impact while still in the classroom, helping launch their careers.